diff main/MainWindow.cpp @ 0:cd5d7ff8ef38

* Reorganising code base. This revision will not compile.
author Chris Cannam
date Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:03:45 +0000
children 40116f709d3b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/MainWindow.cpp	Mon Jul 31 12:03:45 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3097 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */
+    Sonic Visualiser
+    An audio file viewer and annotation editor.
+    Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
+    This file copyright 2006 Chris Cannam.
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
+    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+#include "../version.h"
+#include "MainWindow.h"
+#include "Document.h"
+#include "PreferencesDialog.h"
+#include "widgets/Pane.h"
+#include "widgets/PaneStack.h"
+#include "model/WaveFileModel.h"
+#include "model/SparseOneDimensionalModel.h"
+#include "base/ViewManager.h"
+#include "base/Preferences.h"
+#include "layer/WaveformLayer.h"
+#include "layer/TimeRulerLayer.h"
+#include "layer/TimeInstantLayer.h"
+#include "layer/TimeValueLayer.h"
+#include "layer/Colour3DPlotLayer.h"
+#include "widgets/Fader.h"
+#include "widgets/Panner.h"
+#include "widgets/PropertyBox.h"
+#include "widgets/PropertyStack.h"
+#include "widgets/AudioDial.h"
+#include "widgets/LayerTree.h"
+#include "widgets/ListInputDialog.h"
+#include "audioio/AudioCallbackPlaySource.h"
+#include "audioio/AudioCallbackPlayTarget.h"
+#include "audioio/AudioTargetFactory.h"
+#include "fileio/AudioFileReaderFactory.h"
+#include "fileio/DataFileReaderFactory.h"
+#include "fileio/WavFileWriter.h"
+#include "fileio/CSVFileWriter.h"
+#include "fileio/BZipFileDevice.h"
+#include "fileio/RecentFiles.h"
+#include "transform/TransformFactory.h"
+#include "base/PlayParameterRepository.h"
+#include "base/XmlExportable.h"
+#include "base/CommandHistory.h"
+#include "base/Profiler.h"
+#include "base/Clipboard.h"
+// For version information
+#include "vamp/vamp.h"
+#include "vamp-sdk/PluginBase.h"
+#include "plugin/api/ladspa.h"
+#include "plugin/api/dssi.h"
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QGridLayout>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QAction>
+#include <QMenuBar>
+#include <QToolBar>
+#include <QInputDialog>
+#include <QStatusBar>
+#include <QTreeView>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QTextStream>
+#include <QProcess>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <errno.h>
+using std::cerr;
+using std::endl;
+MainWindow::MainWindow() :
+    m_document(0),
+    m_paneStack(0),
+    m_viewManager(0),
+    m_panner(0),
+    m_timeRulerLayer(0),
+    m_playSource(0),
+    m_playTarget(0),
+    m_mainMenusCreated(false),
+    m_paneMenu(0),
+    m_layerMenu(0),
+    m_existingLayersMenu(0),
+    m_rightButtonMenu(0),
+    m_rightButtonLayerMenu(0),
+    m_documentModified(false),
+    m_preferencesDialog(0)
+    setWindowTitle(tr("Sonic Visualiser"));
+    UnitDatabase::getInstance()->registerUnit("Hz");
+    UnitDatabase::getInstance()->registerUnit("dB");
+    connect(CommandHistory::getInstance(), SIGNAL(commandExecuted()),
+	    this, SLOT(documentModified()));
+    connect(CommandHistory::getInstance(), SIGNAL(documentRestored()),
+	    this, SLOT(documentRestored()));
+    QFrame *frame = new QFrame;
+    setCentralWidget(frame);
+    QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout;
+    m_viewManager = new ViewManager();
+    connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
+	    this, SLOT(updateMenuStates()));
+    m_descriptionLabel = new QLabel;
+    m_paneStack = new PaneStack(frame, m_viewManager);
+    connect(m_paneStack, SIGNAL(currentPaneChanged(Pane *)),
+	    this, SLOT(currentPaneChanged(Pane *)));
+    connect(m_paneStack, SIGNAL(currentLayerChanged(Pane *, Layer *)),
+	    this, SLOT(currentLayerChanged(Pane *, Layer *)));
+    connect(m_paneStack, SIGNAL(rightButtonMenuRequested(Pane *, QPoint)),
+            this, SLOT(rightButtonMenuRequested(Pane *, QPoint)));
+    m_panner = new Panner(frame);
+    m_panner->setViewManager(m_viewManager);
+    m_panner->setFixedHeight(40);
+    m_panLayer = new WaveformLayer;
+    m_panLayer->setChannelMode(WaveformLayer::MergeChannels);
+//    m_panLayer->setScale(WaveformLayer::MeterScale);
+    m_panLayer->setAutoNormalize(true);
+    m_panLayer->setBaseColour(Qt::darkGreen);
+    m_panLayer->setAggressiveCacheing(true);
+    m_panner->addLayer(m_panLayer);
+    m_playSource = new AudioCallbackPlaySource(m_viewManager);
+    connect(m_playSource, SIGNAL(sampleRateMismatch(size_t, size_t, bool)),
+	    this,           SLOT(sampleRateMismatch(size_t, size_t, bool)));
+    m_fader = new Fader(frame, false);
+    m_playSpeed = new AudioDial(frame);
+    m_playSpeed->setMinimum(1);
+    m_playSpeed->setMaximum(10);
+    m_playSpeed->setValue(10);
+    m_playSpeed->setFixedWidth(24);
+    m_playSpeed->setFixedHeight(24);
+    m_playSpeed->setNotchesVisible(true);
+    m_playSpeed->setPageStep(1);
+    m_playSpeed->setToolTip(tr("Playback speed: Full"));
+    m_playSpeed->setDefaultValue(10);
+    connect(m_playSpeed, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
+	    this, SLOT(playSpeedChanged(int)));
+    layout->addWidget(m_paneStack, 0, 0, 1, 3);
+    layout->addWidget(m_panner, 1, 0);
+    layout->addWidget(m_fader, 1, 1);
+    layout->addWidget(m_playSpeed, 1, 2);
+    frame->setLayout(layout);
+    connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(outputLevelsChanged(float, float)),
+	    this, SLOT(outputLevelsChanged(float, float)));
+    connect(Preferences::getInstance(),
+            SIGNAL(propertyChanged(PropertyContainer::PropertyName)),
+            this,
+            SLOT(preferenceChanged(PropertyContainer::PropertyName)));
+    setupMenus();
+    setupToolbars();
+//    statusBar()->addWidget(m_descriptionLabel);
+    newSession();
+    closeSession();
+    delete m_playTarget;
+    delete m_playSource;
+    delete m_viewManager;
+    Profiles::getInstance()->dump();
+    QAction *action = 0;
+    QMenu *menu = 0;
+    QToolBar *toolbar = 0;
+    if (!m_mainMenusCreated) {
+        m_rightButtonMenu = new QMenu();
+    }
+    if (m_rightButtonLayerMenu) {
+        m_rightButtonLayerMenu->clear();
+    } else {
+        m_rightButtonLayerMenu = m_rightButtonMenu->addMenu(tr("&Layer"));
+        m_rightButtonMenu->addSeparator();
+    }
+    if (!m_mainMenusCreated) {
+        CommandHistory::getInstance()->registerMenu(m_rightButtonMenu);
+        m_rightButtonMenu->addSeparator();
+	menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File"));
+        toolbar = addToolBar(tr("File Toolbar"));
+        QIcon icon(":icons/filenew.png");
+        icon.addFile(":icons/filenew-22.png");
+	action = new QAction(icon, tr("&New Session"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+N"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Clear the current Sonic Visualiser session and start a new one"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newSession()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        toolbar->addAction(action);
+        icon = QIcon(":icons/fileopen.png");
+        icon.addFile(":icons/fileopen-22.png");
+	action = new QAction(icon, tr("&Open Session..."), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+O"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Open a previously saved Sonic Visualiser session file"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openSession()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(icon, tr("&Open..."), this);
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Open a session file, audio file, or layer"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openSomething()));
+        toolbar->addAction(action);
+        icon = QIcon(":icons/filesave.png");
+        icon.addFile(":icons/filesave-22.png");
+	action = new QAction(icon, tr("&Save Session"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+S"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Save the current session into a Sonic Visualiser session file"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveSession()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canSave(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        toolbar->addAction(action);
+        icon = QIcon(":icons/filesaveas.png");
+        icon.addFile(":icons/filesaveas-22.png");
+	action = new QAction(icon, tr("Save Session &As..."), this);
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Save the current session into a new Sonic Visualiser session file"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveSessionAs()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        toolbar->addAction(action);
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(tr("&Import Audio File..."), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+I"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Import an existing audio file"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(importAudio()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Import Secondary Audio File..."), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+Shift+I"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Import an extra audio file as a separate layer"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(importMoreAudio()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canImportMoreAudio(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("&Export Audio File..."), this);
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Export selection as an audio file"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportAudio()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canExportAudio(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(tr("Import Annotation &Layer..."), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+L"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Import layer data from an existing file"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(importLayer()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canImportLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Export Annotation Layer..."), this);
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Export layer data to a file"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportLayer()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canExportLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	menu->addSeparator();
+        m_recentFilesMenu = menu->addMenu(tr("&Recent Files"));
+        menu->addMenu(m_recentFilesMenu);
+        setupRecentFilesMenu();
+        connect(RecentFiles::getInstance(), SIGNAL(recentFilesChanged()),
+                this, SLOT(setupRecentFilesMenu()));
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(tr("&Preferences..."), this);
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Adjust the application preferences"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(preferences()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	/*!!!
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(tr("Play / Pause"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Space"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Start or stop playback from the current position"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(play()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	*/
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/exit.png"),
+			     tr("&Quit"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+Q"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Edit"));
+	CommandHistory::getInstance()->registerMenu(menu);
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/editcut.png"),
+			     tr("Cu&t"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+X"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(cut()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canEditSelection(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        m_rightButtonMenu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/editcopy.png"),
+			     tr("&Copy"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+C"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(copy()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canEditSelection(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        m_rightButtonMenu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/editpaste.png"),
+			     tr("&Paste"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+V"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(paste()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canPaste(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        m_rightButtonMenu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("&Delete Selected Items"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Del"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteSelected()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canEditSelection(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        m_rightButtonMenu->addAction(action);
+	menu->addSeparator();
+        m_rightButtonMenu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(tr("Select &All"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+A"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectAll()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canSelect(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        m_rightButtonMenu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Select &Visible Range"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+Shift+A"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectVisible()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canSelect(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Select to &Start"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Shift+Left"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectToStart()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canSelect(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Select to &End"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Shift+Right"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectToEnd()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canSelect(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("C&lear Selection"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Esc"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearSelection()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canClearSelection(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        m_rightButtonMenu->addAction(action);
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(tr("&Insert Instant at Playback Position"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Enter"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(insertInstant()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canInsertInstant(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&View"));
+        QActionGroup *overlayGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
+        action = new QAction(tr("&No Text Overlays"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("0"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Show no texts for frame times, layer names etc"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showNoOverlays()));
+        action->setCheckable(true);
+        action->setChecked(false);
+        overlayGroup->addAction(action);
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        action = new QAction(tr("Basic &Text Overlays"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("9"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Show texts for frame times etc, but not layer names etc"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showBasicOverlays()));
+        action->setCheckable(true);
+        action->setChecked(true);
+        overlayGroup->addAction(action);
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        action = new QAction(tr("&All Text Overlays"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("8"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Show texts for frame times, layer names etc"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showAllOverlays()));
+        action->setCheckable(true);
+        action->setChecked(false);
+        overlayGroup->addAction(action);
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(tr("Scroll &Left"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Left"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Scroll the current pane to the left"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(scrollLeft()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canScroll(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Scroll &Right"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Right"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Scroll the current pane to the right"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(scrollRight()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canScroll(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Jump Left"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+Left"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Scroll the current pane a big step to the left"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(jumpLeft()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canScroll(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Jump Right"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+Right"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Scroll the current pane a big step to the right"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(jumpRight()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canScroll(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/zoom-in.png"),
+			     tr("Zoom &In"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Up"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Increase the zoom level"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(zoomIn()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canZoom(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/zoom-out.png"),
+			     tr("Zoom &Out"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Down"));
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Decrease the zoom level"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(zoomOut()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canZoom(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Restore &Default Zoom"), this);
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(zoomDefault()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canZoom(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        action = new QAction(tr("Zoom to &Fit"), this);
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Zoom to show the whole file"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(zoomToFit()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canZoom(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+/*!!! This one doesn't work properly yet
+	menu->addSeparator();
+	action = new QAction(tr("Show &Layer Hierarchy"), this);
+	action->setShortcut(tr("Alt+L"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showLayerTree()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+    }
+    if (m_paneMenu) {
+	m_paneActions.clear();
+	m_paneMenu->clear();
+    } else {
+	m_paneMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Pane"));
+    }
+    if (m_layerMenu) {
+	m_layerTransformActions.clear();
+	m_layerActions.clear();
+	m_layerMenu->clear();
+    } else {
+	m_layerMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Layer"));
+    }
+    TransformFactory::TransformList transforms =
+	TransformFactory::getInstance()->getAllTransforms();
+    std::vector<QString> types =
+        TransformFactory::getInstance()->getAllTransformTypes();
+    std::map<QString, QMenu *> transformMenus;
+    for (std::vector<QString>::iterator i = types.begin(); i != types.end(); ++i) {
+        transformMenus[*i] = m_layerMenu->addMenu(*i);
+        m_rightButtonLayerMenu->addMenu(transformMenus[*i]);
+    }
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < transforms.size(); ++i) {
+	QString description = transforms[i].description;
+	if (description == "") description = transforms[i].name;
+	QString actionText = description;
+        if (transforms[i].configurable) {
+            actionText = QString("%1...").arg(actionText);
+        }
+	action = new QAction(actionText, this);
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addLayer()));
+	m_layerTransformActions[action] = transforms[i].name;
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canAddLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	transformMenus[transforms[i].type]->addAction(action);
+    }
+    m_rightButtonLayerMenu->addSeparator();
+    menu = m_paneMenu;
+    action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/pane.png"), tr("Add &New Pane"), this);
+    action->setShortcut(tr("Alt+N"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Add a new pane containing only a time ruler"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addPane()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canAddPane(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    m_paneActions[action] = PaneConfiguration(LayerFactory::TimeRuler);
+    menu->addAction(action);
+    menu->addSeparator();
+    menu = m_layerMenu;
+    menu->addSeparator();
+    LayerFactory::LayerTypeSet emptyLayerTypes =
+	LayerFactory::getInstance()->getValidEmptyLayerTypes();
+    for (LayerFactory::LayerTypeSet::iterator i = emptyLayerTypes.begin();
+	 i != emptyLayerTypes.end(); ++i) {
+	QIcon icon;
+	QString mainText, tipText, channelText;
+	LayerFactory::LayerType type = *i;
+	QString name = LayerFactory::getInstance()->getLayerPresentationName(type);
+	icon = QIcon(QString(":/icons/%1.png")
+		     .arg(LayerFactory::getInstance()->getLayerIconName(type)));
+	mainText = tr("Add New %1 Layer").arg(name);
+	tipText = tr("Add a new empty layer of type %1").arg(name);
+	action = new QAction(icon, mainText, this);
+	action->setStatusTip(tipText);
+	if (type == LayerFactory::Text) {
+	    action->setShortcut(tr("Alt+T"));
+	}
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addLayer()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canAddLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	m_layerActions[action] = type;
+	menu->addAction(action);
+        m_rightButtonLayerMenu->addAction(action);
+    }
+    m_rightButtonLayerMenu->addSeparator();
+    menu->addSeparator();
+    int channels = 1;
+    if (getMainModel()) channels = getMainModel()->getChannelCount();
+    if (channels < 1) channels = 1;
+    LayerFactory::LayerType backgroundTypes[] = {
+	LayerFactory::Waveform,
+	LayerFactory::Spectrogram,
+	LayerFactory::MelodicRangeSpectrogram,
+	LayerFactory::PeakFrequencySpectrogram
+    };
+    for (unsigned int i = 0;
+	 i < sizeof(backgroundTypes)/sizeof(backgroundTypes[0]); ++i) {
+	for (int menuType = 0; menuType <= 1; ++menuType) { // pane, layer
+	    if (menuType == 0) menu = m_paneMenu;
+	    else menu = m_layerMenu;
+	    QMenu *submenu = 0;
+	    for (int c = 0; c <= channels; ++c) {
+		if (c == 1 && channels == 1) continue;
+		bool isDefault = (c == 0);
+		bool isOnly = (isDefault && (channels == 1));
+		if (menuType == 1) {
+		    if (isDefault) isOnly = true;
+		    else continue;
+		}
+		QIcon icon;
+		QString mainText, shortcutText, tipText, channelText;
+		LayerFactory::LayerType type = backgroundTypes[i];
+		bool mono = true;
+		switch (type) {
+		case LayerFactory::Waveform:
+		    icon = QIcon(":/icons/waveform.png");
+		    mainText = tr("Add &Waveform");
+		    if (menuType == 0) {
+			shortcutText = tr("Alt+W");
+			tipText = tr("Add a new pane showing a waveform view");
+		    } else {
+			tipText = tr("Add a new layer showing a waveform view");
+		    }
+		    mono = false;
+		    break;
+		case LayerFactory::Spectrogram:
+		    mainText = tr("Add &Spectrogram");
+		    if (menuType == 0) {
+			shortcutText = tr("Alt+S");
+			tipText = tr("Add a new pane showing a dB spectrogram");
+		    } else {
+			tipText = tr("Add a new layer showing a dB spectrogram");
+		    }
+		    break;
+		case LayerFactory::MelodicRangeSpectrogram:
+		    mainText = tr("Add &Melodic Range Spectrogram");
+		    if (menuType == 0) {
+			shortcutText = tr("Alt+M");
+			tipText = tr("Add a new pane showing a spectrogram set up for a pitch overview");
+		    } else {
+			tipText = tr("Add a new layer showing a spectrogram set up for a pitch overview");
+		    }
+		    break;
+		case LayerFactory::PeakFrequencySpectrogram:
+		    mainText = tr("Add &Peak Frequency Spectrogram");
+		    if (menuType == 0) {
+			shortcutText = tr("Alt+P");
+			tipText = tr("Add a new pane showing a spectrogram set up for tracking frequencies");
+		    } else {
+			tipText = tr("Add a new layer showing a spectrogram set up for tracking frequencies");
+		    }
+		    break;
+		default: break;
+		}
+		if (isOnly) {
+		    action = new QAction(icon, mainText, this);
+		    action->setShortcut(shortcutText);
+		    action->setStatusTip(tipText);
+		    if (menuType == 0) {
+			connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addPane()));
+			connect(this, SIGNAL(canAddPane(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+			m_paneActions[action] = PaneConfiguration(type);
+		    } else {
+			connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addLayer()));
+			connect(this, SIGNAL(canAddLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+			m_layerActions[action] = type;
+		    }
+		    menu->addAction(action);
+		} else {
+		    QString actionText;
+		    if (c == 0) 
+			if (mono) actionText = tr("&All Channels Mixed");
+			else actionText = tr("&All Channels");
+		    else actionText = tr("Channel &%1").arg(c);
+		    if (!submenu) {
+			submenu = menu->addMenu(mainText);
+		    }
+		    action = new QAction(icon, actionText, this);
+		    if (isDefault) action->setShortcut(shortcutText);
+		    action->setStatusTip(tipText);
+		    if (menuType == 0) {
+			connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addPane()));
+			connect(this, SIGNAL(canAddPane(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+			m_paneActions[action] = PaneConfiguration(type, c - 1);
+		    } else {
+			connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addLayer()));
+			connect(this, SIGNAL(canAddLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+			m_layerActions[action] = type;
+		    }
+		    submenu->addAction(action);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    menu = m_paneMenu;
+    menu->addSeparator();
+    action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/editdelete.png"), tr("&Delete Pane"), this);
+    action->setShortcut(tr("Alt+D"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Delete the currently selected pane"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteCurrentPane()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canDeleteCurrentPane(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    menu->addAction(action);
+    menu = m_layerMenu;
+    action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/timeruler.png"), tr("Add &Time Ruler"), this);
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Add a new layer showing a time ruler"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addLayer()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canAddLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    m_layerActions[action] = LayerFactory::TimeRuler;
+    menu->addAction(action);
+    menu->addSeparator();
+    m_existingLayersMenu = menu->addMenu(tr("Add &Existing Layer"));
+    m_rightButtonLayerMenu->addMenu(m_existingLayersMenu);
+    setupExistingLayersMenu();
+    m_rightButtonLayerMenu->addSeparator();
+    menu->addSeparator();
+    action = new QAction(tr("&Rename Layer..."), this);
+    action->setShortcut(tr("Alt+R"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Rename the currently active layer"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(renameCurrentLayer()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canRenameLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    menu->addAction(action);
+    m_rightButtonLayerMenu->addAction(action);
+    action = new QAction(QIcon(":/icons/editdelete.png"), tr("&Delete Layer"), this);
+    action->setShortcut(tr("Alt+Shift+D"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Delete the currently active layer"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteCurrentLayer()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canDeleteCurrentLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    menu->addAction(action);
+    m_rightButtonLayerMenu->addAction(action);
+    if (!m_mainMenusCreated) {
+	menu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Help"));
+	action = new QAction(tr("&Help Reference"), this); 
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Open the Sonic Visualiser reference manual")); 
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(help()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("Sonic Visualiser on the &Web"), this); 
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Open the Sonic Visualiser website")); 
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(website()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("&About Sonic Visualiser"), this); 
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Show information about Sonic Visualiser")); 
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(about()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+	action = new QAction(tr("About &Qt"), this);
+	action->setStatusTip(tr("Show information about Qt"));
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()),
+		QApplication::getInstance(), SLOT(aboutQt()));
+	menu->addAction(action);
+    }
+    m_mainMenusCreated = true;
+    m_recentFilesMenu->clear();
+    std::vector<QString> files = RecentFiles::getInstance()->getRecentFiles();
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
+	QAction *action = new QAction(files[i], this);
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openRecentFile()));
+	m_recentFilesMenu->addAction(action);
+    }
+    if (!m_existingLayersMenu) return; // should have been created by setupMenus
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::setupExistingLayersMenu" << std::endl;
+    m_existingLayersMenu->clear();
+    m_existingLayerActions.clear();
+    std::vector<Layer *> orderedLayers;
+    std::set<Layer *> observedLayers;
+    for (int i = 0; i < m_paneStack->getPaneCount(); ++i) {
+	Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getPane(i);
+	if (!pane) continue;
+	for (int j = 0; j < pane->getLayerCount(); ++j) {
+	    Layer *layer = pane->getLayer(j);
+	    if (!layer) continue;
+	    if (observedLayers.find(layer) != observedLayers.end()) {
+		std::cerr << "found duplicate layer " << layer << std::endl;
+		continue;
+	    }
+//	    std::cerr << "found new layer " << layer << " (name = " 
+//		      << layer->getLayerPresentationName().toStdString() << ")" << std::endl;
+	    orderedLayers.push_back(layer);
+	    observedLayers.insert(layer);
+	}
+    }
+    std::map<QString, int> observedNames;
+    for (int i = 0; i < orderedLayers.size(); ++i) {
+	QString name = orderedLayers[i]->getLayerPresentationName();
+	int n = ++observedNames[name];
+	if (n > 1) name = QString("%1 <%2>").arg(name).arg(n);
+	QAction *action = new QAction(name, this);
+	connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addLayer()));
+	connect(this, SIGNAL(canAddLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+	m_existingLayerActions[action] = orderedLayers[i];
+	m_existingLayersMenu->addAction(action);
+    }
+    QToolBar *toolbar = addToolBar(tr("Transport Toolbar"));
+    QAction *action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/rewind-start.png"),
+					 tr("Rewind to Start"));
+    action->setShortcut(tr("Home"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Rewind to the start"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(rewindStart()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canPlay(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/rewind.png"),
+				tr("Rewind"));
+    action->setShortcut(tr("PageUp"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Rewind to the previous time instant in the current layer"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(rewind()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canRewind(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/playpause.png"),
+				tr("Play / Pause"));
+    action->setCheckable(true);
+    action->setShortcut(tr("Space"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Start or stop playback from the current position"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(play()));
+    connect(m_playSource, SIGNAL(playStatusChanged(bool)),
+	    action, SLOT(setChecked(bool)));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canPlay(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/ffwd.png"),
+				tr("Fast Forward"));
+    action->setShortcut(tr("PageDown"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Fast forward to the next time instant in the current layer"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ffwd()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canFfwd(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/ffwd-end.png"),
+				tr("Fast Forward to End"));
+    action->setShortcut(tr("End"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Fast-forward to the end"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ffwdEnd()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canPlay(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    toolbar = addToolBar(tr("Play Mode Toolbar"));
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/playselection.png"),
+				tr("Constrain Playback to Selection"));
+    action->setCheckable(true);
+    action->setChecked(m_viewManager->getPlaySelectionMode());
+    action->setShortcut(tr("s"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Constrain playback to the selected area"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(playSelectionToggled()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canPlaySelection(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/playloop.png"),
+				tr("Loop Playback"));
+    action->setCheckable(true);
+    action->setChecked(m_viewManager->getPlayLoopMode());
+    action->setShortcut(tr("l"));
+    action->setStatusTip(tr("Loop playback"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(playLoopToggled()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canPlay(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    toolbar = addToolBar(tr("Edit Toolbar"));
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->registerToolbar(toolbar);
+    toolbar = addToolBar(tr("Tools Toolbar"));
+    QActionGroup *group = new QActionGroup(this);
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/navigate.png"),
+				tr("Navigate"));
+    action->setCheckable(true);
+    action->setChecked(true);
+    action->setShortcut(tr("1"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toolNavigateSelected()));
+    group->addAction(action);
+    m_toolActions[ViewManager::NavigateMode] = action;
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/select.png"),
+				tr("Select"));
+    action->setCheckable(true);
+    action->setShortcut(tr("2"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toolSelectSelected()));
+    group->addAction(action);
+    m_toolActions[ViewManager::SelectMode] = action;
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/move.png"),
+				tr("Edit"));
+    action->setCheckable(true);
+    action->setShortcut(tr("3"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toolEditSelected()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canEditLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    group->addAction(action);
+    m_toolActions[ViewManager::EditMode] = action;
+    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/draw.png"),
+				tr("Draw"));
+    action->setCheckable(true);
+    action->setShortcut(tr("4"));
+    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toolDrawSelected()));
+    connect(this, SIGNAL(canEditLayer(bool)), action, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    group->addAction(action);
+    m_toolActions[ViewManager::DrawMode] = action;
+//    action = toolbar->addAction(QIcon(":/icons/text.png"),
+//				tr("Text"));
+//    action->setCheckable(true);
+//    action->setShortcut(tr("5"));
+//    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(toolTextSelected()));
+//    group->addAction(action);
+//    m_toolActions[ViewManager::TextMode] = action;
+    toolNavigateSelected();
+    bool haveCurrentPane =
+	(m_paneStack &&
+	 (m_paneStack->getCurrentPane() != 0));
+    bool haveCurrentLayer =
+	(haveCurrentPane &&
+	 (m_paneStack->getCurrentPane()->getSelectedLayer()));
+    bool haveMainModel =
+	(getMainModel() != 0);
+    bool havePlayTarget =
+	(m_playTarget != 0);
+    bool haveSelection = 
+	(m_viewManager &&
+	 !m_viewManager->getSelections().empty());
+    bool haveCurrentEditableLayer =
+	(haveCurrentLayer &&
+	 m_paneStack->getCurrentPane()->getSelectedLayer()->
+	 isLayerEditable());
+    bool haveCurrentTimeInstantsLayer = 
+	(haveCurrentLayer &&
+	 dynamic_cast<TimeInstantLayer *>
+	 (m_paneStack->getCurrentPane()->getSelectedLayer()));
+    bool haveCurrentTimeValueLayer = 
+	(haveCurrentLayer &&
+	 dynamic_cast<TimeValueLayer *>
+	 (m_paneStack->getCurrentPane()->getSelectedLayer()));
+    bool haveCurrentColour3DPlot =
+        (haveCurrentLayer &&
+         dynamic_cast<Colour3DPlotLayer *>
+         (m_paneStack->getCurrentPane()->getSelectedLayer()));
+    bool haveClipboardContents =
+        (m_viewManager &&
+         !m_viewManager->getClipboard().empty());
+    emit canAddPane(haveMainModel);
+    emit canDeleteCurrentPane(haveCurrentPane);
+    emit canZoom(haveMainModel && haveCurrentPane);
+    emit canScroll(haveMainModel && haveCurrentPane);
+    emit canAddLayer(haveMainModel && haveCurrentPane);
+    emit canImportMoreAudio(haveMainModel);
+    emit canImportLayer(haveMainModel && haveCurrentPane);
+    emit canExportAudio(haveMainModel);
+    emit canExportLayer(haveMainModel &&
+                        (haveCurrentEditableLayer || haveCurrentColour3DPlot));
+    emit canDeleteCurrentLayer(haveCurrentLayer);
+    emit canRenameLayer(haveCurrentLayer);
+    emit canEditLayer(haveCurrentEditableLayer);
+    emit canSelect(haveMainModel && haveCurrentPane);
+    emit canPlay(/*!!! haveMainModel && */ havePlayTarget);
+    emit canFfwd(haveCurrentTimeInstantsLayer || haveCurrentTimeValueLayer);
+    emit canRewind(haveCurrentTimeInstantsLayer || haveCurrentTimeValueLayer);
+    emit canPaste(haveCurrentEditableLayer && haveClipboardContents);
+    emit canInsertInstant(haveCurrentPane);
+    emit canPlaySelection(haveMainModel && havePlayTarget && haveSelection);
+    emit canClearSelection(haveSelection);
+    emit canEditSelection(haveSelection && haveCurrentEditableLayer);
+    emit canSave(m_sessionFile != "" && m_documentModified);
+    if (!getMainModel()) {
+	m_descriptionLabel->setText(tr("No audio file loaded."));
+	return;
+    }
+    QString description;
+    size_t ssr = getMainModel()->getSampleRate();
+    size_t tsr = ssr;
+    if (m_playSource) tsr = m_playSource->getTargetSampleRate();
+    if (ssr != tsr) {
+	description = tr("%1Hz (resampling to %2Hz)").arg(ssr).arg(tsr);
+    } else {
+	description = QString("%1Hz").arg(ssr);
+    }
+    description = QString("%1 - %2")
+	.arg(RealTime::frame2RealTime(getMainModel()->getEndFrame(), ssr)
+	     .toText(false).c_str())
+	.arg(description);
+    m_descriptionLabel->setText(description);
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::documentModified" << std::endl;
+    if (!m_documentModified) {
+	setWindowTitle(tr("%1 (modified)").arg(windowTitle()));
+    }
+    m_documentModified = true;
+    updateMenuStates();
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::documentRestored" << std::endl;
+    if (m_documentModified) {
+	QString wt(windowTitle());
+	wt.replace(tr(" (modified)"), "");
+	setWindowTitle(wt);
+    }
+    m_documentModified = false;
+    updateMenuStates();
+    QAction *action = dynamic_cast<QAction *>(sender());
+    if (action) {
+	m_viewManager->setPlayLoopMode(action->isChecked());
+    } else {
+	m_viewManager->setPlayLoopMode(!m_viewManager->getPlayLoopMode());
+    }
+    QAction *action = dynamic_cast<QAction *>(sender());
+    if (action) {
+	m_viewManager->setPlaySelectionMode(action->isChecked());
+    } else {
+	m_viewManager->setPlaySelectionMode(!m_viewManager->getPlaySelectionMode());
+    }
+MainWindow::currentPaneChanged(Pane *)
+    updateMenuStates();
+MainWindow::currentLayerChanged(Pane *, Layer *)
+    updateMenuStates();
+    m_viewManager->setToolMode(ViewManager::NavigateMode);
+    m_viewManager->setToolMode(ViewManager::SelectMode);
+    m_viewManager->setToolMode(ViewManager::EditMode);
+    m_viewManager->setToolMode(ViewManager::DrawMode);
+//    m_viewManager->setToolMode(ViewManager::TextMode);
+    if (!getMainModel()) return;
+    m_viewManager->setSelection(Selection(getMainModel()->getStartFrame(),
+					  getMainModel()->getEndFrame()));
+    if (!getMainModel()) return;
+    m_viewManager->setSelection(Selection(getMainModel()->getStartFrame(),
+					  m_viewManager->getGlobalCentreFrame()));
+    if (!getMainModel()) return;
+    m_viewManager->setSelection(Selection(m_viewManager->getGlobalCentreFrame(),
+					  getMainModel()->getEndFrame()));
+    Model *model = getMainModel();
+    if (!model) return;
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!currentPane) return;
+    size_t startFrame, endFrame;
+    if (currentPane->getStartFrame() < 0) startFrame = 0;
+    else startFrame = currentPane->getStartFrame();
+    if (currentPane->getEndFrame() > model->getEndFrame()) endFrame = model->getEndFrame();
+    else endFrame = currentPane->getEndFrame();
+    m_viewManager->setSelection(Selection(startFrame, endFrame));
+    m_viewManager->clearSelections();
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!currentPane) return;
+    Layer *layer = currentPane->getSelectedLayer();
+    if (!layer) return;
+    Clipboard &clipboard = m_viewManager->getClipboard();
+    clipboard.clear();
+    MultiSelection::SelectionList selections = m_viewManager->getSelections();
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->startCompoundOperation(tr("Cut"), true);
+    for (MultiSelection::SelectionList::iterator i = selections.begin();
+         i != selections.end(); ++i) {
+        layer->copy(*i, clipboard);
+        layer->deleteSelection(*i);
+    }
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->endCompoundOperation();
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!currentPane) return;
+    Layer *layer = currentPane->getSelectedLayer();
+    if (!layer) return;
+    Clipboard &clipboard = m_viewManager->getClipboard();
+    clipboard.clear();
+    MultiSelection::SelectionList selections = m_viewManager->getSelections();
+    for (MultiSelection::SelectionList::iterator i = selections.begin();
+         i != selections.end(); ++i) {
+        layer->copy(*i, clipboard);
+    }
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!currentPane) return;
+    //!!! if we have no current layer, we should create one of the most
+    // appropriate type
+    Layer *layer = currentPane->getSelectedLayer();
+    if (!layer) return;
+    Clipboard &clipboard = m_viewManager->getClipboard();
+    Clipboard::PointList contents = clipboard.getPoints();
+    long minFrame = 0;
+    bool have = false;
+    for (int i = 0; i < contents.size(); ++i) {
+        if (!contents[i].haveFrame()) continue;
+        if (!have || contents[i].getFrame() < minFrame) {
+            minFrame = contents[i].getFrame();
+            have = true;
+        }
+    }
+    long frameOffset = long(m_viewManager->getGlobalCentreFrame()) - minFrame;
+    layer->paste(clipboard, frameOffset);
+    layer->paste(clipboard, 0, true);
+    if (m_paneStack->getCurrentPane() &&
+	m_paneStack->getCurrentPane()->getSelectedLayer()) {
+	MultiSelection::SelectionList selections =
+	    m_viewManager->getSelections();
+	for (MultiSelection::SelectionList::iterator i = selections.begin();
+	     i != selections.end(); ++i) {
+	    m_paneStack->getCurrentPane()->getSelectedLayer()->deleteSelection(*i);
+	}
+    }
+    int frame = m_viewManager->getPlaybackFrame();
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!pane) {
+        return;
+    }
+    Layer *layer = dynamic_cast<TimeInstantLayer *>
+        (pane->getSelectedLayer());
+    if (!layer) {
+        for (int i = pane->getLayerCount(); i > 0; --i) {
+            layer = dynamic_cast<TimeInstantLayer *>(pane->getLayer(i - 1));
+            if (layer) break;
+        }
+        if (!layer) {
+            CommandHistory::getInstance()->startCompoundOperation
+                (tr("Add Point"), true);
+            layer = m_document->createEmptyLayer(LayerFactory::TimeInstants);
+            if (layer) {
+                m_document->addLayerToView(pane, layer);
+                m_paneStack->setCurrentLayer(pane, layer);
+            }
+            CommandHistory::getInstance()->endCompoundOperation();
+        }
+    }
+    if (layer) {
+        Model *model = layer->getModel();
+        SparseOneDimensionalModel *sodm = dynamic_cast<SparseOneDimensionalModel *>
+            (model);
+        if (sodm) {
+            SparseOneDimensionalModel::Point point
+                (frame, QString("%1").arg(sodm->getPointCount() + 1));
+            CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand
+                (new SparseOneDimensionalModel::AddPointCommand(sodm, point,
+                                                                tr("Add Points")),
+                 true, true); // bundled
+        }
+    }
+    QString orig = m_audioFile;
+//    std::cerr << "orig = " << orig.toStdString() << std::endl;
+    if (orig == "") orig = ".";
+    QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName
+	(this, tr("Select an audio file"), orig,
+	 tr("Audio files (%1)\nAll files (*.*)")
+	 .arg(AudioFileReaderFactory::getKnownExtensions()));
+    if (path != "") {
+	if (!openAudioFile(path, ReplaceMainModel)) {
+	    QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+				  tr("Audio file \"%1\" could not be opened").arg(path));
+	}
+    }
+    QString orig = m_audioFile;
+//    std::cerr << "orig = " << orig.toStdString() << std::endl;
+    if (orig == "") orig = ".";
+    QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName
+	(this, tr("Select an audio file"), orig,
+	 tr("Audio files (%1)\nAll files (*.*)")
+	 .arg(AudioFileReaderFactory::getKnownExtensions()));
+    if (path != "") {
+	if (!openAudioFile(path, CreateAdditionalModel)) {
+	    QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+				  tr("Audio file \"%1\" could not be opened").arg(path));
+	}
+    }
+    if (!getMainModel()) return;
+    QString path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName
+	(this, tr("Select a file to export to"), ".",
+	 tr("WAV audio files (*.wav)\nAll files (*.*)"));
+    if (path == "") return;
+    if (!path.endsWith(".wav")) path = path + ".wav";
+    bool ok = false;
+    QString error;
+    WavFileWriter *writer = 0;
+    MultiSelection ms = m_viewManager->getSelection();
+    MultiSelection::SelectionList selections = m_viewManager->getSelections();
+    bool multiple = false;
+    if (selections.empty()) {
+	writer = new WavFileWriter(path, getMainModel()->getSampleRate(),
+				   getMainModel(), 0);
+    } else if (selections.size() == 1) {
+	QStringList items;
+	items << tr("Export the selected region only")
+	      << tr("Export the whole audio file");
+	bool ok = false;
+	QString item = ListInputDialog::getItem
+	    (this, tr("Select region to export"),
+	     tr("Which region from the original audio file do you want to export?"),
+	     items, 0, &ok);
+	if (!ok || item.isEmpty()) return;
+	if (item == items[0]) {
+	    writer = new WavFileWriter(path, getMainModel()->getSampleRate(),
+				       getMainModel(), &ms);
+	} else {
+	    writer = new WavFileWriter(path, getMainModel()->getSampleRate(),
+				       getMainModel(), 0);
+	}
+    } else {
+	QStringList items;
+	items << tr("Export the selected regions into a single audio file")
+	      << tr("Export the selected regions into separate files")
+	      << tr("Export the whole audio file");
+	bool ok = false;
+	QString item = ListInputDialog::getItem
+	    (this, tr("Select region to export"),
+	     tr("Multiple regions of the original audio file are selected.\nWhat do you want to export?"),
+	     items, 0, &ok);
+	if (!ok || item.isEmpty()) return;
+	if (item == items[0]) {
+	    writer = new WavFileWriter(path, getMainModel()->getSampleRate(),
+				       getMainModel(), &ms);
+	} else if (item == items[2]) {
+	    writer = new WavFileWriter(path, getMainModel()->getSampleRate(),
+				       getMainModel(), 0);
+	} else {
+            multiple = true;
+	    int n = 1;
+	    QString base = path;
+	    base.replace(".wav", "");
+	    for (MultiSelection::SelectionList::iterator i = selections.begin();
+		 i != selections.end(); ++i) {
+		MultiSelection subms;
+		subms.setSelection(*i);
+		QString subpath = QString("%1.%2.wav").arg(base).arg(n);
+		++n;
+		if (QFileInfo(subpath).exists()) {
+		    error = tr("Fragment file %1 already exists, aborting").arg(subpath);
+		    break;
+		}
+		WavFileWriter subwriter(subpath, getMainModel()->getSampleRate(),
+					getMainModel(), &subms);
+		subwriter.write();
+		ok = subwriter.isOK();
+		if (!ok) {
+		    error = subwriter.getError();
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (writer) {
+	writer->write();
+	ok = writer->isOK();
+	error = writer->getError();
+	delete writer;
+    }
+    if (ok) {
+        if (!multiple) {
+            RecentFiles::getInstance()->addFile(path);
+        }
+    } else {
+	QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to write file"), error);
+    }
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!pane) {
+	// shouldn't happen, as the menu action should have been disabled
+	std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::importLayer: no current pane" << std::endl;
+	return;
+    }
+    if (!getMainModel()) {
+	// shouldn't happen, as the menu action should have been disabled
+	std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::importLayer: No main model -- hence no default sample rate available" << std::endl;
+	return;
+    }
+    QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName
+	(this, tr("Select file"), ".",
+	 tr("All supported files (%1)\nSonic Visualiser Layer XML files (*.svl)\nComma-separated data files (*.csv)\nSpace-separated .lab files (*.lab)\nMIDI files (*.mid)\nText files (*.txt)\nAll files (*.*)").arg(DataFileReaderFactory::getKnownExtensions()));
+    if (path != "") {
+        if (!openLayerFile(path)) {
+            QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+                                  tr("File %1 could not be opened.").arg(path));
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+MainWindow::openLayerFile(QString path)
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!pane) {
+	// shouldn't happen, as the menu action should have been disabled
+	std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::openLayerFile: no current pane" << std::endl;
+	return false;
+    }
+    if (!getMainModel()) {
+	// shouldn't happen, as the menu action should have been disabled
+	std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::openLayerFile: No main model -- hence no default sample rate available" << std::endl;
+	return false;
+    }
+    if (path.endsWith(".svl") || path.endsWith(".xml")) {
+        PaneCallback callback(this);
+        QFile file(path);
+        if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
+            std::cerr << "ERROR: MainWindow::openLayerFile("
+                      << path.toStdString()
+                      << "): Failed to open file for reading" << std::endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        SVFileReader reader(m_document, callback);
+        reader.setCurrentPane(pane);
+        QXmlInputSource inputSource(&file);
+        reader.parse(inputSource);
+        if (!reader.isOK()) {
+            std::cerr << "ERROR: MainWindow::openLayerFile("
+                      << path.toStdString()
+                      << "): Failed to read XML file: "
+                      << reader.getErrorString().toStdString() << std::endl;
+            return false;
+        }
+        RecentFiles::getInstance()->addFile(path);
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        Model *model = DataFileReaderFactory::load(path, getMainModel()->getSampleRate());
+        if (model) {
+            Layer *newLayer = m_document->createImportedLayer(model);
+            if (newLayer) {
+                m_document->addLayerToView(pane, newLayer);
+                RecentFiles::getInstance()->addFile(path);
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!pane) return;
+    Layer *layer = pane->getSelectedLayer();
+    if (!layer) return;
+    Model *model = layer->getModel();
+    if (!model) return;
+    QString path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName
+	(this, tr("Select a file to export to"), ".",
+	 tr("Sonic Visualiser Layer XML files (*.svl)\nComma-separated data files (*.csv)\nText files (*.txt)\nAll files (*.*)"));
+    if (path == "") return;
+    if (QFileInfo(path).suffix() == "") path += ".svl";
+    QString error;
+    if (path.endsWith(".xml") || path.endsWith(".svl")) {
+        QFile file(path);
+        if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
+            error = tr("Failed to open file %1 for writing").arg(path);
+        } else {
+            QTextStream out(&file);
+            out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+                << "<!DOCTYPE sonic-visualiser>\n"
+                << "<sv>\n"
+                << "  <data>\n";
+            model->toXml(out, "    ");
+            out << "  </data>\n"
+                << "  <display>\n";
+            layer->toXml(out, "    ");
+            out << "  </display>\n"
+                << "</sv>\n";
+        }
+    } else {
+        CSVFileWriter writer(path, model,
+                             (path.endsWith(".csv") ? "," : "\t"));
+        writer.write();
+        if (!writer.isOK()) {
+            error = writer.getError();
+        }
+    }
+    if (error != "") {
+        QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to write file"), error);
+    } else {
+        RecentFiles::getInstance()->addFile(path);
+    }
+MainWindow::openAudioFile(QString path, AudioFileOpenMode mode)
+    if (!(QFileInfo(path).exists() &&
+	  QFileInfo(path).isFile() &&
+	  QFileInfo(path).isReadable())) {
+	return false;
+    }
+    WaveFileModel *newModel = new WaveFileModel(path);
+    if (!newModel->isOK()) {
+	delete newModel;
+	return false;
+    }
+    bool setAsMain = true;
+    static bool prevSetAsMain = true;
+    if (mode == CreateAdditionalModel) setAsMain = false;
+    else if (mode == AskUser) {
+        if (m_document->getMainModel()) {
+            QStringList items;
+            items << tr("Replace the existing main waveform")
+                  << tr("Load this file into a new waveform pane");
+            bool ok = false;
+            QString item = ListInputDialog::getItem
+                (this, tr("Select target for import"),
+                 tr("You already have an audio waveform loaded.\nWhat would you like to do with the new audio file?"),
+                 items, prevSetAsMain ? 0 : 1, &ok);
+            if (!ok || item.isEmpty()) {
+                delete newModel;
+                return false;
+            }
+            setAsMain = (item == items[0]);
+            prevSetAsMain = setAsMain;
+        }
+    }
+    if (setAsMain) {
+        Model *prevMain = getMainModel();
+        if (prevMain) m_playSource->removeModel(prevMain);
+	PlayParameterRepository::getInstance()->clear();
+	// The clear() call will have removed the parameters for the
+	// main model.  Re-add them with the new one.
+	PlayParameterRepository::getInstance()->addModel(newModel);
+	m_document->setMainModel(newModel);
+	setupMenus();
+	if (m_sessionFile == "") {
+	    setWindowTitle(tr("Sonic Visualiser: %1")
+			   .arg(QFileInfo(path).fileName()));
+	    CommandHistory::getInstance()->clear();
+	    CommandHistory::getInstance()->documentSaved();
+	    m_documentModified = false;
+	} else {
+	    setWindowTitle(tr("Sonic Visualiser: %1 [%2]")
+			   .arg(QFileInfo(m_sessionFile).fileName())
+			   .arg(QFileInfo(path).fileName()));
+	    if (m_documentModified) {
+		m_documentModified = false;
+		documentModified(); // so as to restore "(modified)" window title
+	    }
+	}
+	m_audioFile = path;
+    } else { // !setAsMain
+	CommandHistory::getInstance()->startCompoundOperation
+	    (tr("Import \"%1\"").arg(QFileInfo(path).fileName()), true);
+	m_document->addImportedModel(newModel);
+	AddPaneCommand *command = new AddPaneCommand(this);
+	CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command);
+	Pane *pane = command->getPane();
+	if (!m_timeRulerLayer) {
+	    m_timeRulerLayer = m_document->createMainModelLayer
+		(LayerFactory::TimeRuler);
+	}
+	m_document->addLayerToView(pane, m_timeRulerLayer);
+	Layer *newLayer = m_document->createImportedLayer(newModel);
+	if (newLayer) {
+	    m_document->addLayerToView(pane, newLayer);
+	}
+	CommandHistory::getInstance()->endCompoundOperation();
+    }
+    updateMenuStates();
+    RecentFiles::getInstance()->addFile(path);
+    return true;
+    if (m_playTarget) return;
+    m_playTarget = AudioTargetFactory::createCallbackTarget(m_playSource);
+    if (!m_playTarget) {
+	QMessageBox::warning
+	    (this, tr("Couldn't open audio device"),
+	     tr("Could not open an audio device for playback.\nAudio playback will not be available during this session.\n"),
+	     QMessageBox::Ok, 0);
+    }
+    connect(m_fader, SIGNAL(valueChanged(float)),
+	    m_playTarget, SLOT(setOutputGain(float)));
+WaveFileModel *
+    if (!m_document) return 0;
+    return m_document->getMainModel();
+    if (!checkSaveModified()) return;
+    closeSession();
+    createDocument();
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->addPane();
+    if (!m_timeRulerLayer) {
+	m_timeRulerLayer = m_document->createMainModelLayer
+	    (LayerFactory::TimeRuler);
+    }
+    m_document->addLayerToView(pane, m_timeRulerLayer);
+    Layer *waveform = m_document->createMainModelLayer(LayerFactory::Waveform);
+    m_document->addLayerToView(pane, waveform);
+    m_panner->registerView(pane);
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->clear();
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->documentSaved();
+    documentRestored();
+    updateMenuStates();
+    m_document = new Document;
+    connect(m_document, SIGNAL(layerAdded(Layer *)),
+	    this, SLOT(layerAdded(Layer *)));
+    connect(m_document, SIGNAL(layerRemoved(Layer *)),
+	    this, SLOT(layerRemoved(Layer *)));
+    connect(m_document, SIGNAL(layerAboutToBeDeleted(Layer *)),
+	    this, SLOT(layerAboutToBeDeleted(Layer *)));
+    connect(m_document, SIGNAL(layerInAView(Layer *, bool)),
+	    this, SLOT(layerInAView(Layer *, bool)));
+    connect(m_document, SIGNAL(modelAdded(Model *)),
+	    this, SLOT(modelAdded(Model *)));
+    connect(m_document, SIGNAL(mainModelChanged(WaveFileModel *)),
+	    this, SLOT(mainModelChanged(WaveFileModel *)));
+    connect(m_document, SIGNAL(modelAboutToBeDeleted(Model *)),
+	    this, SLOT(modelAboutToBeDeleted(Model *)));
+    connect(m_document, SIGNAL(modelGenerationFailed(QString)),
+            this, SLOT(modelGenerationFailed(QString)));
+    connect(m_document, SIGNAL(modelRegenerationFailed(QString)),
+            this, SLOT(modelRegenerationFailed(QString)));
+    if (!checkSaveModified()) return;
+    while (m_paneStack->getPaneCount() > 0) {
+	Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getPane(m_paneStack->getPaneCount() - 1);
+	while (pane->getLayerCount() > 0) {
+	    m_document->removeLayerFromView
+		(pane, pane->getLayer(pane->getLayerCount() - 1));
+	}
+	m_panner->unregisterView(pane);
+	m_paneStack->deletePane(pane);
+    }
+    while (m_paneStack->getHiddenPaneCount() > 0) {
+	Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getHiddenPane
+	    (m_paneStack->getHiddenPaneCount() - 1);
+	while (pane->getLayerCount() > 0) {
+	    m_document->removeLayerFromView
+		(pane, pane->getLayer(pane->getLayerCount() - 1));
+	}
+	m_panner->unregisterView(pane);
+	m_paneStack->deletePane(pane);
+    }
+    delete m_document;
+    m_document = 0;
+    m_viewManager->clearSelections();
+    m_timeRulerLayer = 0; // document owned this
+    m_sessionFile = "";
+    setWindowTitle(tr("Sonic Visualiser"));
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->clear();
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->documentSaved();
+    documentRestored();
+    if (!checkSaveModified()) return;
+    QString orig = m_audioFile;
+    if (orig == "") orig = ".";
+    else orig = QFileInfo(orig).absoluteDir().canonicalPath();
+    QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName
+	(this, tr("Select a session file"), orig,
+	 tr("Sonic Visualiser session files (*.sv)\nAll files (*.*)"));
+    if (path.isEmpty()) return;
+    if (!(QFileInfo(path).exists() &&
+	  QFileInfo(path).isFile() &&
+	  QFileInfo(path).isReadable())) {
+	QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+			      tr("File \"%1\" does not exist or is not a readable file").arg(path));
+	return;
+    }
+    if (!openSessionFile(path)) {
+	QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+			      tr("Session file \"%1\" could not be opened").arg(path));
+    }
+    QString orig = m_audioFile;
+    if (orig == "") orig = ".";
+    else orig = QFileInfo(orig).absoluteDir().canonicalPath();
+    bool canImportLayer = (getMainModel() != 0 &&
+                           m_paneStack != 0 &&
+                           m_paneStack->getCurrentPane() != 0);
+    QString importSpec;
+    if (canImportLayer) {
+        importSpec = tr("All supported files (*.sv %1 %2)\nSonic Visualiser session files (*.sv)\nAudio files (%1)\nLayer files (%2)\nAll files (*.*)")
+            .arg(AudioFileReaderFactory::getKnownExtensions())
+            .arg(DataFileReaderFactory::getKnownExtensions());
+    } else {
+        importSpec = tr("All supported files (*.sv %1)\nSonic Visualiser session files (*.sv)\nAudio files (%1)\nAll files (*.*)")
+            .arg(AudioFileReaderFactory::getKnownExtensions());
+    }
+    QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName
+	(this, tr("Select a file to open"), orig, importSpec);
+    if (path.isEmpty()) return;
+    if (!(QFileInfo(path).exists() &&
+	  QFileInfo(path).isFile() &&
+	  QFileInfo(path).isReadable())) {
+	QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+			      tr("File \"%1\" does not exist or is not a readable file").arg(path));
+	return;
+    }
+    if (path.endsWith(".sv")) {
+        if (!checkSaveModified()) return;
+        if (!openSessionFile(path)) {
+            QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+                                  tr("Session file \"%1\" could not be opened").arg(path));
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (!openAudioFile(path, AskUser)) {
+            if (!canImportLayer || !openLayerFile(path)) {
+                QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+                                      tr("File \"%1\" could not be opened").arg(path));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    QObject *obj = sender();
+    QAction *action = dynamic_cast<QAction *>(obj);
+    if (!action) {
+	std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::openRecentFile: sender is not an action"
+		  << std::endl;
+	return;
+    }
+    QString path = action->text();
+    if (path == "") return;
+    if (path.endsWith("sv")) {
+        if (!checkSaveModified()) return ;
+        if (!openSessionFile(path)) {
+            QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+                                  tr("Session file \"%1\" could not be opened").arg(path));
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (!openAudioFile(path, AskUser)) {
+            bool canImportLayer = (getMainModel() != 0 &&
+                                   m_paneStack != 0 &&
+                                   m_paneStack->getCurrentPane() != 0);
+            if (!canImportLayer || !openLayerFile(path)) {
+                QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to open file"),
+                                      tr("File \"%1\" could not be opened").arg(path));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+MainWindow::openSomeFile(QString path)
+    if (openAudioFile(path)) {
+	return true;
+    } else if (openSessionFile(path)) {
+	return true;
+    } else {
+	return false;
+    }
+MainWindow::openSessionFile(QString path)
+    BZipFileDevice bzFile(path);
+    if (!bzFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
+        std::cerr << "Failed to open session file \"" << path.toStdString()
+                  << "\": " << bzFile.errorString().toStdString() << std::endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    QString error;
+    closeSession();
+    createDocument();
+    PaneCallback callback(this);
+    m_viewManager->clearSelections();
+    SVFileReader reader(m_document, callback);
+    QXmlInputSource inputSource(&bzFile);
+    reader.parse(inputSource);
+    if (!reader.isOK()) {
+        error = tr("SV XML file read error:\n%1").arg(reader.getErrorString());
+    }
+    bzFile.close();
+    bool ok = (error == "");
+    if (ok) {
+	setWindowTitle(tr("Sonic Visualiser: %1")
+		       .arg(QFileInfo(path).fileName()));
+	m_sessionFile = path;
+	setupMenus();
+	CommandHistory::getInstance()->clear();
+	CommandHistory::getInstance()->documentSaved();
+	m_documentModified = false;
+	updateMenuStates();
+        RecentFiles::getInstance()->addFile(path);
+    } else {
+	setWindowTitle(tr("Sonic Visualiser"));
+    }
+    return ok;
+MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e)
+    if (!checkSaveModified()) {
+	e->ignore();
+	return;
+    }
+    e->accept();
+    return;
+    // Called before some destructive operation (e.g. new session,
+    // exit program).  Return true if we can safely proceed, false to
+    // cancel.
+    if (!m_documentModified) return true;
+    int button = 
+	QMessageBox::warning(this,
+			     tr("Session modified"),
+			     tr("The current session has been modified.\nDo you want to save it?"),
+			     QMessageBox::Yes,
+			     QMessageBox::No,
+			     QMessageBox::Cancel);
+    if (button == QMessageBox::Yes) {
+	saveSession();
+	if (m_documentModified) { // save failed -- don't proceed!
+	    return false;
+	} else {
+            return true; // saved, so it's safe to continue now
+        }
+    } else if (button == QMessageBox::No) {
+	m_documentModified = false; // so we know to abandon it
+	return true;
+    }
+    // else cancel
+    return false;
+    if (m_sessionFile != "") {
+	if (!saveSessionFile(m_sessionFile)) {
+	    QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to save file"),
+				  tr("Session file \"%1\" could not be saved.").arg(m_sessionFile));
+	} else {
+	    CommandHistory::getInstance()->documentSaved();
+	    documentRestored();
+	}
+    } else {
+	saveSessionAs();
+    }
+    QString orig = m_audioFile;
+    if (orig == "") orig = ".";
+    else orig = QFileInfo(orig).absoluteDir().canonicalPath();
+    QString path;
+    bool good = false;
+    while (!good) {
+	path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName
+	    (this, tr("Select a file to save to"), orig,
+	     tr("Sonic Visualiser session files (*.sv)\nAll files (*.*)"), 0,
+	     QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite); // we'll do that
+	if (path.isEmpty()) return;
+	if (!path.endsWith(".sv")) path = path + ".sv";
+	QFileInfo fi(path);
+	if (fi.isDir()) {
+	    QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Directory selected"),
+				  tr("File \"%1\" is a directory").arg(path));
+	    continue;
+	}
+	if (fi.exists()) {
+	    if (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("File exists"),
+				      tr("The file \"%1\" already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it?").arg(path),
+				      QMessageBox::Ok,
+				      QMessageBox::Cancel) == QMessageBox::Ok) {
+		good = true;
+	    } else {
+		continue;
+	    }
+	}
+	good = true;
+    }
+    if (!saveSessionFile(path)) {
+	QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to save file"),
+			      tr("Session file \"%1\" could not be saved.").arg(m_sessionFile));
+    } else {
+	setWindowTitle(tr("Sonic Visualiser: %1")
+		       .arg(QFileInfo(path).fileName()));
+	m_sessionFile = path;
+	CommandHistory::getInstance()->documentSaved();
+	documentRestored();
+        RecentFiles::getInstance()->addFile(path);
+    }
+MainWindow::saveSessionFile(QString path)
+    BZipFileDevice bzFile(path);
+    if (!bzFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
+        std::cerr << "Failed to open session file \"" << path.toStdString()
+                  << "\" for writing: "
+                  << bzFile.errorString().toStdString() << std::endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor));
+    QTextStream out(&bzFile);
+    toXml(out);
+    out.flush();
+    QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
+    if (bzFile.errorString() != "") {
+	QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Failed to write file"),
+			      tr("Failed to write to file \"%1\": %2")
+			      .arg(path).arg(bzFile.errorString()));
+        bzFile.close();
+	return false;
+    }
+    bzFile.close();
+    return true;
+MainWindow::toXml(QTextStream &out)
+    QString indent("  ");
+    out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
+    out << "<!DOCTYPE sonic-visualiser>\n";
+    out << "<sv>\n";
+    m_document->toXml(out, "", "");
+    out << "<display>\n";
+    out << QString("  <window width=\"%1\" height=\"%2\"/>\n")
+	.arg(width()).arg(height());
+    for (int i = 0; i < m_paneStack->getPaneCount(); ++i) {
+	Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getPane(i);
+	if (pane) {
+            pane->toXml(out, indent);
+	}
+    }
+    out << "</display>\n";
+    m_viewManager->getSelection().toXml(out);
+    out << "</sv>\n";
+Pane *
+    AddPaneCommand *command = new AddPaneCommand(this);
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command);
+    return command->getPane();
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (currentPane) currentPane->zoom(true);
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (currentPane) currentPane->zoom(false);
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!currentPane) return;
+    Model *model = getMainModel();
+    if (!model) return;
+    size_t start = model->getStartFrame();
+    size_t end = model->getEndFrame();
+    size_t pixels = currentPane->width();
+    size_t zoomLevel = (end - start) / pixels;
+    currentPane->setZoomLevel(zoomLevel);
+    currentPane->setStartFrame(start);
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (currentPane) currentPane->setZoomLevel(1024);
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (currentPane) currentPane->scroll(false, false);
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (currentPane) currentPane->scroll(false, true);
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (currentPane) currentPane->scroll(true, false);
+    Pane *currentPane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (currentPane) currentPane->scroll(true, true);
+    m_viewManager->setOverlayMode(ViewManager::NoOverlays);
+    m_viewManager->setOverlayMode(ViewManager::BasicOverlays);
+    m_viewManager->setOverlayMode(ViewManager::AllOverlays);
+    if (m_playSource->isPlaying()) {
+	m_playSource->stop();
+    } else {
+	m_playSource->play(m_viewManager->getPlaybackFrame());
+    }
+    if (!getMainModel()) return;
+    int frame = m_viewManager->getPlaybackFrame();
+    ++frame;
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!pane) return;
+    Layer *layer = pane->getSelectedLayer();
+    if (!dynamic_cast<TimeInstantLayer *>(layer) &&
+        !dynamic_cast<TimeValueLayer *>(layer)) return;
+    size_t resolution = 0;
+    if (!layer->snapToFeatureFrame(pane, frame, resolution, Layer::SnapRight)) {
+        frame = getMainModel()->getEndFrame();
+    }
+    m_viewManager->setPlaybackFrame(frame);
+    if (!getMainModel()) return;
+    m_viewManager->setPlaybackFrame(getMainModel()->getEndFrame());
+    if (!getMainModel()) return;
+    int frame = m_viewManager->getPlaybackFrame();
+    if (frame > 0) --frame;
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!pane) return;
+    Layer *layer = pane->getSelectedLayer();
+    if (!dynamic_cast<TimeInstantLayer *>(layer) &&
+        !dynamic_cast<TimeValueLayer *>(layer)) return;
+    size_t resolution = 0;
+    if (!layer->snapToFeatureFrame(pane, frame, resolution, Layer::SnapLeft)) {
+        frame = getMainModel()->getEndFrame();
+    }
+    m_viewManager->setPlaybackFrame(frame);
+    if (!getMainModel()) return;
+    m_viewManager->setPlaybackFrame(getMainModel()->getStartFrame());
+    m_playSource->stop();
+    QObject *s = sender();
+    QAction *action = dynamic_cast<QAction *>(s);
+    if (!action) {
+	std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::addPane: sender is not an action"
+		  << std::endl;
+	return;
+    }
+    PaneActionMap::iterator i = m_paneActions.find(action);
+    if (i == m_paneActions.end()) {
+	std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::addPane: unknown action "
+		  << action->objectName().toStdString() << std::endl;
+	return;
+    }
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->startCompoundOperation
+	(action->text(), true);
+    AddPaneCommand *command = new AddPaneCommand(this);
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command);
+    Pane *pane = command->getPane();
+    if (i->second.layer != LayerFactory::TimeRuler) {
+	if (!m_timeRulerLayer) {
+//	    std::cerr << "no time ruler layer, creating one" << std::endl;
+	    m_timeRulerLayer = m_document->createMainModelLayer
+		(LayerFactory::TimeRuler);
+	}
+//	std::cerr << "adding time ruler layer " << m_timeRulerLayer << std::endl;
+	m_document->addLayerToView(pane, m_timeRulerLayer);
+    }
+    Layer *newLayer = m_document->createLayer(i->second.layer);
+    m_document->setModel(newLayer, m_document->getMainModel());
+    m_document->setChannel(newLayer, i->second.channel);
+    m_document->addLayerToView(pane, newLayer);
+    m_paneStack->setCurrentPane(pane);
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->endCompoundOperation();
+    updateMenuStates();
+MainWindow::AddPaneCommand::AddPaneCommand(MainWindow *mw) :
+    m_mw(mw),
+    m_pane(0),
+    m_prevCurrentPane(0),
+    m_added(false)
+    if (m_pane && !m_added) {
+	m_mw->m_paneStack->deletePane(m_pane);
+    }
+MainWindow::AddPaneCommand::getName() const
+    return tr("Add Pane");
+    if (!m_pane) {
+	m_prevCurrentPane = m_mw->m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+	m_pane = m_mw->m_paneStack->addPane();
+    } else {
+	m_mw->m_paneStack->showPane(m_pane);
+    }
+    m_mw->m_paneStack->setCurrentPane(m_pane);
+    m_mw->m_panner->registerView(m_pane);
+    m_added = true;
+    m_mw->m_paneStack->hidePane(m_pane);
+    m_mw->m_paneStack->setCurrentPane(m_prevCurrentPane);
+    m_mw->m_panner->unregisterView(m_pane); 
+    m_added = false;
+MainWindow::RemovePaneCommand::RemovePaneCommand(MainWindow *mw, Pane *pane) :
+    m_mw(mw),
+    m_pane(pane),
+    m_added(true)
+    if (m_pane && !m_added) {
+	m_mw->m_paneStack->deletePane(m_pane);
+    }
+MainWindow::RemovePaneCommand::getName() const
+    return tr("Remove Pane");
+    m_prevCurrentPane = m_mw->m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    m_mw->m_paneStack->hidePane(m_pane);
+    m_mw->m_panner->unregisterView(m_pane);
+    m_added = false;
+    m_mw->m_paneStack->showPane(m_pane);
+    m_mw->m_paneStack->setCurrentPane(m_prevCurrentPane);
+    m_mw->m_panner->registerView(m_pane);
+    m_added = true;
+    QObject *s = sender();
+    QAction *action = dynamic_cast<QAction *>(s);
+    if (!action) {
+	std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::addLayer: sender is not an action"
+		  << std::endl;
+	return;
+    }
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (!pane) {
+	std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::addLayer: no current pane" << std::endl;
+	return;
+    }
+    ExistingLayerActionMap::iterator ei = m_existingLayerActions.find(action);
+    if (ei != m_existingLayerActions.end()) {
+	Layer *newLayer = ei->second;
+	m_document->addLayerToView(pane, newLayer);
+	m_paneStack->setCurrentLayer(pane, newLayer);
+	return;
+    }
+    TransformActionMap::iterator i = m_layerTransformActions.find(action);
+    if (i == m_layerTransformActions.end()) {
+	LayerActionMap::iterator i = m_layerActions.find(action);
+	if (i == m_layerActions.end()) {
+	    std::cerr << "WARNING: MainWindow::addLayer: unknown action "
+		      << action->objectName().toStdString() << std::endl;
+	    return;
+	}
+	LayerFactory::LayerType type = i->second;
+	LayerFactory::LayerTypeSet emptyTypes =
+	    LayerFactory::getInstance()->getValidEmptyLayerTypes();
+	Layer *newLayer;
+	if (emptyTypes.find(type) != emptyTypes.end()) {
+	    newLayer = m_document->createEmptyLayer(type);
+	    m_toolActions[ViewManager::DrawMode]->trigger();
+	} else {
+	    newLayer = m_document->createMainModelLayer(type);
+	}
+	m_document->addLayerToView(pane, newLayer);
+	m_paneStack->setCurrentLayer(pane, newLayer);
+	return;
+    }
+    TransformName transform = i->second;
+    TransformFactory *factory = TransformFactory::getInstance();
+    QString configurationXml;
+    int channel = -1;
+    // pick up the default channel from any existing layers on the same pane
+    for (int j = 0; j < pane->getLayerCount(); ++j) {
+	int c = LayerFactory::getInstance()->getChannel(pane->getLayer(j));
+	if (c != -1) {
+	    channel = c;
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    bool needConfiguration = false;
+    if (factory->isTransformConfigurable(transform)) {
+        needConfiguration = true;
+    } else {
+        int minChannels, maxChannels;
+        int myChannels = m_document->getMainModel()->getChannelCount();
+        if (factory->getTransformChannelRange(transform,
+                                              minChannels,
+                                              maxChannels)) {
+//            std::cerr << "myChannels: " << myChannels << ", minChannels: " << minChannels << ", maxChannels: " << maxChannels << std::endl;
+            needConfiguration = (myChannels > maxChannels && maxChannels == 1);
+        }
+    }
+    if (needConfiguration) {
+        bool ok =
+            factory->getConfigurationForTransform
+            (transform, m_document->getMainModel(), channel, configurationXml);
+        if (!ok) return;
+    }
+    Layer *newLayer = m_document->createDerivedLayer(transform,
+                                                     m_document->getMainModel(),
+                                                     channel,
+                                                     configurationXml);
+    if (newLayer) {
+        m_document->addLayerToView(pane, newLayer);
+        m_document->setChannel(newLayer, channel);
+    }
+    updateMenuStates();
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->startCompoundOperation
+	(tr("Delete Pane"), true);
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (pane) {
+	while (pane->getLayerCount() > 0) {
+	    Layer *layer = pane->getLayer(0);
+	    if (layer) {
+		m_document->removeLayerFromView(pane, layer);
+	    } else {
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	RemovePaneCommand *command = new RemovePaneCommand(this, pane);
+	CommandHistory::getInstance()->addCommand(command);
+    }
+    CommandHistory::getInstance()->endCompoundOperation();
+    updateMenuStates();
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (pane) {
+	Layer *layer = pane->getSelectedLayer();
+	if (layer) {
+	    m_document->removeLayerFromView(pane, layer);
+	}
+    }
+    updateMenuStates();
+    Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getCurrentPane();
+    if (pane) {
+	Layer *layer = pane->getSelectedLayer();
+	if (layer) {
+	    bool ok = false;
+	    QString newName = QInputDialog::getText
+		(this, tr("Rename Layer"),
+		 tr("New name for this layer:"),
+		 QLineEdit::Normal, layer->objectName(), &ok);
+	    if (ok) {
+		layer->setObjectName(newName);
+		setupExistingLayersMenu();
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+MainWindow::playSpeedChanged(int speed)
+    int factor = 11 - speed;
+    m_playSpeed->setToolTip(tr("Playback speed: %1")
+			    .arg(factor > 1 ?
+				 QString("1/%1").arg(factor) :
+				 tr("Full")));
+    m_playSource->setSlowdownFactor(factor);
+MainWindow::outputLevelsChanged(float left, float right)
+    m_fader->setPeakLeft(left);
+    m_fader->setPeakRight(right);
+MainWindow::sampleRateMismatch(size_t requested, size_t actual,
+                               bool willResample)
+    if (!willResample) {
+        //!!! more helpful message needed
+        QMessageBox::information
+            (this, tr("Sample rate mismatch"),
+             tr("The sample rate of this audio file (%1 Hz) does not match\nthe current playback rate (%2 Hz).\n\nThe file will play at the wrong speed.")
+             .arg(requested).arg(actual));
+    }        
+/*!!! Let's not do this for now, and see how we go -- now that we're putting
+      sample rate information in the status bar
+    QMessageBox::information
+	(this, tr("Sample rate mismatch"),
+	 tr("The sample rate of this audio file (%1 Hz) does not match\nthat of the output audio device (%2 Hz).\n\nThe file will be resampled automatically during playback.")
+	 .arg(requested).arg(actual));
+    updateDescriptionLabel();
+MainWindow::layerAdded(Layer *layer)
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::layerAdded(" << layer << ")" << std::endl;
+//    setupExistingLayersMenu();
+    updateMenuStates();
+MainWindow::layerRemoved(Layer *layer)
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::layerRemoved(" << layer << ")" << std::endl;
+    setupExistingLayersMenu();
+    updateMenuStates();
+MainWindow::layerAboutToBeDeleted(Layer *layer)
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::layerAboutToBeDeleted(" << layer << ")" << std::endl;
+    if (layer == m_timeRulerLayer) {
+//	std::cerr << "(this is the time ruler layer)" << std::endl;
+	m_timeRulerLayer = 0;
+    }
+MainWindow::layerInAView(Layer *layer, bool inAView)
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::layerInAView(" << layer << "," << inAView << ")" << std::endl;
+    // Check whether we need to add or remove model from play source
+    Model *model = layer->getModel();
+    if (model) {
+        if (inAView) {
+            m_playSource->addModel(model);
+        } else {
+            bool found = false;
+            for (int i = 0; i < m_paneStack->getPaneCount(); ++i) {
+                Pane *pane = m_paneStack->getPane(i);
+                if (!pane) continue;
+                for (int j = 0; j < pane->getLayerCount(); ++j) {
+                    Layer *pl = pane->getLayer(j);
+                    if (pl && pl->getModel() == model) {
+                        found = true;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (found) break;
+            }
+            if (!found) m_playSource->removeModel(model);
+        }
+    }
+    setupExistingLayersMenu();
+    updateMenuStates();
+MainWindow::modelAdded(Model *model)
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::modelAdded(" << model << ")" << std::endl;
+    m_playSource->addModel(model);
+MainWindow::mainModelChanged(WaveFileModel *model)
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::mainModelChanged(" << model << ")" << std::endl;
+    updateDescriptionLabel();
+    m_panLayer->setModel(model);
+    if (model) m_viewManager->setMainModelSampleRate(model->getSampleRate());
+    if (model && !m_playTarget) createPlayTarget();
+MainWindow::modelAboutToBeDeleted(Model *model)
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::modelAboutToBeDeleted(" << model << ")" << std::endl;
+    m_playSource->removeModel(model);
+MainWindow::modelGenerationFailed(QString transformName)
+    QMessageBox::warning
+        (this,
+         tr("Failed to generate layer"),
+         tr("The layer transform \"%1\" failed to run.\nThis probably means that a plugin failed to initialise.")
+         .arg(transformName),
+         QMessageBox::Ok, 0);
+MainWindow::modelRegenerationFailed(QString layerName, QString transformName)
+    QMessageBox::warning
+        (this,
+         tr("Failed to regenerate layer"),
+         tr("Failed to regenerate derived layer \"%1\".\nThe layer transform \"%2\" failed to run.\nThis probably means the layer used a plugin that is not currently available.")
+         .arg(layerName).arg(transformName),
+         QMessageBox::Ok, 0);
+MainWindow::rightButtonMenuRequested(Pane *pane, QPoint position)
+//    std::cerr << "MainWindow::rightButtonMenuRequested(" << pane << ", " << position.x() << ", " << position.y() << ")" << std::endl;
+    m_paneStack->setCurrentPane(pane);
+    m_rightButtonMenu->popup(position);
+    QTreeView *view = new QTreeView();
+    LayerTreeModel *tree = new LayerTreeModel(m_paneStack);
+    view->expand(tree->index(0, 0, QModelIndex()));
+    view->setModel(tree);
+    view->show();
+MainWindow::preferenceChanged(PropertyContainer::PropertyName name)
+    if (name == "Property Box Layout") {
+        if (Preferences::getInstance()->getPropertyBoxLayout() ==
+            Preferences::VerticallyStacked) {
+            m_paneStack->setLayoutStyle(PaneStack::PropertyStackPerPaneLayout);
+        } else {
+            m_paneStack->setLayoutStyle(PaneStack::SinglePropertyStackLayout);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!m_preferencesDialog.isNull()) {
+        m_preferencesDialog->show();
+        m_preferencesDialog->raise();
+        return;
+    }
+    m_preferencesDialog = new PreferencesDialog(this);
+    // DeleteOnClose is safe here, because m_preferencesDialog is a
+    // QPointer that will be zeroed when the dialog is deleted.  We
+    // use it in preference to leaving the dialog lying around because
+    // if you Cancel the dialog, it resets the preferences state
+    // without resetting its own widgets, so its state will be
+    // incorrect when next shown unless we construct it afresh
+    m_preferencesDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+    m_preferencesDialog->show();
+    openHelpUrl(tr("http://www.sonicvisualiser.org/"));
+    openHelpUrl(tr("http://www.sonicvisualiser.org/doc/reference/en/"));
+MainWindow::openHelpUrl(QString url)
+    // This method mostly lifted from Qt Assistant source code
+    QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
+    connect(process, SIGNAL(finished(int)), process, SLOT(deleteLater()));
+    QStringList args;
+#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
+    args.append(url);
+    process->start("open", args);
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
+	QString pf(getenv("ProgramFiles"));
+	QString command = pf + QString("\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPLORE.EXE");
+	args.append(url);
+	process->start(command, args);
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+    if (!qgetenv("KDE_FULL_SESSION").isEmpty()) {
+        args.append("exec");
+        args.append(url);
+        process->start("kfmclient", args);
+    } else if (!qgetenv("BROWSER").isEmpty()) {
+        args.append(url);
+        process->start(qgetenv("BROWSER"), args);
+    } else {
+        args.append(url);
+        process->start("firefox", args);
+    }
+    bool debug = false;
+    QString version = "(unknown version)";
+    debug = true;
+#ifdef SV_VERSION
+#ifdef SVNREV
+    version = tr("Release %1 : Revision %2").arg(SV_VERSION).arg(SVNREV);
+    version = tr("Release %1").arg(SV_VERSION);
+#ifdef SVNREV
+    version = tr("Unreleased : Revision %1").arg(SVNREV);
+    QString aboutText;
+    aboutText += tr("<h3>About Sonic Visualiser</h3>");
+    aboutText += tr("<p>Sonic Visualiser is a program for viewing and exploring audio data for semantic music analysis and annotation.</p>");
+    aboutText += tr("<p>%1 : %2 build</p>")
+        .arg(version)
+        .arg(debug ? tr("Debug") : tr("Release"));
+    aboutText += tr("<p>Statically linked");
+#ifndef QT_SHARED
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With Qt (v%1) &copy; Trolltech AS").arg(QT_VERSION_STR);
+#ifdef HAVE_JACK
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With JACK audio output (v%1) &copy; Paul Davis and Jack O'Quin").arg(JACK_VERSION);
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With PortAudio audio output &copy; Ross Bencina and Phil Burk");
+#ifdef HAVE_OGGZ
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With Ogg file decoder (oggz v%1, fishsound v%2) &copy; CSIRO Australia").arg(OGGZ_VERSION).arg(FISHSOUND_VERSION);
+#ifdef HAVE_MAD
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With MAD mp3 decoder (v%1) &copy; Underbit Technologies Inc").arg(MAD_VERSION);
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With libsamplerate (v%1) &copy; Erik de Castro Lopo").arg(SAMPLERATE_VERSION);
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With libsndfile (v%1) &copy; Erik de Castro Lopo").arg(SNDFILE_VERSION);
+#ifdef HAVE_FFTW3
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With FFTW3 (v%1) &copy; Matteo Frigo and MIT").arg(FFTW3_VERSION);
+#ifdef HAVE_VAMP
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With Vamp plugin support (API v%1, SDK v%2) &copy; Chris Cannam").arg(VAMP_API_VERSION).arg(VAMP_SDK_VERSION);
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With LADSPA plugin support (API v%1) &copy; Richard Furse, Paul Davis, Stefan Westerfeld").arg(LADSPA_VERSION);
+    aboutText += tr("<br>With DSSI plugin support (API v%1) &copy; Chris Cannam, Steve Harris, Sean Bolton").arg(DSSI_VERSION);
+    aboutText += "</p>";
+    aboutText += 
+        "<p>Sonic Visualiser Copyright &copy; 2005 - 2006 Chris Cannam<br>"
+        "Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.</p>"
+        "<p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or<br>"
+        "modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as<br>"
+        "published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the<br>"
+        "License, or (at your option) any later version.<br>See the file "
+        "COPYING included with this distribution for more information.</p>";
+    QMessageBox::about(this, tr("About Sonic Visualiser"), aboutText);
+#include "MainWindow.moc.cpp"