comparison toolboxes/AudioInpaintingToolbox/Solvers/inpaintSignal_IndependentProcessingOfFrames.m @ 138:56d719a5fd31 ivand_dev

Audio Inpaintin Toolbox
author Ivan Damnjanovic lnx <>
date Thu, 21 Jul 2011 14:27:47 +0100
equal deleted inserted replaced
137:9207d56c5547 138:56d719a5fd31
1 function [ReconstSignal1 ReconstSignal2] = inpaintSignal_IndependentProcessingOfFrames(problemData,param)
2 %
3 %
4 % Usage:
5 %
6 %
7 % Inputs:
8 % -
9 % -
10 % -
11 % -
12 % -
13 % -
14 % -
15 % -
16 %
17 % Outputs:
18 % -
19 % -
20 % -
21 % -
22 %
23 % Note that the CVX library is needed.
24 %
25 % -------------------
26 %
27 % Audio Inpainting toolbox
28 % Date: June 28, 2011
29 % By Valentin Emiya, Amir Adler, Maria Jafari
30 % This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License version 3 (
31 % ========================================================
32 % Perform Audio De-clipping with overlapping blocks
33 % Synthesis Approach, union of overcomplete DCT dictionary
34 % Date: 14 Apr. 2010
35 % Inputs:
36 % - x: Clipped signal
37 % - ClipMask: Indices of clipped samples
38 % - Optional parameters [and default values]:
39 % - param.N: frame length [256]
40 % - param.frameOverlapFactor: overlap factor between frames [2]
41 % - param.wa: weighting analysis window [@sineWin]
42 % - weighting synthesis window [@sineWin]
43 % - param.OMPerr: error threshold to stop OMP iterations [0.001]
44 % - param.sparsityDegree: max number of non-zero components to
45 % stop OMP iterations [param.N/4];
46 % - other fields: see the documentation of UDCT_Dictionary
47 %
48 % Outputs:
49 % ReconstSignal1 - reconstructed signal (all samples generated
50 % from the synthesis model)
51 % ReconstSignal2 - reconstructed signal (only clipped samples are generated
52 % from the synthesis model)
53 %
54 % By Valentin Emiya - SMALL Project, 2010
55 %
56 % ========================================================
58 % Check parameters
59 defaultParam.N = 256;
60 defaultParam.OLA_frameOverlapFactor = 4;
61 defaultParam.wa = @wSine;
62 defaultParam.OLA_ws = @wSine;
63 defaultParam.OLA_par_waitingTime_mainProcess = 0.2;
64 defaultParam.OLA_par_waitingTime_thread = 0.2;
65 defaultParam.OLA_par_frameBlockSize = 1;
66 defaultParam.TCPIP_port = 3000;
67 defaultParam.COM_DISP = false;
68 defaultParam.STATE_DISP = false;
70 if nargin<2
71 param = defaultParam;
72 else
73 names = fieldnames(defaultParam);
74 for k=1:length(names)
75 if ~isfield(param,names{k}) || isempty(param.(names{k}))
76 param.(names{k}) = defaultParam.(names{k});
77 end
78 end
79 end
81 x = problemData.x;
82 ClipMask = find(problemData.IMiss);
84 % According to this flag, switch between a parallel multithread processing
85 % and a singlethread processing. This can fasten the computations but does
86 % not affect the results.
88 [ReconstSignal1 ReconstSignal2] = multithreadProcessing(x,ClipMask,param);
89 else
90 [ReconstSignal1 ReconstSignal2] = singlethreadProcessing(x,ClipMask,param);
91 end
93 return;
95 function [ReconstSignal1 ReconstSignal2] = singlethreadProcessing(x,ClipMask,param)
96 % ========================================================
97 % Overlap-and-add processing of a signal with missing samples.
98 % Decomposition into overlapping frames, processing of each
99 % frame independently and OLA reconstruction.
100 % Date: 01 Jun. 2010
101 % Inputs:
102 % - x: Clipped signal
103 % - ClipMask: Indices of clipped samples
104 % - Optional parameters [and default values]:
105 % - param.N: frame length [256]
106 % - param.inpaintFrame: function handle for inpainting a frame
107 % [@inpaintFrame_OMP]
108 % - param.OLA_frameOverlapFactor: overlap factor between frames [2]
109 % - param.wa: weighting analysis window [@sineWin]
110 % - param.OLA_ws: weighting synthesis window [@sineWin]
111 % - param.SKIP_CLEAN_FRAMES: flag to skip frames with no
112 % missing samples [true]
113 % - other fields: see the documentation the inpainting method
114 %
115 % Outputs:
116 % ReconstSignal1 - reconstructed signal (all samples generated
117 % from the synthesis model)
118 % ReconstSignal2 - reconstructed signal (only clipped samples are generated
119 % from the synthesis model)
120 %
121 % By Amir Adler, Maria Jafari, Valentin Emiya - SMALL Project, 2010
122 %
123 % ========================================================
125 % Check parameters
126 defaultParam.N = 256;
127 defaultParam.inpaintFrame = @inpaintFrame_OMP;
128 defaultParam.OLA_frameOverlapFactor = 2;
129 defaultParam.wa = @wSine;
130 = @wSine;
131 defaultParam.SKIP_CLEAN_FRAMES = true;
133 if nargin<3
134 param = defaultParam;
135 else
136 names = fieldnames(defaultParam);
137 for k=1:length(names)
138 if ~isfield(param,names{k}) || isempty(param.(names{k}))
139 param.(names{k}) = defaultParam.(names{k});
140 end
141 end
142 end
143 % if ~isfield(param,'D')
144 % param.D = param.D_fun(param);
145 % end
147 bb=param.N; % block size
149 % modify signal length to accommodate integer number of blocks
150 L=floor(length(x)/bb)*bb;
151 x=x(1:L);
152 ClipMask(ClipMask>L) = [];
154 % Extracting the signal blocks with 50% overlap
155 Ibegin = (1:bb/param.OLA_frameOverlapFactor:length(x)-bb);
156 if Ibegin(end)~=L-bb+1
157 Ibegin(end+1) = L-bb+1;
158 end
159 Iblk = ones(bb,1)*Ibegin+(0:bb-1).'*ones(size(Ibegin));
160 wa = param.wa(bb); % analysis window
161 xFrames=diag(wa)*x(Iblk);
163 % Generating the block mask
164 Mask=ones(size(x));
165 Mask(ClipMask)=0;
166 blkMask=Mask(Iblk);
168 % Declipping the Patches
169 [n,P]=size(xFrames);
171 if ~isdeployed
172 h=waitbar(0,'Processing each frame...');
173 end
174 Reconst = zeros(n,P);
175 co = zeros(512,P);
176 for k=1:1:P,
177 if ~isdeployed
178 waitbar(k/P);
179 end
180 if param.SKIP_CLEAN_FRAMES && all(blkMask(:,k))
181 continue
182 end
183 frameProblemData.x = xFrames(:,k);
184 frameProblemData.IMiss = ~blkMask(:,k);
186 [Reconst(:,k)]= ...
187 param.inpaintFrame(frameProblemData,param);
189 end;
190 if ~isdeployed
191 close(h);
192 end
194 % Overlap and add
196 % The completly reconstructed signal
197 ReconstSignal1 = zeros(size(x));
198 ws = param.OLA_ws(bb); % synthesis window
199 wNorm = zeros(size(ReconstSignal1));
200 for k=1:size(Iblk,2)
201 ReconstSignal1(Iblk(:,k)) = ReconstSignal1(Iblk(:,k)) + Reconst(:,k).*ws(:);
202 wNorm(Iblk(:,k)) = wNorm(Iblk(:,k)) + ws(:).*wa(:);
203 end
204 ReconstSignal1 = ReconstSignal1./wNorm;
206 % Only replace the clipped samples with the reconstructed ones
207 ReconstSignal2=x;
208 ReconstSignal2(ClipMask)=ReconstSignal1(ClipMask);
210 return;
212 function [ReconstSignal1 ReconstSignal2] = multithreadProcessing(x,ClipMask,param)
213 % Send parameters to the threads
214 % initParamFilename = [param.OLA_par_threadDir 'par_param.mat'];
215 % save(initParamFilename,'param');
217 bb=param.N; % block size
219 % modify signal length to accommodate integer number of blocks
220 L=floor(length(x)/bb)*bb;
221 x=x(1:L);
222 ClipMask(ClipMask>L) = [];
224 % Extracting the signal blocks with 50% overlap
225 Ibegin = (1:round(bb/param.OLA_frameOverlapFactor):length(x)-bb);
226 if Ibegin(end)~=L-bb+1
227 Ibegin(end+1) = L-bb+1;
228 end
229 Iblk = ones(bb,1)*Ibegin+(0:bb-1).'*ones(size(Ibegin));
230 wa = param.wa(bb); % analysis window
231 xFrames=diag(wa)*x(Iblk);
233 % Generating the block mask
234 Mask=ones(size(x));
235 Mask(ClipMask)=0;
236 blkMask=Mask(Iblk);
238 % Declipping the Patches
239 if ~isdeployed && false
240 h=waitbar(0,'Processing each frame...');
241 end
242 [n,P]=size(xFrames);
243 Reconst = NaN(n,P);
244 % initializedThreads = [];
246 % find the block of frames to process
247 k_lists = {};
248 kTrame = 1;
249 while kTrame<=P
250 k_list = zeros(param.OLA_par_frameBlockSize,1);
251 ind = 0;
252 while ind<param.OLA_par_frameBlockSize && kTrame<=P
253 if param.SKIP_CLEAN_FRAMES && all(blkMask(:,kTrame))
254 kTrame=kTrame+1;
255 continue
256 end
257 ind = ind+1;
258 k_list(ind) = kTrame;
259 kTrame=kTrame+1;
260 end
261 if ind==0
262 break;
263 end
264 k_lists{end+1} = k_list(1:ind);
265 end
266 k_list_all = cell2mat(k_lists');
268 % Create a server
269 serverSocket = createServer(param);
270 % Definition of the client states
271 stateDef;
273 param.COM_DISP = false;
275 kBlock=1;
276 initializedClientIDs = [];
277 while any(isnan(Reconst(1,k_list_all)))
278 if ~isdeployed && false
279 waitbar(sum(~isnan(Reconst(1,k_list_all)))/length(k_list_all));
280 end
282 % Wait for a new client
283 currentClient = waitClient(serverSocket);
285 % Receive client state
286 clientIDState = readData(currentClient,param.COM_DISP);
287 clientID = clientIDState(1);
288 clientState = clientIDState(2);
289 switch clientState
290 case INIT
291 if param.STATE_DISP
292 fprintf('INIT %d\n',clientID);
293 end
294 if 0
295 sendData(currentClient,initParamFilename,param.COM_DISP);
296 else
297 sendData(currentClient,param,param.COM_DISP);
298 end
299 initializedClientIDs(end+1) = clientID;
300 case FREE
301 if ~ismember(clientID,initializedClientIDs)
302 sendData(currentClient,INIT_ORDER,param.COM_DISP); % INIT
303 elseif kBlock<=length(k_lists)
304 k_list = k_lists{kBlock};
305 if param.STATE_DISP
306 fprintf('TO PROCESS %d:',clientID);
307 arrayfun(@(x)fprintf(' %d',x),k_list);
308 fprintf('\n');
309 end
310 sendData(currentClient,k_list,param.COM_DISP);
311 sendData(currentClient,xFrames(:,k_list),param.COM_DISP);
312 sendData(currentClient,find(blkMask(:,k_list)),param.COM_DISP);
313 kBlock = kBlock+1;
314 else
315 if param.STATE_DISP
316 fprintf('WAIT %d\n',clientID);
317 end
318 sendData(currentClient,WAIT_ORDER,param.COM_DISP); % no data to process
319 end
320 case PROCESSED
321 processed_k_list = readData(currentClient,param.COM_DISP);
322 y = readData(currentClient,param.COM_DISP);
323 y = reshape(y,[],length(processed_k_list));
324 if param.STATE_DISP
325 fprintf('PROCESSED %d:',clientID);
326 arrayfun(@(x)fprintf(' %d',x),processed_k_list);
327 fprintf('\n');
328 end
329 if ~isempty(processed_k_list)
330 Reconst(:,processed_k_list) = y;
331 end
332 otherwise
333 error('switch:UndefinedClientState','Undefined client state');
334 end
336 closeClientConnection(currentClient);
337 end;
339 % Close the server
340 closeServer(serverSocket);
342 if ~isdeployed && false
343 close(h);
344 end
346 % Overlap and add
348 % The completly reconstructed signal
349 ReconstSignal1 = zeros(size(x));
350 ws = param.OLA_ws(bb); % synthesis window
351 wNorm = zeros(size(ReconstSignal1));
352 for k=1:size(Iblk,2)
353 ReconstSignal1(Iblk(:,k)) = ReconstSignal1(Iblk(:,k)) + Reconst(:,k).*ws(:);
354 wNorm(Iblk(:,k)) = wNorm(Iblk(:,k)) + ws(:).*wa(:);
355 end
356 ReconstSignal1 = ReconstSignal1./wNorm;
358 % Only replace the clipped samples with the reconstructed ones
359 ReconstSignal2=x;
360 ReconstSignal2(ClipMask)=ReconstSignal1(ClipMask);
362 killClients(param);
364 return;
366 % ========================================================
367 % ========================================================
371 % ========================================================
372 % ========================================================