diff deploy/win32/sonic-visualiser.wxs.in @ 2448:119588c42772

Generate the WXS files from templated inputs, substituting in the version and redistributable paths; also include OpenSSL libraries in the package, fixing #1895 Windows build fails to open https locations
author Chris Cannam
date Tue, 14 Jan 2020 13:23:04 +0000
parents deploy/win32/sonic-visualiser.wxs@446006ea9099
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/deploy/win32/sonic-visualiser.wxs.in	Tue Jan 14 13:23:04 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
+  @W@
+  <Product
+      Name="Sonic Visualiser" 
+      Id="*"
+      Language="1033"
+      Codepage="1252" 
+      Version="@VERSION@"
+      UpgradeCode="D476941E-65F3-4962-9E72-B40FAAE5DBD0"
+      Manufacturer="Queen Mary, University of London">
+    <Package
+        Id="*"
+        Keywords="Installer"
+        Description="Sonic Visualiser 32-bit Installer" 
+        Comments="Copyright (c) 2020 Queen Mary, University of London and others."
+        Manufacturer="Queen Mary, University of London" 
+        InstallerVersion="100" 
+        Languages="1033" 
+        Compressed="yes" 
+        SummaryCodepage="1252"/>
+    <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A later version of Sonic Visualiser is already installed. Setup will now exit."/>
+    <Media Id="1" Cabinet="SonicVisualiser.cab" EmbedCab="yes" DiskPrompt="CD-ROM #1"/>
+    <Property Id="DiskPrompt" Value="Sonic Visualiser Installation [1]"/>
+    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
+      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
+        <Directory Id="VampPlugins" Name="Vamp Plugins">
+          <Component
+              Id="VampPlugins"
+              Guid="E68E4E0B-3C63-49bd-AD2D-44431EABDA6A">
+            <File
+                Id="VampREADME"
+                Name="README.txt"
+                Source="..\deploy\win32\README-Vamp.txt"/>
+          </Component>
+        </Directory>
+        <Directory Id="APPLICATIONFOLDER" Name="Sonic Visualiser">
+          <Component
+              Id="MainExecutable"
+              Guid="2C02DFB7-3CDF-4F73-B9D1-846326EE417D">
+            <File
+                Id="SVExecutable"
+                Name="Sonic Visualiser.exe"
+                Source="release\Sonic Visualiser.exe"
+                KeyPath="yes">
+              <Shortcut
+                  Id="SVStartEntry"
+                  Directory="ProgramMenuDir"
+                  Name="Sonic Visualiser"
+                  WorkingDirectory="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
+                  Icon="winicon.ico"
+                  IconIndex="0"
+                  Advertise="yes"/>
+              <Shortcut
+                  Id="SVDesktop"
+                  Directory="DesktopFolder"
+                  Name="Sonic Visualiser"
+                  WorkingDirectory="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
+                  Icon="winicon.ico"
+                  IconIndex="0"
+                  Advertise="yes"/>
+            </File>
+            <File
+                Id="COPYING"
+                Name="COPYING.txt"
+                Source="..\COPYING"/>
+            <File
+                Id="README"
+                Name="README.txt"
+                Source="..\README.md"/>
+            <File
+                Id="CHANGELOG"
+                Name="CHANGELOG.txt"
+                Source="..\CHANGELOG"/>
+            <File
+                Id="CITATION"
+                Name="CITATION.txt"
+                Source="..\CITATION"/>
+            <File
+                Id="winicon.ico"
+                Name="sv-winicon.ico"
+                Source="..\icons/sv-winicon.ico"/>
+          </Component>
+          <Component
+              Id="SVFileAssociation"
+              Guid="DC6B3DD1-46DE-47FC-90FB-D8ACD5D1A88A">
+            <CreateFolder/>
+            <ProgId 
+                Id='SonicVisualiser.svfile' 
+                Description='Sonic Visualiser project file'
+                Icon="SVExecutable">
+              <Extension 
+                  Id='sv' 
+                  ContentType='application/sonicvisualiser'>
+                <Verb 
+                    Id='open' 
+                    Command='Open' 
+                    TargetFile='SVExecutable' 
+                    Argument='"%1"' />
+              </Extension>
+            </ProgId>
+          </Component>
+          <Component
+              Id="Qt5"
+              Guid="316341D4-B7B2-411D-BCCE-879A11D5709F">
+            <File
+                Id="QtCore"
+                Name="Qt5Core.dll"
+                Source="release\Qt5Core.dll"
+		KeyPath="yes"/>
+            <File
+                Id="QtGui"
+                Name="Qt5Gui.dll"
+                Source="release\Qt5Gui.dll"/>
+            <File
+                Id="QtNetwork"
+                Name="Qt5Network.dll"
+                Source="release\Qt5Network.dll"/>
+            <File
+                Id="QtWidgets"
+                Name="Qt5Widgets.dll"
+                Source="release\Qt5Widgets.dll"/>
+            <File
+                Id="QtXml"
+                Name="Qt5Xml.dll"
+                Source="release\Qt5Xml.dll"/>
+            <File
+                Id="QtSvg"
+                Name="Qt5Svg.dll"
+                Source="release\Qt5Svg.dll"/>
+            <File
+                Id="libgcc"
+                Name="libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"
+                Source="release\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"/>
+            <File
+                Id="libstdcplusplus"
+                Name="libstdc++-6.dll"
+                Source="release\libstdc++-6.dll"/>
+            <File
+                Id="libwinpthread"
+                Name="libwinpthread-1.dll"
+                Source="release\libwinpthread-1.dll"/>
+          </Component>
+          <Component Id="OpenSSL"
+                     Guid="dd5a0ca6-7b8d-4ecb-ae43-589c6e24b8b7">
+            <File
+                Id="libeay32"
+                Name="libeay32.dll"
+                Source="c:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\libeay32.dll"
+                KeyPath="yes"/>
+            <File
+                Id="ssleay32"
+                Name="ssleay32.dll"
+                Source="c:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\ssleay32.dll"/>
+          </Component>
+	  <Directory Id="Platforms" Name="platforms">
+            <Component
+                Id="Qt5PlatformPlugins"
+                Guid="1EDCEA4B-C83F-430B-B09D-CB113DFD4E77">
+	      <File
+                  Id="qminimal"
+                  Name="qminimal.dll"
+                  Source="release\qminimal.dll"/>
+	      <File
+                  Id="qwindows"
+                  Name="qwindows.dll"
+                  Source="release\qwindows.dll"/>
+            </Component>
+	  </Directory>
+	  <Directory Id="Styles" Name="styles">
+            <Component
+                Id="Qt5StylePlugins"
+                Guid="049AD156-CBC3-457A-980F-3C01FF89C054">
+	      <File
+                  Id="qwindowsvistastyle"
+                  Name="qwindowsvistastyle.dll"
+                  Source="release\qwindowsvistastyle.dll"/>
+            </Component>
+	  </Directory>
+	  <Directory Id="Helpers" Name="helpers">
+            <Component Id="Piper"
+                       Guid="17F2AAFF-7B7B-4F20-B345-DEF0A54A84B1">
+	      <File
+		  Id="piperconv"
+		  Name="piper-convert.exe"
+		  Source="release\piper-convert.exe"/>
+	      <File
+		  Id="piper"
+		  Name="piper-vamp-simple-server.exe"
+		  Source="release\piper-vamp-simple-server.exe"/>
+	      <File
+                  Id="libgcc32"
+                  Name="libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"
+                  Source="release\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"/>
+	      <File
+                  Id="libstdcplusplus32"
+                  Name="libstdc++-6.dll"
+                  Source="release\libstdc++-6.dll"/>
+	      <File
+                  Id="libwinpthread32"
+                  Name="libwinpthread-1.dll"
+                  Source="release\libwinpthread-1.dll"/>
+	    </Component>
+            <Component Id="Checker"
+                       Guid="DB09B035-0594-4876-B494-4D25CED43601">
+	      <File
+		  Id="checker"
+		  Name="vamp-plugin-load-checker.exe"
+		  Source="release\vamp-plugin-load-checker.exe"/>
+	    </Component>
+	  </Directory> <!-- helpers -->
+        </Directory> <!-- sv --> 
+      </Directory> <!-- pfiles -->
+      <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="Programs">
+        <Directory Id="ProgramMenuDir" Name="Sonic Visualiser">
+          <Component Id="ProgramMenuDir" Guid="C1980FF3-D135-46F8-8542-F937748721E6">
+            <RemoveFolder Id="ProgramMenuDir" On="uninstall"/>
+            <RegistryValue Root="HKMU" Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]" Type="string" Value="" KeyPath="yes"/>
+          </Component>
+        </Directory>
+      </Directory>
+      <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="Desktop"/>
+    </Directory>
+    <Feature 
+        Id="Complete"
+        Title="Required files"
+        Description="Installs the required files for running Sonic Visualiser."
+        AllowAdvertise="no"
+        Absent="disallow"
+        ConfigurableDirectory="APPLICATIONFOLDER"
+        Level="1">
+      <ComponentRef Id="VampPlugins"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="MainExecutable"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="SVFileAssociation"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="Qt5"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="Qt5PlatformPlugins"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="Qt5StylePlugins"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="OpenSSL"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="Piper"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="Checker"/>
+      <ComponentRef Id="ProgramMenuDir"/>
+    </Feature>
+    <UI>
+      <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir" />
+      <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText" />
+    </UI>
+    <Property Id="WIXUI_DONTVALIDATEPATH" Value="1" />
+    <Property Id="ApplicationFolderName" Value="Sonic Visualiser" />
+    <Property Id="WixAppFolder" Value="WixPerMachineFolder" />
+    <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Value="..\deploy\win32\License.rtf" />
+    <Icon Id="winicon.ico" SourceFile="..\icons\sv-winicon.ico"/>
+    <Property Id="ARPPRODUCTICON" Value="winicon.ico" />
+    <WixVariable Id="WixUIBannerBmp" Value="..\deploy\win32\top.bmp"/>
+    <WixVariable Id="WixUIDialogBmp" Value="..\deploy\win32\main.bmp"/>
+  </Product>