daniele@167: function dico = dico_decorr_symetric(dico, mu, amp) daniele@167: %DICO_DECORR decorrelate a dictionary daniele@167: % Parameters: daniele@167: % dico: the dictionary daniele@167: % mu: the coherence threshold daniele@167: % amp: the amplitude coefficients, only used to decide which atom to daniele@167: % project daniele@167: % daniele@167: % Result: daniele@167: % dico: a dictionary close to the input one with coherence mu. daniele@167: daniele@167: eps = 1e-6; % define tolerance for normalisation term alpha daniele@167: daniele@167: % convert mu to the to the mean direction daniele@167: theta = acos(mu)/2; daniele@167: ctheta = cos(theta); daniele@167: stheta = sin(theta); daniele@167: daniele@167: % compute atom weights daniele@167: % if nargin > 2 daniele@167: % rank = sum(amp.*amp, 2); daniele@167: % else daniele@167: % rank = randperm(length(dico)); daniele@167: % end daniele@167: daniele@167: % several decorrelation iterations might be needed to reach global daniele@167: % coherence mu. niter can be adjusted to needs. daniele@167: niter = 1; daniele@167: while niter < 5 && ... daniele@167: max(max(abs(dico'*dico -eye(length(dico))))) > mu + eps daniele@167: % find pairs of high correlation atoms daniele@167: colors = dico_color(dico, mu); daniele@167: daniele@167: % iterate on all pairs daniele@167: nbColors = max(colors); daniele@167: for c = 1:nbColors daniele@167: index = find(colors==c); daniele@167: if numel(index) == 2 daniele@167: if dico(:,index(1))'*dico(:,index(2)) > 0 daniele@167: %build the basis vectors daniele@167: v1 = dico(:,index(1))+dico(:,index(2)); daniele@167: v1 = v1/norm(v1); daniele@167: v2 = dico(:,index(1))-dico(:,index(2)); daniele@167: v2 = v2/norm(v2); daniele@167: daniele@167: dico(:,index(1)) = ctheta*v1+stheta*v2; daniele@167: dico(:,index(2)) = ctheta*v1-stheta*v2; daniele@167: else daniele@167: v1 = dico(:,index(1))-dico(:,index(2)); daniele@167: v1 = v1/norm(v1); daniele@167: v2 = dico(:,index(1))+dico(:,index(2)); daniele@167: v2 = v2/norm(v2); daniele@167: daniele@167: dico(:,index(1)) = ctheta*v1+stheta*v2; daniele@167: dico(:,index(2)) = -ctheta*v1+stheta*v2; daniele@167: end daniele@167: end daniele@167: end daniele@167: niter = niter+1; daniele@167: end daniele@167: end daniele@167: