view repoint.ps1 @ 2265:d33dff02b39b sandbox-notarize

Work on sandboxing (possibly) and using the hardened runtime for notarization. Supply appropriate bundle ID for helpers as well as main application, and request inherited sandbox entitlements. Currently works with sandboxing (apparently) but not yet with the hardened runtime, where we can't load plugins signed by third parties even with the entitlement because their team IDs don't match the host. Possibly that exception is supposed to be requested some other way?
author Chris Cannam
date Thu, 25 Apr 2019 16:46:02 +0100
parents adc8a48f4e4c
line wrap: on
line source

A simple manager for third-party source code dependencies.
Run "repoint help" for more documentation.


Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$env:HGPLAIN = "true"

$sml = $env:REPOINT_SML

$mydir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
$program = "$mydir/repoint.sml"

# We need either Poly/ML or SML/NJ. No great preference as to which.

# Typical locations
$env:PATH = "$env:PATH;C:\Program Files (x86)\SMLNJ\bin;C:\Program Files\Poly ML;C:\Program Files (x86)\Poly ML"

if (!$sml) {
    if (Get-Command "sml" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
       $sml = "smlnj"
    } elseif (Get-Command "polyml" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
       $sml = "poly"
    } else {
       echo @"

ERROR: No supported SML compiler or interpreter found       

  The Repoint external source code manager needs a Standard ML (SML)
  compiler or interpreter to run.

  Please ensure you have one of the following SML implementations
  installed and present in your PATH, and try again.

    1. Standard ML of New Jersey
       - executable name: sml

    2. Poly/ML
       - executable name: polyml

       exit 1

if ($args -match "'""") {
    $arglist = '["usage"]'
} else {
    $arglist = '["' + ($args -join '","') + '"]'

if ($sml -eq "poly") {

    $program = $program -replace "\\","\\\\"
    echo "use ""$program""; repoint $arglist" | polyml -q --error-exit | Out-Host

    if (-not $?) {
        exit $LastExitCode

} elseif ($sml -eq "smlnj") {

    $lines = @(Get-Content $program)
    $lines = $lines -notmatch "val _ = main ()"

    $intro = @"
val smlrun__cp = 
    let val x = !Control.Print.out in
        Control.Print.out := { say = fn _ => (), flush = fn () => () };
val smlrun__prev = ref "";
Control.Print.out := { 
    say = fn s => 
        (if String.isSubstring "Error" s orelse String.isSubstring "Fail" s
         then (Control.Print.out := smlrun__cp;
               (#say smlrun__cp) (!smlrun__prev);
               (#say smlrun__cp) s)
         else (smlrun__prev := s; ())),
    flush = fn s => ()
"@ -split "[\r\n]+"

    $outro = @"
val _ = repoint $arglist;
val _ = OS.Process.exit (OS.Process.success);
"@ -split "[\r\n]+"

    $script = @()
    $script += $intro
    $script += $lines
    $script += $outro

    $tmpfile = ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()) -replace "[.]tmp",".sml"

    $script | Out-File -Encoding "ASCII" $tmpfile


    sml $tmpfile

    if (-not $?) {
        del $tmpfile
        exit $LastExitCode

    del $tmpfile

} else {

    "Unknown SML implementation name: $sml"
    exit 2