view feature-description-example.n3 @ 59:52b9d58edb78

Ensure expected output (as well as test output) gets canonicalised before comparison. The test in question still fails -- I think now only because of plugin output ordering changes (prior to svcore rev f3fd2988fc9b it also had picked up some incorrect output feature types)
author Chris Cannam
date Mon, 09 Jan 2012 16:30:44 +0000
parents 581b1b150a4d
line wrap: on
line source

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix mo: <> .
@prefix af: <> .
@prefix event: <> .
@prefix tl: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix : <#> .

# Describe the signal we're annotating, and associate it with a
# timeline (the timeline is named as :base_timeline but never given
# any attributes in this document).  Any feature that is associated
# with the same timeline will be taken as derived from this signal.

:audio_signal a mo:Signal ;
        mo:available_as <file:///path/to/myfile.wav> ;
        mo:time :signal_interval .

:signal_interval a tl:Interval ;
                 tl:onTimeLine :base_timeline ;
                 tl:beginsAt "PT0"^^xsd:duration .

# A sparse feature event.

:event0 a af:Onset ;
        event:time :time0 .

:time0 a tl:Instant ;
       tl:onTimeLine :base_timeline ;
       tl:at "PT0.185759637S"^^xsd:duration .

# Alternatively we could write that with a blank node.

:event1 a af:Onset ;
        event:time [
                   a tl:Instant ;
                   tl:onTimeLine :base_timeline ;
                   tl:at "PT0.510839002S"^^xsd:duration ;
                   ] .

# For a dense feature, we need an appropriately sampled, windowed timeline.

:feature_timeline a tl:DiscreteTimeLine .

:feature_timeline_map a tl:UniformSamplingWindowingMap ;
               tl:rangeTimeLine :feature_timeline ;
               tl:domainTimeLine :base_timeline ;
               tl:sampleRate "44100"^^xsd:int ;
               tl:windowLength "1024"^^xsd:int ;
               tl:hopSize "512"^^xsd:int .

# ... and an interval, defined in terms of hops (the discrete steps of
# the windowed timeline).

:feature_interval a tl:Interval ;
                  tl:onTimeLine :feature_timeline ;
                  tl:beginsAt "0"^^xsd:int ;
                  tl:duration "5634"^^xsd:int .

# Then our feature is a signal that is on the interval we just
# described.  We associate it explicitly with the original audio
# signal, although presumably we could leave the association implicit,
# to be derived from the relationships between timelines, just as it
# is for the sparse features above.

:audio_signal af:signal_feature :feature1 .

:feature_signal_type rdfs:subClassOf af:DetectionFunction ;
          dc:title "Detection Function from Simple Percussion Onset Detector" .

:feature1 a :feature_signal_type ;
          mo:time :feature_interval ;
          af:dimensions "12 12345" ;
          af:value "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 1 24 236 123213 (etc)" .