ivan@78: % Rice Wavelet Toolbox ivan@78: % Version 2.4 Dec 2002 ivan@78: % ivan@78: % Wavelet Transforms. ivan@78: % mdwt - Discrete orthogonal wavelet transform using Mallat alg. (1D and 2D) ivan@78: % midwt - Inverse discrete orthogonal wavelet transform ivan@78: % mrdwt - Undecimated (redundant) discrete wavelet transform (1D and 2D) ivan@78: % mirdwt - Inverse undecimated discrete wavelet transform ivan@78: % daubcqf - Daubecheis filter coefficients ivan@78: % ivan@78: % Wavelet Domain Processing. ivan@78: % denoise - Denoise signal and images by thresholding wavelet coefficients ivan@78: % HardTh - Hard thresholding ivan@78: % SoftTh - Soft thresholding ivan@78: % ivan@78: % Other. ivan@78: % makesig - Create Donoho-Johnstone test signals ivan@78: % compile - compile the Rice Wavelet toolbox