view util/ksvd utils/sprow.m @ 219:4337e28183f1 luisf_dev

Modified help comments of wrapper_mm_DL.m, wrapper_mm_solver.m, SMALL_rlsdla.m & SMALL_AudioDenoise_DL_test_KSVDvsSPAMS.m. Moved wrapper_ALPS_toolbox from toolboxes to toolboxes/alps and added some extra help comments.
author Aris Gretsistas <>
date Fri, 23 Mar 2012 20:48:25 +0000
parents c3eca463202d
line wrap: on
line source
%SPROW Extract row of sparse matrix.
%  X = SPROW(A,J) where A is a sparse matrix, returns the nonzero values in
%  the row A(J,:).
%  [X,ID] = SPROW(A,J) also returns the column indices of the nonzeros.
%  Note that the call [X,ID] = SPROW(A,J) is equivalent (but more efficient
%  than) the Matlab code
%    IDS = find(A(J,:)); 
%    X = A(J,IDS);

%  Ron Rubinstein
%  Computer Science Department
%  Technion, Haifa 32000 Israel
%  ronrubin@cs
%  August 2009