boblsturm@0: function [F,D] = ifgram(X, N, W, H, SR) boblsturm@0: % [F,D] = ifgram(X, N, W, H, SR) Instantaneous frequency by phase deriv. boblsturm@0: % X is a 1-D signal. Process with N-point FFTs applying a W-point boblsturm@0: % window, stepping by H points; return (N/2)+1 channels with the boblsturm@0: % instantaneous frequency (as a proportion of the sampling rate) boblsturm@0: % obtained as the time-derivative of the phase of the complex spectrum boblsturm@0: % as described by Toshihiro Abe et al in ICASSP'95, Eurospeech'97 boblsturm@0: % Same arguments and some common code as dpwebox/stft.m. boblsturm@0: % Calculates regular STFT as side effect - returned in D. boblsturm@0: % after 1998may02 boblsturm@0: % 2001-03-05 revised version boblsturm@0: % 2001-12-13 Fixed to work when N != W boblsturm@0: % $Header: $ boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Copyright (c) 2006 Columbia University. boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % This file is part of LabROSA-coversongID boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % LabROSA-coversongID is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify boblsturm@0: % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as boblsturm@0: % published by the Free Software Foundation. boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % LabROSA-coversongID is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but boblsturm@0: % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of boblsturm@0: % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU boblsturm@0: % General Public License for more details. boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License boblsturm@0: % along with LabROSA-coversongID; if not, write to the Free Software boblsturm@0: % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA boblsturm@0: % 02110-1301 USA boblsturm@0: % boblsturm@0: % See the file "COPYING" for the text of the license. boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: if nargin < 2; N = 256; end boblsturm@0: if nargin < 3; W = N; end boblsturm@0: if nargin < 4; H = W/2; end boblsturm@0: if nargin < 5; SR = 1; end boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: s = length(X); boblsturm@0: % Make sure it's a single row boblsturm@0: if size(X,1) > 1 boblsturm@0: X = X'; boblsturm@0: end boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: %win = [0,hanning(W-1)']; boblsturm@0: win = 0.5*(1-cos([0:(W-1)]/W*2*pi)); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Window for discrete differentiation boblsturm@0: T = W/SR; boblsturm@0: dwin = -pi / T * sin([0:(W-1)]/W*2*pi); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % sum(win) takes out integration due to window, 2 compensates for neg frq boblsturm@0: norm = 2/sum(win); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % How many complete windows? boblsturm@0: nhops = 1 + floor((s - W)/H); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: F = zeros(1 + N/2, nhops); boblsturm@0: D = zeros(1 + N/2, nhops); boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: nmw1 = floor( (N-W)/2 ); boblsturm@0: nmw2 = N-W - nmw1; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: ww = 2*pi*[0:(N-1)]*SR/N; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: for h = 1:nhops boblsturm@0: u = X((h-1)*H + [1:W]); boblsturm@0: % if(h==0) boblsturm@0: % plot(u) boblsturm@0: % end boblsturm@0: % Apply windows now, while the length is right boblsturm@0: wu = win.*u; boblsturm@0: du = dwin.*u; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Pad or truncate samples if N != W boblsturm@0: if N > W boblsturm@0: wu = [zeros(1,nmw1),wu,zeros(1,nmw2)]; boblsturm@0: du = [zeros(1,nmw1),du,zeros(1,nmw2)]; boblsturm@0: end boblsturm@0: if N < W boblsturm@0: wu = wu(-nmw1+[1:N]); boblsturm@0: du = du(-nmw1+[1:N]); boblsturm@0: end boblsturm@0: % FFTs of straight samples plus differential-weighted ones boblsturm@0: t1 = fft(fftshift(du)); boblsturm@0: t2 = fft(fftshift(wu)); boblsturm@0: % Scale down to factor out length & window effects boblsturm@0: D(:,h) = t2(1:(1 + N/2))'*norm; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: % Calculate instantaneous frequency from phase of differential spectrum boblsturm@0: t = t1 + j*(ww.*t2); boblsturm@0: a = real(t2); boblsturm@0: b = imag(t2); boblsturm@0: da = real(t); boblsturm@0: db = imag(t); boblsturm@0: instf = (1/(2*pi))*(a.*db - b.*da)./((a.*a + b.*b)+(abs(t2)==0)); boblsturm@0: % 1/2pi converts rad/s into cycles/s boblsturm@0: % sampling rate already factored in as constant in dwin & ww boblsturm@0: % so result is in Hz boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: F(:,h) = instf(1:(1 + N/2))'; boblsturm@0: boblsturm@0: end; boblsturm@0: