changeset 630:1d0e7091f39d with-dependencies

Merge from the default branch
author Chris Cannam <>
date Tue, 01 Oct 2013 11:26:39 +0100
parents 2ea902f89da4 (diff) 9680e1056ac6 (current diff)
children b02f4c61d9f0
files deploy/win32/sonic-visualiser.wxs
diffstat 8 files changed, 379 insertions(+), 339 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/.hgsub	Tue Oct 01 11:18:54 2013 +0100
+++ b/.hgsub	Tue Oct 01 11:26:39 2013 +0100
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
 svgui =
 svapp =
 dataquay =
+sv-dependency-builds =
--- a/.hgsubstate	Tue Oct 01 11:18:54 2013 +0100
+++ b/.hgsubstate	Tue Oct 01 11:26:39 2013 +0100
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 236814e07bd07473958c1ff89103124536a0c3c8 dataquay
+619f715526df43e23b2b9b50715e825941572352 sv-dependency-builds
 2925a4bbca5e86036d564aaac1bcf7fd11226ca9 svapp
 1d439494604c3237775c3a18e4edb7e0c1fdc2d6 svcore
 0aea4b9e4c3dca9c42f9181748bdfde924a8574f svgui
--- a/deploy/win32/build.cmd	Tue Oct 01 11:18:54 2013 +0100
+++ b/deploy/win32/build.cmd	Tue Oct 01 11:26:39 2013 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
 SET WIXPATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset v3.7\bin"
+    SET WIXPATH="C:\Program Files\WiX Toolset v3.7\bin"
 DEL sonic-visualiser.msi
 %WIXPATH%\candle.exe -v sonic-visualiser.wxs
 %WIXPATH%\light.exe -b ..\.. -ext WixUIExtension -v sonic-visualiser.wixobj
--- a/deploy/win32/sonic-visualiser.wxs	Tue Oct 01 11:18:54 2013 +0100
+++ b/deploy/win32/sonic-visualiser.wxs	Tue Oct 01 11:26:39 2013 +0100
@@ -1,257 +1,257 @@
-<Wix xmlns="">
-  <Product
-      Name="Sonic Visualiser" 
-      Id="*"
-      Language="1033"
-      Codepage="1252" 
-      Version="2.2.0" 
-      UpgradeCode="D476941E-65F3-4962-9E72-B40FAAE5DBD0"
-      Manufacturer="Queen Mary, University of London">
-    <Package
-        Id="*"
-        Keywords="Installer"
-        Description="Sonic Visualiser Installer" 
-        Comments="Copyright (c) 2013 Queen Mary, University of London and others." 
-        Manufacturer="Queen Mary, University of London" 
-        InstallerVersion="100" 
-        Languages="1033" 
-        Compressed="yes" 
-        SummaryCodepage="1252"/>
-    <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A later version of Sonic Visualiser is already installed. Setup will now exit."/>
-    <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" DiskPrompt="CD-ROM #1"/>
-    <Property Id="DiskPrompt" Value="Sonic Visualiser Installation [1]"/>
-    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
-      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
-        <Directory Id="VampPlugins" Name="Vamp Plugins">
-            <Component
-                Id="VampPlugins"
-                Guid="E68E4E0B-3C63-49bd-AD2D-44431EABDA6A">
-                <File
-                    Id="VampREADME"
-                    Name="README.txt"
-                    DiskId="1"
-                    Source="deploy\win32\README-Vamp.txt"/>
-            </Component>
-        </Directory>
-        <Directory Id="APPLICATIONFOLDER" Name="Sonic Visualiser">
-            <Component
-                Id="MainExecutable"
-                Guid="2C02DFB7-3CDF-4F73-B9D1-846326EE417D">
-              <File
-                  Id="SVExecutable"
-                  Name="Sonic Visualiser.exe"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\Sonic Visualiser.exe"
-                  KeyPath="yes">
-                <Shortcut
-                    Id="SVStartEntry"
-                    Directory="ProgramMenuDir"
-                    Name="Sonic Visualiser"
-                    WorkingDirectory="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
-                    Icon="winicon.ico"
-                    IconIndex="0"
-                    Advertise="yes"/>
-                <Shortcut
-                    Id="SVDesktop"
-                    Directory="DesktopFolder"
-                    Name="Sonic Visualiser"
-                    WorkingDirectory="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
-                    Icon="winicon.ico"
-                    IconIndex="0"
-                    Advertise="yes"/>
-              </File>
-              <File
-                  Id="COPYING"
-                  Name="COPYING"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="COPYING"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="README"
-                  Name="README"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="README"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="CHANGELOG"
-                  Name="CHANGELOG"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="CHANGELOG"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="winicon.ico"
-                  Name="sv-winicon.ico"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="icons/sv-winicon.ico"/>
-            </Component>
-            <Component
-              Id="SVFileAssociation"
-              Guid="DC6B3DD1-46DE-47FC-90FB-D8ACD5D1A88A">
-              <ProgId 
-                Id='SonicVisualiser.svfile' 
-                Description='Sonic Visualiser project file'
-                Icon="SVExecutable">
-                <Extension 
-                  Id='sv' 
-                  ContentType='application/sonicvisualiser'>
-                  <Verb 
-                    Id='open' 
-                    Command='Open' 
-                    TargetFile='SVExecutable' 
-                    Argument='"%1"' />
-                </Extension>
-              </ProgId>
-            </Component>
-            <Component
-                Id="Qt5"
-                Guid="316341D4-B7B2-411D-BCCE-879A11D5709F">
-              <File
-                  Id="QtCore"
-                  Name="Qt5Core.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\Qt5Core.dll"
-		  KeyPath="yes"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="QtGui"
-                  Name="Qt5Gui.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\Qt5Gui.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="QtNetwork"
-                  Name="Qt5Network.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\Qt5Network.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="QtWidgets"
-                  Name="Qt5Widgets.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\Qt5Widgets.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="QtXml"
-                  Name="Qt5Xml.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\Qt5Xml.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="D3DCompiler"
-                  Name="D3DCompiler_43.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\D3DCompiler_43.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="icudt49"
-                  Name="icudt49.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\icudt49.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="icuin49"
-                  Name="icuin49.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\icuin49.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="icuuc49"
-                  Name="icuuc49.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\icuuc49.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="libEGL"
-                  Name="libEGL.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\libEGL.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="libgcc"
-                  Name="libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="libGLESv2"
-                  Name="libGLESv2.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\libGLESv2.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="libstdcplusplus"
-                  Name="libstdc++-6.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\libstdc++-6.dll"/>
-              <File
-                  Id="libwinpthread"
-                  Name="libwinpthread-1.dll"
-                  DiskId="1"
-                  Source="release\libwinpthread-1.dll"/>
-            </Component>
-	    <Directory Id="Platforms" Name="platforms">
-              <Component
-                  Id="Qt5PlatformPlugins"
-                  Guid="1EDCEA4B-C83F-430B-B09D-CB113DFD4E77">
-		<File
-                    Id="qminimal"
-                    Name="qminimal.dll"
-                    DiskId="1"
-                    Source="release\qminimal.dll"/>
-		<File
-                    Id="qwindows"
-                    Name="qwindows.dll"
-                    DiskId="1"
-                    Source="release\qwindows.dll"/>
-              </Component>
-	    </Directory>
-        </Directory>
-      </Directory>
-      <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="Programs">
-        <Directory Id="ProgramMenuDir" Name="Sonic Visualiser">
-          <Component Id="ProgramMenuDir" Guid="C1980FF3-D135-46F8-8542-F937748721E6">
-            <RemoveFolder Id="ProgramMenuDir" On="uninstall"/>
-            <RegistryValue Root="HKMU" Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]" Type="string" Value="" KeyPath="yes"/>
-          </Component>
-        </Directory>
-      </Directory>
-      <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="Desktop"/>
-    </Directory>
-    <Feature 
-      Id="Complete"
-      Title="Required files"
-      Description="Installs the required files for running Sonic Visualiser."
-      AllowAdvertise="no"
-      Absent="disallow"
-      ConfigurableDirectory="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
-      Level="1">
-      <ComponentRef Id="VampPlugins"/>
-      <ComponentRef Id="MainExecutable"/>
-      <ComponentRef Id="SVFileAssociation"/>
-      <ComponentRef Id="Qt5"/>
-      <ComponentRef Id="Qt5PlatformPlugins"/>
-      <ComponentRef Id="ProgramMenuDir"/>
-    </Feature>
-    <UI>
-      <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />
-      <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText" />
-    </UI>
-    <Property Id="ApplicationFolderName" Value="Sonic Visualiser" />
-    <Property Id="WixAppFolder" Value="WixPerMachineFolder" />
-    <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="License.rtf" />
-    <Icon Id="winicon.ico" SourceFile="icons/sv-winicon.ico"/>
-    <Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="winicon.ico" />
-  </Product>
+<Wix xmlns="">
+  <Product
+      Name="Sonic Visualiser" 
+      Id="*"
+      Language="1033"
+      Codepage="1252" 
+      Version="2.2.0" 
+      UpgradeCode="D476941E-65F3-4962-9E72-B40FAAE5DBD0"
+      Manufacturer="Queen Mary, University of London">
+    <Package
+        Id="*"
+        Keywords="Installer"
+        Description="Sonic Visualiser Installer" 
+        Comments="Copyright (c) 2013 Queen Mary, University of London and others." 
+        Manufacturer="Queen Mary, University of London" 
+        InstallerVersion="100" 
+        Languages="1033" 
+        Compressed="yes" 
+        SummaryCodepage="1252"/>
+    <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A later version of Sonic Visualiser is already installed. Setup will now exit."/>
+    <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" DiskPrompt="CD-ROM #1"/>
+    <Property Id="DiskPrompt" Value="Sonic Visualiser Installation [1]"/>
+    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
+      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
+        <Directory Id="VampPlugins" Name="Vamp Plugins">
+            <Component
+                Id="VampPlugins"
+                Guid="E68E4E0B-3C63-49bd-AD2D-44431EABDA6A">
+                <File
+                    Id="VampREADME"
+                    Name="README.txt"
+                    DiskId="1"
+                    Source="deploy\win32\README-Vamp.txt"/>
+            </Component>
+        </Directory>
+        <Directory Id="APPLICATIONFOLDER" Name="Sonic Visualiser">
+            <Component
+                Id="MainExecutable"
+                Guid="2C02DFB7-3CDF-4F73-B9D1-846326EE417D">
+              <File
+                  Id="SVExecutable"
+                  Name="Sonic Visualiser.exe"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\Sonic Visualiser.exe"
+                  KeyPath="yes">
+                <Shortcut
+                    Id="SVStartEntry"
+                    Directory="ProgramMenuDir"
+                    Name="Sonic Visualiser"
+                    WorkingDirectory="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
+                    Icon="winicon.ico"
+                    IconIndex="0"
+                    Advertise="yes"/>
+                <Shortcut
+                    Id="SVDesktop"
+                    Directory="DesktopFolder"
+                    Name="Sonic Visualiser"
+                    WorkingDirectory="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
+                    Icon="winicon.ico"
+                    IconIndex="0"
+                    Advertise="yes"/>
+              </File>
+              <File
+                  Id="COPYING"
+                  Name="COPYING"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="COPYING"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="README"
+                  Name="README"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="README"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="CHANGELOG"
+                  Name="CHANGELOG"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="CHANGELOG"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="winicon.ico"
+                  Name="sv-winicon.ico"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="icons/sv-winicon.ico"/>
+            </Component>
+            <Component
+              Id="SVFileAssociation"
+              Guid="DC6B3DD1-46DE-47FC-90FB-D8ACD5D1A88A">
+              <ProgId 
+                Id='SonicVisualiser.svfile' 
+                Description='Sonic Visualiser project file'
+                Icon="SVExecutable">
+                <Extension 
+                  Id='sv' 
+                  ContentType='application/sonicvisualiser'>
+                  <Verb 
+                    Id='open' 
+                    Command='Open' 
+                    TargetFile='SVExecutable' 
+                    Argument='"%1"' />
+                </Extension>
+              </ProgId>
+            </Component>
+            <Component
+                Id="Qt5"
+                Guid="316341D4-B7B2-411D-BCCE-879A11D5709F">
+              <File
+                  Id="QtCore"
+                  Name="Qt5Core.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\Qt5Core.dll"
+		  KeyPath="yes"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="QtGui"
+                  Name="Qt5Gui.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\Qt5Gui.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="QtNetwork"
+                  Name="Qt5Network.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\Qt5Network.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="QtWidgets"
+                  Name="Qt5Widgets.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\Qt5Widgets.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="QtXml"
+                  Name="Qt5Xml.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\Qt5Xml.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="D3DCompiler"
+                  Name="D3DCompiler_43.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\D3DCompiler_43.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="icudt49"
+                  Name="icudt49.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\icudt49.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="icuin49"
+                  Name="icuin49.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\icuin49.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="icuuc49"
+                  Name="icuuc49.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\icuuc49.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="libEGL"
+                  Name="libEGL.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\libEGL.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="libgcc"
+                  Name="libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="libGLESv2"
+                  Name="libGLESv2.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\libGLESv2.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="libstdcplusplus"
+                  Name="libstdc++-6.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\libstdc++-6.dll"/>
+              <File
+                  Id="libwinpthread"
+                  Name="libwinpthread-1.dll"
+                  DiskId="1"
+                  Source="release\libwinpthread-1.dll"/>
+            </Component>
+	    <Directory Id="Platforms" Name="platforms">
+              <Component
+                  Id="Qt5PlatformPlugins"
+                  Guid="1EDCEA4B-C83F-430B-B09D-CB113DFD4E77">
+		<File
+                    Id="qminimal"
+                    Name="qminimal.dll"
+                    DiskId="1"
+                    Source="release\qminimal.dll"/>
+		<File
+                    Id="qwindows"
+                    Name="qwindows.dll"
+                    DiskId="1"
+                    Source="release\qwindows.dll"/>
+              </Component>
+	    </Directory>
+        </Directory>
+      </Directory>
+      <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="Programs">
+        <Directory Id="ProgramMenuDir" Name="Sonic Visualiser">
+          <Component Id="ProgramMenuDir" Guid="C1980FF3-D135-46F8-8542-F937748721E6">
+            <RemoveFolder Id="ProgramMenuDir" On="uninstall"/>
+            <RegistryValue Root="HKMU" Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]" Type="string" Value="" KeyPath="yes"/>
+          </Component>
+        </Directory>
+      </Directory>
+      <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="Desktop"/>
+    </Directory>
+    <Feature 
+      Id="Complete"
+      Title="Required files"
+      Description="Installs the required files for running Sonic Visualiser."
+      AllowAdvertise="no"
+      Absent="disallow"
+      ConfigurableDirectory="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
+      Level="1">
+      <ComponentRef Id="VampPlugins"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="MainExecutable"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="SVFileAssociation"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="Qt5"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="Qt5PlatformPlugins"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="ProgramMenuDir"/>
+    </Feature>
+    <UI>
+      <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />
+      <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText" />
+    </UI>
+    <Property Id="ApplicationFolderName" Value="Sonic Visualiser" />
+    <Property Id="WixAppFolder" Value="WixPerMachineFolder" />
+    <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="License.rtf" />
+    <Icon Id="winicon.ico" SourceFile="icons/sv-winicon.ico"/>
+    <Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="winicon.ico" />
+  </Product>
--- a/main/main.cpp	Tue Oct 01 11:18:54 2013 +0100
+++ b/main/main.cpp	Tue Oct 01 11:26:39 2013 +0100
@@ -257,9 +257,9 @@
     signal(SIGINT,  signalHandler);
     signal(SIGTERM, signalHandler);
-#ifndef Q_WS_WIN32
-    signal(SIGHUP,  signalHandler);
-    signal(SIGQUIT, signalHandler);
+#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
+//???    signal(SIGHUP,  signalHandler);
+//???    signal(SIGQUIT, signalHandler);
     bool audioOutput = true;
--- a/platform-dataquay.pri	Tue Oct 01 11:18:54 2013 +0100
+++ b/platform-dataquay.pri	Tue Oct 01 11:26:39 2013 +0100
@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
-CONFIG += staticlib
-QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -I/usr/include/rasqal -I/usr/include/raptor2
-EXTRALIBS -= -lrdf
-# Libraries and paths should be added by config.pri
+exists(config.pri) {
+    include(./config.pri)
+CONFIG += staticlib
+QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -I/usr/include/rasqal -I/usr/include/raptor2
+EXTRALIBS -= -lrdf
+# Libraries and paths should be added by config.pri
+win32-g++: {
+    INCLUDEPATH += ../sv-dependency-builds/win32-mingw/include
+    LIBS += -L../../sv-dependency-builds/win32-mingw/lib
--- a/	Tue Oct 01 11:18:54 2013 +0100
+++ b/	Tue Oct 01 11:26:39 2013 +0100
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
-TEMPLATE = subdirs
-SUBDIRS = sub_dataquay svcore svgui svapp sub_sv #svcore/data/fileio/test
-sub_sv.file =
-sub_dataquay.file = dataquay/
-svgui.depends = svcore
-svapp.depends = svcore svgui
-sub_sv.depends = svcore svgui svapp
+TEMPLATE = subdirs
+SUBDIRS = sub_dataquay svcore svgui svapp sub_sv
+!win* {
+    # We should build and run the tests on any platform,
+    # but doing it automatically doesn't work so well from
+    # within an IDE on Windows, so remove that from here
+    SUBDIRS += svcore/data/fileio/test
+sub_sv.file =
+sub_dataquay.file = dataquay/
+svgui.depends = svcore
+svapp.depends = svcore svgui
+sub_sv.depends = svcore svgui svapp
--- a/	Tue Oct 01 11:18:54 2013 +0100
+++ b/	Tue Oct 01 11:26:39 2013 +0100
@@ -1,58 +1,79 @@
-CONFIG += qt thread warn_on stl rtti exceptions
-QT += network xml gui widgets
-TARGET = "Sonic Visualiser"
-linux*:TARGET = sonic-visualiser
-solaris*:TARGET = sonic-visualiser
-DEPENDPATH += . svcore svgui svapp
-INCLUDEPATH += . svcore svgui svapp
-TRANSLATIONS += i18n/sonic-visualiser_ru.ts i18n/sonic-visualiser_en_GB.ts i18n/sonic-visualiser_en_US.ts i18n/sonic-visualiser_cs_CZ.ts
-MOC_DIR = o
-ICON = icons/sv-macicon.icns
-RC_FILE = icons/sv.rc
-contains(DEFINES, BUILD_STATIC):LIBS -= -ljack
-MY_LIBS = -Lsvapp -Lsvgui -Lsvcore -Ldataquay -lsvapp -lsvgui -lsvcore -ldataquay
-linux* {
-MY_LIBS = -Wl,-Bstatic $$MY_LIBS -Wl,-Bdynamic
-win* {
-PRE_TARGETDEPS += svapp/svapp.lib \
-                  svgui/svgui.lib \
-                  svcore/svcore.lib \
-                  dataquay/dataquay.lib
-!win* {
-PRE_TARGETDEPS += svapp/libsvapp.a \
-                  svgui/libsvgui.a \
-                  svcore/libsvcore.a \
-                  dataquay/libdataquay.a
-RESOURCES += sonic-visualiser.qrc
-HEADERS += main/MainWindow.h \
-           main/PreferencesDialog.h
-SOURCES += main/main.cpp \
-           main/OSCHandler.cpp \
-           main/MainWindow.cpp \
-           main/PreferencesDialog.cpp 
-# for mac integration
-QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = deploy/osx/Info.plist
+win32-g++ {
+    INCLUDEPATH += sv-dependency-builds/win32-mingw/include
+    LIBS += -Lsv-dependency-builds/win32-mingw/lib
+win32-msvc* {
+    INCLUDEPATH += sv-dependency-builds/win32-msvc/include
+    LIBS += -Lsv-dependency-builds/win32-msvc/lib
+exists(config.pri) {
+    include(config.pri)
+win* {
+    !exists(config.pri) {
+        LIBS += -lbz2 -lrubberband -lvamp-hostsdk -lfftw3 -lfftw3f -lsndfile -lFLAC -logg -lvorbis -lvorbisenc -lvorbisfile -logg -lmad -lid3tag -lportaudio -lsamplerate -llo -lz -lsord-0 -lserd-0 -lwinmm -lws2_32
+    }
+CONFIG += qt thread warn_on stl rtti exceptions
+QT += network xml gui widgets
+TARGET = "Sonic Visualiser"
+linux*:TARGET = sonic-visualiser
+solaris*:TARGET = sonic-visualiser
+DEPENDPATH += . svcore svgui svapp
+INCLUDEPATH += . svcore svgui svapp
+TRANSLATIONS += i18n/sonic-visualiser_ru.ts i18n/sonic-visualiser_en_GB.ts i18n/sonic-visualiser_en_US.ts i18n/sonic-visualiser_cs_CZ.ts
+MOC_DIR = o
+ICON = icons/sv-macicon.icns
+RC_FILE = icons/sv.rc
+contains(DEFINES, BUILD_STATIC):LIBS -= -ljack
+MY_LIBS = -Lsvapp -Lsvgui -Lsvcore -Ldataquay -lsvapp -lsvgui -lsvcore -ldataquay
+linux* {
+MY_LIBS = -Wl,-Bstatic $$MY_LIBS -Wl,-Bdynamic
+win* {
+MY_LIBS = -Lsvapp/release -Lsvgui/release -Lsvcore/release -Ldataquay/release $$MY_LIBS
+win* {
+#PRE_TARGETDEPS += svapp/svapp.lib \
+#                  svgui/svgui.lib \
+#                  svcore/svcore.lib \
+#                  dataquay/dataquay.lib
+!win* {
+PRE_TARGETDEPS += svapp/libsvapp.a \
+                  svgui/libsvgui.a \
+                  svcore/libsvcore.a \
+                  dataquay/libdataquay.a
+RESOURCES += sonic-visualiser.qrc
+HEADERS += main/MainWindow.h \
+           main/PreferencesDialog.h
+SOURCES += main/main.cpp \
+           main/OSCHandler.cpp \
+           main/MainWindow.cpp \
+           main/PreferencesDialog.cpp 
+# for mac integration
+QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = deploy/osx/Info.plist