view util/ksvd utils/normcols.m @ 228:198d4d9cee74 luisf_dev

Now can use a local configuration file, which is a copy of the default config files, and thus not being commited to the repository.
author luisf <>
date Thu, 12 Apr 2012 15:06:41 +0100
parents c3eca463202d
line wrap: on
line source
function y = normcols(x)
%NORMCOLS Normalize matrix columns.
%  Y = NORMCOLS(X) normalizes the columns of X to unit length, returning
%  the result as Y.
%  See also ADDTOCOLS.

%  Ron Rubinstein
%  Computer Science Department
%  Technion, Haifa 32000 Israel
%  ronrubin@cs
%  April 2009

y = x*spdiag(1./sqrt(sum(x.*x)));