Chris@1924: FROM centos:7 Chris@2158: Chris@2158: # Ensure that everything subsequent is re-run when a new revision is Chris@2158: # being built (rather than being cached) - so as to avoid potential Chris@2158: # mismatches between results of yum update and the package dependency Chris@2158: # installation itself Chris@2158: RUN echo [[REVISION]] Chris@2158: Chris@2158: RUN yum -y update Chris@1924: RUN yum -y groupinstall "X Window System" Chris@1924: RUN yum -y install wget Chris@1924: ADD output/SonicVisualiser-[[REVISION]]-x86_64.AppImage SV.AppImage Chris@1924: RUN chmod +x SV.AppImage Chris@1924: RUN ./SV.AppImage --appimage-extract Chris@2056: RUN ./squashfs-root/AppRun --version