- mergeluisf_dev 2012-03-21, by bmailhe
- Accelerated the code for LGD and optimal grandient descentluisf_dev 2012-03-21, by bmailhe
- added headeer to init fileluisf_dev 2012-03-20, by luisf
- Sets up the SMALL_path variable in the Setup script.luisf_dev 2012-03-20, by luisf
- Merge from 203:f3b6ddd2f04fluisf_dev 2012-03-20, by luisf
- checks if the variable SMALL_path exists, and exits otherwise.luisf_dev 2012-03-20, by luisf
- Mergeluisf_dev 2012-03-20, by bmailhe
- Added separate dictionary decorrelationluisf_dev 2012-03-20, by bmailhe
- Added dictionary decorrelation for multiple dictionariesluisf_dev 2012-03-20, by bmailhe
- Added config file for SMALL_solve (removed the if/else code from SMALL_solve); added headers to both config files;luisf_dev 2012-03-20, by luisf
- Reverted SMALL_two_step to the original version; adds path in the Init script.luisf_dev 2012-03-20, by luisf
- Fixed path reference to the current folder in SMALLBoxSetup.luisf_dev 2012-03-20, by luisf
- Mergedanieleb 2012-03-14, by danieleb
- - Added SMALL_DL_test: simple DL showcaseluisf_dev 2012-03-14, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Debugged SMALL_DL_test and added copyright infodanieleb 2012-03-13, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Simple example that demonstrated dictionary learning... to be completeddanieleb 2012-03-09, by Daniele Barchiesi
- removed error check for wLengthdanieleb 2012-03-01, by Daniele Barchiesi
- closing mistaken branch head.luisf_dev 2012-03-13, by luisf
- Added two config files for the 2 step dic and learn scripts; removed 'extra' folder; created init script (initial version).luisf_dev 2012-03-13, by luisf
- created initialization file; changing SMALL_learn in order to initialize plugins.luisf_dev 2012-02-16, by luisf
- removed check for wLength as not necessary.danieleb 2012-02-15, by daniele
- Merge from branch "bug_386"luisf_dev 2012-02-09, by luisf
- Addresses Bug #386: removed the 4th output variable (versn) in all calls of function fileparts.bug_386 2012-02-09, by luisf
- started new branch; created folder for extra stuff.luisf_dev 2012-02-07, by luisf
- Minor editsdanieleb 2012-01-27, by Daniele Barchiesi
- removed cumulative coherence calculationdanieleb 2012-01-27, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Added test for audio buffer functiondanieleb 2012-01-09, by Daniele Barchiesi
- minor editsdanieleb 2012-01-05, by Daniele Barchiesi
- debuggeddanieleb 2011-11-17, by Daniele Barchiesi
- added support for p-cumulative coherencedanieleb 2011-11-17, by Daniele Barchiesi
- added ramirez dl (to be completed) and MOCOD dictionary updatedanieleb 2011-11-17, by Daniele Barchiesi
- added ramirez dl (to be completed) and MOCOD dictionary updatedanieleb 2011-11-17, by Daniele Barchiesi
- added MOCOD dictionary updatedanieleb 2011-11-17, by Daniele Barchiesi
- added MOCOD dictionary updatedanieleb 2011-11-17, by Daniele Barchiesi
- multiple trials with error barsdanieleb 2011-11-17, by Daniele Barchiesi
- added ramirez_dl dictionary learning casedanieleb 2011-11-17, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Minor editdanieleb 2011-11-17, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Added dictionary decorrelation functions and test script for Letters paper.danieleb 2011-10-06, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Added dictionary decorrelation functions and test script for Letters paper.danieleb 2011-10-06, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Added dictionary decorrelation functions and test script for ICASSP paper.danieleb 2011-09-29, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Removed tag danielebdanieleb 2011-09-20, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Added symmetric de-correlation function, modified target de-correlation in test function.danieleb 2011-09-20, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Updated grassmanian function (restored old computation of the dictionary) and added functions to the audio classdanieleb 2011-09-19, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Added tag release_1.9 for changeset 4205744092e62011-09-07, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- Merge from branch "ivand_dev"release_1.9 2011-09-07, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- renaiming small_cgp to small_pcgpivand_dev 2011-09-07, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- Updated grassmannian function and minor debugsdanieleb 2011-08-31, by Daniele Barchiesi
- debug and clean the SMALLbox Problems codeivand_dev 2011-08-31, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- Added support classesdanieleb 2011-08-31, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Mergedanieleb 2011-08-31, by Daniele Barchiesi
- no messagedanieleb 2011-08-31, by Daniele Barchiesi
- Added tag danieleb for changeset a4d0977d4595danieleb 2011-08-30, by danieleb
- First branch commit, danielebdanieleb 2011-08-30, by danieleb
- Integration of Majorization Minimisation Dictionary Learningivand_dev 2011-08-22, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- ALPS toolbox - Algebraic Pursuit added to smallboxivand_dev 2011-08-12, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- Example scripts for Two Step Dictionary Learning - Image Denoising experiments.ivand_dev 2011-07-29, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- Two step dictonary learning - Integration of the code for dictionary update and dictionary decorrelation from Boris Mailheivand_dev 2011-07-28, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- Added tag release_1.51 for changeset 30872eb3d1602011-07-26, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- Merge from branch "ivand_dev"release_1.51 2011-07-26, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx
- Mergeivand_dev 2011-07-26, by Ivan Damnjanovic lnx