diff solvers/SMALL_ompGabor/omp2mex.c @ 144:19e0af570914 release_1.5

Merge from branch "ivand_dev"
author Ivan <ivan.damnjanovic@eecs.qmul.ac.uk>
date Tue, 26 Jul 2011 15:14:15 +0100
parents 31d2864dfdd4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/solvers/SMALL_ompGabor/omp2mex.c	Tue Jul 26 15:14:15 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ *
+ * File name: omp2mex.c
+ *
+ * Ron Rubinstein
+ * Computer Science Department
+ * Technion, Haifa 32000 Israel
+ * ronrubin@cs
+ *
+ * Last Updated: 18.8.2009
+ *
+ *************************************************************************/
+#include "ompcore.h"
+#include "omputils.h"
+#include "mexutils.h"
+/* Input Arguments */
+#define	IN_D	        prhs[0]
+#define IN_X          prhs[1]
+#define IN_DtX        prhs[2]
+#define IN_XtX        prhs[3]
+#define IN_G          prhs[4]
+#define IN_EPS        prhs[5]
+#define IN_SPARSE_G   prhs[6]
+#define IN_MSGDELTA   prhs[7]
+#define IN_MAXATOMS   prhs[8]
+#define IN_PROFILE    prhs[9]
+/* Output Arguments */
+#define	GAMMA_OUT     plhs[0]
+void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[])
+  double *D, *x, *DtX, *XtX, *G, eps, msgdelta;
+  int gmode, maxatoms, profile;
+  mwSize m, n, L;    /* D is n x m , X is n x L, DtX is m x L */
+  /* check parameters */
+  checkmatrix(IN_D, "OMP2", "D");
+  checkmatrix(IN_X, "OMP2", "X");
+  checkmatrix(IN_DtX, "OMP2", "DtX");
+  checkmatrix(IN_XtX, "OMP2", "XtX");
+  checkmatrix(IN_G, "OMP2", "G");
+  checkscalar(IN_EPS, "OMP2", "EPSILON");
+  checkscalar(IN_SPARSE_G, "OMP2", "sparse_g");
+  checkscalar(IN_MSGDELTA, "OMP2", "msgdelta");
+  checkscalar(IN_MAXATOMS, "OMP2", "maxatoms");
+  checkscalar(IN_PROFILE, "OMP2", "profile");
+  /* get parameters */
+  x = D = DtX = XtX = G = 0;
+  if (!mxIsEmpty(IN_D))
+    D = mxGetPr(IN_D);
+  if (!mxIsEmpty(IN_X))
+    x = mxGetPr(IN_X);
+  if (!mxIsEmpty(IN_DtX))
+    DtX = mxGetPr(IN_DtX);
+  if (!mxIsEmpty(IN_XtX))
+    XtX = mxGetPr(IN_XtX);
+  if (!mxIsEmpty(IN_G))
+    G = mxGetPr(IN_G);
+  eps = mxGetScalar(IN_EPS);
+  if ((int)(mxGetScalar(IN_SPARSE_G)+1e-2)) {
+    gmode = SPARSE_GAMMA;
+  }
+  else {
+    gmode = FULL_GAMMA;
+  }
+  msgdelta = mxGetScalar(IN_MSGDELTA);
+  if (mxGetScalar(IN_MAXATOMS) < -1e-5) {
+    maxatoms = -1;
+  }
+  else {
+    maxatoms = (int)(mxGetScalar(IN_MAXATOMS)+1e-2);
+  }
+  profile = (int)(mxGetScalar(IN_PROFILE)+1e-2);
+  /* check sizes */
+  if (D && x) {
+    n = mxGetM(IN_D);
+    m = mxGetN(IN_D);
+    L = mxGetN(IN_X);
+    if (mxGetM(IN_X) != n) {
+      mexErrMsgTxt("D and X have incompatible sizes.");
+    }
+    if (G) {
+      if (mxGetN(IN_G)!=mxGetM(IN_G)) {
+        mexErrMsgTxt("G must be a square matrix.");
+      }
+      if (mxGetN(IN_G) != m) {
+        mexErrMsgTxt("D and G have incompatible sizes.");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else if (DtX && XtX) {
+    m = mxGetM(IN_DtX);
+    L = mxGetN(IN_DtX);
+    /* set n to an arbitrary value that is at least the max possible number of selected atoms */
+    if (maxatoms>0) {
+      n = maxatoms;
+    }
+    else {
+      n = m;
+    }
+    if ( !(mxGetM(IN_XtX)==L && mxGetN(IN_XtX)==1) && !(mxGetM(IN_XtX)==1 && mxGetN(IN_XtX)==L) ) {
+      mexErrMsgTxt("DtX and XtX have incompatible sizes.");
+    }
+    if (mxGetN(IN_G)!=mxGetM(IN_G)) {
+      mexErrMsgTxt("G must be a square matrix.");
+    }
+    if (mxGetN(IN_G) != m) {
+      mexErrMsgTxt("DtX and G have incompatible sizes.");
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    mexErrMsgTxt("Either D and X, or DtX and XtX, must be specified.");
+  }
+  /* Do OMP! */
+  GAMMA_OUT = ompcore(D, x, DtX, XtX, G, n, m, L, maxatoms, eps, gmode, profile, msgdelta, 1);
+  return;