view @ 340:3211f8cef51a sv-v1.7.1

* Layer data editor window: fix sorting for columns in region model, add Find feature * RDF import: assign names to layers based on event types, if no suitable labels are found in the RDF * Add label to status bar showing the last text that was passed in current layer (so e.g. counting 1, 2, 3, 4 if that's what beats are labelled) * Better layout of text labels for region layers in segmentation mode when they are close together * Give text layer the same method for finding "nearest point" as region and note layers, should improve its editability
author Chris Cannam
date Thu, 22 Oct 2009 15:54:21 +0000
parents 8fdfdd85881a
line wrap: on
line source


SV_UNIT_PACKAGES = vamp vamp-hostsdk rubberband fftw3 fftw3f samplerate jack libpulse portaudio-2.0 mad id3tag oggz fishsound lrdf redland rasqal raptor sndfile liblo


CONFIG += sv qt thread warn_on stl rtti exceptions
QT += xml network

TARGET = "Sonic Visualiser"
linux*:TARGET = sonic-visualiser
solaris*:TARGET = sonic-visualiser

ICON = icons/sv-macicon.icns
RC_FILE = icons/sv.rc

DEPENDPATH += . .. i18n main transform
INCLUDEPATH += . .. transform main
LIBPATH = ../view ../layer ../data ../widgets ../transform ../plugin ../base ../system ../framework ../audioio ../rdf $$LIBPATH

contains(DEFINES, BUILD_STATIC):LIBS -= -ljack

LIBS = -lsvframework -lsvaudioio -lsvview -lsvlayer -lsvrdf -lsvtransform -lsvrdf -lsvtransform -lsvwidgets -lsvdata -lsvplugin -lsvbase -lsvsystem $$LIBS

PRE_TARGETDEPS += ../view/libsvview.a \
                  ../layer/libsvlayer.a \
                  ../data/libsvdata.a \
                  ../framework/libsvframework.a \
                  ../transform/libsvtransform.a \
                  ../widgets/libsvwidgets.a \
                  ../plugin/libsvplugin.a \
                  ../base/libsvbase.a \
                  ../audioio/libsvaudioio.a \
                  ../rdf/libsvrdf.a \

OBJECTS_DIR = tmp_obj
MOC_DIR = tmp_moc

# Input
HEADERS += main/MainWindow.h \
           main/PreferencesDialog.h \
SOURCES += main/main.cpp \
           main/OSCHandler.cpp \
           main/MainWindow.cpp \
           main/PreferencesDialog.cpp \
RESOURCES += sonic-visualiser.qrc