changeset 177:714fa7b8c1ad danieleb

added ramirez dl (to be completed) and MOCOD dictionary update
author Daniele Barchiesi <>
date Thu, 17 Nov 2011 11:18:25 +0000
parents d0645d5fca7d
children 4ea4badb2266
files DL/dl_ramirez.m examples/SMALL_test_mocod.m
diffstat 2 files changed, 334 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DL/dl_ramirez.m	Thu Nov 17 11:18:25 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+function DL = dl_ramirez(Problem,DL)
+%% Dictionary learning with incoherent dictionary
+% I. Ramirez, F. Lecumberry and G. Sapiro, Sparse modeling with universal
+% priors and learned incoherent dictionaries.
+%   Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
+%   This file copyright 2011 Daniele Barchiesi.
+%   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+%   License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
+%   COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
+%% Test function
+if ~nargin, testdl_ramirez; return; end
+%% Parameters & Defaults
+X = Problem.b;					%matrix of observed signals
+% determine dictionary size %
+if (isfield(DL.param,'initdict')) %if the dictionary has been initialised
+	if (any(size(DL.param.initdict)==1) && all(iswhole(DL.param.initdict(:))))
+		dictSize = length(DL.param.initdict);
+	else
+		dictSize = size(DL.param.initdict,2);
+	end
+if (isfield(DL.param,'dictsize'))
+	dictSize = DL.param.dictsize;
+if (size(X,2) < dictSize)
+	error('Number of training signals is smaller than number of atoms to train');
+% initialize the dictionary %
+if (isfield(DL.param,'initdict')) && ~isempty(DL.param.initdict);
+	if (any(size(DL.param.initdict)==1) && all(iswhole(DL.param.initdict(:))))
+		D = X(:,DL.param.initdict(1:dictSize));
+	else
+		if (size(DL.param.initdict,1)~=size(X,1) || size(DL.param.initdict,2)<dictSize)
+			error('Invalid initial dictionary');
+		end
+		D = DL.param.initdict(:,1:dictSize);
+	end
+	data_ids = find(colnorms_squared(X) > 1e-6);   % ensure no zero data elements are chosen
+	perm = randperm(length(data_ids));
+	D = X(:,data_ids(perm(1:dictSize)));
+% coherence penalty factor
+if isfield(DL.param,'zeta')
+	zeta = DL.param.zeta;
+	zeta = 0.1; 
+% atoms norm penalty factor
+if isfield(DL.param,'eta')
+	eta = DL.param.eta;
+	eta = 0.1; 
+% number of iterations (default is 40) %
+if isfield(DL.param,'iternum')
+    iternum = DL.param.iternum;
+    iternum = 40;
+% show dictonary every specified number of iterations
+if isfield(DL.param,'show_dict')
+    show_dictionary=1;
+    show_iter=DL.param.show_dict;
+    show_dictionary=0;
+    show_iter=0;
+tmpTraining = Problem.b1;
+Problem.b1 = X;
+if isfield(Problem,'reconstruct')
+    Problem = rmfield(Problem, 'reconstruct');
+%% Main Algorithm
+Dprev = D;						%initial dictionary
+Aprev = D\X;				    %set initial solution as pseudoinverse
+for i = 1:iternum
+	%Sparse Coding by 
+	A = sparsecoding(X,D,Aprev);
+	%Dictionary Update
+	D = dictionaryupdate(X,A,Dprev,zeta,eta);
+	Dprev = D;
+	Aprev = A;
+   if ((show_dictionary)&&(mod(i,show_iter)==0))
+       dictimg = SMALL_showdict(dico,[8 8],...
+            round(sqrt(size(dico,2))),round(sqrt(size(dico,2))),'lines','highcontrast');  
+       figure(2); imagesc(dictimg);colormap(gray);axis off; axis image;
+       pause(0.02);
+   end
+Problem.b1 = tmpTraining;
+DL.D = D;
+function A = sparsecoding(X,D,Aprev)
+%Sparse coding using a mixture of laplacians (MOL) as universal prior.
+K = size(D,2);	%number of atoms
+M = size(X,2);	%number of signals
+mu1 = mean(abs(Aprev(:)));			%first moment of distribution of Aprev
+mu2 = (norm(Aprev(:))^2)/numel(Aprev);%second moment of distribution of Aprev
+kappa = 2*(mu2-mu1^2)/(mu2-2*mu2^2); %parameter kappa of the MOL distribution
+beta = (kappa-1)*mu1;				%parameter beta of the MOL distribution
+E = X-D*Aprev;						%error term
+sigmasq = mean(var(E));				%error variance
+tau = 2*sigmasq*(kappa+1);			%sparsity factor
+%solve a succession of subproblems to approximate the non-convex cost
+nIter = 10;							%number of iterations of surrogate subproblem
+Psi   = zeros(K,M);					%initialise solution of subproblem
+for iIter=1:nIter
+	Reg = 1./(abs(Psi) + beta);
+	Psi = solvel1(X,D,tau,Reg);
+A = Psi;
+function Psi = solvel1(X,D,tau,A)
+	[K M] = size(A);
+	Psi = zeros(K,M);
+	for m=1:M
+		cvx_begin quiet
+			variable v(K)
+			minimise (norm(X(:,m)-D*v) + tau*norm(A(:,m).*v,1));
+		cvx_end
+		Psi(:,m) = v;
+	end
+function D = dictionaryupdate(X,A,Dprev,zeta,eta)
+	D = (X*A' + 2*(zeta + eta)*Dprev)/(A*A' + 2*zeta*(Dprev'*Dprev) + 2*eta*diag(diag(Dprev'*Dprev)));
+function Y = colnorms_squared(X)
+% compute in blocks to conserve memory
+Y = zeros(1,size(X,2));
+blocksize = 2000;
+for i = 1:blocksize:size(X,2)
+	blockids = i : min(i+blocksize-1,size(X,2));
+	Y(blockids) = sum(X(:,blockids).^2);
+function testdl_ramirez
+	clc
+	N = 10;		%ambient dimension
+	K = 20;		%number of atoms
+	M = 30;		%number of observed signals
+	X = randn(N,M);		%observed signals
+	D = normcol(randn(N,K)); %initial dictionary
+	Problem.b = X;		%sparse representation problem
+	Problem.b1 = X;
+	DL = SMALL_init_DL('dl_ramirez');
+	DL.param.initdict = D;
+	DL.param = struct('initdict',D,...
+					  'zeta',0.5,...
+					  'eta',0.5);
+	DL = SMALL_learn(Problem,DL);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/SMALL_test_mocod.m	Thu Nov 17 11:18:25 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+clc, clear, close all
+%% Parameteres
+nTrials   = 10;										%number of trials of the experiment
+% Dictionary learning parameters
+toolbox   = 'TwoStepDL';							%dictionary learning toolbox
+dicUpdate = 'mocod';								%dictionary learning updates
+zeta	  = logspace(-2,2,10); 
+eta  	  = logspace(-2,2,10); 
+iterNum   = 20;				%number of iterations
+epsilon   = 1e-6;			%tolerance level
+dictSize  = 512;			%number of atoms in the dictionary
+percActiveAtoms = 5;		%percentage of active atoms
+% Test signal parameters
+signal    = audio('music03_16kHz.wav'); %audio signal
+blockSize = 256;						%size of audio frames
+overlap   = 0.5;						%overlap between consecutive frames
+% Dependent parameters
+nActiveAtoms = fix(blockSize/100*percActiveAtoms); %number of active atoms
+% Initial dictionaries
+gaborParam = struct('N',blockSize,'redundancyFactor',2,'wd',@rectwin);
+gaborDict = Gabor_Dictionary(gaborParam);
+initDicts = {[],gaborDict};
+%% Generate audio approximation problem
+signal			 = buffer(signal,blockSize,blockSize*overlap,@rectwin);	%buffer frames of audio into columns of the matrix S
+SMALL.Problem.b  = signal.S;
+SMALL.Problem.b1 = SMALL.Problem.b; % copy signals from training set b to test set b1 (needed for later functions)
+% omp2 sparse representation solver
+ompParam = struct('X',SMALL.Problem.b,'epsilon',epsilon,'maxatoms',nActiveAtoms); %parameters
+solver	 = SMALL_init_solver('ompbox','omp2',ompParam,false); %solver structure
+%% Test
+nInitDicts  = length(initDicts);		%number of initial dictionaries
+nZetas = length(zeta);
+nEtas  = length(eta);
+SMALL.DL(nTrials,nInitDicts,nZetas,nEtas) = SMALL_init_DL(toolbox); %create dictionary learning structures
+for iTrial=1:nTrials
+	for iInitDicts=1:nInitDicts
+		for iZetas=1:nZetas
+			for iEtas=1:nEtas
+				SMALL.DL(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas).toolbox = toolbox;
+				SMALL.DL(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas).name = dicUpdate;
+				SMALL.DL(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas).profile = true;
+				SMALL.DL(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas).param = ...
+					struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,...
+					'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
+					'dictsize',dictSize,...
+					'iternum',iterNum,...
+					'memusage','high',...
+					'solver',solver,...
+					'initdict',initDicts(iInitDicts),...
+					'zeta',zeta(iZetas),...
+					'eta',eta(iEtas));
+				SMALL.DL(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas) = ...
+					SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas));
+			end
+		end
+	end
+%% Evaluate coherence and snr of representation for the various methods
+sr = zeros(size(SMALL.DL));				%signal to noise ratio
+mu = zeros(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas);	%coherence
+dic(size(SMALL.DL)) = dictionary;		%initialise dictionary objects
+for iTrial=1:nTrials
+	for iInitDicts=1:nInitDicts
+		for iZetas=1:nZetas
+			for iEtas=1:nEtas
+				%Sparse representation
+				SMALL.Problem.A = SMALL.DL(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas).D;
+				tempSolver = SMALL_solve(SMALL.Problem,solver);
+				%calculate snr
+				sr(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas) = ...
+					snr(SMALL.Problem.b,SMALL.DL(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas).D*tempSolver.solution);
+				%calculate mu
+				dic(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas) = ...
+					dictionary(SMALL.DL(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas).D);
+				mu(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas) = ...
+					dic(iTrial,iInitDicts,iZetas,iEtas).coherence;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+%% Plot results
+minMu = sqrt((dictSize-blockSize)/(blockSize*(dictSize-1)));	%lowe bound on coherence
+initDictsNames = {'Data','Gabor'};
+lineStyles     = {'k.-','r*-','b+-'};
+for iInitDict=1:nInitDicts
+	figure, hold on, grid on
+	title([initDictsNames{iInitDict} ' Initialisation']);
+	coherenceLevels = squeeze(mean(mu(:,iInitDict,:,:),1));
+	meanSNRs		= squeeze(mean(sr(:,iInitDict,:,:),1));
+	%stdSNRs				= squeeze(std(sr(:,iInitDict,iZetas,iEtas),0,1));
+	subplot(2,2,1)
+	surf(eta,zeta,coherenceLevels);
+	set(gca,'Xscale','log','Yscale','log','ZLim',[0 1.4]);
+	view(gca,130,20)
+	xlabel('\eta');
+	ylabel('\zeta');
+	zlabel('\mu');
+	title('Coherence')
+	subplot(2,2,2)
+	surf(eta,zeta,meanSNRs);
+	set(gca,'Xscale','log','Yscale','log','ZLim',[0 25]);
+	view(gca,130,20)
+	xlabel('\eta');
+	ylabel('\zeta');
+	zlabel('SNR (dB)');
+	title('Reconstruction Error')
+	subplot(2,2,[3 4])
+	mus = mu(:,iInitDict,:,:);
+	mus = mus(:);
+	SNRs = sr(:,iInitDict,:,:);
+	SNRs = SNRs(:);
+	[un idx] = sort(mus);
+	plot([1 1],[0 25],'k')
+	hold on, grid on
+	scatter(mus(idx),SNRs(idx),'k+');
+	plot([minMu minMu],[0 25],'k--')
+	set(gca,'YLim',[0 25],'XLim',[0 1.4]);
+	xlabel('\mu');
+	ylabel('SNR (dB)');
+	legend([{'\mu_{max}'},'MOCOD',{'\mu_{min}'}]);
+	title('Coherence-Reconstruction Error Tradeoff')
+% 	plot([minMu minMu],[0 25],'k--')
+% 	set(gca,'YLim',[0 25],'XLim',[0 1.4]);
+% 	legend([{'\mu_{max}'},dicDecorrNames,{'\mu_{min}'}]);
+% 	xlabel('\mu');
+% 	ylabel('SNR (dB)');