
age author description
2020-08-27 Chris Cannam Default branch is now named default on git as well as hg, in case we ever want to switch to mirroring in the other direction default tip
2020-08-14 Chris Cannam Added tag sv_v4.2 for changeset 2de306979a2a
2020-08-14 Chris Cannam Minor updates to debug and other wording for 4.2; fix failure to show plugin population warning dialog sv_v4.2
2020-08-14 Chris Cannam Update and tweak the plugin population warning dialog, which was not properly being shown in async-transform-population-world
2020-08-13 Chris Cannam Next version is 4.2
2020-08-10 Chris Cannam Avoid failing when run without args
2020-08-10 Chris Cannam Next release won't have feedback request
2020-08-06 Chris Cannam Looks like this is the one we want