annotate src/DML/MainVisBundle/Resources/assets/marionette/modules/ContextModule/ContextModule.01-Config.js @ 0:493bcb69166c

added public content
author Daniel Wolff
date Tue, 09 Feb 2016 20:54:02 +0100
rev   line source
Daniel@0 1 "use strict";
Daniel@0 2
Daniel@0 3 App.module("ContextModule", function(ContextModule, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _, Logger) {
Daniel@0 4
Daniel@0 5 // Define private variables
Daniel@0 6 var logger = null;
Daniel@0 7
Daniel@0 8 ContextModule.addInitializer(function(options){
Daniel@0 9
Daniel@0 10 logger = Logger.get("ContextModule.Config");
Daniel@0 11 logger.setLevel(Logger.WARN);
Daniel@0 12
Daniel@0 13 /**
Daniel@0 14 * Config embraces common behaviour patterns of an object that can have pending changes –
Daniel@0 15 * it consists of two attributes: parameters and plannedParameterUpdates. Both are simple
Daniel@0 16 * Backbone objects (Models) with a list of scalar attributes.
Daniel@0 17 *
Daniel@0 18 * The ConfigObject itself is identified by its non-changeable clientId (getClientId())
Daniel@0 19 * and can be serialized (dumped) and unserialized (restored).
Daniel@0 20 *
Daniel@0 21 * It is advised to listen to changes in the Config using "change", "change:parameters"
Daniel@0 22 * and "change:plannedParameterUpdates" listener.
Daniel@0 23 * It will be triggered each time when "parameters or "plannedParameterUpdates" attributes have been changed.
Daniel@0 24 */
Daniel@0 25 ContextModule.Config = Backbone.Model.extend({
Daniel@0 26
Daniel@0 27 // Client id prefix (cf123 instead of standard c123)
Daniel@0 28 cidPrefix: "cf",
Daniel@0 29
Daniel@0 30 /**
Daniel@0 31 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 32 */
Daniel@0 33 constructor: function(attributes, options) {
Daniel@0 34 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = true;
Daniel@0 35 this._parametersWereModified = false;
Daniel@0 36 this._plannedParameterUpdatesWereModified = false;
Daniel@0 37 this._cachedHashForTrimmedParameters = null;
Daniel@0 38 this._cachedHashForParameters = null;
Daniel@0 39 this._cachedHashForPlannedParameterUpdates = null;
Daniel@0 40 this._cachedHashForPermanent = null;
Daniel@0 41 this._cachedHashForTemp = null;
Daniel@0 42 this._cachedHash = null;
Daniel@0 43
Daniel@0 44 var defaultParameters = (_.isSimpleObject(attributes) && _.isSimpleObject(attributes.parameters)) ? attributes.parameters : undefined;
Daniel@0 45 var defaultPlannedParameterUpdates = (_.isSimpleObject(attributes) && _.isSimpleObject(attributes.plannedParameterUpdates)) ? attributes.plannedParameterUpdates : undefined;
Daniel@0 46
Daniel@0 47 var realAttributes = {};
Daniel@0 48 realAttributes.parameters = new Backbone.Model(defaultParameters);
Daniel@0 49 realAttributes.plannedParameterUpdates = new Backbone.Model(defaultPlannedParameterUpdates);
Daniel@0 50
Daniel@0 51 this.listenTo(realAttributes.parameters, "change", this._registerModificationOfParameters);
Daniel@0 52 this.listenTo(realAttributes.plannedParameterUpdates, "change", this._registerModificationOfPlannedParameterUpdates);
Daniel@0 53
Daniel@0 54 Backbone.Model.apply(this, [realAttributes, options]);
Daniel@0 55
Daniel@0 56 if (attributes && attributes.clientId) {
Daniel@0 57 this.cid = attributes.clientId;
Daniel@0 58 _.markUniqueIdAsAlreadyUsed(attributes.clientId);
Daniel@0 59 }
Daniel@0 60 },
Daniel@0 61
Daniel@0 62 getClientId: function() {
Daniel@0 63 return this.cid;
Daniel@0 64 },
Daniel@0 65
Daniel@0 66 getDimension: function() {
Daniel@0 67 return this.collection ? this.collection.dimension : undefined;
Daniel@0 68 },
Daniel@0 69 getConfigGridType: function() {
Daniel@0 70 return this.collection ? this.collection.configGridType : undefined;
Daniel@0 71 },
Daniel@0 72
Daniel@0 73 /**
Daniel@0 74 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 75 */
Daniel@0 76 getParameterValue: function(parameterName) {
Daniel@0 77 return this.attributes.parameters.attributes[parameterName];
Daniel@0 78 },
Daniel@0 79
Daniel@0 80 /**
Daniel@0 81 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 82 */
Daniel@0 83 getPlannedParameterValue: function(parameterName) {
Daniel@0 84 var plannedParameterUpdatesAttributes = this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes;
Daniel@0 85 if (plannedParameterUpdatesAttributes.hasOwnProperty(parameterName)) {
Daniel@0 86 return plannedParameterUpdatesAttributes[parameterName];
Daniel@0 87 } else {
Daniel@0 88 return this.attributes.parameters.attributes[parameterName];
Daniel@0 89 }
Daniel@0 90 },
Daniel@0 91
Daniel@0 92 /**
Daniel@0 93 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 94 *
Daniel@0 95 * XXX clone parameter values?
Daniel@0 96 */
Daniel@0 97 getPlannedParameterValues: function(parameterName) {
Daniel@0 98 var result = _.clone(this.attributes.parameters.attributes);
Daniel@0 99 var plannedParameterUpdatesAttributes = this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes;
Daniel@0 100 for (var key in plannedParameterUpdatesAttributes) {
Daniel@0 101 if (plannedParameterUpdatesAttributes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Daniel@0 102 if (plannedParameterUpdatesAttributes[key] === undefined) {
Daniel@0 103 if (result.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Daniel@0 104 delete result[key];
Daniel@0 105 }
Daniel@0 106 } else {
Daniel@0 107 result[key] = plannedParameterUpdatesAttributes[key];
Daniel@0 108 }
Daniel@0 109 }
Daniel@0 110 }
Daniel@0 111 return result;
Daniel@0 112 },
Daniel@0 113
Daniel@0 114 /**
Daniel@0 115 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 116 */
Daniel@0 117 isPlannedToUpdate: function(parameterName) {
Daniel@0 118 return this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes.hasOwnProperty(parameterName);
Daniel@0 119 // var parameterValue = this.getParameterValue(parameterName);
Daniel@0 120 // var plannedParameterValue = this.getPlannedParameterValue(parameterName);
Daniel@0 121 // return (parameterValue !== plannedParameterValue);
Daniel@0 122 },
Daniel@0 123
Daniel@0 124 /**
Daniel@0 125 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 126 */
Daniel@0 127 hasPlannedParameterUpdates: function() {
Daniel@0 128 return _.size(this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes) > 0;
Daniel@0 129 },
Daniel@0 130
Daniel@0 131 /**
Daniel@0 132 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 133 */
Daniel@0 134 updateParameter: function(parameterName, parameterValue) {
Daniel@0 135 if (!_.isString(parameterName)) {
Daniel@0 136 throw _.str.sprintf("Config::updateParameter called a non-string parameterName: %s", parameterName);
Daniel@0 137 }
Daniel@0 138 var prevModificationPropagationEnabled = this._modificationPropagationEnabled;
Daniel@0 139 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = false;
Daniel@0 140 this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.unset(parameterName);
Daniel@0 141 if (typeof parameterValue !== "undefined") {
Daniel@0 142 this.attributes.parameters.set(parameterName, parameterValue);
Daniel@0 143 } else {
Daniel@0 144 this.attributes.parameters.unset(parameterName);
Daniel@0 145 }
Daniel@0 146 if (prevModificationPropagationEnabled) {
Daniel@0 147 this._triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded();
Daniel@0 148 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = true;
Daniel@0 149 }
Daniel@0 150 },
Daniel@0 151
Daniel@0 152 /**
Daniel@0 153 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 154 */
Daniel@0 155 planParameterUpdate: function(parameterName, parameterValue) {
Daniel@0 156 if (!_.isString(parameterName)) {
Daniel@0 157 throw _.str.sprintf("Config::planParameterUpdate called a non-string parameterName: %s", parameterName);
Daniel@0 158 }
Daniel@0 159 var prevModificationPropagationEnabled = this._modificationPropagationEnabled;
Daniel@0 160
Daniel@0 161 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = false;
Daniel@0 162 var plannedParameterUpdatesAttributes = this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes;
Daniel@0 163 var parametersAttributes = this.attributes.parameters.attributes;
Daniel@0 164 if (parameterValue === parametersAttributes[parameterName]) {
Daniel@0 165 // special case: backbone won't fire a change event without this hack (due to how _.isEqual works)
Daniel@0 166 if (this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes.hasOwnProperty(parameterName) && this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes[parameterName] === undefined) {
Daniel@0 167 this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.set(parameterName, 42, {silent: true});
Daniel@0 168 }
Daniel@0 169 this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.unset(parameterName);
Daniel@0 170 } else {
Daniel@0 171 // special case: backbone won't fire a change event without this hack (due to how _.isEqual works)
Daniel@0 172 if (parameterValue === undefined && this.attributes.parameters.attributes.hasOwnProperty(parameterName) && !this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes.hasOwnProperty(parameterName)) {
Daniel@0 173 this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.set(parameterName, 42, {silent: true});
Daniel@0 174 }
Daniel@0 175 this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.set(parameterName, parameterValue);
Daniel@0 176 }
Daniel@0 177
Daniel@0 178 if (prevModificationPropagationEnabled) {
Daniel@0 179 this._triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded();
Daniel@0 180 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = true;
Daniel@0 181 }
Daniel@0 182 },
Daniel@0 183
Daniel@0 184 /**
Daniel@0 185 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 186 */
Daniel@0 187 cancelPlannedParameterUpdate: function(parameterName) {
Daniel@0 188 if (!_.isString(parameterName)) {
Daniel@0 189 throw _.str.sprintf("Config::cancelPlannedParameterUpdate called a non-string parameterName: %s", parameterName);
Daniel@0 190 }
Daniel@0 191 var prevModificationPropagationEnabled = this._modificationPropagationEnabled;
Daniel@0 192 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = false;
Daniel@0 193
Daniel@0 194 this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.unset(parameterName);
Daniel@0 195 if (prevModificationPropagationEnabled) {
Daniel@0 196 this._triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded();
Daniel@0 197 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = true;
Daniel@0 198 }
Daniel@0 199 },
Daniel@0 200
Daniel@0 201 /**
Daniel@0 202 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 203 */
Daniel@0 204 updateParameters: function(parameters) {
Daniel@0 205 if (!_.isSimpleObject(parameters)) {
Daniel@0 206 throw _.str.sprintf("Config::updateParameters called a wrong argument: %s", parameters);
Daniel@0 207 }
Daniel@0 208 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = false;
Daniel@0 209
Daniel@0 210 for (var parameterName in parameters) {
Daniel@0 211 if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(parameterName)) {
Daniel@0 212 this.updateParameter(parameterName, parameters[parameterName]);
Daniel@0 213 }
Daniel@0 214 }
Daniel@0 215
Daniel@0 216 this._triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded();
Daniel@0 217 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = true;
Daniel@0 218 },
Daniel@0 219
Daniel@0 220 /**
Daniel@0 221 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 222 */
Daniel@0 223 planParameterUpdates: function(parameters) {
Daniel@0 224 if (!_.isSimpleObject(parameters)) {
Daniel@0 225 throw _.str.sprintf("Config::planParameterUpdates called with a wrong argument: %s", parameters);
Daniel@0 226 }
Daniel@0 227 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = false;
Daniel@0 228
Daniel@0 229 for (var parameterName in parameters) {
Daniel@0 230 if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(parameterName)) {
Daniel@0 231 this.planParameterUpdate(parameterName, parameters[parameterName]);
Daniel@0 232 }
Daniel@0 233 }
Daniel@0 234
Daniel@0 235 this._triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded();
Daniel@0 236 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = true;
Daniel@0 237 },
Daniel@0 238
Daniel@0 239 /**
Daniel@0 240 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 241 */
Daniel@0 242 cancelPlannedParameterUpdates: function(parameterNames) {
Daniel@0 243 if (_.isArray(parameterNames)) {
Daniel@0 244 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = false;
Daniel@0 245
Daniel@0 246 for (var i = 0; i < parameterNames.length; i++) {
Daniel@0 247 this.cancelPlannedParameterUpdate(parameterNames[i]);
Daniel@0 248 }
Daniel@0 249
Daniel@0 250 this._triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded();
Daniel@0 251 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = true;
Daniel@0 252 } else if (!_.isUndefined(parameterNames)) {
Daniel@0 253 throw _.str.sprintf("Config::planParameterUpdates called a non-string parameters: %s", parameters);
Daniel@0 254 } else {
Daniel@0 255 if (_.keys(this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes).length) {
Daniel@0 256 this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes.fix = 42;
Daniel@0 257 }
Daniel@0 258 this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.clear();
Daniel@0 259 }
Daniel@0 260 },
Daniel@0 261
Daniel@0 262 /**
Daniel@0 263 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 264 */
Daniel@0 265 applyPlannedParameterUpdates: function() {
Daniel@0 266
Daniel@0 267 // Combine parameters with planned updates
Daniel@0 268 var newParameters = _.extend(this.attributes.parameters.toJSON(), this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.toJSON());
Daniel@0 269
Daniel@0 270 // Remove "undefined" from the new parameters
Daniel@0 271 for (var key in newParameters) {
Daniel@0 272 if (!newParameters.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
Daniel@0 273
Daniel@0 274 if (typeof newParameters[key] === "undefined") {
Daniel@0 275 delete newParameters[key];
Daniel@0 276 }
Daniel@0 277 }
Daniel@0 278
Daniel@0 279 // If there are any existing keys with "undefined" within plannedParameterUpdates,
Daniel@0 280 // replace "undefined" with some value to make sure change:plannedParameterUpdates is triggered
Daniel@0 281 // Another part of this hack is in "planParameterUpdate" method
Daniel@0 282 var attributesInPlannedParameterUpdates = this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes;
Daniel@0 283 for (var key in attributesInPlannedParameterUpdates) {
Daniel@0 284 if (attributesInPlannedParameterUpdates[key] === undefined) {
Daniel@0 285 attributesInPlannedParameterUpdates[key] = 42;
Daniel@0 286 break;
Daniel@0 287 }
Daniel@0 288 }
Daniel@0 289
Daniel@0 290 // Assign parameters and clear planned updates
Daniel@0 291 this.unserialize({
Daniel@0 292 clientId: this.cid,
Daniel@0 293 parameters: newParameters,
Daniel@0 294 plannedParameterUpdates: {}
Daniel@0 295 });
Daniel@0 296 },
Daniel@0 297
Daniel@0 298 /**
Daniel@0 299 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 300 */
Daniel@0 301 serialize: function() {
Daniel@0 302 var result = {
Daniel@0 303 clientId: this.cid,
Daniel@0 304 parameters: this.attributes.parameters.toJSON(),
Daniel@0 305 plannedParameterUpdates: this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.toJSON()
Daniel@0 306 };
Daniel@0 307
Daniel@0 308 return result;
Daniel@0 309 },
Daniel@0 310
Daniel@0 311 /**
Daniel@0 312 * @memberOf App.ContextModule.Config
Daniel@0 313 */
Daniel@0 314 unserialize: function(serializedAttributes) {
Daniel@0 315 var fixedSerializedAttributes = serializedAttributes;
Daniel@0 316 if (!_.isSimpleObject(serializedAttributes)) {
Daniel@0 317 logger.warn("Config::unserialize called for not an object: ", serializedAttributes);
Daniel@0 318 fixedSerializedAttributes = {};
Daniel@0 319 }
Daniel@0 320
Daniel@0 321 if (this.cid != fixedSerializedAttributes.clientId && !_.isUndefined(fixedSerializedAttributes.clientId)) {
Daniel@0 322 throw _.str.sprintf("Parameter bag client id (%s) is not equal to the client id of the serialized object (%s).", this.cid, fixedSerializedAttributes.clientId);
Daniel@0 323 }
Daniel@0 324
Daniel@0 325 this._parametersWereModified = false;
Daniel@0 326 this._plannedParameterUpdatesWereModified = false;
Daniel@0 327 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = false;
Daniel@0 328
Daniel@0 329 var fixedSerializedPlannedParameterUpdates = fixedSerializedAttributes.plannedParameterUpdates;
Daniel@0 330 if (!_.isSimpleObject(fixedSerializedPlannedParameterUpdates)) {
Daniel@0 331 if (_.isSimpleObject(serializedAttributes)) {
Daniel@0 332 logger.warn("Config::unserialize called for object with faulty plannedParameterUpdates: ", fixedSerializedPlannedParameterUpdates);
Daniel@0 333 }
Daniel@0 334 fixedSerializedPlannedParameterUpdates = {};
Daniel@0 335 }
Daniel@0 336 if (!_.isEqual(this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes, fixedSerializedPlannedParameterUpdates)) {
Daniel@0 337 this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates
Daniel@0 338 .set("fix", 42, {silent: true})
Daniel@0 339 .clear()
Daniel@0 340 .set(fixedSerializedPlannedParameterUpdates);
Daniel@0 341 }
Daniel@0 342
Daniel@0 343 var fixedSerializedParameters = fixedSerializedAttributes.parameters;
Daniel@0 344 if (!_.isSimpleObject(fixedSerializedParameters)) {
Daniel@0 345 if (_.isSimpleObject(serializedAttributes)) {
Daniel@0 346 logger.warn("Config::unserialize called for object with faulty parameters: ", fixedSerializedParameters);
Daniel@0 347 }
Daniel@0 348 fixedSerializedParameters = {};
Daniel@0 349 }
Daniel@0 350 if (!_.isEqual(this.attributes.parameters.toJSON(), fixedSerializedParameters)) {
Daniel@0 351 this.attributes.parameters
Daniel@0 352 .clear()
Daniel@0 353 .set(fixedSerializedParameters);
Daniel@0 354 }
Daniel@0 355
Daniel@0 356 this._triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded();
Daniel@0 357 this._modificationPropagationEnabled = true;
Daniel@0 358 },
Daniel@0 359
Daniel@0 360 clone: function() {
Daniel@0 361 var serializedAttributes = this.serialize();
Daniel@0 362 delete serializedAttributes.clientId;
Daniel@0 363 return new ContextModule.Config(serializedAttributes);
Daniel@0 364 },
Daniel@0 365
Daniel@0 366 getHashForParameters: function() {
Daniel@0 367 if (this._cachedHashForParameters === null) {
Daniel@0 368 this._cachedHashForParameters = JSON.stringify(this.attributes.parameters.attributes);
Daniel@0 369 }
Daniel@0 370 return this._cachedHashForParameters;
Daniel@0 371 },
Daniel@0 372
Daniel@0 373 getHashForTrimmedParameters: function() {
Daniel@0 374 if (this._cachedHashForTrimmedParameters === null) {
Daniel@0 375 var attributesToHash = _.clone(this.attributes.parameters.attributes);
Daniel@0 376 for (var key in attributesToHash){
Daniel@0 377 if (attributesToHash.hasOwnProperty(key) && _.isString(attributesToHash[key])) {
Daniel@0 378 attributesToHash[key] = _.str.trim(attributesToHash[key]);
Daniel@0 379 }
Daniel@0 380 }
Daniel@0 381 this._cachedHashForTrimmedParameters = JSON.stringify(attributesToHash);
Daniel@0 382 }
Daniel@0 383 return this._cachedHashForTrimmedParameters;
Daniel@0 384 },
Daniel@0 385
Daniel@0 386 getHashForPlannedParameterUpdates: function() {
Daniel@0 387 if (this._cachedHashForPlannedParameterUpdates === null) {
Daniel@0 388 var attributes = this.attributes.plannedParameterUpdates.attributes;
Daniel@0 389 this._cachedHashForPlannedParameterUpdates = JSON.stringify(attributes);
Daniel@0 390 // special treatment of undefined is needed here
Daniel@0 391 // see
Daniel@0 392 for (var key in attributes) {
Daniel@0 393 if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(key) && attributes[key] === undefined) {
Daniel@0 394 this._cachedHashForPlannedParameterUpdates += key + "|";
Daniel@0 395 }
Daniel@0 396 }
Daniel@0 397 }
Daniel@0 398 return this._cachedHashForPlannedParameterUpdates;
Daniel@0 399 },
Daniel@0 400
Daniel@0 401 getHashForPermanent: function() {
Daniel@0 402 if (this._cachedHashForPermanent === null) {
Daniel@0 403 this._cachedHashForPermanent = this.getHashForParameters() + this.getHashForPlannedParameterUpdates();
Daniel@0 404 }
Daniel@0 405 return this._cachedHashForPermanent;
Daniel@0 406 },
Daniel@0 407
Daniel@0 408 getHashForTemp: function() {
Daniel@0 409 if (this._cachedHashForTemp === null) {
Daniel@0 410 this._cachedHashForTemp = "";
Daniel@0 411 }
Daniel@0 412 return this._cachedHashForTemp;
Daniel@0 413 },
Daniel@0 414
Daniel@0 415 getHash: function() {
Daniel@0 416 if (!this._cachedHash) {
Daniel@0 417 this._cachedHash = this.getHashForPermanent() + this.getHashForTemp();
Daniel@0 418 }
Daniel@0 419 return this._cachedHash;
Daniel@0 420 },
Daniel@0 421
Daniel@0 422 _registerModificationOfParameters: function() {
Daniel@0 423 this._cachedHashForParameters = null;
Daniel@0 424 this._cachedHashForTrimmedParameters = null;
Daniel@0 425 this._cachedHashForPermanent = null;
Daniel@0 426 this._cachedHash = null;
Daniel@0 427
Daniel@0 428 this._parametersWereModified = true;
Daniel@0 429 if (this._modificationPropagationEnabled) {
Daniel@0 430 this._triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded();
Daniel@0 431 };
Daniel@0 432 },
Daniel@0 433
Daniel@0 434 _registerModificationOfPlannedParameterUpdates: function() {
Daniel@0 435 this._cachedHashForPlannedParameterUpdates = null;
Daniel@0 436 this._cachedHashForPermanent = null;
Daniel@0 437 this._cachedHash = null;
Daniel@0 438
Daniel@0 439 this._plannedParameterUpdatesWereModified = true;
Daniel@0 440 if (this._modificationPropagationEnabled) {
Daniel@0 441 this._triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded();
Daniel@0 442 };
Daniel@0 443 },
Daniel@0 444
Daniel@0 445 _triggerModificationEventsIfNeeded: function() {
Daniel@0 446 this.changed = [true];
Daniel@0 447 if (this._parametersWereModified) {
Daniel@0 448 this.trigger("change:parameters");
Daniel@0 449 }
Daniel@0 450 if (this._plannedParameterUpdatesWereModified) {
Daniel@0 451 this.trigger("change:plannedParameterUpdates");
Daniel@0 452 }
Daniel@0 453 if (this._tempParametersWereModified) {
Daniel@0 454 this.trigger("change:tempParameters");
Daniel@0 455 }
Daniel@0 456
Daniel@0 457 if (this._parametersWereModified || this._plannedParameterUpdatesWereModified) {
Daniel@0 458 this.trigger("change:parametersOrPlannedParameterUpdates");
Daniel@0 459 this.trigger("change");
Daniel@0 460 }
Daniel@0 461 this._parametersWereModified = false;
Daniel@0 462 this._plannedParameterUpdatesWereModified = false;
Daniel@0 463 this._tempParametersWereModified = false;
Daniel@0 464 this.changed = null;
Daniel@0 465 },
Daniel@0 466 });
Daniel@0 467 });
Daniel@0 468 }, Logger);