Daniel@0: {%- jstmpl id="help-content" -%} Daniel@0:

{{ project.title }} VIS – a tool for analysing large music collections

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

Demo video


The video can be watched in high definition on Vimeo.

Daniel@0: Daniel@0: Daniel@0:



DML VIS enables you to explore, analyse and compare music recordings from three large libraries originating from the British Library's Sound Archives, CHARM and I Like Music{# (see ‘datasets’ section below)#}. Daniel@0: {#-#}

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

The interface operates in two modes – collection-level analysis and recording level analysis. Daniel@0: {#-#} You can switch between the modes by clicking on the button at the top-right corner of the screen. Daniel@0: {#-#}

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

Collections and recordings are represented by columns and their different views are represented by rows. Daniel@0: {#-#}

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

Collections, being a set of recordings that fulfil certain search criteria, are defined in the top row of the screen. Daniel@0: {#-#} For example, to select all recordings of music by Mozart available from the British Library, one should tick the BL library on the left, specify ‘Mozart’ in the ‘composer’ field and then click ‘apply’ button on the left or press Enter. The available search fields vary dynamically according to the selected libraries. You may select any combination of the three libraries on the left, and watch the search criteria change accordingly. Daniel@0: {#-#}

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

Views, represented by rows, visualize summaries of features extracted from the collection.

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

The simplest view is the list of recordings. Daniel@0: {#-#} You can use the list to play tracks (this is only possible for certain recordings due to copyright). Daniel@0: {#-#} You can select individual recordings from the list by clicking the green dot next to them. Daniel@0: {#-#} This will have the effect that the selected recordings will appear when you switch to the music recording analysis mode for looking at individual recordings (by clicking at the top-right corner). Daniel@0: {#-#}

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

Other views include pitch and tempo related features. Daniel@0: {#-#} You can obtain a brief description of each by selecting it from the drop-down menu in the left sidebars. Daniel@0: {#-#}

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

You can duplicate and delete currently selected columns or rows by clicking on the ‘duplicate’ / ‘delete’ buttons. Daniel@0: {#-#} If you double-click a header of a column, a comparison column will appear, consisting of either a superposition or the difference between the column and the one to its right. Daniel@0: {#-#}

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

A typical workflow may involve duplicating and modifying. Daniel@0: {#-#} For example, once you’ve duplicated a column, you can refine the selection criteria in the top row, and select the ‘apply’ button for the modification to take effect. Daniel@0: {#-#} Another typical workflow is duplicate, modify and compare. Daniel@0: {#-#}

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:



DML VIS is currently connected to three large music collections, which vary significantly in size, provenance and character.

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The BL collection contains a curated subset of the British Library Sounds Archive, (sounds.bl.uk) currently consisting of nearly 50,000 individual recordings, out of which nearly 30,000 are from the World and traditional music collection and nearly 20,000 from the Classical music collection.

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

The CHARM collection contains nearly 5,000 individual recordings, digitised by the AHRC-funded CHARM project (charm.rhul.ac.uk). Daniel@0: {#-#} These are exclusively classical music recordings, originating mainly from the early 20th century.

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

The ILM collection contains over 287,000 individual recordings, provided by I Like Music, (ilikemusic.com). Daniel@0: {#-#} It has a significant proportion of popular music of various genres, classical music, world music and production music.

Daniel@0: Daniel@0:

Keyboard shortcuts

Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
opens or closes help
Daniel@0: Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
flips the grid (toggles between the visualizations of collections and recordings)
Daniel@0: Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
Page Up, Page Up
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
increases or decreases the width of the columns in the currently opened grid
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
Daniel@0: Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
if a column in the currently opened grid is selected, moves it left or right
Daniel@0: Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
if a row in the currently opened grid is selected, moves it up or down
Daniel@0: Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
<%= Ctrl %>+Z, <%= Ctrl %>+Shift+Z
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
undoes or redoes changes in the vis
Daniel@0: {#{-' '-}}
H or click on the current maximum range value
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
opens or closes help
Daniel@0: {{-' '-}#} Daniel@0: {{-' '-}}
Daniel@0: Daniel@0:


Daniel@0: {#--#}

See dml.city.ac.uk.

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