Chris@427: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Chris@427: # Chris@427: # EasyMercurial Chris@427: # Chris@427: # Based on hgExplorer by Jari Korhonen Chris@427: # Copyright (c) 2010 Jari Korhonen Chris@427: # Copyright (c) 2010 Chris Cannam Chris@427: # Copyright (c) 2010 Queen Mary, University of London Chris@427: # Chris@427: # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or Chris@427: # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as Chris@427: # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Chris@427: # License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file Chris@427: # COPYING included with this distribution for more information. Chris@427: Chris@427: import sys Chris@427: Chris@427: import urllib, urllib2, urlparse Chris@427: Chris@427: from mercurial import ui, getpass, util Chris@427: try: Chris@427: from mercurial.url import passwordmgr Chris@427: except: Chris@427: from mercurial.httprepo import passwordmgr Chris@427: Chris@427: from mercurial.i18n import _ Chris@427: Chris@427: #!!! do this later? as for Qt? also see notes on demandimport in mercurial_keyring Chris@427: import keyring Chris@427: Chris@427: # The value assigned here may be modified during installation, by Chris@427: # replacing its default value with another one. We can't compare Chris@427: # against its default value, because then the comparison text would Chris@427: # get modified as well. So, compare using prefix only. Chris@427: # Chris@427: easyhg_import_path = 'NO_EASYHG_IMPORT_PATH' Chris@427: if not easyhg_import_path.startswith('NO_'): Chris@427: # We have an installation path: append it twice, once with Chris@427: # the Python version suffixed Chris@427: version_suffix = "Py" + str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]); Chris@427: sys.path.append(easyhg_import_path + "/" + version_suffix) Chris@427: sys.path.append(easyhg_import_path) Chris@427: Chris@427: # Try to load the PyQt4 module that we need. If this fails, we should Chris@427: # bail out later (in uisetup), because if we bail out now, Mercurial Chris@427: # will just continue without us and report success. The invoking Chris@427: # application needs to be able to discover whether the module load Chris@427: # succeeded or not, so we need to ensure that Mercurial itself returns Chris@427: # failure if it didn't. Chris@427: # Chris@427: easyhg_pyqt_ok = True Chris@427: try: Chris@427: from PyQt4 import Qt, QtGui Chris@427: except ImportError: Chris@427: easyhg_pyqt_ok = False Chris@427: Chris@427: easyhg_qtapp = None Chris@427: Chris@427: def monkeypatch_method(cls): Chris@427: def decorator(func): Chris@427: setattr(cls, func.__name__, func) Chris@427: return func Chris@427: return decorator Chris@427: Chris@427: def uisetup(ui): Chris@427: if not easyhg_pyqt_ok: Chris@427: raise util.Abort(_('Failed to load PyQt4 module required by')) Chris@427: global easyhg_qtapp Chris@427: easyhg_qtapp = QtGui.QApplication([]) Chris@427: Chris@427: orig_find = passwordmgr.find_user_password Chris@427: Chris@427: # from mercurial_keyring by Marcin Kasperski Chris@427: def canonical_url(authuri): Chris@427: """ Chris@427: Strips query params from url. Used to convert urls like Chris@427: Chris@427: to Chris@427: Chris@427: """ Chris@427: parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(authuri) Chris@427: return "%s://%s%s" % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.netloc, Chris@427: parsed_url.path) Chris@427: Chris@427: @monkeypatch_method(passwordmgr) Chris@427: def find_user_password(self, realm, authuri): Chris@427: Chris@427: if not self.ui.interactive(): Chris@427: return orig_find(self, realm, authuri) Chris@427: if not easyhg_pyqt_ok: Chris@427: return orig_find(self, realm, authuri) Chris@427: Chris@427: authinfo = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm.find_user_password( Chris@427: self, realm, authuri) Chris@427: user, passwd = authinfo Chris@427: Chris@427: if user and passwd: Chris@427: return orig_find(self, realm, authuri) Chris@427: Chris@427: self.ui.write("want username and/or password for %s\n" % authuri) Chris@427: Chris@427: uri = canonical_url(authuri) Chris@427: Chris@427: from_keyring = False Chris@427: keyring_key = '' Chris@427: if user and not passwd: Chris@427: keyring_key = '%s@@%s' % (uri, user) Chris@427: self.ui.write("keyring_key is %s" % keyring_key) Chris@427: # passwd = keyring.get_password('Mercurial', keyring_key) Chris@427: self.ui.write("got passwd: %s\n" % passwd) Chris@427: if passwd: Chris@427: from_keyring = True Chris@427: Chris@427: dialog = QtGui.QDialog() Chris@427: layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() Chris@427: dialog.setLayout(layout) Chris@427: Chris@428: layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(_('

Login required

Please provide your user name and password for the repository at
%s:') % uri), 0, 0, 1, 2) Chris@427: Chris@427: userfield = QtGui.QLineEdit() Chris@427: if user: Chris@427: userfield.setText(user) Chris@427: layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(_('User:')), 1, 0) Chris@427: layout.addWidget(userfield, 1, 1) Chris@427: Chris@427: passfield = QtGui.QLineEdit() Chris@427: passfield.setEchoMode(QtGui.QLineEdit.Password) Chris@427: if passwd: Chris@428: passfield.setText(passwd) Chris@427: layout.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(_('Password:')), 2, 0) Chris@427: layout.addWidget(passfield, 2, 1) Chris@427: Chris@427: bb = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox() Chris@427: ok = bb.addButton(bb.Ok) Chris@427: cancel = bb.addButton(bb.Cancel) Chris@427: cancel.setDefault(False) Chris@427: cancel.setAutoDefault(False) Chris@427: ok.setDefault(True) Chris@427: bb.connect(ok, Qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), dialog, Qt.SLOT("accept()")) Chris@427: bb.connect(cancel, Qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), dialog, Qt.SLOT("reject()")) Chris@427: layout.addWidget(bb, 3, 0, 1, 2) Chris@427: Chris@428: dialog.setWindowTitle(_('EasyMercurial: Login')) Chris@427: Chris@428: Chris@428: if not user: Chris@428: userfield.setFocus(True) Chris@428: elif not passwd: Chris@428: passfield.setFocus(True) Chris@428: Chris@427: dialog.raise_() Chris@427: ok = dialog.exec_() Chris@427: if ok: Chris@427: self.ui.write('Dialog accepted\n') Chris@427: user = userfield.text() Chris@427: passwd = passfield.text() Chris@427: if passwd and keyring_key != '' and not from_keyring: Chris@427: keyring_key = '%s@@%s' % (uri, user) Chris@428: # keyring.set_password('Mercurial', keyring_key, passwd) Chris@427: self.add_password(realm, authuri, user, passwd) Chris@427: else: Chris@427: raise util.Abort(_('password entry cancelled')) Chris@427: return (user, passwd) Chris@427: Chris@427: Chris@427: