changeset 37:d80c103d9876

author idamnjanovic
date Mon, 14 Mar 2011 15:33:05 +0000 (2011-03-14)
parents e6191f5bb21b
children 84b7c44e54c4
files util/SMALL_solve.m
diffstat 1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/util/SMALL_solve.m	Mon Mar 14 15:32:52 2011 +0000
+++ b/util/SMALL_solve.m	Mon Mar 14 15:33:05 2011 +0000
@@ -30,11 +30,17 @@
     n = Problem.sizeA(2);      % n is the no. of columns.
-b  = Problem.b;            % The right-hand-side vector.
+% if signal that needs to be represented is different then training set for
+% dictionary learning it should be stored in Problem.b1 matix
+if isfield(Problem, 'b1')
+    b = Problem.b1;
+    b = Problem.b;            % The right-hand-side vector.
 fprintf('\nStarting solver %s... \n',;
 if strcmpi(solver.toolbox,'sparselab')
     y = eval([,'(SparseLab_A, b, n,',solver.param,');']);
 elseif strcmpi(solver.toolbox,'sparsify')
@@ -49,7 +55,23 @@
         y = eval([,'(A, b, n,',solver.param,',AT);']);
+elseif (strcmpi(solver.toolbox, 'ompbox'))
+    G=A'*A;
+    epsilon=solver.param.epsilon;
+    maxatoms=solver.param.maxatoms;
+    y = eval([,'(A, b, G,epsilon,''maxatoms'',maxatoms,''checkdict'',''off'');']);
+elseif (strcmpi(solver.toolbox, 'ompsbox'))
+    basedict = Problem.basedict;
+     if issparse(Problem.A)
+        A = Problem.A;
+      else
+        A = sparse(Problem.A);
+      end
+    G = dicttsep(basedict,A,dictsep(basedict,A,speye(size(A,2))));
+    epsilon=solver.param.epsilon;
+    maxatoms=solver.param.maxatoms;
+    y = eval([,'(basedict, A, b, G,epsilon,''maxatoms'',maxatoms,''checkdict'',''off'');']);
+    Problem.sparse=1;
 %   To introduce new sparse representation algorithm put the files in
 %   your Matlab path. Next, unique name <TolboxID> for your toolbox and
 %   prefferd API <Preffered_API> needs to be defined.
@@ -68,10 +90,11 @@
 %   Sparse representation time
 solver.time = cputime - start;
 fprintf('Solver %s finished task in %2f seconds. \n',, solver.time);
+fprintf('Solver %s finished task in %2f seconds. \n',, tElapsed);
 % geting around out of memory problem when converting big matrix from
 % sparse to full...
@@ -80,7 +103,8 @@
     solver.solution = full(y);
+if isfield(Problem,'reconstruct')
 %   Reconstruct the signal from the solution
 solver.reconstructed  = Problem.reconstruct(solver.solution);