changeset 232:15fd4c5be71a

author luisf <>
date Thu, 19 Apr 2012 15:55:14 +0100 (2012-04-19)
parents efe179d9757c (current diff) b1db9e090542 (diff)
children 88a5c02d20d3
files Problems/generatePierre_Problem.m
diffstat 6 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 139 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Problems/generatePierreProblem.m	Wed Apr 11 16:28:46 2012 +0100
+++ b/Problems/generatePierreProblem.m	Thu Apr 19 15:55:14 2012 +0100
@@ -88,18 +88,17 @@
 if (numel(blocksize)==1)
   blocksize = ones(1,p)*blocksize;
-%% create dictionary data %%
+%% create dictionary data
 for j= 1:size(S,2)
-%% create measurement matrix %%
-T=im2colstep(trg,blocksize, blocksize);
+%% observed patches matrix 
+%    that are going to be decomposed on the  dictionary 
+T=im2col(trg,blocksize, 'distinct');
 %% output structure %%
--- a/Problems/generatePierre_Problem.m	Wed Apr 11 16:28:46 2012 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-function data=generatePierre_Problem(src, trg, blocksize, dictsize);
-%%  Generate Pierre Villars Problem
-%   Pierre_Problem is a part of the SMALLbox and generates the problem
-%   suggested by Professor Pierre Vandergheynst on the SMALL meeting in 
-%   Villars.
-%   The function takes as an input:
-%   -   src - source image matrix (if not present function promts user for 
-%             an image file) ,
-%   -   trg - target image matrix (if not present function promts user for 
-%             an image file) ,
-%   -   blocksize - block (patch) vertical/horizontal dimension (default 8),
-%   -   dictsize - dictionary size (default - all patches from target
-%   image).
-%   The output of the function is stucture with following fields:
-%   -   srcname - source image name,
-%   -   imageSrc - source image matrix,
-%   -   trgname - target image name,
-%   -   imageTrg - Target image matrix,
-%   -   A - dictonary with patches from the source image,
-%   -   b - measurement matrix (i.e. patches from target image to be
-%           represented in dictionary A,
-%   -   m - size of patches (default 25),
-%   -   n - number of patches to be represented,
-%   -   p - dictionary size,
-%   -   blocksize - block size (default [5 5]),
-%   -   maxval - maximum value (default - 255)
-%   -   sparse - if 1 SMALL_solve will keep solution matrix in sparse form,
-%                due to memory constrains.
-%   Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
-%   This file copyright 2010 Ivan Damnjanovic.
-%   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-%   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-%   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-%   License, or (at your option) any later version.  See the file
-%   COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
-%% prompt user for images %%
-%   ask for source file name
-if ~ exist( 'src', 'var' ) || isempty(src)
-[pathstr1, name, ext] = fileparts(which('SMALLboxSetup.m'));
-[filename,pathname] = uigetfile({'*.png;'},'Select a source image');
-[pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(filename);
-src = imread(filename);
-src = double(src);
-%   ask for target file name
-if ~ exist( 'trg', 'var' ) || isempty(trg)
-[filename,pathname] = uigetfile({'*.png;'},'Select a target image');
-[pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(filename);
-trg = imread(filename);
-trg = double(trg);
-%% set parameters %%
-maxval = 255;
-if ~ exist( 'blocksize', 'var' ) || isempty(blocksize),blocksize = 5;end
-if ~ exist( 'dictsize', 'var' ) || isempty(dictsize),
-    dictsize = (size(src,1)-blocksize+1)*(size(src,2)-blocksize+1);
-    patch_idx=1:dictsize;
-    num_blocks_src=(size(src,1)-blocksize+1)*(size(src,2)-blocksize+1);
-    patch_idx=1:floor(num_blocks_src/dictsize):dictsize*floor(num_blocks_src/dictsize);
-p = ndims(src);
-if (p==2 && any(size(src)==1) && length(blocksize)==1)
-  p = 1;
-% blocksize %
-if (numel(blocksize)==1)
-  blocksize = ones(1,p)*blocksize;
-%% create dictionary data %%
-for j= 1:size(S,2)
-    S(:,j)=S(:,j)./norm(S(:,j));
-%% create measurement matrix %%
-T=im2colstep(trg,blocksize, blocksize);
-%% output structure %%
-data.imageSrc = src;
-data.imageTrg = trg;
-data.A = S(:,patch_idx);
-data.b = T;
-data.m = size(T,1);
-data.n = size(T,2);
-data.p = size(data.A,2);
-%   keep coefficients matrix in sparse form and do not convert it to full.
-%   getting around out of memory problem when converting big matrix from
-%   sparse to full... (check SMALL_solve function)
--- a/config/SMALL_learn_config.m	Wed Apr 11 16:28:46 2012 +0100
+++ b/config/SMALL_learn_config.m	Thu Apr 19 15:55:14 2012 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 %% Configuration file used in SMALL_learn
-%   Use this file to change the dictionary learning algorithms in SMALLBox
-%   Please refer to the documentation before editing this file
+%   Please DO NOT use this file to change the dictionary learning algorithms in SMALLBox
+%   If you want to change the dictionary learning algorithms
+%     create a copy of this file named 'SMALL_learn_config_local.m'
+%   Please refer to the documentation for further information
 %   Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
 %   This file copyright 2009 Ivan Damnjanovic.
@@ -73,7 +76,12 @@
     D = DL.D;
+%   Please do not make any changes to the 'SMALL_learn_config.m' file
+%   All the changes should be done to your local configuration file
+%    named 'SMALL_learn_config_local.m'
 %   To introduce new dictionary learning technique put the files in
 %   your Matlab path. Next, unique name <TolboxID> for your toolbox needs
 %   to be defined and also prefferd API for toolbox functions <Preffered_API>
--- a/config/SMALL_solve_config.m	Wed Apr 11 16:28:46 2012 +0100
+++ b/config/SMALL_solve_config.m	Thu Apr 19 15:55:14 2012 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 %% Configuration file used in SMALL_solve
-%   Use this file to change the solvers in SMALLBox
-%   Please refer to the documentation before editing this file
+%   Please DO NOT use this file to change the solvers used in SMALLBox
+%   If you want to change the solvers create a copy 
+%     of this file named 'SMALL_learn_config_local.m'
+%   Please refer to the documentation for further information
 %   Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
 %   This file copyright 2009 Ivan Damnjanovic.
@@ -14,6 +17,7 @@
 if strcmpi(solver.toolbox,'sparselab')
     y = eval([,'(SparseLab_A, b, n,',solver.param,');']);
 elseif strcmpi(solver.toolbox,'sparsify')
@@ -37,11 +41,11 @@
     y = eval([,'(A, b, G,epsilon,''maxatoms'',maxatoms,''checkdict'',''off'');']);
-% danieleb: added call to omp functions with fast implementation.
+    % danieleb: added call to omp functions with fast implementation.
 elseif (strcmpi(solver.toolbox, 'ompbox_fast'))
-	XtX = sum(b.*b);
-	G=A'*A;
+    XtX = sum(b.*b);
+    G=A'*A;
     y = eval([,'(DtX, XtX, G,epsilon,''maxatoms'',maxatoms,''checkdict'',''off'');']);
@@ -71,6 +75,11 @@
     [y, cost] = wrapper_mm_solver(b, A, solver.param);
+    %%
+    %   Please do not make any changes to the 'SMALL_solve_config.m' file
+    %   All the changes should be done to your local configuration file
+    %    named 'SMALL_solve_config_local.m'
+    %
     %   To introduce new sparse representation algorithm put the files in
     %   your Matlab path. Next, unique name <TolboxID> for your toolbox and
     %   prefferd API <Preffered_API> needs to be defined.
--- a/util/SMALL_learn.m	Wed Apr 11 16:28:46 2012 +0100
+++ b/util/SMALL_learn.m	Thu Apr 19 15:55:14 2012 +0100
@@ -28,8 +28,16 @@
-% toolboxes configuration file
-run(fullfile(SMALL_path, 'config/SMALL_learn_config.m'));
+%% toolbox configuration
+% test if there is a locally modified version of the config
+% otherwise reads the "default" config file
+if exist(fullfile(SMALL_path, 'config/SMALL_learn_config_local.m'), 'file') == 2
+    printf('\n\nSMALL_learn: Using local configuration file.\n\n');
+    run(fullfile(SMALL_path, 'config/SMALL_learn_config_local.m'));
+    printf('\n\nSMALL_learn: Using default configuration file.\n\n');
+    run(fullfile(SMALL_path, 'config/SMALL_learn_config.m'));
 %   Dictionary Learning time
--- a/util/SMALL_solve.m	Wed Apr 11 16:28:46 2012 +0100
+++ b/util/SMALL_solve.m	Thu Apr 19 15:55:14 2012 +0100
@@ -48,8 +48,14 @@
-% solvers configuration file
-run(fullfile(SMALL_path, 'config/SMALL_solve_config.m'));
+%% solvers configuration
+% test if there is a locally modified version of the config
+% otherwise reads the "default" config file
+if exist(fullfile(SMALL_path, 'config/SMALL_solve_config_local.m'), 'file') == 2
+    run(fullfile(SMALL_path, 'config/SMALL_solve_config_local.m'));
+    run(fullfile(SMALL_path, 'config/SMALL_solve_config.m'));
 %   Sparse representation time