view tests/test-summaries/expected/summaries-from-rdf.n3 @ 269:39fb206b1153 piper-nopiper

Filter out Xing/LAME info frames, rather than letting them go to the mp3 decoder as if they were audio frames. Fixes the 1152-sample zero pad at start of some decoded mp3 files (distinct from decoder delay). The logic here is based on the madplay code.
author Chris Cannam
date Thu, 24 Nov 2016 13:32:04 +0000
parents 795d67a5e266
line wrap: on
line source
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix mo: <> .
@prefix af: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix event: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix tl: <> .
@prefix vamp: <> .
@prefix : <> .

    vamp:block_size "1024"^^xsd:int ;
    vamp:output <> ;
    vamp:plugin <> ;
    vamp:sample_rate "44100"^^xsd:float ;
    vamp:step_size "512"^^xsd:int ;
    a vamp:Transform .

    mo:encodes :signal_1 ;
    a mo:AudioFile .

    mo:time [
        tl:onTimeLine :signal_timeline_1 ;
        a tl:Interval
    ] ;
    a mo:Signal .

    a tl:Timeline .

    event:time [
        tl:at "PT0.777868481S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:onTimeLine :signal_timeline_1 ;
        a tl:Instant
    ] ;
    vamp:computed_by :transform_0_onsets ;
    a af:Onset .

    event:time [
        tl:at "PT1.648616780S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:onTimeLine :signal_timeline_1 ;
        a tl:Instant
    ] ;
    vamp:computed_by :transform_0_onsets ;
    a af:Onset .

    event:time [
        tl:at "PT2.414875283S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:onTimeLine :signal_timeline_1 ;
        a tl:Instant
    ] ;
    vamp:computed_by :transform_0_onsets ;
    a af:Onset .

    vamp:block_size "4096"^^xsd:int ;
    vamp:output <> ;
    vamp:plugin <> ;
    vamp:sample_rate "44100"^^xsd:float ;
    vamp:step_size "2048"^^xsd:int ;
    vamp:summary_type "mean" ;
    a vamp:Transform .

    dc:description "Broadband energy rise detection function" ;
    dc:format "" ;
    dc:title "Detection Function" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf event:Event .

    event:time [
        tl:beginsAt "PT0.000000000S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:duration "PT4.992290248S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:onTimeLine :signal_timeline_1 ;
        a tl:Interval
    ] ;
    af:feature "703.191" ;
    vamp:computed_by :transform_5_detectionfunction ;
    a :event_type_6 ;
    rdfs:label "(mean value, continuous-time average)" .

    vamp:block_size "1024"^^xsd:int ;
    vamp:output <> ;
    vamp:plugin <> ;
    vamp:sample_rate "44100"^^xsd:float ;
    vamp:step_size "512"^^xsd:int ;
    vamp:summary_type "mean" ;
    a vamp:Transform .

    dc:description "Broadband energy rise detection function" ;
    dc:format "" ;
    dc:title "Detection Function" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf event:Event .

    event:time [
        tl:beginsAt "PT0.000000000S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:duration "PT4.992290248S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:onTimeLine :signal_timeline_1 ;
        a tl:Interval
    ] ;
    af:feature "169.391" ;
    vamp:computed_by :transform_8_detectionfunction ;
    a :event_type_9 ;
    rdfs:label "(mean value, continuous-time average)" .

    vamp:block_size "1024"^^xsd:int ;
    vamp:output <> ;
    vamp:plugin <> ;
    vamp:sample_rate "44100"^^xsd:float ;
    vamp:step_size "512"^^xsd:int ;
    vamp:summary_type "median" ;
    a vamp:Transform .

    dc:description "Broadband energy rise detection function" ;
    dc:format "" ;
    dc:title "Detection Function" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf event:Event .

    event:time [
        tl:beginsAt "PT0.000000000S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:duration "PT4.992290248S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:onTimeLine :signal_timeline_1 ;
        a tl:Interval
    ] ;
    af:feature "169" ;
    vamp:computed_by :transform_11_detectionfunction ;
    a :event_type_12 ;
    rdfs:label "(median value, continuous-time average)" .

    vamp:block_size "1024"^^xsd:int ;
    vamp:output <> ;
    vamp:plugin <> ;
    vamp:sample_rate "44100"^^xsd:float ;
    vamp:step_size "512"^^xsd:int ;
    vamp:summary_type "mode" ;
    a vamp:Transform .

    dc:description "Broadband energy rise detection function" ;
    dc:format "" ;
    dc:title "Detection Function" ;
    rdfs:subClassOf event:Event .

    event:time [
        tl:beginsAt "PT0.000000000S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:duration "PT4.992290248S"^^xsd:duration ;
        tl:onTimeLine :signal_timeline_1 ;
        a tl:Interval
    ] ;
    af:feature "164" ;
    vamp:computed_by :transform_14_detectionfunction ;
    a :event_type_15 ;
    rdfs:label "(modal value, continuous-time average)" .