view runner/FeatureExtractionManager.cpp @ 77:adce5f7e2917 qt5

Don't need to check for Dataquay, and in fact we can pick up the wrong version if we do. Just assume it is available (building in e.g. sv subdir configuration)
author Chris Cannam
date Tue, 07 May 2013 15:58:20 +0100
parents 350f61d5d9be
children 03b1d83fca29
line wrap: on
line source
/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-  vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */

    Sonic Annotator
    A utility for batch feature extraction from audio files.
    Mark Levy, Chris Sutton and Chris Cannam, Queen Mary, University of London.
    Copyright 2007-2008 QMUL.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
    COPYING included with this distribution for more information.

#include "FeatureExtractionManager.h"

#include <vamp-hostsdk/PluginChannelAdapter.h>
#include <vamp-hostsdk/PluginBufferingAdapter.h>
#include <vamp-hostsdk/PluginInputDomainAdapter.h>
#include <vamp-hostsdk/PluginSummarisingAdapter.h>
#include <vamp-hostsdk/PluginWrapper.h>
#include <vamp-hostsdk/PluginLoader.h>

#include "base/Exceptions.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

using Vamp::Plugin;
using Vamp::PluginBase;
using Vamp::HostExt::PluginLoader;
using Vamp::HostExt::PluginChannelAdapter;
using Vamp::HostExt::PluginBufferingAdapter;
using Vamp::HostExt::PluginInputDomainAdapter;
using Vamp::HostExt::PluginSummarisingAdapter;
using Vamp::HostExt::PluginWrapper;

#include "data/fileio/FileSource.h"
#include "data/fileio/AudioFileReader.h"
#include "data/fileio/AudioFileReaderFactory.h"
#include "data/fileio/PlaylistFileReader.h"
#include "base/TempDirectory.h"
#include "base/ProgressPrinter.h"
#include "transform/TransformFactory.h"
#include "rdf/RDFTransformFactory.h"
#include "transform/FeatureWriter.h"

#include <QTextStream>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFileInfo>

FeatureExtractionManager::FeatureExtractionManager() :
    // We can read using an arbitrary fixed block size --
    // PluginBufferingAdapter handles this for us.  It's likely to be
    // quicker to use larger sizes than smallish ones like 1024

    for (PluginMap::iterator pi = m_plugins.begin();
         pi != m_plugins.end(); ++pi) {
        delete pi->first;
    foreach (AudioFileReader *r, m_readyReaders) {
        delete r;

void FeatureExtractionManager::setChannels(int channels)
    m_channels = channels;

void FeatureExtractionManager::setDefaultSampleRate(int sampleRate)
    m_defaultSampleRate = sampleRate;

static PluginSummarisingAdapter::SummaryType
getSummaryType(string name)
    if (name == "min")      return PluginSummarisingAdapter::Minimum;
    if (name == "max")      return PluginSummarisingAdapter::Maximum;
    if (name == "mean")     return PluginSummarisingAdapter::Mean;
    if (name == "median")   return PluginSummarisingAdapter::Median;
    if (name == "mode")     return PluginSummarisingAdapter::Mode;
    if (name == "sum")      return PluginSummarisingAdapter::Sum;
    if (name == "variance") return PluginSummarisingAdapter::Variance;
    if (name == "sd")       return PluginSummarisingAdapter::StandardDeviation;
    if (name == "count")    return PluginSummarisingAdapter::Count;
    return PluginSummarisingAdapter::UnknownSummaryType;

bool FeatureExtractionManager::setSummaryTypes(const set<string> &names,
                                               bool summariesOnly,
                                               const PluginSummarisingAdapter::SegmentBoundaries &boundaries)
    for (SummaryNameSet::const_iterator i = names.begin();
         i != names.end(); ++i) {
        if (getSummaryType(*i) == PluginSummarisingAdapter::UnknownSummaryType) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Unknown summary type \"" << *i << "\"" << endl;
            return false;
    m_summaries = names;
    m_summariesOnly = summariesOnly;
    m_boundaries = boundaries;
    return true;

static PluginInputDomainAdapter::WindowType
convertWindowType(WindowType t)
    switch (t) {
    case RectangularWindow:
        return PluginInputDomainAdapter::RectangularWindow;
    case BartlettWindow:
        return PluginInputDomainAdapter::BartlettWindow;
    case HammingWindow:
        return PluginInputDomainAdapter::HammingWindow;
    case HanningWindow:
        return PluginInputDomainAdapter::HanningWindow;
    case BlackmanWindow:
        return PluginInputDomainAdapter::BlackmanWindow;
    case NuttallWindow:
        return PluginInputDomainAdapter::NuttallWindow;
    case BlackmanHarrisWindow:
        return PluginInputDomainAdapter::BlackmanHarrisWindow;
        cerr << "ERROR: Unknown or unsupported window type \"" << t << "\", using Hann (\"" << HanningWindow << "\")" << endl;
        return PluginInputDomainAdapter::HanningWindow;

bool FeatureExtractionManager::addFeatureExtractor
(Transform transform, const vector<FeatureWriter*> &writers)
    //!!! exceptions rather than return values?

    if (transform.getSampleRate() == 0) {
        if (m_sampleRate == 0) {
            cerr << "NOTE: Transform does not specify a sample rate, using default rate of " << m_defaultSampleRate << endl;
            m_sampleRate = m_defaultSampleRate;
        } else {
            cerr << "NOTE: Transform does not specify a sample rate, using previous transform's rate of " << m_sampleRate << endl;

    if (m_sampleRate == 0) {
        m_sampleRate = transform.getSampleRate();

    if (transform.getSampleRate() != m_sampleRate) {
        cerr << "WARNING: Transform sample rate " << transform.getSampleRate() << " does not match previously specified transform rate of " << m_sampleRate << " -- only a single rate is supported for each run" << endl;
        cerr << "WARNING: Using previous rate of " << m_sampleRate << " for this transform as well" << endl;

    Plugin *plugin = 0;

    // Remember what the original transform looked like, and index
    // based on this -- because we may be about to fill in the zeros
    // for step and block size, but we want any further copies with
    // the same zeros to match this one
    Transform originalTransform = transform;
    if (m_transformPluginMap.find(transform) == m_transformPluginMap.end()) {

        // Test whether we already have a transform that is identical
        // to this, except for the output requested and/or the summary
        // type -- if so, they should share plugin instances (a vital
        // optimisation)

        for (TransformPluginMap::iterator i = m_transformPluginMap.begin();
             i != m_transformPluginMap.end(); ++i) {
            Transform test = i->first;
            if (transform == test) {
                cerr << "NOTE: Already have transform identical to this one (for \""
                     << transform.getIdentifier().toStdString()
                     << "\") in every detail except output identifier and/or "
                     << "summary type; sharing its plugin instance" << endl;
                plugin = i->second;
                if (transform.getSummaryType() != Transform::NoSummary &&
                    !dynamic_cast<PluginSummarisingAdapter *>(plugin)) {
                    plugin = new PluginSummarisingAdapter(plugin);
                    i->second = plugin;

        if (!plugin) {

            TransformFactory *tf = TransformFactory::getInstance();

            PluginBase *pb = tf->instantiatePluginFor(transform);
            plugin = tf->downcastVampPlugin(pb);
            if (!plugin) {
                //!!! todo: handle non-Vamp plugins too, or make the main --list
                // option print out only Vamp transforms
                cerr << "ERROR: Failed to load plugin for transform \""
                     << transform.getIdentifier().toStdString() << "\"" << endl;
                delete pb;
                return false;
            // We will provide the plugin with arbitrary step and
            // block sizes (so that we can use the same read/write
            // block size for all transforms), and to that end we use
            // a PluginBufferingAdapter.  However, we need to know the
            // underlying step size so that we can provide the right
            // context for dense outputs.  (Although, don't forget
            // that the PluginBufferingAdapter rewrites
            // OneSamplePerStep outputs so as to use FixedSampleRate
            // -- so it supplies the sample rate in the output
            // feature.  I'm not sure whether we can easily use that.)

            size_t pluginStepSize = plugin->getPreferredStepSize();
            size_t pluginBlockSize = plugin->getPreferredBlockSize();

            PluginInputDomainAdapter *pida = 0;

            // adapt the plugin for buffering, channels, etc.
            if (plugin->getInputDomain() == Plugin::FrequencyDomain) {

                pida = new PluginInputDomainAdapter(plugin);

                PluginInputDomainAdapter::WindowType wtype =
                plugin = pida;

            PluginBufferingAdapter *pba = new PluginBufferingAdapter(plugin);
            plugin = pba;

            if (transform.getStepSize() != 0) {
            } else {

            if (transform.getBlockSize() != 0) {
            } else {

            plugin = new PluginChannelAdapter(plugin);

            if (!m_summaries.empty() ||
                transform.getSummaryType() != Transform::NoSummary) {
                PluginSummarisingAdapter *adapter =
                    new PluginSummarisingAdapter(plugin);
                plugin = adapter;

            if (!plugin->initialise(m_channels, m_blockSize, m_blockSize)) {
                cerr << "ERROR: Plugin initialise (channels = " << m_channels << ", stepSize = " << m_blockSize << ", blockSize = " << m_blockSize << ") failed." << endl;    
                delete plugin;
                return false;

//            cerr << "Initialised plugin" << endl;

            size_t actualStepSize = 0;
            size_t actualBlockSize = 0;
            pba->getActualStepAndBlockSizes(actualStepSize, actualBlockSize);

            Plugin::OutputList outputs = plugin->getOutputDescriptors();
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)outputs.size(); ++i) {

//                cerr << "Newly initialised plugin output " << i << " has bin count " << outputs[i].binCount << endl;

                m_pluginOutputs[plugin][outputs[i].identifier] = outputs[i];
                m_pluginOutputIndices[outputs[i].identifier] = i;

            cerr << "NOTE: Loaded and initialised plugin for transform \""
                 << transform.getIdentifier().toStdString()
                 << "\" with plugin step size " << actualStepSize
                 << " and block size " << actualBlockSize
                 << " (adapter step and block size " << m_blockSize << ")"
                 << endl;

            if (pida) {
                cerr << "NOTE: PluginInputDomainAdapter timestamp adjustment is "

                     << pida->getTimestampAdjustment() << endl;

        } else {

            if (transform.getStepSize() == 0 || transform.getBlockSize() == 0) {

                PluginWrapper *pw = dynamic_cast<PluginWrapper *>(plugin);
                if (pw) {
                    PluginBufferingAdapter *pba =
                    if (pba) {
                        size_t actualStepSize = 0;
                        size_t actualBlockSize = 0;
                        if (transform.getStepSize() == 0) {
                        if (transform.getBlockSize() == 0) {

        if (transform.getOutput() == "") {

        m_transformPluginMap[transform] = plugin;

        if (!(originalTransform == transform)) {
            m_transformPluginMap[originalTransform] = plugin;

    } else {
        plugin = m_transformPluginMap[transform];

    m_plugins[plugin][transform] = writers;

    return true;

bool FeatureExtractionManager::addDefaultFeatureExtractor
(TransformId transformId, const vector<FeatureWriter*> &writers)
    TransformFactory *tf = TransformFactory::getInstance();

    if (m_sampleRate == 0) {
        if (m_defaultSampleRate == 0) {
            cerr << "ERROR: Default transform requested, but no default sample rate available" << endl;
            return false;
        } else {
            cerr << "NOTE: Using default sample rate of " << m_defaultSampleRate << " for default transform" << endl;
            m_sampleRate = m_defaultSampleRate;

    Transform transform = tf->getDefaultTransformFor(transformId, m_sampleRate);

    return addFeatureExtractor(transform, writers);

bool FeatureExtractionManager::addFeatureExtractorFromFile
(QString transformXmlFile, const vector<FeatureWriter*> &writers)
    RDFTransformFactory factory
    ProgressPrinter printer("Parsing transforms RDF file");
    std::vector<Transform> transforms = factory.getTransforms(&printer);
    if (!factory.isOK()) {
        cerr << "WARNING: FeatureExtractionManager::addFeatureExtractorFromFile: Failed to parse transforms file: " << factory.getErrorString().toStdString() << endl;
        if (factory.isRDF()) {
            return false; // no point trying it as XML
    if (!transforms.empty()) {
        bool success = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)transforms.size(); ++i) {
            if (!addFeatureExtractor(transforms[i], writers)) {
                success = false;
        return success;

    QFile file(transformXmlFile);
    if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
        cerr << "ERROR: Failed to open transform XML file \""
             << transformXmlFile.toStdString() << "\" for reading" << endl;
        return false;

    QTextStream *qts = new QTextStream(&file);
    QString qs = qts->readAll();
    delete qts;

    Transform transform(qs);

    return addFeatureExtractor(transform, writers);

void FeatureExtractionManager::addSource(QString audioSource)
    if (QFileInfo(audioSource).suffix().toLower() == "m3u") {
        ProgressPrinter retrievalProgress("Opening playlist file...");
        FileSource source(audioSource, &retrievalProgress);
        if (!source.isAvailable()) {
            cerr << "ERROR: File or URL \"" << audioSource.toStdString()
                 << "\" could not be located" << endl;
            throw FileNotFound(audioSource);
        PlaylistFileReader reader(source);
        if (reader.isOK()) {
            vector<QString> files = reader.load();
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)files.size(); ++i) {
        } else {
            cerr << "ERROR: Playlist \"" << audioSource.toStdString()
                 << "\" could not be opened" << endl;
            throw FileNotFound(audioSource);

    std::cerr << "Have audio source: \"" << audioSource.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl;

    // We don't actually do anything with it here, unless it's the
    // first audio source and we need it to establish default channel
    // count and sample rate

    if (m_channels == 0 || m_defaultSampleRate == 0) {

        ProgressPrinter retrievalProgress("Determining default rate and channel count from first input file...");

        FileSource source(audioSource, &retrievalProgress);
        if (!source.isAvailable()) {
            cerr << "ERROR: File or URL \"" << audioSource.toStdString()
                 << "\" could not be located" << endl;
            throw FileNotFound(audioSource);

        // Open to determine validity, channel count, sample rate only
        // (then close, and open again later with actual desired rate &c)

        AudioFileReader *reader =
            AudioFileReaderFactory::createReader(source, 0, &retrievalProgress);
        if (!reader) {
            throw FailedToOpenFile(audioSource);


        cerr << "File or URL \"" << audioSource.toStdString() << "\" opened successfully" << endl;

        if (m_channels == 0) {
            m_channels = reader->getChannelCount();
            cerr << "Taking default channel count of "
                 << reader->getChannelCount() << " from file" << endl;

        if (m_defaultSampleRate == 0) {
            m_defaultSampleRate = reader->getNativeRate();
            cerr << "Taking default sample rate of "
                 << reader->getNativeRate() << "Hz from file" << endl;
            cerr << "(Note: Default may be overridden by transforms)" << endl;

        m_readyReaders[audioSource] = reader;

void FeatureExtractionManager::extractFeatures(QString audioSource, bool force)
    if (m_plugins.empty()) return;

    if (QFileInfo(audioSource).suffix().toLower() == "m3u") {
        FileSource source(audioSource);
        PlaylistFileReader reader(source);
        if (reader.isOK()) {
            vector<QString> files = reader.load();
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)files.size(); ++i) {
                try {
                    extractFeatures(files[i], force);
                } catch (const std::exception &e) {
                    if (!force) throw;
                    cerr << "ERROR: Feature extraction failed for playlist entry \""
                         << files[i].toStdString()
                         << "\": " << e.what() << endl;
                    // print a note only if we have more files to process
                    if (++i != files.size()) {
                        cerr << "NOTE: \"--force\" option was provided, continuing (more errors may occur)" << endl;
        } else {
            cerr << "ERROR: Playlist \"" << audioSource.toStdString()
                 << "\" could not be opened" << endl;
            throw FileNotFound(audioSource);


    if (m_sampleRate == 0) {
        throw FileOperationFailed
            (audioSource, "internal error: have sources and plugins, but no sample rate");
    if (m_channels == 0) {
        throw FileOperationFailed
            (audioSource, "internal error: have sources and plugins, but no channel count");

    AudioFileReader *reader = 0;

    if (m_readyReaders.contains(audioSource)) {
        reader = m_readyReaders[audioSource];
        if (reader->getChannelCount() != m_channels ||
            reader->getSampleRate() != m_sampleRate) {
            // can't use this; open it again
            delete reader;
            reader = 0;
    if (!reader) {
        ProgressPrinter retrievalProgress("Retrieving audio data...");
        FileSource source(audioSource, &retrievalProgress);
        reader = AudioFileReaderFactory::createReader
            (source, m_sampleRate, &retrievalProgress);

    if (!reader) {
        throw FailedToOpenFile(audioSource);

    cerr << "Audio file \"" << audioSource.toStdString() << "\": "
         << reader->getChannelCount() << "ch at " 
         << reader->getNativeRate() << "Hz" << endl;
    if (reader->getChannelCount() != m_channels ||
        reader->getNativeRate() != m_sampleRate) {
        cerr << "NOTE: File will be mixed or resampled for processing: "
             << m_channels << "ch at " 
             << m_sampleRate << "Hz" << endl;

    // allocate audio buffers
    float **data = new float *[m_channels];
    for (int c = 0; c < m_channels; ++c) {
        data[c] = new float[m_blockSize];
    struct LifespanMgr { // unintrusive hack introduced to ensure
                         // destruction on exceptions
        AudioFileReader *m_r;
        int m_c;
        float **m_d;
        LifespanMgr(AudioFileReader *r, int c, float **d) :
            m_r(r), m_c(c), m_d(d) { }
        ~LifespanMgr() { destroy(); }
        void destroy() {
            if (!m_r) return;
            delete m_r;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_c; ++i) delete[] m_d[i];
            delete[] m_d;
            m_r = 0;
    LifespanMgr lifemgr(reader, m_channels, data);

    size_t frameCount = reader->getFrameCount();
//    cerr << "file has " << frameCount << " frames" << endl;

    for (PluginMap::iterator pi = m_plugins.begin();
         pi != m_plugins.end(); ++pi) {

        Plugin *plugin = pi->first;

//        std::cerr << "Calling reset on " << plugin << std::endl;

        for (TransformWriterMap::iterator ti = pi->second.begin();
             ti != pi->second.end(); ++ti) {

            const Transform &transform = ti->first;

            //!!! we may want to set the start and duration times for extraction
            // in the transform record (defaults of zero indicate extraction
            // from the whole file)
//            transform.setStartTime(RealTime::zeroTime);
//            transform.setDuration
//                (RealTime::frame2RealTime(reader->getFrameCount(), m_sampleRate));

            string outputId = transform.getOutput().toStdString();
            if (m_pluginOutputs[plugin].find(outputId) ==
                m_pluginOutputs[plugin].end()) {
                //!!! throw?
                cerr << "WARNING: Nonexistent plugin output \"" << outputId << "\" requested for transform \""
                     << transform.getIdentifier().toStdString() << "\", ignoring this transform"
                     << endl;
                cerr << "Known outputs for all plugins are as follows:" << endl;
                for (PluginOutputMap::const_iterator k = m_pluginOutputs.begin();
                     k != m_pluginOutputs.end(); ++k) {
                    cerr << "Plugin " << k->first << ": ";
                    if (k->second.empty()) {
                        cerr << "(none)";
                    for (OutputMap::const_iterator i = k->second.begin();
                         i != k->second.end(); ++i) {
                        cerr << "\"" << i->first << "\" ";
                    cerr << endl;
    long startFrame = 0;
    long endFrame = frameCount;

/*!!! No -- there is no single transform to pull this stuff from --
 * the transforms may have various start and end times, need to be far
 * cleverer about this if we're going to support them

    RealTime trStartRT = transform.getStartTime();
    RealTime trDurationRT = transform.getDuration();

    long trStart = RealTime::realTime2Frame(trStartRT, m_sampleRate);
    long trDuration = RealTime::realTime2Frame(trDurationRT, m_sampleRate);

    if (trStart == 0 || trStart < startFrame) {
        trStart = startFrame;

    if (trDuration == 0) {
        trDuration = endFrame - trStart;
    if (trStart + trDuration > endFrame) {
        trDuration = endFrame - trStart;

    startFrame = trStart;
    endFrame = trStart + trDuration;
    for (PluginMap::iterator pi = m_plugins.begin();
         pi != m_plugins.end(); ++pi) { 

        for (TransformWriterMap::const_iterator ti = pi->second.begin();
             ti != pi->second.end(); ++ti) {
            const vector<FeatureWriter *> &writers = ti->second;
            for (int j = 0; j < (int)writers.size(); ++j) {
                FeatureWriter::TrackMetadata m;
                m.title = reader->getTitle();
                m.maker = reader->getMaker();
                if (m.title != "" && m.maker != "") {
                    writers[j]->setTrackMetadata(audioSource, m);

    ProgressPrinter extractionProgress("Extracting and writing features...");
    int progress = 0;

    for (long i = startFrame; i < endFrame; i += m_blockSize) {
        //!!! inefficient, although much of the inefficiency may be
        // susceptible to optimisation
        SampleBlock frames;
        reader->getInterleavedFrames(i, m_blockSize, frames);
        // We have to do our own channel handling here; we can't just
        // leave it to the plugin adapter because the same plugin
        // adapter may have to serve for input files with various
        // numbers of channels (so the adapter is simply configured
        // with a fixed channel count).

        int rc = reader->getChannelCount();

        // m_channels is the number of channels we need for the plugin

        int index;
        int fc = (int)frames.size();

        if (m_channels == 1) { // only case in which we can sensibly mix down
            for (int j = 0; j < m_blockSize; ++j) {
                data[0][j] = 0.f;
            for (int c = 0; c < rc; ++c) {
                for (int j = 0; j < m_blockSize; ++j) {
                    index = j * rc + c;
                    if (index < fc) data[0][j] += frames[index];
            for (int j = 0; j < m_blockSize; ++j) {
                data[0][j] /= rc;
        } else {                
            for (int c = 0; c < m_channels; ++c) {
                for (int j = 0; j < m_blockSize; ++j) {
                    data[c][j] = 0.f;
                if (c < rc) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < m_blockSize; ++j) {
                        index = j * rc + c;
                        if (index < fc) data[c][j] += frames[index];

        Vamp::RealTime timestamp = Vamp::RealTime::frame2RealTime
            (i, m_sampleRate);
        for (PluginMap::iterator pi = m_plugins.begin();
             pi != m_plugins.end(); ++pi) {

            Plugin *plugin = pi->first;
            Plugin::FeatureSet featureSet = plugin->process(data, timestamp);

            if (!m_summariesOnly) {
                writeFeatures(audioSource, plugin, featureSet);

        int pp = progress;
        progress = int(((i - startFrame) * 100.0) / (endFrame - startFrame) + 0.1);
        if (progress > pp) extractionProgress.setProgress(progress);

//    std::cerr << "FeatureExtractionManager: deleting audio file reader" << std::endl;

    lifemgr.destroy(); // deletes reader, data
    // In order to ensure our results are written to the output in a
    // fixed order (and not one that depends on the pointer value of
    // each plugin on the heap in any given run of the program) we
    // take the plugins' entries from the plugin map and sort them
    // into a new, temporary map that is indexed by the first
    // transform for each plugin. We then iterate over than instead of
    // over m_plugins in order to get the right ordering.

    // This is not the most elegant way to do this -- it would be more
    // elegant to impose an ordering directly on the plugins that are
    // used as keys to m_plugins. But the plugin type comes from the
    // Vamp SDK, so this change is more localised.

    // Thanks to Matthias for this.

    typedef map<Transform, PluginMap::value_type> OrderedPluginMap;
    OrderedPluginMap orderedPlugins;

    for (PluginMap::iterator pi = m_plugins.begin();
         pi != m_plugins.end(); ++pi) { 
        Transform firstForPlugin = (pi->second).begin()->first;
        orderedPlugins.insert(OrderedPluginMap::value_type(firstForPlugin, *pi));

    for (OrderedPluginMap::iterator superPi = orderedPlugins.begin();
         superPi != orderedPlugins.end(); ++superPi) {

        // The value we extract from this map is just the same as the
        // value_type we get from iterating over our PluginMap
        // directly -- but we happen to get them in the right order
        // now because the map iterator is ordered by the Transform
        // key type ordering
        PluginMap::value_type pi = superPi->second;

        Plugin *plugin = pi.first;
        Plugin::FeatureSet featureSet = plugin->getRemainingFeatures();

        if (!m_summariesOnly) {
            writeFeatures(audioSource, plugin, featureSet);

        if (!m_summaries.empty()) {
            PluginSummarisingAdapter *adapter =
                dynamic_cast<PluginSummarisingAdapter *>(plugin);
            if (!adapter) {
                cerr << "WARNING: Summaries requested, but plugin is not a summarising adapter" << endl;
            } else {
                for (SummaryNameSet::const_iterator sni = m_summaries.begin();
                     sni != m_summaries.end(); ++sni) {
                    //!!! problem here -- we are requesting summaries
                    //!!! for all outputs, but they in principle have
                    //!!! different averaging requirements depending
                    //!!! on whether their features have duration or
                    //!!! not
                    featureSet = adapter->getSummaryForAllOutputs
                    writeFeatures(audioSource, plugin, featureSet,//!!! *sni);

        writeSummaries(audioSource, plugin);



FeatureExtractionManager::writeSummaries(QString audioSource, Plugin *plugin)
    // caller should have ensured plugin is in m_plugins
    PluginMap::iterator pi = m_plugins.find(plugin);

    for (TransformWriterMap::const_iterator ti = pi->second.begin();
         ti != pi->second.end(); ++ti) {
        const Transform &transform = ti->first;
        const vector<FeatureWriter *> &writers = ti->second;

        Transform::SummaryType summaryType = transform.getSummaryType();
        PluginSummarisingAdapter::SummaryType pType =

        if (transform.getSummaryType() == Transform::NoSummary) {

        PluginSummarisingAdapter *adapter =
            dynamic_cast<PluginSummarisingAdapter *>(plugin);
        if (!adapter) {
            cerr << "FeatureExtractionManager::writeSummaries: INTERNAL ERROR: Summary requested for transform, but plugin is not a summarising adapter" << endl;

        Plugin::FeatureSet featureSet = adapter->getSummaryForAllOutputs
            (pType, PluginSummarisingAdapter::ContinuousTimeAverage);

//        cout << "summary type " << int(pType) << " for transform:" << endl << transform.toXmlString().toStdString()<< endl << "... feature set with " << featureSet.size() << " elts" << endl;

        writeFeatures(audioSource, plugin, featureSet, summaryType);

void FeatureExtractionManager::writeFeatures(QString audioSource,
                                             Plugin *plugin,
                                             const Plugin::FeatureSet &features,
                                             Transform::SummaryType summaryType)
    // caller should have ensured plugin is in m_plugins
    PluginMap::iterator pi = m_plugins.find(plugin);

    for (TransformWriterMap::const_iterator ti = pi->second.begin();
         ti != pi->second.end(); ++ti) {
        const Transform &transform = ti->first;
        const vector<FeatureWriter *> &writers = ti->second;
        if (transform.getSummaryType() != Transform::NoSummary &&
            m_summaries.empty() &&
            summaryType == Transform::NoSummary) {

        if (transform.getSummaryType() != Transform::NoSummary &&
            summaryType != Transform::NoSummary &&
            transform.getSummaryType() != summaryType) {

        string outputId = transform.getOutput().toStdString();

        if (m_pluginOutputs[plugin].find(outputId) ==
            m_pluginOutputs[plugin].end()) {
        const Plugin::OutputDescriptor &desc =
        int outputIndex = m_pluginOutputIndices[outputId];
        Plugin::FeatureSet::const_iterator fsi = features.find(outputIndex);
        if (fsi == features.end()) continue;

        for (int j = 0; j < (int)writers.size(); ++j) {
                (audioSource, transform, desc, fsi->second,

void FeatureExtractionManager::testOutputFiles(QString audioSource)
    for (PluginMap::iterator pi = m_plugins.begin();
         pi != m_plugins.end(); ++pi) {

        for (TransformWriterMap::iterator ti = pi->second.begin();
             ti != pi->second.end(); ++ti) {
            vector<FeatureWriter *> &writers = ti->second;

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)writers.size(); ++i) {
                writers[i]->testOutputFile(audioSource, ti->first.getIdentifier());

void FeatureExtractionManager::finish()
    for (PluginMap::iterator pi = m_plugins.begin();
         pi != m_plugins.end(); ++pi) {

        for (TransformWriterMap::iterator ti = pi->second.begin();
             ti != pi->second.end(); ++ti) {
            vector<FeatureWriter *> &writers = ti->second;

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)writers.size(); ++i) {

void FeatureExtractionManager::print(Transform transform) const
    QString qs;
    QTextStream qts(&qs);
    cerr << qs.toStdString() << endl;