ivan@78: Rice Wavelet Tools version 2.4 ivan@78: Released - <Dec 1 2002> ivan@78: ivan@78: INSTALLATION: ivan@78: To install this distribution of Rice Wavelet Tools see the INSTALL file. ivan@78: ivan@78: SOURCE: ivan@78: www.dsp.rice.edu/software/RWT ivan@78: ivan@78: EMAIL: ivan@78: For bug reports and questions, send email to wlet-tools@rice.edu ivan@78: ivan@78: CONDITIONS FOR USE: ivan@78: See the LICENSE file ivan@78: ivan@78: TOOLBOX FUNCTIONS: ivan@78: ivan@78: Wavelet Transforms ivan@78: mdwt - Discrete orthogonal wavelet transform using the Mallat algorithm (1D and 2D) ivan@78: midwt - Inverse discrete orthogonal wavelet transform ivan@78: mrdwt - Undecimated (redundant) discrete wavelet transform (1D and 2D) ivan@78: mirdwt - Inverse undecimated discrete wavelet transform ivan@78: daubcqf - Daubechies filter coefficients ivan@78: ivan@78: Wavelet Domain Processing ivan@78: denoise - Denoise signals and images by thresholding wavelet coefficients ivan@78: HardTh - Hard thresholding ivan@78: SoftTh - Soft thresholding ivan@78: ivan@78: Other ivan@78: makesig - Create Donoho-Johnstone test signals ivan@78: compile - Compile the Rice Wavelet Toolbox ivan@78: ivan@78: Functions omitted in this version of toolbox can be found in ivan@78: version 2.01 at www.dsp.rice.edu/software/RWT/RWT-2.01.tar.Z ivan@78: ivan@78: ivan@78: