Daniel@0: Change log Daniel@0: Daniel@0: September 2014, Samer Abdallah: Daniel@0: * Alternative implementations of uripattern using strings and DCGs. Daniel@0: * Reduced nondeterminism of URI grammar. Daniel@0: * Improved pattern simplification. Daniel@0: * Introduced new syntax for rules. Daniel@0: * Improved generation of pattern matching code. Daniel@0: * Re-packed as a ClioPatria entailment module, without server etc. Daniel@0: Daniel@0: April 2010, Samer Abdallah: Daniel@0: * extended pattern languange to include new constructs A+B, A/B, num(N), atm(A). Daniel@0: * unified separate implementations of pattern language in p2r_entailment. Daniel@0: * Added term expansion and RDF resource expression simplification to match.pl Daniel@0: * Added Head <==> RDFList rule syntax (adds automatic module annotation to Head) Daniel@0: * Added p2r.pl as main module to load for client programs. Daniel@0: * Installation mechanism now uses patches to alter SeRQL code Daniel@0: * p2r_set_mode/1 allows choice of fully dynamic interpretations of match database Daniel@0: OR partial compilation to rdf/3 clauses (triple are still created dynamially).