Chris@680: #!/bin/bash 
cannam@1286: set -eu
Chris@514: # Execute this from the top-level directory of the project (the one
Chris@514: # that contains the .app bundle).  Supply the name of the .app bundle
Chris@514: # as argument
Chris@514: dir="$1"
Chris@514: if [ -z "$dir" ] || [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
Chris@514: 	echo "Usage: $0 <pkgdir>"
Chris@514: 	echo "Where pkgdir is the directory containing <MyApplication>.app"
Chris@514: 	echo "All .app bundles in pkgdir will be signed"
Chris@514: 	exit 2
Chris@514: fi
Chris@2068: # NB at some point we are going to have to include "--options runtime"
Chris@2068: # in all of these codesign invocations, and figure out what to do
Chris@2068: # about signing plugins...
Chris@514: for app in "$dir"/*.app; do
Chris@2068:     find "$app" -name \*.dylib -print | while read fr; do
Chris@2068: 	codesign -s "Developer ID Application: Chris Cannam" -fv --deep "$fr"
Chris@2068:     done
Chris@2068:     codesign -s "Developer ID Application: Chris Cannam" -fv --deep "$app/Contents/MacOS/Sonic Visualiser"
cannam@1505:     codesign -s "Developer ID Application: Chris Cannam" -fv --deep "$app"
Chris@2068: #    codesign -s "Developer ID Application: Chris Cannam" -fv --deep \
Chris@2068: #         --requirements '=designated =>  identifier "org.sonicvisualiser.SonicVisualiser" and ( (anchor apple generic and    certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] ) or (anchor apple generic and    certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.]  and    certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] and    certificate leaf[subject.OU] = "M2H8666U82"))' \
Chris@2068: #         "$app"
Chris@516: done