diff main/MainWindow.h @ 0:cd5d7ff8ef38

* Reorganising code base. This revision will not compile.
author Chris Cannam
date Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:03:45 +0000
children 40116f709d3b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/MainWindow.h	Mon Jul 31 12:03:45 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+    Sonic Visualiser
+    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
+    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
+    This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam.
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
+    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#ifndef _MAIN_WINDOW_H_
+#define _MAIN_WINDOW_H_
+#include <QFrame>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QMainWindow>
+#include <QPointer>
+#include "base/Command.h"
+#include "base/ViewManager.h"
+#include "base/PropertyContainer.h"
+#include "layer/LayerFactory.h"
+#include "transform/Transform.h"
+#include "fileio/SVFileReader.h"
+#include <map>
+class Document;
+class PaneStack;
+class Pane;
+class View;
+class Fader;
+class Panner;
+class Layer;
+class WaveformLayer;
+class WaveFileModel;
+class AudioCallbackPlaySource;
+class AudioCallbackPlayTarget;
+class CommandHistory;
+class QMenu;
+class AudioDial;
+class QLabel;
+class PreferencesDialog;
+class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
+    MainWindow();
+    virtual ~MainWindow();
+    enum AudioFileOpenMode {
+        ReplaceMainModel,
+        CreateAdditionalModel,
+        AskUser
+    };
+    bool openSomeFile(QString path);
+    bool openAudioFile(QString path, AudioFileOpenMode = AskUser);
+    bool openLayerFile(QString path);
+    bool openSessionFile(QString path);
+    bool saveSessionFile(QString path);
+    // Used to toggle the availability of menu actions
+    void canAddPane(bool);
+    void canDeleteCurrentPane(bool);
+    void canAddLayer(bool);
+    void canImportMoreAudio(bool);
+    void canImportLayer(bool);
+    void canExportAudio(bool);
+    void canExportLayer(bool);
+    void canRenameLayer(bool);
+    void canEditLayer(bool);
+    void canSelect(bool);
+    void canClearSelection(bool);
+    void canEditSelection(bool);
+    void canPaste(bool);
+    void canInsertInstant(bool);
+    void canDeleteCurrentLayer(bool);
+    void canZoom(bool);
+    void canScroll(bool);
+    void canPlay(bool);
+    void canFfwd(bool);
+    void canRewind(bool);
+    void canPlaySelection(bool);
+    void canSave(bool);
+protected slots:
+    void openSession();
+    void importAudio();
+    void importMoreAudio();
+    void openSomething();
+    void openRecentFile();
+    void exportAudio();
+    void importLayer();
+    void exportLayer();
+    void saveSession();
+    void saveSessionAs();
+    void newSession();
+    void closeSession();
+    void preferences();
+    void zoomIn();
+    void zoomOut();
+    void zoomToFit();
+    void zoomDefault();
+    void scrollLeft();
+    void scrollRight();
+    void jumpLeft();
+    void jumpRight();
+    void showNoOverlays();
+    void showBasicOverlays();
+    void showAllOverlays();
+    void play();
+    void ffwd();
+    void ffwdEnd();
+    void rewind();
+    void rewindStart();
+    void stop();
+    void addPane();
+    void addLayer();
+    void deleteCurrentPane();
+    void renameCurrentLayer();
+    void deleteCurrentLayer();
+    void playLoopToggled();
+    void playSelectionToggled();
+    void playSpeedChanged(int);
+    void sampleRateMismatch(size_t, size_t, bool);
+    void outputLevelsChanged(float, float);
+    void currentPaneChanged(Pane *);
+    void currentLayerChanged(Pane *, Layer *);
+    void toolNavigateSelected();
+    void toolSelectSelected();
+    void toolEditSelected();
+    void toolDrawSelected();
+    void selectAll();
+    void selectToStart();
+    void selectToEnd();
+    void selectVisible();
+    void clearSelection();
+    void cut();
+    void copy();
+    void paste();
+    void deleteSelected();
+    void insertInstant();
+    void documentModified();
+    void documentRestored();
+    void updateMenuStates();
+    void updateDescriptionLabel();
+    void layerAdded(Layer *);
+    void layerRemoved(Layer *);
+    void layerAboutToBeDeleted(Layer *);
+    void layerInAView(Layer *, bool);
+    void mainModelChanged(WaveFileModel *);
+    void modelAdded(Model *);
+    void modelAboutToBeDeleted(Model *);
+    void modelGenerationFailed(QString);
+    void modelRegenerationFailed(QString, QString);
+    void rightButtonMenuRequested(Pane *, QPoint point);
+    void preferenceChanged(PropertyContainer::PropertyName);
+    void setupRecentFilesMenu();
+    void showLayerTree();
+    void website();
+    void help();
+    void about();
+    QString                  m_sessionFile;
+    QString                  m_audioFile;
+    Document                *m_document;
+    QLabel                  *m_descriptionLabel;
+    PaneStack               *m_paneStack;
+    ViewManager             *m_viewManager;
+    Panner                  *m_panner;
+    Fader                   *m_fader;
+    AudioDial               *m_playSpeed;
+    WaveformLayer           *m_panLayer;
+    Layer                   *m_timeRulerLayer;
+    AudioCallbackPlaySource *m_playSource;
+    AudioCallbackPlayTarget *m_playTarget;
+    bool                     m_mainMenusCreated;
+    QMenu                   *m_paneMenu;
+    QMenu                   *m_layerMenu;
+    QMenu                   *m_existingLayersMenu;
+    QMenu                   *m_recentFilesMenu;
+    QMenu                   *m_rightButtonMenu;
+    QMenu                   *m_rightButtonLayerMenu;
+    bool                     m_documentModified;
+    QPointer<PreferencesDialog> m_preferencesDialog;
+    WaveFileModel *getMainModel();
+    void createDocument();
+    struct PaneConfiguration {
+	PaneConfiguration(LayerFactory::LayerType _layer
+			                       = LayerFactory::TimeRuler,
+			  int _channel = -1) :
+	    layer(_layer), channel(_channel) { }
+	LayerFactory::LayerType layer;
+	int channel;
+    };
+    typedef std::map<QAction *, PaneConfiguration> PaneActionMap;
+    PaneActionMap m_paneActions;
+    typedef std::map<QAction *, TransformName> TransformActionMap;
+    TransformActionMap m_layerTransformActions;
+    typedef std::map<QAction *, LayerFactory::LayerType> LayerActionMap;
+    LayerActionMap m_layerActions;
+    typedef std::map<QAction *, Layer *> ExistingLayerActionMap;
+    ExistingLayerActionMap m_existingLayerActions;
+    typedef std::map<ViewManager::ToolMode, QAction *> ToolActionMap;
+    ToolActionMap m_toolActions;
+    void setupMenus();
+    void setupExistingLayersMenu();
+    void setupToolbars();
+    Pane *addPaneToStack();
+    class PaneCallback : public SVFileReaderPaneCallback
+    {
+    public:
+	PaneCallback(MainWindow *mw) : m_mw(mw) { }
+	virtual Pane *addPane() { return m_mw->addPaneToStack(); }
+	virtual void setWindowSize(int width, int height) {
+	    m_mw->resize(width, height);
+	}
+	virtual void addSelection(int start, int end) {
+	    m_mw->m_viewManager->addSelection(Selection(start, end));
+	}
+    protected:
+	MainWindow *m_mw;
+    };
+    class AddPaneCommand : public Command
+    {
+    public:
+	AddPaneCommand(MainWindow *mw);
+	virtual ~AddPaneCommand();
+	virtual void execute();
+	virtual void unexecute();
+	virtual QString getName() const;
+	Pane *getPane() { return m_pane; }
+    protected:
+	MainWindow *m_mw;
+	Pane *m_pane; // Main window owns this, but I determine its lifespan
+	Pane *m_prevCurrentPane; // I don't own this
+	bool m_added;
+    };
+    class RemovePaneCommand : public Command
+    {
+    public:
+	RemovePaneCommand(MainWindow *mw, Pane *pane);
+	virtual ~RemovePaneCommand();
+	virtual void execute();
+	virtual void unexecute();
+	virtual QString getName() const;
+    protected:
+	MainWindow *m_mw;
+	Pane *m_pane; // Main window owns this, but I determine its lifespan
+	Pane *m_prevCurrentPane; // I don't own this
+	bool m_added;
+    };
+    virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e);
+    bool checkSaveModified();
+    void createPlayTarget();
+    void openHelpUrl(QString url);
+    void toXml(QTextStream &stream);