comparison solvers/SMALL_chol.m @ 1:7750624e0c73 version0.5

author idamnjanovic
date Thu, 05 Nov 2009 16:36:01 +0000
children 524cc3fff5ac
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:5181bee80bc1 1:7750624e0c73
1 function [A]=SMALL_chol(Dict,X, m, maxNumCoef, errorGoal, varargin)
2 %%
3 %=============================================
4 % Sparse coding of a group of signals based on a given
5 % dictionary and specified number of atoms to use.
6 % input arguments: Dict - the dictionary
7 % X - the signals to represent
8 % m - number of atoms in Dictionary
9 % errorGoal - the maximal allowed representation error for
10 % each signal.
11 %
12 % optional: if Dict is function handle then Transpose Dictionary
13 % handle needs to be specified.
14 %
15 % output arguments: A - sparse coefficient matrix.
16 %
17 % based on KSVD toolbox solver found on Miki Elad webpage (finding inverse
18 % with pinv() is changed with OMP Cholesky update)
19 % Ivan Damnjanovic 2009
20 %=============================================
21 %%
22 % This Dictionary check is based on Thomas Blumensath work in sparsify 0_4 greedy solvers
23 explicitD=0;
24 if isa(Dict,'float')
25 D =@(z) Dict*z;
26 Dt =@(z) Dict'*z;
27 explicitD=1;
28 elseif isobject(Dict)
29 D =@(z) Dict*z;
30 Dt =@(z) Dict'*z;
31 elseif isa(Dict,'function_handle')
32 try
33 DictT=varargin{1};
34 if isa(DictT,'function_handle');
35 D=Dict;
36 Dt=DictT;
37 else
38 error('If Dictionary is a function handle,Transpose Dictionary also needs to be a function handle. ');
39 end
40 catch
41 error('If Dictionary is a function handle, Transpose Dictionary needs to be specified. Exiting.');
42 end
43 else
44 error('Dictionary is of unsupported type. Use explicit matrix, function_handle or object. Exiting.');
45 end
46 %%
47 [n,P]=size(X);
51 global opts opts_tr machPrec
52 opts.UT = true;
53 opts_tr.UT = true; opts_tr.TRANSA = true;
54 machPrec = 1e-5;
56 A = sparse(m,size(X,2));
57 for k=1:1:P,
59 R_I = [];
60 x=X(:,k);
61 residual=x;
62 indx = [];
63 a = zeros(m,1);
64 currResNorm = norm(residual);
65 errorGoal=errorGoal*currResNorm;
66 j = 0;
67 while currResNorm>errorGoal & j < maxNumCoef,
68 j = j+1;
69 dir=Dt(residual);
71 [tmp__, pos]=max(abs(dir));
73 [R_I, flag] = updateChol(R_I, n, m, D, explicitD, indx, pos, Dt);
76 indx(j)=pos;
77 dx=zeros(m,1);
79 z = linsolve(R_I,dir(indx),opts_tr);
81 dx(indx) = linsolve(R_I,z,opts);
82 a(indx) = a(indx) + dx(indx);
84 residual=x-D(a);
85 currResNorm = norm(residual);
88 end;
89 if (~isempty(indx))
90 A(indx,k)=a(indx);
91 end
92 end;
93 return;
96 function [R, flag] = updateChol(R, n, N, A, explicitA, activeSet, newIndex, varargin)
98 % updateChol: Updates the Cholesky factor R of the matrix
99 % A(:,activeSet)'*A(:,activeSet) by adding A(:,newIndex)
100 % If the candidate column is in the span of the existing
101 % active set, R is not updated, and flag is set to 1.
103 global opts_tr machPrec
104 flag = 0;
106 if (explicitA)
107 newVec = A(:,newIndex);
108 else
109 At=varargin{1};
110 e = zeros(N,1);
111 e(newIndex) = 1;
112 newVec = A(e);%feval(A,1,n,N,e,1:N,N);
113 end
115 if isempty(activeSet),
116 R = sqrt(sum(newVec.^2));
117 else
118 if (explicitA)
119 p = linsolve(R,A(:,activeSet)'*A(:,newIndex),opts_tr);
120 else
121 AnewVec = At(newVec);%feval(A,2,n,length(activeSet),newVec,activeSet,N);
122 p = linsolve(R,AnewVec(activeSet),opts_tr);
123 end
124 q = sum(newVec.^2) - sum(p.^2);
125 if (q <= machPrec) % Collinear vector
126 flag = 1;
127 else
128 R = [R p; zeros(1, size(R,2)) sqrt(q)];
129 end
130 end