- Attempt to handle libraries in /lib. I have a bad feeling about thisappimage 2018-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Debug outputappimage 2018-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Recursive dependenciesappimage 2018-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Still troublesome. Try thisappimage 2018-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Ah, I see. Well, presumably this still saves writing the name twiceappimage 2018-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Upload pathappimage 2018-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Experimental bintray thingyappimage 2018-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Experimental AppImage packageappimage 2018-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- Property box pushbutton fix for Mac2018-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- Add qmacstyle plugin2018-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- Added tag sv_v3.1pre1 for changeset 038f024c83902018-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- pre1, not beta1sv_v3.1pre1 2018-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- Level-pan rendering fix2018-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- Improved level-pan widget rendering2018-06-25, by Chris Cannam
- Experiment with rounded rects2018-06-22, by Chris Cannam
- Better handling for mouse wheel events in widgets2018-06-22, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepos, including half-steps in level-pan widget2018-06-21, by Chris Cannam
- Remove duplicate include2018-06-20, by Chris Cannam
- Next actual release will be 3.1-beta12018-06-20, by Chris Cannam
- Update CHANGELOG2018-06-20, by Chris Cannam
- Add a scary warning for incomplete session load2018-06-20, by Chris Cannam
- Fix typo2018-06-19, by Chris Cannam
- First cut at updating archive scripts to use Repoint2018-06-19, by Chris Cannam
- Include this only if it exists - then we can omit it from archives (i.e. source releases) where it isn't relevant2018-06-19, by Chris Cannam
- Experimentally add a rule to re-run Repoint if the project or lock file is newer than the .repoint.point file. This sort of thing isn't sufficient for all uses of Repoint because some of the initial qmake project file info is brought in by Repoint, so it has to be run before qmake as well. Also it's not clear yet how it will interact with archived builds (i.e. source releases) -- to be tested.2018-06-19, by Chris Cannam
- Update Repoint2018-06-19, by Chris Cannam
- Avoid setting the session file path when loading an incomplete document, so that the default-file save-on-exit and File->Save are not activated (to avoid losing references to unfound audio files)2018-06-18, by Chris Cannam
- Update with Qt test fix2018-06-12, by Chris Cannam
- Update checker subrepo too2018-06-11, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch plugin-path-config2018-06-11, by Chris Cannam
- Merge subrepos back to defaultplugin-path-config 2018-06-11, by Chris Cannam
- Build fixplugin-path-config 2018-06-11, by Chris Cannam
- Fix compiler warningplugin-path-config 2018-06-11, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to plugin path handlingplugin-path-config 2018-06-11, by Chris Cannam
- Minor layout fixplugin-path-config 2018-06-08, by Chris Cannam
- Use KnownPlugins for plugin path settings stuffplugin-path-config 2018-06-08, by Chris Cannam
- Use wide-char environment variable stuffplugin-path-config 2018-06-08, by Chris Cannam
- Environment updatesplugin-path-config 2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- System library test program (beginnings of)plugin-path-config 2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Add provisional utf-8 getenv/putenv implementationsplugin-path-config 2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchplugin-path-config 2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Update VC redist version2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchplugin-path-config 2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- OK, does this work with mingw32-make? Very annoyed by these little quoting-related differences in qmake output between AppVeyor's VM and localhost2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Explicit mkspecs2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchplugin-path-config 2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Explicit mkspecsplugin-path-config 2018-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Checker API updateplugin-path-config 2018-06-06, by Chris Cannam
- Branch in subrepoplugin-path-config 2018-06-06, by Chris Cannam
- Update for Qt 5.11; some more error-handling, + ensure clean build in rebuild script2018-06-05, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchplugin-path-config 2018-06-05, by Chris Cannam
- Further tidying, and error handling, for Windows build scripting2018-06-05, by Chris Cannam
- Environment variable support in plugin pathsplugin-path-config 2018-06-04, by Chris Cannam
- Wire up plugin path settings logic (needs more testing)plugin-path-config 2018-05-25, by Chris Cannam
- Plugin review dialogplugin-path-config 2018-05-25, by Chris Cannam
- Since the rapid applicationClosing(true) was introduced on the following line, this has no longer been necessary -- and it produces a crash itself, as closeSession deletes the preferences dialog itselfplugin-path-config 2018-05-25, by Chris Cannam
- Subrepo updateplugin-path-config 2018-05-25, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchplugin-path-config 2018-05-25, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch baselib-win-build2018-05-24, by Chris Cannam
- Linux build fixbaselib-win-build 2018-05-24, by Chris Cannam
- OSX build fixbaselib-win-build 2018-05-24, by Chris Cannam
- Mergebaselib-win-build 2018-05-24, by Chris Cannam
- qmacstyle no longer needed?2018-05-24, by Chris Cannam
- Alternative build mechanism for Windows, with base as a library and a single script to run full buildsbaselib-win-build 2018-05-24, by Chris Cannam
- Add "Add"plugin-path-config 2018-05-23, by Chris Cannam
- More work on plugin path configplugin-path-config 2018-05-23, by Chris Cannam
- Toward more than one plugin type in this widgetplugin-path-config 2018-05-21, by Chris Cannam
- Update Repoint to v1.02018-05-18, by Chris Cannam
- CI update for newer system2018-05-18, by Chris Cannam
- Update to remove some debug (again)2018-05-17, by Chris Cannam
- Update with likely fix2018-05-17, by Chris Cannam
- Commit some extra debug, trying to narrow down Travis failure case2018-05-17, by Chris Cannam
- Subrepo update for test; add some apt packages that are needed on vanilla ubuntu even though travis does have them already (as a handy reference)2018-05-16, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch repoint2018-05-15, by Chris Cannam
- Subrepo update for path adjustment buttonsplugin-path-config 2018-05-15, by Chris Cannam
- Subrepo update2018-05-15, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepos: fix warnings, semi-implement up/down in plugin path configuratorplugin-path-config 2018-05-15, by Chris Cannam
- Update branchplugin-path-config 2018-05-11, by Chris Cannam
- Toward allowing the user to see (at least, and maybe change) the plugin pathplugin-path-config 2018-05-11, by Chris Cannam
- Up & downrepoint 2018-05-11, by Chris Cannam
- Tidy up rounding + tests2018-05-10, by Chris Cannam
- Tidy up rounding + testsrepoint 2018-05-10, by Chris Cannam
- Vext -> Repoint. Let's see how this goes.repoint 2018-05-09, by Chris Cannam
- Fix for scale line positioning on OSX2018-05-08, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepo for 32-bit fix2018-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Reset to default branch2018-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch horizontal-scale2018-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- Horizontal scale and colour-scale fixes for spectrumhorizontal-scale 2018-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- Better log scale tick calculationshorizontal-scale 2018-05-02, by Chris Cannam
- Fix project file for this branchhorizontal-scale 2018-05-02, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchhorizontal-scale 2018-05-02, by Chris Cannam
- Fix accidental removal of empty-pane/layer addition shortcuts2018-05-02, by Chris Cannam
- Add new icon2018-05-02, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes to horizontal scale bitshorizontal-scale 2018-05-02, by Chris Cannam
- Draw some tickshorizontal-scale 2018-05-01, by Chris Cannam
- Branch towards adding horizontal numerical scales to thingshorizontal-scale 2018-05-01, by Chris Cannam
- Update pane and layer menu shortcuts so that the waveform/spectrogram/etc shortcuts (Shift+G etc) always refer to the source model that is in the currently selected pane. This is a potentially confusing backward-incompatible change, but is also quite clearly how it ought to work...2018-04-26, by Chris Cannam
- Scale scalable icon2018-04-26, by Chris Cannam
- Use scalable info icon2018-04-26, by Chris Cannam
- Remove translations of "Space"-meaning-the-spacebar-shortcut, and update2018-04-24, by Chris Cannam
- Note to translators not to translate "Space"2018-04-24, by Chris Cannam
- Minor build tweak2018-04-24, by Chris Cannam
- Subrepo fixes2018-04-24, by Chris Cannam
- Update bqfft2018-04-23, by Chris Cannam
- Deployment updates for win32/win64. Next version will be 3.1.2018-04-20, by Chris Cannam
- Make selection extents more visible, & make end-of-audio overlays translucent2018-04-19, by Chris Cannam
- Make "Select All" select the whole span of everything that exists, not just the main model (toward SF bug #243 Copied Time Instant Layer does not include instant at end of track)2018-04-19, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepo for fix to SF bug #241 Imported Annotation midi layer does not play2018-04-18, by Chris Cannam
- Make the ";"-key versions of these shortcuts the primary ones advertised on the menus (since so few people have an Enter key these days). For SF bug #246 Some shortcuts do not work2018-04-18, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch streaming-csv-writer2018-04-17, by Chris Cannam
- Update to include Lucas's streaming CSV export code via hg rather than gitstreaming-csv-writer 2018-04-17, by Chris Cannam
- Add Lucas's progress dialog change for CSV exportstreaming-csv-writer 2018-04-16, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepostreaming-csv-writer 2018-04-13, by Chris Cannam
- Branch for work on streaming CSV stuff started by Lucasstreaming-csv-writer 2018-04-13, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vext2018-03-21, by Chris Cannam
- Update bqvec2018-03-09, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepos2018-03-09, by Chris Cannam
- Merge2018-03-09, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vext2018-03-09, by Chris Cannam
- Add a note about the doc link2018-02-26, by Chris Cannam
- Untabify2018-03-01, by Chris Cannam
- Convert some cerrs to SVCERRs. Apart from anything else, this makes MSVC2017 happy2018-03-01, by Chris Cannam
- Fix for VC2017, plus add the generated files to the clean target2018-02-16, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepos2018-02-09, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vext2018-02-02, by Chris Cannam
- Update a couple of libraries2018-02-02, by Chris Cannam
- Fixes for Qt 5.102018-01-31, by Chris Cannam
- Bump the version2018-01-31, by Chris Cannam
- Specific path for win32 g++ build2018-01-25, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vext2018-01-23, by Chris Cannam
- Merge2017-12-12, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepo for fallthrough fix2017-12-12, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vext2017-12-11, by Chris Cannam
- Update for a couple of fixes prompted by undefined-behaviour sanitiser2017-12-11, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vext2017-12-11, by Chris Cannam
- Fix misnamed target, which caused a lot of stuff to be rebuilt on what should have been empty remakes2017-12-07, by Chris Cannam
- Use undefined behaviour sanitiser in debug mode2017-12-07, by Chris Cannam
- Pick up prefix from configure for install target2017-12-05, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vext and subrepos2017-11-09, by Chris Cannam
- Nope, macOS CI build is still broken ("Homebrew must be run under Ruby 2.3"). Another random attempt at a fix2017-10-10, by Chris Cannam
- Well, whatever that last change did, it didn't work. Try this2017-10-10, by Chris Cannam
- Current Travis image is now failing to run Homebrew - let's try a newer one2017-10-09, by Chris Cannam
- Update libraries to fix a couple of small issues2017-10-09, by Chris Cannam
- Update vext2017-10-09, by Chris Cannam
- Update vext2017-10-06, by Chris Cannam
- Strangely the three files seem to be installed if we have them in this order, but not the other order. Must be missing something here.2017-10-04, by Chris Cannam
- Notes on Windows Desktop App Converter stuff2017-09-08, by Chris Cannam
- Comment2017-09-01, by Chris Cannam
- Update svcore2017-08-31, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepos, add to ignore list2017-07-20, by Chris Cannam
- Update vext2017-07-13, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepos2017-07-13, by Chris Cannam
- Update README2017-07-11, by Chris Cannam
- Tidy2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Update for README.md2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Markdownise, add badges2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Update libraries2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch "vext"2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vext and lock filevext 2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Pull out capnp-regen, update CI configsvext 2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Some build and CI fixesvext 2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Mergevext 2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Fix paths for shadow buildvext 2017-07-10, by Chris Cannam
- Add some build filesvext 2017-07-07, by Chris Cannam
- Try capnp rebuild on Windows (badly)vext 2017-07-07, by Chris Cannam
- Rebuild capnp-generated files using sv-dependency-builds version of capnp tools on OSX. This would be better refactored into config and noconfig alternatives.vext 2017-07-05, by Chris Cannam
- Update vextvext 2017-06-29, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vextvext 2017-06-29, by Chris Cannam
- Update librariesvext 2017-06-28, by Chris Cannam
- Update vext; providers -> servicesvext 2017-06-28, by Chris Cannam
- An effort at having capnp header/source regenerated (since different versions of capnp are not compatible in this respect)vext 2017-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch output-type-urivext 2017-06-27, by Chris Cannam
- Update vextoutput-type-uri 2017-06-26, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch vextoutput-type-uri 2017-06-20, by Chris Cannam
- Update vextvext 2017-06-20, by Chris Cannam
- Subrepo updateoutput-type-uri 2017-06-19, by Chris Cannam
- Update timestamps2017-06-16, by Chris Cannam
- Use output-type-uri piper branchoutput-type-uri 2017-06-08, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchvext 2017-06-08, by Chris Cannam
- Update hgignore for directories managed by vextvext 2017-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Switch vamp-plugin-sdk back to hgvext 2017-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vext logicvext 2017-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Update Vextvext 2017-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Use vext only if we are in a Mercurial checkoutvext 2017-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Make configure use vextvext 2017-06-07, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from default branchvext 2017-05-26, by Chris Cannam
- msi versions2017-05-25, by Chris Cannam
- Added tag sv_v3.0.3 for changeset 8d2d9a4f5d522017-05-25, by Chris Cannam
- Update CHANGELOGsv_v3.0.3 2017-05-25, by Chris Cannam
- Change of plan; this will be 3.0.3. I'm not going to make any more substantial fixes, so it's not a big enough change for 3.1, but I don't want to hold off the release for long. And hey, it's 3032017-05-25, by Chris Cannam
- Update install instructions, add Dockerfile for v3.1 (when released)2017-05-24, by Chris Cannam
- This will be 3.12017-05-24, by Chris Cannam
- Update Win32 capnp build in subrepo2017-05-23, by Chris Cannam
- Update Win64 capnp build in subrepo2017-05-22, by Chris Cannam
- Update subrepos for capnp 0.62017-05-22, by Chris Cannam
- Update for capnp 0.62017-05-09, by Chris Cannam
- Fix repository keyvext 2017-05-09, by Chris Cannam
- Merge from branch scale-ticks2017-05-05, by Chris Cannam
- SVDEBUG, though it turns out not to be very usefulscale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Make use of ScaleTickIntervals in log scale as wellscale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Rework log scale calculation, update to changed interfacescale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- We don't need to return the tick instruction gubbinsscale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Another test, that needs some more workscale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- After seeing them in action, I changed my mind about the wisdom of these trailing .0sscale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Make use of ScaleTickIntervals in linear numerical scale (not log yet)scale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Add logarithmic ticks. This is getting complicated!scale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Tests now passingscale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- Change loop to something that feels more correct, though it makes no difference to the tests here. More tests, one failing.scale-ticks 2017-05-04, by Chris Cannam
- More tests & fixesscale-ticks 2017-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- These tests now pass (in some cases by fixing the tests)scale-ticks 2017-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- More fixes, more tests, including some more that now failscale-ticks 2017-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- These tests now pass, but there's still a lot to be donescale-ticks 2017-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- Add forgotten fieldvext 2017-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- Scale tick labeller, and tests (some failing so far)scale-ticks 2017-05-03, by Chris Cannam
- Factor out providervext 2017-04-25, by Chris Cannam
- Flatten spec file hierarchyvext 2017-04-24, by Chris Cannam
- Test specvext 2017-04-24, by Chris Cannam
- Untabify2017-04-24, by Chris Cannam
- Some README updates2017-04-10, by Chris Cannam
- Update INSTALL instructions2017-04-10, by Chris Cannam
- Added tag sv_v3.0.2 for changeset 38c40fe5135b2017-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Next release will be 3.0.2sv_v3.0.2 2017-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Update Czech translation, thanks Pavel2017-03-12, by Chris Cannam
- Credit translators in About box2017-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Credit translators in README2017-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Update Russian translation, thanks Alexandre2017-03-08, by Chris Cannam
- Make some corrections to crosshair (measure cursor) positioning and feature descriptions. Needs review.2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Fix crash when changing window size in the spectrum layer2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Added tag sv_v3.0.1 for changeset fad5960ac61a2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Formattingsv_v3.0.1 2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Added tag sv_v3.0.1 for changeset 96a5cf2640332017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Untabify!2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Update changelog2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Added tag sv_v3.0.1 for changeset cbaac283f47e2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Add Docker build file for 3.0.1, remove the old betas2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Change where the 32-bit memory calculation adjustment is carried out -- more transparent here2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Ensure 32-bit Windows build uses _aligned_malloc as well as 64-bit one; more debug out2017-03-07, by Chris Cannam
- Fix some one-off memory leaks (including distracting ones in tests)2017-03-06, by Chris Cannam
- Some bits and bobs to do with handling memory pressure2017-03-06, by Chris Cannam
- Hoping this will make for 3.0.12017-03-06, by Chris Cannam