boblsturm@0: function [p,m,S] = ifptrack(d,w,sr,fminl,fminu,fmaxl,fmaxu) boblsturm@0: % [p,m,S] = ifptrack(d,w,sr,fminl,fminu,fmaxl,fmaxu) boblsturm@0: % Pitch track based on inst freq. boblsturm@0: % Look for adjacent bins with same inst freq. boblsturm@0: % d is the input waveform. sr is its sample rate boblsturm@0: % w is the basic STFT DFT length (window is half, hop is 1/4) boblsturm@0: % S returns the underlying complex STFT. boblsturm@0: % fmin,fmax define ramps at edge of sensitivity boblsturm@0: % 2006-05-03 boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Copyright (c) 2006 Columbia University. boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % This file is part of LabROSA-coversongID boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % LabROSA-coversongID is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify boblsturm@0: % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as boblsturm@0: % published by the Free Software Foundation. boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % LabROSA-coversongID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but boblsturm@0: % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of boblsturm@0: % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU boblsturm@0: % General Public License for more details. boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License boblsturm@0: % along with LabROSA-coversongID; if not, write to the Free Software boblsturm@0: % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA boblsturm@0: % 02110-1301 USA boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % See the file "COPYING" for the text of the license. boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % downweight fundamentals below here boblsturm@0: if nargin < 4; fminl = 150; end boblsturm@0: if nargin < 5; fminu = 300; end boblsturm@0: % highest frequency we look to boblsturm@0: if nargin < 6; fmaxl = 2000; end boblsturm@0: if nargin < 7; fmaxu = 4000; end boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Calculate the inst freq gram boblsturm@0: [I,S] = ifgram(d,w,w/2,w/4,sr); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Only look at bins up to 2 kHz boblsturm@0: maxbin = round(fmaxu * (w/sr) ); boblsturm@0: %maxbin = size(I,1) boblsturm@0: minbin = round(fminl * (w/sr) ); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Find plateaus in ifgram - stretches where delta IF is < thr boblsturm@0: ddif = [I(2:maxbin, :);I(maxbin,:)] - [I(1,:);I(1:(maxbin-1),:)]; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % expected increment per bin = sr/w, threshold at 3/4 that boblsturm@0: dgood = abs(ddif) < .75*sr/w; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % delete any single bins (both above and below are zero); boblsturm@0: dgood = dgood .* ([dgood(2:maxbin,:);dgood(maxbin,:)] > 0 | [dgood(1,:);dgood(1:(maxbin-1),:)] > 0); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % check it out boblsturm@0: %p = dgood; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % reconstruct just pitchy cells? boblsturm@0: %r = istft(p.*S,w,w/2,w/4); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: p = 0*dgood; boblsturm@0: m = 0*dgood; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % For each frame, extract all harmonic freqs & magnitudes boblsturm@0: for t = 1:size(I,2) boblsturm@0: ds = dgood(:,t)'; boblsturm@0: lds = length(ds); boblsturm@0: % find nonzero regions in this vector boblsturm@0: st = find(([0,ds(1:(lds-1))]==0) & (ds > 0)); boblsturm@0: en = find((ds > 0) & ([ds(2:lds),0] == 0)); boblsturm@0: npks = length(st); boblsturm@0: frqs = zeros(1,npks); boblsturm@0: mags = zeros(1,npks); boblsturm@0: for i = 1:length(st) boblsturm@0: bump = abs(S(st(i):en(i),t)); boblsturm@0: frqs(i) = (bump'*I(st(i):en(i),t))/(sum(bump)+(sum(bump)==0)); boblsturm@0: mags(i) = sum(bump); boblsturm@0: if frqs(i) > fmaxu boblsturm@0: mags(i) = 0; boblsturm@0: frqs(i) = 0; boblsturm@0: elseif frqs(i) > fmaxl boblsturm@0: mags(i) = mags(i) * max(0, (fmaxu - frqs(i))/(fmaxu-fmaxl)); boblsturm@0: end boblsturm@0: % downweight magnitudes below? 200 Hz boblsturm@0: if frqs(i) < fminl boblsturm@0: mags(i) = 0; boblsturm@0: frqs(i) = 0; boblsturm@0: elseif frqs(i) < fminu boblsturm@0: % 1 octave fade-out boblsturm@0: mags(i) = mags(i) * (frqs(i) - fminl)/(fminu-fminl); boblsturm@0: end boblsturm@0: if frqs(i) < 0 boblsturm@0: mags(i) = 0; boblsturm@0: frqs(i) = 0; boblsturm@0: end boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: end boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % then just keep the largest at each frame (for now) boblsturm@0: % [v,ix] = max(mags); boblsturm@0: % p(t) = frqs(ix); boblsturm@0: % m(t) = mags(ix); boblsturm@0: % No, keep them all boblsturm@0: %bin = st; boblsturm@0: bin = round((st+en)/2); boblsturm@0: p(bin,t) = frqs; boblsturm@0: m(bin,t) = mags; boblsturm@0: end boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: %% Pull out the max in each column boblsturm@0: %[mm,ix] = max(m); boblsturm@0: %% idiom to retrieve different element from each column boblsturm@0: %[nr,nc] = size(p); boblsturm@0: %pp = p((nr*[0:(nc-1)])+ix); boblsturm@0: %mm = m((nr*[0:(nc-1)])+ix); boblsturm@0: % r = synthtrax(pp,mm,sr,w/4); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: %p = pp; boblsturm@0: %m = mm; boblsturm@0: