view runner/JAMSFeatureWriter.cpp @ 399:a3912193ce69 tip

Default branch is now named default on git as well as hg, in case we ever want to switch to mirroring in the other direction
author Chris Cannam
date Thu, 27 Aug 2020 15:57:37 +0100
parents ef03350baec7
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Annotator
    A utility for batch feature extraction from audio files.
    Mark Levy, Chris Sutton and Chris Cannam, Queen Mary, University of London.
    Copyright 2007-2014 QMUL.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#include "JAMSFeatureWriter.h"

using namespace std;
using Vamp::Plugin;
using Vamp::PluginBase;

#include "base/Exceptions.h"
#include "base/Debug.h"
#include "rdf/PluginRDFIndexer.h"

#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QTextCodec>

#include "version.h"

JAMSFeatureWriter::JAMSFeatureWriter() :
    FileFeatureWriter(SupportOneFilePerTrackTransform |
                      SupportOneFilePerTrack |
                      SupportOneFileTotal |
                      "json"), // file extension is json even with jams writer


JAMSFeatureWriter::getDescription() const
    return "Write features to JSON files in JAMS (JSON Annotated Music Specification) format. WARNING: This is a provisional implementation! The output format may change in future releases to comply more effectively with the specification. Please report any problems you find with the current implementation.";

JAMSFeatureWriter::getSupportedParameters() const
    ParameterList pl = FileFeatureWriter::getSupportedParameters();
    Parameter p; = "digits";
    p.description = "Specify the number of significant digits to use when printing transform outputs. Outputs are represented internally using single-precision floating-point, so digits beyond the 8th or 9th place are usually meaningless. The default is 6.";
    p.hasArg = true;
    pl.push_back(p); = "network";
    p.description = "Attempt to retrieve RDF descriptions of plugins from network, if not available locally.";
    p.hasArg = false;

    return pl;

JAMSFeatureWriter::setParameters(map<string, string> &params)

    for (map<string, string>::iterator i = params.begin();
         i != params.end(); ++i) {
        if (i->first == "network") {
            m_network = true;
        } else if (i->first == "digits") {
            int digits = atoi(i->second.c_str());
            if (digits <= 0 || digits > 100) {
                SVCERR << "JAMSFeatureWriter: ERROR: Invalid or out-of-range value for number of significant digits: " << i->second << endl;
                SVCERR << "JAMSFeatureWriter: NOTE: Continuing with default settings" << endl;
            } else {
                m_digits = digits;

JAMSFeatureWriter::setTrackMetadata(QString trackId, TrackMetadata metadata)
    m_trackMetadata[trackId] = metadata;

JAMSFeatureWriter::write(QString trackId,
			 const Transform &transform,
			 const Plugin::OutputDescriptor& ,
			 const Plugin::FeatureList& features,
			 std::string /* summaryType */)
    QString transformId = transform.getIdentifier();

    QTextStream *sptr = getOutputStream
        (trackId, transformId, QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"));
    if (!sptr) {
        throw FailedToOpenOutputStream(trackId, transformId);

    DataId did(trackId, transform);

    if (m_data.find(did) == m_data.end()) {

    QString d = m_data[did];

    for (int i = 0; i < int(features.size()); ++i) {

        if (d != "") {
            d += ",\n";
        d += "    { ";
        Plugin::Feature f(features[i]);

        QString timestr = f.timestamp.toString().c_str();
        timestr.replace(QRegExp("^ +"), "");

        QString durstr = "0.0";
        if (f.hasDuration) {
            durstr = f.duration.toString().c_str();
            durstr.replace(QRegExp("^ +"), "");
        d += QString("\"time\": %1, \"duration\": %2, \"confidence\": 1.0")

        // here we have to differ from the JAMS 0.2.0 spec. It allows
        // a single "value" element which can be either a number or a
        // string, depending on the selected task. But we may have
        // many values and may have a label as well, and no way to
        // know whether these can be made to conform to the JAMS task
        // schema. We should just write what we have. If we only have
        // a label, we can write that out as "value" as JAMS requests,
        // but if we have a (numerical) value and a label, we really
        // have to write them separately, and if we have multiple
        // values we'll have to use an array. The chances of actually
        // ending up with a schema-compliant JAMS format are quite
        // small, which suggests JAMS isn't a great idea for this
        // after all!
        if (f.label != "") {
            if (f.values.empty()) {
                d += QString(", \"value\": \"%2\"").arg(f.label.c_str());
            } else {
                d += QString(", \"label\": \"%2\"").arg(f.label.c_str());

        if (!f.values.empty()) {
            d += QString(", \"value\": ");
            if (f.values.size() > 1) {
                d += "[ ";
            for (int j = 0; j < int(f.values.size()); ++j) {
                if (isnan(f.values[j])) {
                    d += "\"NaN\"";
                } else if (isinf(f.values[j])) {
                    d += "\"Inf\"";
                } else {
                    d += QString("%1").arg(f.values[j], 0, 'g', m_digits);
                if (j + 1 < int(f.values.size())) {
                    d += ", ";
            if (f.values.size() > 1) {
                d += " ]";
        d += " }";

    m_data[did] = d;

JAMSFeatureWriter::setNofM(int n, int m)
    if (m_singleFileName != "" || m_stdout) {
        m_n = n;
        m_m = m;
    } else {
        m_n = 1;
        m_m = 1;

    for (FileStreamMap::const_iterator stri = m_streams.begin();
	 stri != m_streams.end(); ++stri) {

        QTextStream *sptr = stri->second;
        QTextStream &stream = *sptr;

        bool firstInStream = true;

        for (TrackIds::const_iterator tri = m_streamTracks[sptr].begin();
             tri != m_streamTracks[sptr].end(); ++tri) {

            TrackId trackId = *tri;

            if (firstInStream) {
                if (m_streamTracks[sptr].size() > 1 || (m_m > 1 && m_n == 1)) {
                    stream << "[\n";

            if (!firstInStream || (m_m > 1 && m_n > 1)) {
                stream << ",\n";

            stream << "{\n"
                   << QString("\"file_metadata\": {\n"
                              "  \"jams_version\": \"0.2.0\",\n"
                              "  \"identifiers\": { \"filename\": \"%1\" }")

            if (m_trackMetadata.find(trackId) != m_trackMetadata.end()) {

                QString durstr = m_trackMetadata[trackId].duration.toString().c_str();
                durstr.replace(QRegExp("^ +"), "");
                stream << QString(",\n  \"duration\": %1").arg(durstr);

                if (m_trackMetadata[trackId].maker != "") {
                    stream << QString(",\n  \"artist\": \"%1\"")
                if (m_trackMetadata[trackId].title != "") {
                    stream << QString(",\n  \"title\": \"%1\"")

            stream << "\n},\n";
            stream << "\"annotations\": [\n";

            bool firstInTrack = true;

            for (Tasks::const_iterator ti = m_streamTasks[sptr].begin();
                 ti != m_streamTasks[sptr].end(); ++ti) {
                Task task = *ti;

                for (DataIds::const_iterator di = m_streamData[sptr].begin();
                     di != m_streamData[sptr].end(); ++di) {
                    DataId did = *di;

                    QString trackId = did.first;
                    Transform transform = did.second;

                    if (m_tasks[transform.getIdentifier()] != task) continue;

                    QString data = m_data[did];

                    if (!firstInTrack) {
                        stream << ",\n";

                    stream << "{\n  \"namespace\": \"" << getTaskKey(task) << "\",\n";

                    stream << QString
                        ("  \"annotation_metadata\": {\n"
                         "    \"annotation_tools\": \"Sonic Annotator v%2\",\n"
                         "    \"data_source\": \"Automatic feature extraction\",\n"
                         "    \"annotator\": {\n"
                         "    }\n"
                         "  },\n"
                         "  \"data\": [\n")

                    stream << data;

                    stream << "\n  ]\n}";
                    firstInTrack = false;

            stream << "\n]";

            stream << "\n}";
            firstInStream = false;

        if (!firstInStream) {
            if (m_streamTracks[sptr].size() > 1 || (m_m > 1 && m_n == m_m)) {
                stream << "\n]";
            stream << "\n";


JAMSFeatureWriter::loadRDFDescription(const Transform &transform)
    QString pluginId = transform.getPluginIdentifier();
    if (m_rdfDescriptions.find(pluginId) != m_rdfDescriptions.end()) return;

    if (m_network && !m_networkRetrieved) {
	m_networkRetrieved = true;

    m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId] = PluginRDFDescription(pluginId);
    if (m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId].haveDescription()) {
	SVCERR << "NOTE: Have RDF description for plugin ID \""
	     << pluginId << "\"" << endl;
    } else {
	SVCERR << "NOTE: No RDF description for plugin ID \""
	     << pluginId << "\"" << endl;
	if (!m_network) {
	    SVCERR << "      Consider using the --jams-network option to retrieve plugin descriptions"  << endl;
	    SVCERR << "      from the network where possible." << endl;

JAMSFeatureWriter::identifyTask(const Transform &transform)
    QString transformId = transform.getIdentifier();
    if (m_tasks.find(transformId) != m_tasks.end()) return;

    Task task = UnknownTask;

    QString pluginId = transform.getPluginIdentifier();
    QString outputId = transform.getOutput();

    const PluginRDFDescription &desc = m_rdfDescriptions[pluginId];
    if (desc.haveDescription()) {

	PluginRDFDescription::OutputDisposition disp = 

	QString af = "";
	if (disp == PluginRDFDescription::OutputSparse) {

	    QString eventUri = desc.getOutputEventTypeURI(outputId);

	    //!!! todo: allow user to prod writer for task type

	    if (eventUri == af + "Note") {
		task = NoteTask;
	    } else if (eventUri == af + "Beat") {
		task = BeatTask;
	    } else if (eventUri == af + "ChordSegment") {
		task = ChordTask;
	    } else if (eventUri == af + "KeyChange") {
		task = KeyTask;
	    } else if (eventUri == af + "KeySegment") {
		task = KeyTask;
	    } else if (eventUri == af + "Onset") {
		task = OnsetTask;
	    } else if (eventUri == af + "NonTonalOnset") {
		task = OnsetTask;
	    } else if (eventUri == af + "Segment") {
		task = SegmentTask;
	    } else if (eventUri == af + "SpeechSegment") {
		task = SegmentTask;
	    } else if (eventUri == af + "StructuralSegment") {
		task = SegmentTask;
	    } else {
		SVCERR << "WARNING: Unsupported event type URI <" 
		     << eventUri << ">, proceeding with UnknownTask type"
		     << endl;

	} else {

	    SVCERR << "WARNING: Cannot currently write dense or track-level outputs to JAMS format (only sparse ones). Will proceed using UnknownTask type, but this probably isn't going to work" << endl;

    m_tasks[transformId] = task;

JAMSFeatureWriter::getTaskKey(Task task) 
    switch (task) {
    case UnknownTask: return "unknown";
    case BeatTask: return "beat";
    case OnsetTask: return "onset";
    case ChordTask: return "chord";
    case SegmentTask: return "segment";
    case KeyTask: return "key";
    case NoteTask: return "note";
    case MelodyTask: return "melody";
    case PitchTask: return "pitch";
    return "unknown";

JAMSFeatureWriter::writeTransformToObjectContents(const Transform &t)
    QString json;
    QString stpl("      \"%1\": \"%2\",\n");
    QString ntpl("      \"%1\": %2,\n");

    json += stpl.arg("plugin_id").arg(t.getPluginIdentifier());
    json += stpl.arg("output_id").arg(t.getOutput());

    if (t.getSummaryType() != Transform::NoSummary) {
        json += stpl.arg("summary_type")

    if (t.getPluginVersion() != QString()) {
        json += stpl.arg("plugin_version").arg(t.getPluginVersion());

    if (t.getProgram() != QString()) {
        json += stpl.arg("program").arg(t.getProgram());

    if (t.getStepSize() != 0) {
        json += ntpl.arg("step_size").arg(t.getStepSize());

    if (t.getBlockSize() != 0) {
        json += ntpl.arg("block_size").arg(t.getBlockSize());

    if (t.getWindowType() != HanningWindow) {
        json += stpl.arg("window_type")

    if (t.getStartTime() != RealTime::zeroTime) {
        json += ntpl.arg("start")
            .arg(t.getStartTime().toDouble(), 0, 'g', 9);

    if (t.getDuration() != RealTime::zeroTime) {
        json += ntpl.arg("duration")
            .arg(t.getDuration().toDouble(), 0, 'g', 9);

    if (t.getSampleRate() != 0) {
        json += ntpl.arg("sample_rate").arg(t.getSampleRate());

    if (!t.getParameters().empty()) {
        json += QString("      \"parameters\": {\n");
        Transform::ParameterMap parameters = t.getParameters();
        for (Transform::ParameterMap::const_iterator i = parameters.begin();
             i != parameters.end(); ++i) {
            if (i != parameters.begin()) {
                json += ",\n";
            QString name = i->first;
            float value = i->second;
            json += QString("        \"%1\": %2")
                .arg(value, 0, 'g', 8); // parameter values always to high precision
        json += QString("\n      },\n");

    // no trailing comma on final property:
    json += QString("      \"transform_id\": \"%1\"\n").arg(t.getIdentifier());

    return json;