view main/MainWindow.h @ 81:911c0bd745cd

* Recall last file open/save path appropriately * Harmonise handling of overwrite query etc for different file types * When exporting a layer, export the right file type for the currently selected filter in the file dialog
author Chris Cannam
date Fri, 05 Jan 2007 12:37:14 +0000
parents bedc7517b6e8
children d82e332cb178
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Visualiser
    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
    This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam and QMUL.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#ifndef _MAIN_WINDOW_H_
#define _MAIN_WINDOW_H_

#include <QFrame>
#include <QString>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QPointer>

#include "base/Command.h"
#include "view/ViewManager.h"
#include "base/PropertyContainer.h"
#include "base/RecentFiles.h"
#include "layer/LayerFactory.h"
#include "transform/Transform.h"
#include "document/SVFileReader.h"
#include <map>

class Document;
class PaneStack;
class Pane;
class View;
class Fader;
class Overview;
class Layer;
class WaveformLayer;
class WaveFileModel;
class AudioCallbackPlaySource;
class AudioCallbackPlayTarget;
class CommandHistory;
class QMenu;
class AudioDial;
class QLabel;
class QCheckBox;
class PreferencesDialog;
class QPushButton;
class OSCQueue;
class OSCMessage;

class MainWindow : public QMainWindow

    MainWindow(bool withAudioOutput = true,
               bool withOSCSupport = true);
    virtual ~MainWindow();
    enum AudioFileOpenMode {

    bool openSomeFile(QString path, AudioFileOpenMode = AskUser);
    bool openAudioFile(QString path, AudioFileOpenMode = AskUser);
    bool openLayerFile(QString path);
    bool openSessionFile(QString path);
    bool saveSessionFile(QString path);
    bool commitData(bool mayAskUser); // on session shutdown

    // Used to toggle the availability of menu actions
    void canAddPane(bool);
    void canDeleteCurrentPane(bool);
    void canAddLayer(bool);
    void canImportMoreAudio(bool);
    void canImportLayer(bool);
    void canExportAudio(bool);
    void canExportLayer(bool);
    void canRenameLayer(bool);
    void canEditLayer(bool);
    void canSelect(bool);
    void canClearSelection(bool);
    void canEditSelection(bool);
    void canPaste(bool);
    void canInsertInstant(bool);
    void canInsertInstantsAtBoundaries(bool);
    void canDeleteCurrentLayer(bool);
    void canZoom(bool);
    void canScroll(bool);
    void canPlay(bool);
    void canFfwd(bool);
    void canRewind(bool);
    void canPlaySelection(bool);
    void canSave(bool);

protected slots:
    void openSession();
    void importAudio();
    void importMoreAudio();
    void openSomething();
    void openRecentFile();
    void exportAudio();
    void importLayer();
    void exportLayer();
    void saveSession();
    void saveSessionAs();
    void newSession();
    void closeSession();
    void preferences();

    void zoomIn();
    void zoomOut();
    void zoomToFit();
    void zoomDefault();
    void scrollLeft();
    void scrollRight();
    void jumpLeft();
    void jumpRight();

    void showNoOverlays();
    void showBasicOverlays();
    void showAllTextOverlays();

    void toggleZoomWheels();
    void togglePropertyBoxes();

    void play();
    void ffwd();
    void ffwdEnd();
    void rewind();
    void rewindStart();
    void stop();

    void addPane();
    void addLayer();
    void deleteCurrentPane();
    void renameCurrentLayer();
    void deleteCurrentLayer();

    void playLoopToggled();
    void playSelectionToggled();
    void playSpeedChanged(int);
    void playSharpenToggled();
    void playMonoToggled();
    void sampleRateMismatch(size_t, size_t, bool);
    void audioOverloadPluginDisabled();

    void outputLevelsChanged(float, float);

    void currentPaneChanged(Pane *);
    void currentLayerChanged(Pane *, Layer *);

    void toolNavigateSelected();
    void toolSelectSelected();
    void toolEditSelected();
    void toolDrawSelected();

    void selectAll();
    void selectToStart();
    void selectToEnd();
    void selectVisible();
    void clearSelection();
    void cut();
    void copy();
    void paste();
    void deleteSelected();
    void insertInstant();
    void insertInstantAt(size_t);
    void insertInstantsAtBoundaries();

    void documentModified();
    void documentRestored();

    void updateMenuStates();
    void updateDescriptionLabel();

    void layerAdded(Layer *);
    void layerRemoved(Layer *);
    void layerAboutToBeDeleted(Layer *);
    void layerInAView(Layer *, bool);

    void mainModelChanged(WaveFileModel *);
    void modelAdded(Model *);
    void modelAboutToBeDeleted(Model *);

    void modelGenerationFailed(QString);
    void modelRegenerationFailed(QString, QString);

    void rightButtonMenuRequested(Pane *, QPoint point);

    void propertyStacksResized();

    void preferenceChanged(PropertyContainer::PropertyName);

    void setupRecentFilesMenu();
    void setupRecentTransformsMenu();

    void showLayerTree();

    void pollOSC();
    void handleOSCMessage(const OSCMessage &);

    void website();
    void help();
    void about();

    QString                  m_sessionFile;
    QString                  m_audioFile;
    Document                *m_document;

    QLabel                  *m_descriptionLabel;
    PaneStack               *m_paneStack;
    ViewManager             *m_viewManager;
    Overview                *m_overview;
    Fader                   *m_fader;
    AudioDial               *m_playSpeed;
    QPushButton             *m_playSharpen;
    QPushButton             *m_playMono;
    WaveformLayer           *m_panLayer;
    Layer                   *m_timeRulerLayer;

    bool                     m_audioOutput;
    AudioCallbackPlaySource *m_playSource;
    AudioCallbackPlayTarget *m_playTarget;

    OSCQueue                *m_oscQueue;

    RecentFiles              m_recentFiles;
    RecentFiles              m_recentTransforms;

    bool                     m_mainMenusCreated;
    QMenu                   *m_paneMenu;
    QMenu                   *m_layerMenu;
    QMenu                   *m_transformsMenu;
    QMenu                   *m_existingLayersMenu;
    QMenu                   *m_recentFilesMenu;
    QMenu                   *m_recentTransformsMenu;
    QMenu                   *m_rightButtonMenu;
    QMenu                   *m_rightButtonLayerMenu;
    QMenu                   *m_rightButtonTransformsMenu;

    bool                     m_documentModified;
    bool                     m_openingAudioFile;
    bool                     m_abandoning;

    QPointer<PreferencesDialog> m_preferencesDialog;

    WaveFileModel *getMainModel();
    void createDocument();

    struct PaneConfiguration {
	PaneConfiguration(LayerFactory::LayerType _layer
			                       = LayerFactory::TimeRuler,
                          Model *_source = 0,
			  int _channel = -1) :
	    layer(_layer), sourceModel(_source), channel(_channel) { }
	LayerFactory::LayerType layer;
        Model *sourceModel;
	int channel;

    typedef std::map<QAction *, PaneConfiguration> PaneActionMap;
    PaneActionMap m_paneActions;

    typedef std::map<QAction *, TransformName> TransformActionMap;
    TransformActionMap m_transformActions;

    typedef std::map<TransformName, QAction *> TransformActionReverseMap;
    TransformActionReverseMap m_transformActionsReverse;

    typedef std::map<QAction *, LayerFactory::LayerType> LayerActionMap;
    LayerActionMap m_layerActions;

    typedef std::map<QAction *, Layer *> ExistingLayerActionMap;
    ExistingLayerActionMap m_existingLayerActions;

    typedef std::map<ViewManager::ToolMode, QAction *> ToolActionMap;
    ToolActionMap m_toolActions;

    void setupMenus();
    void setupFileMenu();
    void setupEditMenu();
    void setupViewMenu();
    void setupPaneAndLayerMenus();
    void setupTransformsMenu();
    void setupHelpMenu();
    void setupExistingLayersMenu();
    void setupToolbars();

    Pane *addPaneToStack();

    void addPane(const PaneConfiguration &configuration, QString text);

    class PaneCallback : public SVFileReaderPaneCallback
	PaneCallback(MainWindow *mw) : m_mw(mw) { }
	virtual Pane *addPane() { return m_mw->addPaneToStack(); }
	virtual void setWindowSize(int width, int height) {
	    m_mw->resize(width, height);
	virtual void addSelection(int start, int end) {
	    m_mw->m_viewManager->addSelection(Selection(start, end));
	MainWindow *m_mw;

    class AddPaneCommand : public Command
	AddPaneCommand(MainWindow *mw);
	virtual ~AddPaneCommand();
	virtual void execute();
	virtual void unexecute();
	virtual QString getName() const;

	Pane *getPane() { return m_pane; }

	MainWindow *m_mw;
	Pane *m_pane; // Main window owns this, but I determine its lifespan
	Pane *m_prevCurrentPane; // I don't own this
	bool m_added;

    class RemovePaneCommand : public Command
	RemovePaneCommand(MainWindow *mw, Pane *pane);
	virtual ~RemovePaneCommand();
	virtual void execute();
	virtual void unexecute();
	virtual QString getName() const;

	MainWindow *m_mw;
	Pane *m_pane; // Main window owns this, but I determine its lifespan
	Pane *m_prevCurrentPane; // I don't own this
	bool m_added;

    virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e);
    bool checkSaveModified();

    enum FileType {

    QString getOpenFileName(FileType type);
    QString getSaveFileName(FileType type);
    void registerLastOpenedFilePath(FileType type, QString path);

    void createPlayTarget();

    void openHelpUrl(QString url);

    void toXml(QTextStream &stream);
