Chris@538: /* -*- c-basic-offset: 4 indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4: */ Chris@538: Chris@538: /* Chris@538: EasyMercurial Chris@538: Chris@538: Based on hgExplorer by Jari Korhonen Chris@538: Copyright (c) 2010 Jari Korhonen Chris@560: Copyright (c) 2012 Chris Cannam Chris@560: Copyright (c) 2012 Queen Mary, University of London Chris@538: Chris@538: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or Chris@538: modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as Chris@538: published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Chris@538: License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file Chris@538: COPYING included with this distribution for more information. Chris@538: */ Chris@538: Chris@584: #include Chris@584: #include Chris@584: Chris@584: #ifdef Q_OS_MAC Chris@584: // Must include this before debug.h Chris@584: #include Chris@584: #endif Chris@584: Chris@538: #include "fswatcher.h" Chris@540: #include "debug.h" Chris@538: Chris@538: #include Chris@538: Chris@592: //#define DEBUG_FSWATCHER 1 Chris@540: Chris@539: /* Chris@539: * Watching the filesystem is trickier than it seems at first glance. Chris@539: * Chris@539: * We ideally should watch every directory, and every file that is Chris@539: * tracked by Hg. If a new file is created in a directory, then we Chris@539: * need to respond in order to show it as a potential candidate to be Chris@539: * added. Chris@539: * Chris@539: * Complicating matters though is that Hg itself might modify the Chris@539: * filesystem. This can happen even in "read-only" operations: for Chris@539: * example, hg stat creates files called hg-checklink and hg-checkexec Chris@539: * to test properties of the filesystem. So we need to know to ignore Chris@539: * those files; unfortunately, when watching a directory (which is how Chris@539: * we find out about the creation of new files) we are notified only Chris@540: * that the directory has changed -- we aren't told what changed. Chris@540: * Chris@540: * This means that, when a directory changes, we need to rescan the Chris@540: * directory to learn whether the set of files in it _excluding_ files Chris@540: * matching our ignore patterns differs from the previous scan, and Chris@540: * ignore the change if it doesn't. Chris@584: * Chris@584: */ Chris@584: Chris@584: /* Chris@584: * 20120312 -- Another complication. The documentation for Chris@584: * QFileSystemWatcher says: Chris@584: * Chris@584: * On Mac OS X 10.4 [...] an open file descriptor is required for Chris@584: * each monitored file. [...] This means that addPath() and Chris@584: * addPaths() will fail if your process tries to add more than 256 Chris@584: * files or directories to the file system monitor [...] Mac OS X Chris@584: * 10.5 and up use a different backend and do not suffer from this Chris@584: * issue. Chris@584: * Chris@584: * Unfortunately, the last sentence above is not true: Chris@584: * Chris@584: * ("Removing the usage of FSEvents-based backend for now as it has a Chris@584: * few bugs..."). It can't be restored without hacking the Qt source, Chris@584: * which we don't want to do in this context. The commit log doesn't Chris@584: * make clear how serious the bugs were -- an example is given but it Chris@584: * doesn't indicate whether it's an edge case or a common case and Chris@584: * whether the result was a crash or failure to notify. Chris@584: * Chris@584: * This means the Qt class uses kqueue instead on OS/X, but that Chris@584: * doesn't really work for us -- it can only monitor 256 files (or Chris@584: * whatever the fd ulimit is set to, but that's the default) and it Chris@584: * doesn't notify if a file within a directory is modified unless the Chris@584: * metadata changes. The main limitation of FSEvents is that it only Chris@586: * notifies with directory granularity, but that might be OK for us so Chris@586: * long as notifications are actually provoked by file changes as Chris@586: * well. (In OS/X 10.7 there appear to be file-level notifications Chris@586: * too, but that doesn't help us.) Chris@584: * Chris@584: * One other problem with FSEvents is that the API only exists on OS/X Chris@584: * 10.5 or newer -- on older versions we would have no option but to Chris@584: * use kqueue via QFileSystemWatcher. But we can't ship a binary Chris@584: * linked with the FSEvents API to run on 10.4 without some fiddling, Chris@584: * and I'm not really keen to do that either. That may be our cue to Chris@584: * drop 10.4 support for EasyMercurial. Chris@539: */ Chris@539: Chris@538: FsWatcher::FsWatcher() : Chris@538: m_lastToken(0), Chris@538: m_lastCounter(0) Chris@538: { Chris@584: #ifdef Q_OS_MAC Chris@584: m_stream = 0; // create when we have a path Chris@584: #else Chris@538: connect(&m_watcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), Chris@538: this, SLOT(fsDirectoryChanged(QString))); Chris@538: connect(&m_watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), Chris@538: this, SLOT(fsFileChanged(QString))); Chris@584: #endif Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@538: FsWatcher::~FsWatcher() Chris@538: { Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@538: void Chris@538: FsWatcher::setWorkDirPath(QString path) Chris@538: { Chris@538: QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Chris@541: if (m_workDirPath == path) return; Chris@584: clearWatchedPaths(); Chris@584: m_workDirPath = path; Chris@584: addWorkDirectory(path); Chris@584: debugPrint(); Chris@584: } Chris@584: Chris@584: void Chris@584: FsWatcher::clearWatchedPaths() Chris@584: { Chris@584: #ifdef Q_OS_MAC Chris@584: FSEventStreamRef stream = (FSEventStreamRef)m_stream; Chris@584: if (stream) { Chris@584: FSEventStreamStop(stream); Chris@584: FSEventStreamInvalidate(stream); Chris@584: FSEventStreamRelease(stream); Chris@584: } Chris@584: m_stream = 0; Chris@584: #else Chris@562: // annoyingly, removePaths prints a warning if given an empty list Chris@562: if (!m_watcher.directories().empty()) { Chris@562: m_watcher.removePaths(m_watcher.directories()); Chris@562: } Chris@562: if (!m_watcher.files().empty()) { Chris@562: m_watcher.removePaths(m_watcher.files()); Chris@562: } Chris@584: #endif Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@584: #ifdef Q_OS_MAC Chris@584: static void Chris@585: fsEventsCallback(ConstFSEventStreamRef streamRef, Chris@584: void *clientCallBackInfo, Chris@585: size_t numEvents, Chris@585: void *paths, Chris@585: const FSEventStreamEventFlags eventFlags[], Chris@585: const FSEventStreamEventId eventIDs[]) Chris@539: { Chris@585: FsWatcher *watcher = reinterpret_cast(clientCallBackInfo); Chris@585: const char *const *cpaths = reinterpret_cast(paths); Chris@585: for (size_t i = 0; i < numEvents; ++i) { Chris@586: std::cerr << "path " << i << " = " << cpaths[i] << std::endl; Chris@585: watcher->fsDirectoryChanged(QString::fromLocal8Bit(cpaths[i])); Chris@585: } Chris@539: } Chris@584: #endif Chris@539: Chris@539: void Chris@538: FsWatcher::addWorkDirectory(QString path) Chris@538: { Chris@584: #ifdef Q_OS_MAC Chris@585: Chris@585: CFStringRef cfPath = CFStringCreateWithCharacters Chris@585: (0, reinterpret_cast(path.unicode()), Chris@585: path.length()); Chris@585: Chris@585: CFArrayRef cfPaths = CFArrayCreate(0, (const void **)&cfPath, 1, 0); Chris@585: Chris@585: FSEventStreamContext ctx = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Chris@585: = this; Chris@585: Chris@584: FSEventStreamRef stream = Chris@584: FSEventStreamCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, Chris@585: &fsEventsCallback, Chris@585: &ctx, Chris@584: cfPaths, Chris@584: kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, Chris@584: 1.0, // latency, seconds Chris@584: kFSEventStreamCreateFlagNone); Chris@584: Chris@584: m_stream = stream; Chris@584: Chris@584: FSEventStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(stream, Chris@584: CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), Chris@584: kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); Chris@584: Chris@584: if (!FSEventStreamStart(stream)) { Chris@584: std::cerr << "ERROR: FsWatcher::addWorkDirectory: Failed to start FSEvent stream" << std::endl; Chris@584: } Chris@584: #else Chris@538: // QFileSystemWatcher will refuse to add a file or directory to Chris@538: // its watch list that it is already watching -- fine -- but it Chris@538: // prints a warning when this happens, which we wouldn't want. So Chris@538: // we'll check for duplicates ourselves. Chris@538: QSet alreadyWatched = Chris@538: QSet::fromList(m_watcher.directories()); Chris@538: Chris@538: std::deque pending; Chris@538: pending.push_back(path); Chris@538: Chris@538: while (!pending.empty()) { Chris@538: Chris@538: QString path = pending.front(); Chris@538: pending.pop_front(); Chris@538: if (!alreadyWatched.contains(path)) { Chris@538: m_watcher.addPath(path); Chris@540: m_dirContents[path] = scanDirectory(path); Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@538: QDir d(path); Chris@538: if (d.exists()) { Chris@538: d.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | Chris@538: QDir::Readable | QDir::NoSymLinks); Chris@538: foreach (QString entry, d.entryList()) { Chris@538: if (entry.startsWith('.')) continue; Chris@538: QString entryPath = d.absoluteFilePath(entry); Chris@538: pending.push_back(entryPath); Chris@538: } Chris@538: } Chris@538: } Chris@584: #endif Chris@584: } Chris@584: Chris@584: void Chris@584: FsWatcher::setTrackedFilePaths(QStringList paths) Chris@584: { Chris@584: #ifdef Q_OS_MAC Chris@586: Chris@586: // FSEvents will notify when any file in the directory changes, Chris@586: // but we need to be able to check whether the file change was Chris@586: // meaningful to us if it didn't result in any files being added Chris@586: // or removed -- and we have to do that by examining timestamps on Chris@586: // the files we care about Chris@586: foreach (QString p, paths) { Chris@586: m_trackedFileUpdates[p] = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); Chris@586: } Chris@586: Chris@584: #else Chris@586: Chris@584: QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Chris@584: Chris@584: QSet alreadyWatched = Chris@584: QSet::fromList(m_watcher.files()); Chris@584: Chris@584: foreach (QString path, paths) { Chris@584: path = m_workDirPath + QDir::separator() + path; Chris@584: if (!alreadyWatched.contains(path)) { Chris@584: m_watcher.addPath(path); Chris@584: } else { Chris@584: alreadyWatched.remove(path); Chris@584: } Chris@584: } Chris@584: Chris@584: // Remove the remaining paths, those that were being watched Chris@584: // before but that are not in the list we were given Chris@584: foreach (QString path, alreadyWatched) { Chris@584: m_watcher.removePath(path); Chris@584: } Chris@584: Chris@584: debugPrint(); Chris@586: Chris@584: #endif Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@538: void Chris@538: FsWatcher::setIgnoredFilePrefixes(QStringList prefixes) Chris@538: { Chris@538: QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Chris@538: m_ignoredPrefixes = prefixes; Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@538: void Chris@538: FsWatcher::setIgnoredFileSuffixes(QStringList suffixes) Chris@538: { Chris@538: QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Chris@538: m_ignoredSuffixes = suffixes; Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@538: int Chris@538: FsWatcher::getNewToken() Chris@538: { Chris@538: QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Chris@538: int token = ++m_lastToken; Chris@538: m_tokenMap[token] = m_lastCounter; Chris@538: return token; Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@538: QSet Chris@538: FsWatcher::getChangedPaths(int token) Chris@538: { Chris@538: QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Chris@538: size_t lastUpdatedAt = m_tokenMap[token]; Chris@538: QSet changed; Chris@538: for (QHash::const_iterator i = m_changes.begin(); Chris@538: i != m_changes.end(); ++i) { Chris@538: if (i.value() > lastUpdatedAt) { Chris@538: changed.insert(i.key()); Chris@538: } Chris@538: } Chris@538: m_tokenMap[token] = m_lastCounter; Chris@538: return changed; Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@538: void Chris@538: FsWatcher::fsDirectoryChanged(QString path) Chris@538: { Chris@586: bool haveChanges = false; Chris@586: Chris@538: { Chris@538: QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Chris@540: Chris@538: if (shouldIgnore(path)) return; Chris@540: Chris@540: QSet files = scanDirectory(path); Chris@586: Chris@540: if (files == m_dirContents[path]) { Chris@586: Chris@540: #ifdef DEBUG_FSWATCHER Chris@540: std::cerr << "FsWatcher: Directory " << path << " has changed, but not in a way that we are monitoring" << std::endl; Chris@540: #endif Chris@586: Chris@586: #ifdef Q_OS_MAC Chris@586: haveChanges = manuallyCheckTrackedFiles(); Chris@586: #endif Chris@586: Chris@541: } else { Chris@586: Chris@541: #ifdef DEBUG_FSWATCHER Chris@541: std::cerr << "FsWatcher: Directory " << path << " has changed" << std::endl; Chris@541: #endif Chris@541: m_dirContents[path] = files; Chris@586: size_t counter = ++m_lastCounter; Chris@586: m_changes[path] = counter; Chris@586: haveChanges = true; Chris@540: } Chris@538: } Chris@540: Chris@586: if (haveChanges) { Chris@586: emit changed(); Chris@586: } Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@538: void Chris@538: FsWatcher::fsFileChanged(QString path) Chris@538: { Chris@540: { Chris@540: QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); Chris@540: Chris@540: // We don't check whether the file matches an ignore pattern, Chris@540: // because we are only notified for file changes if we are Chris@540: // watching the file explicitly, i.e. the file is in the Chris@586: // tracked file paths list. So we never want to ignore these Chris@540: Chris@563: #ifdef DEBUG_FSWATCHER Chris@541: std::cerr << "FsWatcher: Tracked file " << path << " has changed" << std::endl; Chris@563: #endif Chris@541: Chris@540: size_t counter = ++m_lastCounter; Chris@540: m_changes[path] = counter; Chris@540: } Chris@540: Chris@540: emit changed(); Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@586: #ifdef Q_OS_MAC Chris@586: bool Chris@586: FsWatcher::manuallyCheckTrackedFiles() Chris@586: { Chris@586: bool foundChanges = false; Chris@586: Chris@586: for (PathTimeMap::iterator i = m_trackedFileUpdates.begin(); Chris@586: i != m_trackedFileUpdates.end(); ++i) { Chris@586: Chris@586: QString path = i.key(); Chris@586: QDateTime prevUpdate = i.value(); Chris@586: Chris@586: QFileInfo fi(path); Chris@586: QDateTime currUpdate = fi.lastModified(); Chris@586: Chris@586: if (currUpdate > prevUpdate) { Chris@586: Chris@586: #ifdef DEBUG_FSWATCHER Chris@586: std::cerr << "FsWatcher: Tracked file " << path << " has been changed since last check" << std::endl; Chris@586: #endif Chris@586: i.value() = currUpdate; Chris@586: Chris@586: size_t counter = ++m_lastCounter; Chris@586: m_changes[path] = counter; Chris@586: foundChanges = true; Chris@586: } Chris@586: } Chris@586: Chris@586: return foundChanges; Chris@586: } Chris@586: #endif Chris@586: Chris@538: bool Chris@538: FsWatcher::shouldIgnore(QString path) Chris@538: { Chris@540: QFileInfo fi(path); Chris@540: QString fn(fi.fileName()); Chris@540: foreach (QString pfx, m_ignoredPrefixes) { Chris@541: if (fn.startsWith(pfx)) { Chris@563: #ifdef DEBUG_FSWATCHER Chris@541: std::cerr << "(ignoring: " << path << ")" << std::endl; Chris@563: #endif Chris@541: return true; Chris@541: } Chris@540: } Chris@540: foreach (QString sfx, m_ignoredSuffixes) { Chris@541: if (fn.endsWith(sfx)) { Chris@563: #ifdef DEBUG_FSWATCHER Chris@541: std::cerr << "(ignoring: " << path << ")" << std::endl; Chris@563: #endif Chris@541: return true; Chris@541: } Chris@540: } Chris@540: return false; Chris@538: } Chris@538: Chris@540: QSet Chris@540: FsWatcher::scanDirectory(QString path) Chris@540: { Chris@540: QSet files; Chris@540: QDir d(path); Chris@540: if (d.exists()) { Chris@540: d.setFilter(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | Chris@540: QDir::Readable | QDir::NoSymLinks); Chris@540: foreach (QString entry, d.entryList()) { Chris@540: if (entry.startsWith('.')) continue; Chris@540: if (shouldIgnore(entry)) continue; Chris@540: files.insert(entry); Chris@540: } Chris@540: } Chris@540: return files; Chris@540: } Chris@540: Chris@540: void Chris@540: FsWatcher::debugPrint() Chris@540: { Chris@540: #ifdef DEBUG_FSWATCHER Chris@585: #ifndef Q_OS_MAC Chris@540: std::cerr << "FsWatcher: Now watching " << m_watcher.directories().size() Chris@540: << " directories and " << m_watcher.files().size() Chris@540: << " files" << std::endl; Chris@540: #endif Chris@585: #endif Chris@540: }