changeset 169:290cca7d3469 danieleb

Added dictionary decorrelation functions and test script for ICASSP paper.
author Daniele Barchiesi <>
date Thu, 29 Sep 2011 09:46:52 +0100 (2011-09-29)
parents ff866a412be5
children 68fb71aa5339
files DL/two-step DL/SMALL_two_step_DL.m DL/two-step DL/dico_decorr_symetric.m examples/SMALL_test_coherence.m examples/SMALL_test_coherence2.m util/classes/dictionaryMatrices/grassmannian.m util/classes/dictionaryMatrices/iterativeprojections.m util/classes/dictionaryMatrices/rotatematrix.m util/classes/util/regularisedictionary.m
diffstat 8 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 170 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/DL/two-step DL/SMALL_two_step_DL.m	Tue Sep 20 15:52:33 2011 +0100
+++ b/DL/two-step DL/SMALL_two_step_DL.m	Thu Sep 29 09:46:52 2011 +0100
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 % initialize the dictionary %
-if (isfield(DL.param,'initdict'))
+if (isfield(DL.param,'initdict')) && ~isempty(DL.param.initdict);
   if (any(size(DL.param.initdict)==1) && all(iswhole(DL.param.initdict(:))))
     dico = sig(:,DL.param.initdict(1:dictsize));
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 % main loop %
 for i = 1:iternum
-    disp([num2str(i) '/' num2str(iternum)]);
+    %disp([num2str(i) '/' num2str(iternum)]);
     Problem.A = dico;
     solver = SMALL_solve(Problem, solver);
     [dico, solver.solution] = dico_update(dico, sig, solver.solution, ...
@@ -119,7 +119,13 @@
                 dico = dico_decorr_symetric(dico, mu, solver.solution);
             case 'tropp'
                 [n m] = size(dico);
-                dico = grassmannian(n,m,[],[],[],dico,true);
+                dico = grassmannian(n,m,[],[],[],dico);
+			case 'barchiesi'
+				[n m] = size(dico);
+				params.nIter = 100;
+				dico = iterativeprojections(n,m,[],[],[],dico);
+				[~, ~, W] = rotatematrix(Problem.b,dico*solver.solution,'conjgradlie',params);
+				dico = W*dico;
--- a/DL/two-step DL/dico_decorr_symetric.m	Tue Sep 20 15:52:33 2011 +0100
+++ b/DL/two-step DL/dico_decorr_symetric.m	Thu Sep 29 09:46:52 2011 +0100
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@
     % several decorrelation iterations might be needed to reach global
     % coherence mu. niter can be adjusted to needs.
     niter = 1;
-    while niter < 5 && ...
-            max(max(abs(dico'*dico -eye(length(dico))))) > mu + eps
+    while max(max(abs(dico'*dico -eye(length(dico))))) > mu + 0.01
         % find pairs of high correlation atoms
         colors = dico_color(dico, mu);
--- a/examples/SMALL_test_coherence.m	Tue Sep 20 15:52:33 2011 +0100
+++ b/examples/SMALL_test_coherence.m	Thu Sep 29 09:46:52 2011 +0100
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 % Dependent parameters
 nActiveAtoms = fix(blockSize/100*percActiveAtoms); %number of active atoms
 epsilon      = 1/sigma; %error constraint for sparse representation step (corresponds to noise applied to signals)
-%minCoherence = sqrt((dictSize-blockSize)/(blockSize*(dictSize-1))); %target coherence (based on coherence lower bound)
-minCoherence = 0.4;		%target coherence
+minMu = sqrt((dictSize-blockSize)/(blockSize*(dictSize-1))); %target coherence (based on coherence lower bound)
+minCoherence = [0.1:0.1:1];
 % Initial dictionaries
 dctDict = dictionary('dct',blockSize,dictSize);
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 %% Generate audio denoising problem with low noise (audio representation)
 SMALL.Problem = generateAudioDenoiseProblem(signal.s,[],blockSize,...
-    dictSize,overlap,sigma); % generate representation problem
+	dictSize,overlap,sigma); % generate representation problem
 SMALL.Problem.b1 = SMALL.Problem.b; % copy signals from training set b to test set b1 (needed for later functions)
 % omp2 sparse representation solver
@@ -37,147 +37,144 @@
 solver = SMALL_init_solver('ompbox','omp2',ompParam,false); %solver structure
-%% Test ksvd dictionary update
+%% Test
 name = dicUpdate{1}; %use ksvd update
-SMALL.DL(1:9) = SMALL_init_DL(toolbox,name); %create dictionary learning structures
+SMALL.DL(1:36) = SMALL_init_DL(toolbox,name); %create dictionary learning structures
 % learn with random initialisation and no decorrelation
 SMALL.DL(1).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','none'); %parameters for the dictionary learning
+	'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
+	'decFcn','none'); %parameters for the dictionary learning
 SMALL.DL(1) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(1)); %learn dictionary
 % learn with random initialisation and mailhe decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(2).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','mailhe','coherence',minCoherence); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(2) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(2)); %learn dictionary
-% learn with random initialisation and tropp decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(3).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','tropp','coherence',minCoherence); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(3) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(3)); %learn dictionary
-% Learn with dct initialisation and no decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(4).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','none','initdict',dctDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(4) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(4)); %learn dictionary
-% learn with dct initialisation and mailhe decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(5).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','mailhe','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',dctDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(5) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(5)); %learn dictionary
-% learn with dct initialisation and tropp decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(6).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','tropp','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',dctDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(6) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(6)); %learn dictionary
-% Learn with gabor initialisation and no decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(7).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','none','initdict',gaborDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(7) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(7)); %learn dictionary
-% learn with gabor initialisation and mailhe decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(8).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','mailhe','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',gaborDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(8) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(8)); %learn dictionary
-% learn with gabor initialisation and tropp decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(9).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','tropp','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',gaborDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(9) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(9)); %learn dictionary
-%% Test mailhe dictionary update
-name = dicUpdate{2}; %use mailhe update
-SMALL.DL(10:18) = SMALL_init_DL(toolbox,name); %create dictionary learning structure
-% learn with random initialisation and no decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(10).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','none'); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(10) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(10)); %learn dictionary
-% learn with random initialisation and mailhe decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(11).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','mailhe','coherence',minCoherence); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(11) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(11)); %learn dictionary
+for iMu=1:10
+	SMALL.DL(1+iMu).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
+		'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
+		'decFcn','mailhe','coherence',minCoherence(iMu)); %parameters for the dictionary learning
+	SMALL.DL(1+iMu) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(1+iMu)); %learn dictionary
+	%save('SMALL','SMALL');
 % learn with random initialisation and tropp decorrelation
 SMALL.DL(12).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','tropp','coherence',minCoherence); %parameters for the dictionary learning
+	'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
+	'decFcn','tropp','coherence',minCoherence); %parameters for the dictionary learning
 SMALL.DL(12) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(12)); %learn dictionary
 % Learn with dct initialisation and no decorrelation
 SMALL.DL(13).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','none','initdict',dctDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
+	'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
+	'decFcn','none','initdict',dctDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
 SMALL.DL(13) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(13)); %learn dictionary
 % learn with dct initialisation and mailhe decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(14).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','mailhe','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',dctDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(14) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(14)); %learn dictionary
+for iMu=1:10
+	SMALL.DL(13+iMu).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
+		'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
+		'decFcn','mailhe','coherence',minCoherence(iMu),'initdict',dctDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
+	SMALL.DL(13+iMu) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(13+iMu)); %learn dictionary
+	%save('SMALL','SMALL');
 % learn with dct initialisation and tropp decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(15).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','tropp','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',dctDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(15) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(15)); %learn dictionary
+SMALL.DL(24).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
+	'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
+	'decFcn','tropp','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',dctDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
+SMALL.DL(24) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(24)); %learn dictionary
 % Learn with gabor initialisation and no decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(16).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','none','initdict',gaborDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(16) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(16)); %learn dictionary
+SMALL.DL(25).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
+	'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
+	'decFcn','none','initdict',gaborDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
+SMALL.DL(25) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(25)); %learn dictionary
 % learn with gabor initialisation and mailhe decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(17).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','mailhe','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',gaborDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(17) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(17)); %learn dictionary
+for iMu=1:10
+	SMALL.DL(25+iMu).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
+		'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
+		'decFcn','mailhe','coherence',minCoherence(iMu),'initdict',gaborDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
+	SMALL.DL(25+iMu) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(25+iMu)); %learn dictionary
+	%save('SMALL','SMALL');
 % learn with gabor initialisation and tropp decorrelation
-SMALL.DL(18).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
-    'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
-    'decFcn','tropp','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',gaborDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
-SMALL.DL(18) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(18)); %learn dictionary
+SMALL.DL(36).param = struct('data',SMALL.Problem.b,'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
+	'dictsize',dictSize,'iternum',iterNum,'memusage','high','solver',solver,...
+	'decFcn','tropp','coherence',minCoherence,'initdict',gaborDict); %parameters for the dictionary learning
+SMALL.DL(36) = SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(36)); %learn dictionary
 %% Evaluate coherence and snr of representation for the various methods
-sigNoiseRatio = zeros(18,1);
-mu = zeros(18,1);
-for i=1:18
-    SMALL.Problem.A = SMALL.DL(i).D;
-    tempSolver = SMALL_solve(SMALL.Problem,solver);
-    sigNoiseRatio(i) = snr(SMALL.Problem.b,SMALL.DL(i).D*tempSolver.solution);
-    dic(i) = dictionary(SMALL.DL(i).D);
-    mu(i) = dic(i).coherence;
+sigNoiseRatio = zeros(36,1);
+mu = zeros(36,1);
+for i=1:36
+	SMALL.Problem.A = SMALL.DL(i).D;
+	tempSolver = SMALL_solve(SMALL.Problem,solver);
+	sigNoiseRatio(i) = snr(SMALL.Problem.b,SMALL.DL(i).D*tempSolver.solution);
+	dic(i) = dictionary(SMALL.DL(i).D);
+	mu(i) = dic(i).coherence;
 %% Plot results
 minMu = sqrt((dictSize-blockSize)/(blockSize*(dictSize-1)));
-maxSNR = max(sigNoiseRatio);
-figure, subplot(1,2,1)
-snrMat = buffer(sigNoiseRatio(1:9),3);
-title('Signal to noise ratio')
-xlabel('Initial dictionary')
-ylabel('SNR (dB)')
-grid on
+hold on, grid on
+title('Data Initialisation')
+plot([1 1],[0 25],'k-');
+plot([minMu minMu],[0 25],'k--')
+set(gca,'YLim',[0 25],'XLim',[0 1.4]);
+ylabel('SNR (dB)');
+hold on, grid on
+title('DCT Initialisation')
+plot([1 1],[0 25],'k-');
+plot([minMu minMu],[0 25],'k--')
+set(gca,'YLim',[0 25],'XLim',[0 1.4]);
+ylabel('SNR (dB)');
+hold on, grid on
+title('Gabor Initialisation')
+plot([1 1],[0 25],'k-');
+plot([minMu minMu],[0 25],'k--')
+set(gca,'YLim',[0 25],'XLim',[0 1.4]);
+ylabel('SNR (dB)');
+% minMu = sqrt((dictSize-blockSize)/(blockSize*(dictSize-1)));
+% maxSNR = max(sigNoiseRatio);
+% figure, subplot(2,2,1)
+% snrMat = buffer(sigNoiseRatio(1:9),3);
+% bar(snrMat');
+% title('Signal to noise ratio')
+% xlabel('Initial dictionary')
+% ylabel('SNR (dB)')
+% set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'data','dct','gabor'});
+% legend('none','Mailhe','Tropp')
+% grid on
 % subplot(2,2,2), grid on
 % snrMat = buffer(sigNoiseRatio(10:18),3);
 % bar(snrMat');
@@ -187,18 +184,18 @@
 % set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'data','dct','gabor'},'YLim',[0 maxSNR+1]);
 % legend('none','Mailhe','Tropp')
 % grid on
-subplot(1,2,2), hold on, grid on
-muMat = buffer(mu(1:9),3);
-line([0.5 3.5],[1 1],'Color','r');
-line([0.5 3.5],[minMu minMu],'Color','k');
-set(gca,'XTick',1:3,'XTickLabel',{'data','dct','gabor'},'YLim',[0 1.05])
-xlabel('Initial dictionary')
+% subplot(2,2,3), hold on, grid on
+% title('Coherence')
+% muMat = buffer(mu(1:9),3);
+% line([0.5 3.5],[1 1],'Color','r');
+% bar(muMat');
+% line([0.5 3.5],[minMu minMu],'Color','k');
+% set(gca,'XTick',1:3,'XTickLabel',{'data','dct','gabor'},'YLim',[0 1.05])
+% legend('\mu_{max}','none','Mailhe','Tropp','\mu_{min}')
+% ylabel('\mu')
+% xlabel('Initial dictionary')
 % subplot(2,2,4), hold on, grid on
 % title('Coherence - Mailhe Update')
 % muMat = buffer(mu(10:18),3);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/SMALL_test_coherence2.m	Thu Sep 29 09:46:52 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+clc, clear, close all
+%% Parameteres
+% Dictionary learning parameters
+toolbox   = 'TwoStepDL';							%dictionary learning toolbox
+dicUpdate = {'ksvd'};								%dictionary learning updates
+dicDecorr = {'none','mailhe','tropp','barchiesi'};	%dictionary decorrelation methods
+minCoherence = linspace(0.1,1,1);					%coherence levels
+minCoherence = 0.4;
+%dicDecorr = {'barchiesi'};
+iterNum   = 20;				%number of iterations
+epsilon   = 1e-6;			%tolerance level
+dictSize  = 512;			%number of atoms in the dictionary
+percActiveAtoms = 5;		%percentage of active atoms
+% Test signal parameters
+signal    = audio('music03_16kHz.wav'); %audio signal
+blockSize = 256;						%size of audio frames
+overlap   = 0.5;						%overlap between consecutive frames
+% Dependent parameters
+nActiveAtoms = fix(blockSize/100*percActiveAtoms); %number of active atoms
+% Initial dictionaries
+dctDict = dictionary('dct',blockSize,dictSize);
+dctDict = dctDict.phi;
+gaborParam = struct('N',blockSize,'redundancyFactor',2,'wd',@rectwin);
+gaborDict = Gabor_Dictionary(gaborParam);
+initDicts = {[],dctDict,gaborDict};
+initDicts = {[]};
+%% Generate audio approximation problem
+signal			 = buffer(signal,blockSize,blockSize*overlap,@rectwin);
+SMALL.Problem.b  = signal.S;
+SMALL.Problem.b1 = SMALL.Problem.b; % copy signals from training set b to test set b1 (needed for later functions)
+% omp2 sparse representation solver
+ompParam = struct('X',SMALL.Problem.b,'epsilon',epsilon,'maxatoms',nActiveAtoms); %parameters
+solver	 = SMALL_init_solver('ompbox','omp2',ompParam,false); %solver structure
+%% Test
+nDicUpdates = length(dicUpdate);		%number of dictionary updates
+nDecorrAlgs = length(dicDecorr);		%number of decorrelation algorithms
+nCorrLevels = length(minCoherence);		%number of coherence levels
+nInitDicts  = length(initDicts);		%number of initial dictionaries
+SMALL.DL(nInitDicts,nCorrLevels,nDecorrAlgs,nDicUpdates) = SMALL_init_DL(toolbox); %create dictionary learning structures
+for iInitDicts=1:nInitDicts
+	for iCorrLevels=1:nCorrLevels
+		for iDecorrAlgs=1:nDecorrAlgs
+			for iDicUpdates=1:nDicUpdates
+				SMALL.DL(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates).toolbox = toolbox;
+				SMALL.DL(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates).name = dicUpdate{iDicUpdates};
+				SMALL.DL(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates).profile = true;
+				SMALL.DL(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates).param = ...
+					struct( 'data',SMALL.Problem.b,...
+					'Tdata',nActiveAtoms,...
+					'dictsize',dictSize,...
+					'iternum',iterNum,...
+					'memusage','high',...
+					'solver',solver,...
+					'decFcn',dicDecorr{iDecorrAlgs},...
+					'coherence',minCoherence(iCorrLevels),...
+					'initdict',initDicts(iInitDicts));
+				SMALL.DL(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates) = ...
+					SMALL_learn(SMALL.Problem,SMALL.DL(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates));
+			end
+		end
+	end
+%% Evaluate coherence and snr of representation for the various methods
+sr = zeros(size(SMALL.DL));				%signal to noise ratio
+mu = zeros(size(SMALL.DL));				%coherence
+dic(size(SMALL.DL)) = dictionary;		%initialise dictionary objects
+for iInitDict=1:nInitDicts
+	for iCorrLevels=1:nCorrLevels
+		for iDecorrAlgs=1:nDecorrAlgs
+			for iDicUpdates=1:nDicUpdates
+				%Sparse representation
+				SMALL.Problem.A = SMALL.DL(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates).D;
+				tempSolver = SMALL_solve(SMALL.Problem,solver);
+				%calculate snr
+				sr(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates) = ...
+					snr(SMALL.Problem.b,SMALL.DL(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates).D*tempSolver.solution);
+				%calculate mu
+				dic(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates) = ...
+					dictionary(SMALL.DL(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates).D);
+				mu(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates) = ...
+					dic(iInitDicts,iCorrLevels,iDecorrAlgs,iDicUpdates).coherence;
+			end
+		end
+	end
+%% Plot results
+minMu = sqrt((dictSize-blockSize)/(blockSize*(dictSize-1)));	%lowe bound on coherence
+initDictsNames = {'Data','DCT','Gabor'};						
+dicDecorrNames = {'K-SVD','INK-SVD','Grassmannian','New'};
+lineStyles     = {'ks-','kd-','ko-','k*-'};
+for iInitDict=1:nInitDicts
+	figure, hold on, grid on
+	title([initDictsNames{iInitDict} ' Initialisation']);
+	plot([1 1],[0 25],'k-');
+	for iDecorrAlgs=1:nDecorrAlgs
+		plot(mu(iInitDicts,:,iDecorrAlgs,1),sr(iInitDicts,:,iDecorrAlgs,1),...
+			lineStyles{iDecorrAlgs});
+	end
+	plot([minMu minMu],[0 25],'k--')
+	set(gca,'YLim',[0 25],'XLim',[0 1.4]);
+	legend([{'\mu_{max}'},dicDecorrNames,{'\mu_{min}'}]);
+	xlabel('\mu');
+	ylabel('SNR (dB)');
--- a/util/classes/dictionaryMatrices/grassmannian.m	Tue Sep 20 15:52:33 2011 +0100
+++ b/util/classes/dictionaryMatrices/grassmannian.m	Thu Sep 29 09:46:52 2011 +0100
@@ -48,7 +48,12 @@
 [V_gram Sigma_gram] = svd(G);				%calculate svd decomposition of gramian
 Sigma_new = sqrt(Sigma_gram(1:n,:)).*sign(Sigma); %calculate singular values of dictionary
-A = Uinit*Sigma_new*V_gram';	%update dictionary
+A = Uinit*Sigma_new*V_gram';				%update dictionary
+% param.step  = 0.01;
+% param.reg   = 0.01;
+% param.nIter = 20;
+% A = rotatematrix(initA,A,'linesearchlie',param);
 % %% Debug visualization function
 % function plotcart2d(A)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/classes/dictionaryMatrices/iterativeprojections.m	Thu Sep 29 09:46:52 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+function [A G res muMin] = grassmannian(n,m,nIter,dd1,dd2,initA,verb)
+% grassmanian attempts to create an n by m matrix with minimal mutual
+% coherence using an iterative projection method.
+% [A G res] = grassmanian(n,m,nIter,dd1,dd2,initA)
+% M. Elad, Sparse and Redundant Representations, Springer 2010.
+%% Parameters and Defaults
+if ~exist('verb','var')  || isempty(verb),  verb = false; end %verbose output
+if ~exist('initA','var') || isempty(initA), initA = randn(n,m); end %initial matrix
+if ~exist('dd2','var')   || isempty(dd2),   dd2 = 0.99; end %shrinking factor
+if ~exist('dd1','var')   || isempty(dd1),   dd1 = 0.9; end %percentage of coherences to be shrinked
+if ~exist('nIter','var') || isempty(nIter), nIter = 10; end %number of iterations
+%% Main algo
+A = normc(initA); %normalise columns
+[Uinit Sigma] = svd(A);
+G = A'*A; %gram matrix
+muMin = sqrt((m-n)/(n*(m-1)));              %Lower bound on mutual coherence (equiangular tight frame)
+res = zeros(nIter,1);
+if verb
+	fprintf(1,'Iter		mu_min		mu \n');
+% optimise gram matrix
+for iIter = 1:nIter
+	gg  = sort(abs(G(:))); %sort inner products from less to most correlated
+	pos = find(abs(G(:))>=gg(round(dd1*(m^2-m))) & abs(G(:)-1)>1e-6); %find large elements of gram matrix
+	G(pos) = G(pos)*dd2;	%shrink large elements of gram matrix
+	[U S V] = svd(G);	%compute new SVD of gram matrix
+	S(n+1:end,1+n:end) = 0; %set small eigenvalues to zero (this ensures rank(G)<=d)
+	G = U*S*V';			%update gram matrix
+	G = diag(1./abs(sqrt(diag(G))))*G*diag(1./abs(sqrt(diag(G)))); %normalise gram matrix diagonal
+	if verb
+		Geye = G - eye(size(G));
+		fprintf(1,'%6i    %12.8f  %12.8f  \n',iIter,muMin,max(abs(Geye(:))));
+	end
+% [~, Sigma_gram V_gram] = svd(G); %calculate svd decomposition of gramian
+% A = normc(A);					%normalise dictionary
+[V_gram Sigma_gram] = svd(G);				%calculate svd decomposition of gramian
+Sigma_new = sqrt(Sigma_gram(1:n,:)).*sign(Sigma); %calculate singular values of dictionary
+A = Uinit*Sigma_new*V_gram';				%update dictionary
+% param.step  = 0.01;
+% param.reg   = 0.01;
+% param.nIter = 20;
+% A = rotatematrix(initA,A,'linesearchlie',param);
+% %% Debug visualization function
+% function plotcart2d(A)
+% compass(A(1,:),A(2,:));
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/classes/dictionaryMatrices/rotatematrix.m	Thu Sep 29 09:46:52 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+function [Dhat cost W] = rotatematrix(D,Phi,method,param)
+% M.D. Plumbley, Geometrical Methods for Non-Negative ICA: Manifolds, Lie
+% Groups and Toral Subalgebra, Neurocomputing
+if ~nargin, testrotatematrix; return, end
+if ~exist('method','var') || isempty(method), method = 'unconstrained'; end
+J = @(W) 0.5*norm(D-W*Phi,'fro');
+cost = zeros(param.nIter,1);
+W   = eye(size(Phi,1));
+t = 0;
+Gprev = 0;
+Hprev = 0;
+for i=1:param.nIter
+	cost(i) = J(W);
+	grad = (W*Phi-D)*Phi';
+	switch method
+		case 'unconstrained'		% gradient descent
+			eta = param.step;
+			W = W - eta*grad;		% update W by steepest descent
+		case 'tangent'				% self correcting tangent
+			eta = param.step;
+			mu  = param.reg;
+			W = W - 0.5*eta*(grad - W*grad'*W + mu*W*(W'*W-eye(size(W))));
+		case 'steepestlie'
+			eta = param.step;
+			B = 2*skew(grad*W');	% calculate gradient in lie algebra
+			W = expm(-eta*B)*W;		% update W by steepest descent
+		case 'linesearchlie'
+			B = 2*skew(grad*W');	% calculate gradient in lie algebra
+			H = -B;					% calculate direction as negative gradient
+			t = searchline(J,H,W,t);% line search in one-parameter lie subalgebra
+			W = expm(t*H)*W;		% update W by line search
+		case 'conjgradlie'
+			G = 2*skew(grad*W');	% calculate gradient in lie algebra
+			H = -G + polakRibiere(G,Gprev)*Hprev; %calculate conjugate gradient direction
+			t = searchline(J,H,W,t);% line search in one-parameter lie subalgebra
+			W = expm(t*H)*W;		% update W by line search
+			Hprev = H;				% % save search direction
+			Gprev = G;				% % save gradient
+	end
+Dhat = W*Phi;
+% function C = matcomm(A,B)
+% %Matrix commutator
+% C = A*B-B*A;
+function gamma = polakRibiere(G,Gprev)
+gamma = G(:)'*(G(:)-Gprev(:))/(norm(Gprev(:))^2);
+if isnan(gamma) || isinf(gamma)
+	gamma = 0;
+function t = searchline(J,H,W,t)
+t = fminsearch(@(x) J(expm(x*H)*W),t);
+function B = skew(A)
+B = 0.5*(A - A');
+function testrotatematrix
+clear, clc, close all
+n = 256;
+m = 512;
+disp('A random matrix...');
+Phi = randn(n,m);
+disp('And its rotated mate...');
+Qtrue = expm(skew(randn(n)));
+D = Qtrue*Phi; 
+disp('Now, lets try to find the right rotation...');
+param.nIter = 1000;
+param.step  = 0.001;
+cost = zeros(param.nIter,4);
+[~, cost(:,1)] = rotatematrix(D,Phi,'unconstrained',param);
+[~, cost(:,2)] = rotatematrix(D,Phi,'steepestlie',param);
+[~, cost(:,3)] = rotatematrix(D,Phi,'linesearchlie',param);
+[~, cost(:,4)] = rotatematrix(D,Phi,'conjgradlie',param);
+figure, plot(cost)
+grid on
+xlabel('number of iterations')
--- a/util/classes/util/regularisedictionary.m	Tue Sep 20 15:52:33 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-function Dreg = regularisedictionary(D)
-% REGULARISEDICTIONARY regularise dictionary for sparse representation
-% Example
-% Dreg = regularisedictionary(D)
-% Input
-% - D: initial dictionary matrix.
-% Output
-% - Dreg: regularised dictionary
-% References:
-% See also
-% Author(s): Daniele Barchiesi
-% Copyright 2011-2011
-[n m] = size(D);	%dimension and number of atoms
-[U S V] = svd(D);	%SVD decomposition of the dictionary
-G = V*(S'*S)*V';	%gram matrix (equivalent to D'*D)
-I = eye(m);			%identity matrix
-lambda = 1;		    %regularisation coefficient
-% Optimise the gram matrix
-cvx_begin							%start cvx optimisation problem
-	variable Greg(m,m) symmetric;	%declare optimisation variable to be an mxm symmetric matrix
-	expression residual(m,m)		%declare residual as an intermediate calculation step
-	residual = G-Greg;				%define residual
-	minimise (max(max(abs(Greg-I))));	%define objective function
-	subject to						%declare constraints
-		Greg == semidefinite(m);	%positive semidefinite cone membership
-		diag(Greg) == ones(m,1);	%unit diagonal
-		norm(residual,'fro') <= lambda;	%
-[~, Sgram Vgram] = svd(Greg);		%SVD decomposition of gramian
-Snew = sqrt(Sgram(1:n,:)).*sign(S); %calculate singular values of the regularised dictionary
-Dreg = U*Snew*Vgram';				%calculate regularised dictionary
-Dreg = normc(Dreg);					%normalise columns of regularised dictionary