view util/ksvd utils/printf.m @ 87:c54e7f2b39d5

this is just a test wxample
author Maria Jafari <>
date Tue, 12 Apr 2011 14:42:13 +0100
parents c3eca463202d
line wrap: on
line source
function str = printf(varargin)
%PRINTF Print formatted text to screen.
%  PRINTF(FMT,VAL1,VAL2,...) formats the data in VAL1,VAL2,... according to
%  the format string FMT, and prints the result to the screen.
%  The call to PRINTF(FMT,VAL1,VAL2,...) simply invokes the call
%  DISP(SPRINTF(FMT,VAL1,VAL2,...)). For a complete description of the
%  format string options see function SPRINTF.
%  STR = PRINTF(...) also returns the formatted string.

%  Ron Rubinstein
%  Computer Science Department
%  Technion, Haifa 32000 Israel
%  ronrubin@cs
%  April 2008

if (nargout>0)
  str = sprintf(varargin{:});