view tests/test-jams-destinations/ @ 200:f35bbb3e4d41 sonic-annotator-1.2

Change of tack: rename the JSON writer to JAMS. It's simpler than having a JSON writer with a mandatory flag to tell it what sort of JSON to write.
author Chris Cannam
date Tue, 01 Sep 2015 17:51:03 +0100
parents tests/test-json-destinations/
line wrap: on
line source

. ../







trap "rm -f $tmpjson $outfile1 $outfile2 $outfile3 $outfile4 $outfile5 $outfile6 $infile1dot $outfile1dot $audiopath/$outfile1 $audiopath/$outfile2 $audiopath/$outfile3 $audiopath/$outfile4 $audiopath/$outfile5 $audiopath/$outfile6 $audiopath/$outfile1dot" 0


mandatory="-w jams"

ctx="onsets transform, one audio file, default JAMS writer destination"

rm -f $audiopath/$outfile1

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory $infile1 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $audiopath/$outfile1 "$ctx"

ctx="onsets transform, one audio file with dots in filename, default JAMS writer destination"

rm -f $audiopath/$outfile1

cp $infile1 $infile1dot

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory $infile1dot 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $audiopath/$outfile1dot "$ctx"

rm -f $infile1dot $audiopath/$outfile1dot

ctx="onsets and df transforms, one audio file, default JAMS writer destination"

rm -f $audiopath/$outfile1

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 -t $transformdir/detectionfunction.n3 $mandatory $infile1 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $audiopath/$outfile1 "$ctx"

ctx="onsets transform, two audio files, default JAMS writer destination"

rm -f $audiopath/$outfile1
rm -f $audiopath/$outfile2

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory $infile1 $infile2 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $audiopath/$outfile1 "$ctx"
check_json $audiopath/$outfile2 "$ctx"

ctx="onsets transform, two audio files, one-file JAMS writer"

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory --jams-one-file $tmpjson $infile1 $infile2 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $tmpjson "$ctx"

ctx="onsets transform, two audio files, stdout JAMS writer"

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory --jams-stdout $infile1 $infile2 2>/dev/null >$tmpjson || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $tmpjson "$ctx"

ctx="onsets transform, one audio file, many-files JAMS writer"

rm -f $audiopath/$outfile3

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory --jams-many-files $infile1 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $audiopath/$outfile3 "$ctx"

ctx="onsets transform, two audio files, many-files JAMS writer"

rm -f $audiopath/$outfile3
rm -f $audiopath/$outfile5

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory --jams-many-files $infile1 $infile2 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $audiopath/$outfile3 "$ctx"
check_json $audiopath/$outfile5 "$ctx"

ctx="onsets and df transforms, two audio files, many-files JAMS writer"

rm -f $audiopath/$outfile3
rm -f $audiopath/$outfile4
rm -f $audiopath/$outfile5
rm -f $audiopath/$outfile6

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 -t $transformdir/detectionfunction.n3 $mandatory --jams-many-files $infile1 $infile2 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $audiopath/$outfile3 "$ctx"
check_json $audiopath/$outfile4 "$ctx"
check_json $audiopath/$outfile5 "$ctx"
check_json $audiopath/$outfile6 "$ctx"

ctx="output base directory"

rm -f ./$outfile1

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 -t $transformdir/detectionfunction.n3 $mandatory --jams-basedir . $infile1 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json ./$outfile1 "$ctx"

ctx="output base directory and many-files"

rm -f ./$outfile3
rm -f ./$outfile5

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory --jams-basedir . --jams-many-files $infile1 $infile2 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json ./$outfile3 "$ctx"
check_json ./$outfile5 "$ctx"

ctx="nonexistent output base directory"

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory --jams-basedir ./DOES_NOT_EXIST $infile1 2>/dev/null && \
    fail "Fails with $ctx by completing successfully (should refuse and bail out)"

ctx="existing output file and no --jams-force"

touch $audiopath/$outfile1

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory $infile1 2>/dev/null && \
    fail "Fails by completing successfully when output file already exists (should refuse and bail out)"

ctx="existing output file and --jams-force"

touch $audiopath/$outfile1

$r -t $transformdir/onsets.n3 $mandatory --jams-force $infile1 2>/dev/null || \
    fail "Fails to run with $ctx"

check_json $audiopath/$outfile1 "$ctx"

exit 0