comparison SMALLBoxInit.m @ 189:75b5dedcfd45 luisf_dev

created initialization file; changing SMALL_learn in order to initialize plugins.
author luisf <>
date Thu, 16 Feb 2012 18:24:43 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
187:3cc204120431 189:75b5dedcfd45
1 function SMALLboxInit(varargin)
2 %% SMALLboxInit
3 %
4 % Will add all necessary files and folders to the Matlab Path
5 %
6 % SMALLbox initialisation
8 %
9 % Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary, University of London.
10 % This file copyright 2009 Ivan Damnjanovic, Matthew Davies.
11 %
12 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
13 % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
14 % published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
15 % License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file
16 % COPYING included with this distribution for more information.
17 %
18 %%
19 clc;
20 clear;
22 FS=filesep;
24 SMALL_path=pwd;
25 SMALL_p=genpath(SMALL_path);
26 addpath(SMALL_p);
29 % should init "old" toolboxes
35 %%
38 % if ~exist('sparcoSetup.m','file')
39 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
40 % fprintf('\n\n Initialising SPARCO and Rice Wavelet Toolbox Setup');
41 %
42 % Sparco_path = [SMALL_path,FS,'toolboxes',FS,'SPARCO'];
43 % if exist([Sparco_path, FS, ''],'file'),
44 % Sparco_zip=[Sparco_path, FS, ''];
45 % else
46 % Sparco_zip='';
47 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
48 % end
49 % unzip(Sparco_zip,Sparco_path);
50 % Sparco_p=genpath(Sparco_path);
51 % addpath(Sparco_p);
52 % cd(SMALL_path)
53 %
54 %
55 %
56 % if exist('curvelab.pdf','file')
57 % crvroot = fileparts(which('curvelab.pdf'));
58 % addtopath(crvroot,'fdct_usfft_matlab');
59 % addtopath(crvroot,'fdct_wrapping_matlab');
60 % addtopath(crvroot,'fdct_wrapping_cpp/mex');
61 % addtopath(crvroot,'fdct3d/mex');
62 % else
63 % fprintf(['\nWarning: CurveLab is not in the path. Sparco Problems 50-51 ' ...
64 % 'will not work.\n\n']);
65 % end
66 %
67 %
68 % cd(SMALL_path);
69 %
70 % fprintf('SPARCO Installation Successful!\n');
71 % else
72 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
73 % fprintf('\n\n SPARCO and Rice Wavelet Toolbox are already installed');
74 % end
75 % %%
76 % %removing Rice Wavelet tollbox provided with SPARCO from the path, so
77 % %the newer version provided with SMALLbox is used
78 %
79 % rmpath([SMALL_path,FS,'toolboxes',FS,'SPARCO',FS,'sparco-1.2',FS,'tools',FS,'rwt']);
80 %
81 % if ~exist('spgsetup.m','file')
82 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
83 % fprintf('\n\n Initialising SPGL1 Setup');
84 %
85 % try
86 % SPGL1_path = [SMALL_path,FS,'toolboxes',FS,'SPGL1'];
87 % if exist([SPGL1_path, FS, ''],'file'),
88 % SPGL1_zip=[SPGL1_path, FS, ''];
89 % else
90 % SPGL1_zip='';
91 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
92 % end
93 % unzip(SPGL1_zip,SPGL1_path);
94 % SPGL1_p=genpath(SPGL1_path);
95 % addpath(SPGL1_p);
96 %
97 %
98 % cd([SPGL1_path,FS,'spgl1-1.7']);
99 % fprintf('Compiling SPGL1 MEX interfaces ...');
100 % try
101 % spgsetup;
102 % fprintf('\n SPGL1 Installation Successful!\n');
103 % catch
104 % warning('Could not compile SPGL1 MEX interfaces.');
105 % end
106 % catch
107 % fprintf('\n SPGL1 Installation Failed\n');
108 % end
109 % cd(SMALL_path);
110 % else
111 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
112 % fprintf('\n\n SPGL1 is already installed');
113 % end
114 % %%
115 %
116 % if ~exist('SparsePath.m','file')
117 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
118 % fprintf('\n\n Initialising SparseLab Setup');
119 %
120 % try
121 % SL_path = [pwd,FS,'toolboxes',FS,'SparseLab'];
122 % if exist([SL_path, FS, ''],'file'),
123 % SL_zip=[SL_path, FS, ''];
124 % else
125 % SL_zip='';
126 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
127 % end
128 % unzip(SL_zip,SL_path);
129 % SL_p=genpath(SL_path);
130 % addpath(SL_p);
131 % fprintf('\n SparseLab Installation Successful!\n');
132 % catch
133 % fprintf('\n SparseLab Installation Failed\n');
134 % cd(SMALL_path);
135 % end
136 % cd(SMALL_path);
137 % else
138 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
139 % fprintf('\n\n SparseLab is already installed');
140 % end
141 % %%
142 %
143 % if ~exist('greed_pcgp.m','file')
144 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
145 % fprintf('\n\n Initialising Sparsify Setup');
146 %
147 % try
148 % Sparsify_path = [pwd,FS,'toolboxes',FS,'Sparsify'];
149 % if exist([Sparsify_path, FS, ''],'file'),
150 % Sparsify_zip=[Sparsify_path, FS, ''];
151 % else
152 % Sparsify_zip='';
153 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
154 % end
155 % unzip(Sparsify_zip,Sparsify_path);
156 % Sparsify_p=genpath(Sparsify_path);
157 % addpath(Sparsify_p);
158 % fprintf('\n Sparsify Installation Successful\n');
159 % catch
160 % fprintf('\n Sparsify Installation Failed\n');
161 % end
162 % cd(SMALL_path);
163 % else
164 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
165 % fprintf('\n\n Sparsify is already installed');
166 % end
167 % %%
168 % if ~exist('GPSR_Basic.m','file')
169 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
170 % fprintf('\n\n Initialising GPSR Setup');
171 %
172 % try
173 % GPSR_path = [pwd,FS,'toolboxes',FS,'GPSR'];
174 % if exist([GPSR_path, FS, ''],'file'),
175 % GPSR_zip=[GPSR_path, FS,''];
176 % else
177 % GPSR_zip='';
178 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
179 % end
180 % unzip(GPSR_zip,GPSR_path);
181 %
182 % GPSR_p=genpath(GPSR_path);
183 % addpath(GPSR_p);
184 % fprintf('\n GPSR Installation Successful\n');
185 % catch
186 % fprintf('\n GPSR Installation Failed');
187 % end
188 % cd(SMALL_path);
189 % else
190 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
191 % fprintf('\n\n GPSR is already installed');
192 % end
193 % %%
194 % if ~exist('cvx_setup.m','file')
195 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
196 % fprintf('\n\n Initialising CVX Setup');
197 %
198 % try
199 % CVX_path = [pwd,FS,'toolboxes',FS,'CVX'];
200 % machine=computer;
201 % if (strcmp(machine,'PCWIN')||strcmp(machine,'PCWIN64'))
202 % if exist([CVX_path, FS, ''],'file'),
203 % CVX_zip=[CVX_path, FS,''];
204 % else
205 % CVX_zip='';
206 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
207 % end
208 % unzip(CVX_zip,CVX_path);
209 % else
210 % if exist([CVX_path, FS, 'cvx.tar.gz'],'file'),
211 % CVX_tar=[CVX_path, FS,'cvx.tar.gz'];
212 % else
213 % CVX_tar='';
214 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
215 % end
216 % untar(CVX_tar,CVX_path);
217 % end
218 % cd([CVX_path,FS,'cvx']);
219 % fprintf('\n\n Running cvx_setup.m script \n\n');
220 % cvx_setup;
221 % fprintf('\n\n Ignore the cvx_setup note about adding the path. It is done automatically in SMALLbox \n\n');
222 % CVX_p=genpath(CVX_path);
223 % addpath(CVX_p);
224 % fprintf('\n CVX Installation Successful\n');
225 % catch
226 % fprintf('\n CVX Installation Failed');
227 % end
228 % cd(SMALL_path);
229 % else
230 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
231 % fprintf('\n\n CVX is already installed');
232 % end
233 %
234 % %%
235 % %% KSVD utils setup
236 %
237 % if ~(exist('addtocols')==3)
238 % cd([SMALL_path,FS,'util',FS,'ksvd utils']);
239 % make
240 % cd(SMALL_path);
241 % end
242 %
243 % %% fast omp for Gabor dictionary
244 %
245 % if ~(exist('omp2Gabor')==3)
246 % cd([SMALL_path,FS,'solvers', FS,'SMALL_ompGabor']);
247 % make
248 % cd(SMALL_path);
249 % end
250 % %%
251 % if ~exist('ksvdver.m','file')
252 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
253 % fprintf('\n\n Initialising OMPbox and KSVDBox Setup');
254 %
255 % try
256 % KSVD_path = [pwd,FS,'toolboxes',FS,'KSVD'];
257 % if exist([KSVD_path, FS, ''],'file'),
258 % omp_zip=[KSVD_path, FS, ''];
259 % else
260 % omp_zip='';
261 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
262 % end
263 % unzip(omp_zip,[KSVD_path, FS, 'ompbox']);
264 %
265 % cd([KSVD_path, FS, 'ompbox', FS, 'private']);
266 % make;
267 % cd(SMALL_path);
268 %
269 % if exist([KSVD_path, FS, ''],'file'),
270 % KSVD_zip=[KSVD_path, FS, ''];
271 % else
272 % KSVD_zip='';
273 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
274 % end
275 % unzip(KSVD_zip,[KSVD_path, FS, 'ksvdbox']);
276 % cd([KSVD_path, FS, 'ksvdbox', FS, 'private']);
277 % make;
278 % cd(SMALL_path);
279 % KSVD_p=genpath(KSVD_path);
280 % addpath(KSVD_p);
281 % fprintf('\n KSVDBox and OMPBox Installation Successful\n');
282 % catch
283 % fprintf('\n KSVDBox and OMPBox Installation Failed');
284 % cd(SMALL_path);
285 % end
286 % else
287 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
288 % fprintf('\n\n KSVD is already installed');
289 % end
290 % %%
291 % if ~exist('ksvdsver.m','file')
292 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
293 % fprintf('\n\n Initialising OMPSbox and KSVDSBox Setup');
294 %
295 % try
296 % KSVDS_path = [pwd,FS,'toolboxes',FS,'KSVDS'];
297 % if exist([KSVDS_path, FS, ''],'file'),
298 % omps_zip=[KSVDS_path, FS, ''];
299 % else
300 % omps_zip='';
301 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
302 % end
303 % unzip(omps_zip,[KSVDS_path, FS, 'ompsbox']);
304 %
305 % cd([KSVDS_path, FS, 'ompsbox', FS, 'private']);
306 % make;
307 % cd(SMALL_path);
308 %
309 % if exist([KSVDS_path, FS, ''],'file'),
310 % KSVDS_zip=[KSVDS_path, FS, ''];
311 % else
312 % KSVDS_zip='';
313 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
314 % end
315 % unzip(KSVDS_zip,[KSVDS_path, FS, 'ksvdsbox']);
316 % cd([KSVDS_path, FS, 'ksvdsbox', FS, 'private']);
317 % make;
318 % cd(SMALL_path);
319 % KSVDS_p=genpath(KSVDS_path);
320 % addpath(KSVDS_p);
321 % fprintf('\n KSVDSbox and OMPSbox Installation Successful\n');
322 % catch
323 % fprintf('\n KSVDSbox and OMPSbox Installation Failed');
324 % cd(SMALL_path);
325 % end
326 % else
327 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
328 % fprintf('\n\n KSVDS is already installed');
329 % end
330 % %%
331 %
332 % if ~exist('mexTrainDL.m','file')
333 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
334 % fprintf('\n\n If you want to use SMALLbox with SPAMS On-line Dictionary Learning please go to:');
335 % fprintf('\n');
336 % fprintf('\n and follow the instructions. The License prohibits redistribution of the SPAMS.');
337 %
338 % else
339 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
340 % fprintf('\n\n SPAMS On-line Dictionary Learning is already installed');
341 % end;
342 % %%
343 %
344 %
345 % if ~exist('midiInfo.m','file')
346 % try
347 % matlab_midi_path = [pwd,FS,'util',FS,'matlab_midi'];
348 % if exist([matlab_midi_path, FS, ''],'file'),
349 % matlab_midi_zip=[SL_path, FS, ''];
350 % else
351 % matlab_midi_zip='';
352 % fprintf('\n\n Downloading toolbox, please be patient\n\n');
353 % end
354 % unzip(matlab_midi_zip,matlab_midi_path);
355 % matlab_midi_p=genpath(matlab_midi_path);
356 % addpath(matlab_midi_p);
357 % fprintf('\n matlab_midi ( Installation Successful!\n');
358 % catch
359 % fprintf('\n matlab_midi ( Installation Failed\n');
360 % cd(SMALL_path);
361 % end
362 %
363 % else
364 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
365 % fprintf('\n\n matlab_midi ( is already installed');
366 % end
367 %
368 %
369 %
370 % %% RWT setup
371 % if ~(exist('mdwt')==3)
372 % cd([SMALL_path, FS, 'util', FS, 'Rice Wavelet Toolbox'])
373 % fprintf('Compiling the Rice Wavelet Toolbox MEX interfaces...');
374 % try
375 % if exist('mdwt' ,'file')~=3, mex mdwt.c; end
376 % if exist('midwt' ,'file')~=3, mex midwt.c; end
377 % if exist('mrdwt' ,'file')~=3, mex mrdwt.c; end
378 % if exist('mirdwt','file')~=3, mex mirdwt.c; end
379 % fprintf('Rice Wavelet Toolbox Installation Successful!\n\n');
380 % catch
381 % warning('Could not compile Rice Wavelet Toolbox MEX interfaces.\n');
382 % end
383 % cd(SMALL_path);
384 % end
385 % %%
386 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
387 % fprintf('\n\n Initialising SMALLbox Examples Setup');
388 %
389 % % % Need to do a bit of temporary housekeeping first.
390 % % cd(SMALL_path);
391 % % try
392 % % cd(['Problems',FS,'private']);
393 % % if exist('addtocols' ,'file')~=3,
394 % % fprintf('\n Compiling MEX interfaces for SMALL examples \n');
395 % % make;
396 % % end
397 % % fprintf('\n SMALLbox Problems Installation Successful! \n');
398 % % catch
399 % % fprintf('\n SMALLbox Problems Installation Failed \n');
400 % % end
401 % % cd(SMALL_path);
402 %
403 %
404 %
405 % fprintf('\n ******************************************************************');
406 % fprintf('\n\n SMALLbox Installation Complete!');
407 %
408 %
409 % fprintf('\n\n For more information on the installed toolboxes see');
410 % fprintf('\n\n Sparco:');
411 % fprintf('\n\n SPGL1:');
412 % fprintf('\n\n SparseLab: (PLEASE REGISTER SPARSELAB!)');
413 % fprintf('\n\n Sparsify:');
414 % fprintf('\n\n GPSR:');
415 % fprintf('\n\n CVX:');
416 % fprintf('\n\n OMPbox and KSVDBox:\n');
417 %
418 %
420 %
421 % demo_ack = input('\n\n Would you like to run a demo: ([y]/n)? ','s');
422 %
423 % if demo_ack == 'n',
424 % fprintf('\n Thank you for installing SMALLbox.');
425 % fprintf('\n For information on the SMALLbox example scripts');
426 % fprintf('\n Please see the examples directory. \n');
427 % return;
428 % else
429 %
430 % demo_choice = input('\n 1 to run SMALL_solver_test \n 2 to run Dictionary Learning for Image Denoising demo \n q to quit: ','s');
431 % switch(demo_choice)
432 % case{'1'}
433 % fprintf('\n Running SMALL_solver_test problem');
434 % SMALL_solver_test;
435 % case{'2'}
436 % fprintf('\n Running SMALL Image Denoise problem');
437 % SMALL_ImgDenoise_DL_test_KSVDvsSPAMS;
438 % otherwise
439 % return;
440 % end
441 %
442 % end
443 %