boblsturm@0: function wts = fft2chromamx(nfft,nbins,sr,A440,ctroct,octwidth) boblsturm@0: % wts = fft2chromamx(nfft,nbins,sr,A440,ctroct,octwidth) boblsturm@0: % Create a wts matrix to convert FFT to Chroma boblsturm@0: % A440 is optional ref frq for A boblsturm@0: % ctroct, octwidth specify a dominance window - Gaussian boblsturm@0: % weighting centered on ctroct (in octs, re A0 = 27.5Hz) and boblsturm@0: % with a gaussian half-width of octwidth. Defaults to boblsturm@0: % halfwidth = inf i.e. flat. boblsturm@0: % 2006-06-29 boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: if nargin < 2; nbins = 12; end boblsturm@0: if nargin < 3; sr = 22050; end boblsturm@0: if nargin < 4; A440 = 440; end boblsturm@0: if nargin < 5; ctroct = 5; end boblsturm@0: if nargin < 6; octwidth = 0; end boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: wts = zeros(nbins, nfft); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: fftfrqbins = nbins*hz2octs([1:(nfft-1)]/nfft*sr,A440); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % make up a value for the 0 Hz bin = 1.5 octaves below bin 1 boblsturm@0: % (so chroma is 50% rotated from bin 1, and bin width is broad) boblsturm@0: fftfrqbins = [fftfrqbins(1)-1.5*nbins,fftfrqbins]; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: binwidthbins = [max(1, fftfrqbins(2:nfft) - fftfrqbins(1:(nfft-1))), 1]; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: D = repmat(fftfrqbins,nbins,1) - repmat([0:(nbins-1)]',1,nfft); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: nbins2 = round(nbins/2); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Project into range -nbins/2 .. nbins/2 boblsturm@0: % add on fixed offset of 10*nbins to ensure all values passed to rem are +ve boblsturm@0: D = rem(D + nbins2 + 10*nbins, nbins) - nbins2; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Gaussian bumps - 2*D to make them narrower boblsturm@0: wts = exp(-0.5*(2*D./repmat(binwidthbins,nbins,1)).^2); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % normalize each column boblsturm@0: wts = wts./repmat(sqrt(sum(wts.^2)),nbins,1); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % remove aliasing columns boblsturm@0: wts(:,[(nfft/2+2):nfft]) = 0; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Maybe apply scaling for fft bins boblsturm@0: if octwidth > 0 boblsturm@0: wts = wts.*repmat(exp(-0.5*(((fftfrqbins/nbins - ctroct)/octwidth).^2)), nbins, 1); boblsturm@0: end boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: %wts = binwidthbins; boblsturm@0: %wts = fftfrqbins; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: function octs = hz2octs(freq, A440) boblsturm@0: % octs = hz2octs(freq, A440) boblsturm@0: % Convert a frequency in Hz into a real number counting boblsturm@0: % the octaves above A0. So hz2octs(440) = 4.0 boblsturm@0: % Optional A440 specifies the Hz to be treated as middle A (default 440). boblsturm@0: % 2006-06-29 for fft2chromamx boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: %if nargin < 2; A440 = 440; end boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % A4 = A440 = 440 Hz, so A0 = 440/16 Hz boblsturm@0: octs = log(freq./(A440/16))./log(2); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: