diff cpack/dml/lib/ilm_p2r.pl @ 0:718306e29690 tip

commiting public release
author Daniel Wolff
date Tue, 09 Feb 2016 21:05:06 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpack/dml/lib/ilm_p2r.pl	Tue Feb 09 21:05:06 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+/* Part of DML (Digital Music Laboratory)
+	Copyright 2014-2015 Samer Abdallah, University of London
+	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+	License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+:- module(ilm_p2r, []).
+/** <module> Access to ILM database
+ */
+:- use_module(library(odbc)).
+:- use_module(library(musicbrainz)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(termutils)).
+:- use_module(library(odbcutils)).
+:- use_module(library(rdfutils)).
+:- use_module(library(dcg_core)).
+:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
+:- use_module(entailment(p2r)).
+:- use_module(cliopatria(hooks)).
+:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,string).
+:- rdf_register_prefix(ilm,'http://dml.org/ilm/').
+:- setting( ilm_genres,list(atom),
+            ['Classical','Jazz','Latin','Blues','Folk','Electronic','Reggae','Rock & Roll'],
+            "List of ILM genre names to import").
+:- public import/0.
+import :- with_odbc(ilm, assert_all(ilm_p2r)).
+:- rdf_meta map(+,r,+,o).
+% ---------------------------- utilities -----------------------------
+%% genre_list_member(-Genre:uri, +GenreList:atom) is nondet.
+genre_list_member(Genre,Atom) :-
+   parse_list_member(';',Atom,GenreName),
+   number_string(GenreId,GenreName),
+   uripattern:pattern_uri(ilm:genre/num(5,GenreId),Genre).
+%% parse_list_member(+Sep:text,+Text:text,-Item:string) is nondet.
+parse_list_member(Sep,Atom,Item) :-
+   split_string(Atom,Sep,'',Items),
+   member(Item,Items).
+% ---------------------- getting stuff out of database ---------------------
+genre_album(Genre,AlbumId) :-
+   qsql(ilm,"select distinct album_id from assets where genre_id=~d and track_no!=0",[Genre],row(AlbumId)).
+album_facet(AlbumId,Prop-Val) :- entity_facet(album,AlbumId,Prop,Val).
+genre_track(Genre,AlbumId-TrackNo) :-
+   qsql(ilm,"select album_id, track_no from assets where genre_id=~d and track_no!=0",[Genre],row(AlbumId,TrackNo)).
+track_facet(AlbumId-TrackNo,Prop-Val) :- entity_facet(track,AlbumId-TrackNo,Prop,Val).
+   [ album_title, product_artist, product_classifications, product_genre,
+     product_release_year, product_label, product_upc ]).
+   [ assets_online, artist_name, comment, genre_id, release_year, song_title,
+     track_classifications, track_duration, track_isrc]).
+entity_facet(Type,Id,Prop,Val) :-
+   query_columns(Type,Cols),
+   pairs_keys_values(Pairs,Cols,Vals),
+   Row =.. [row|Vals],
+   phrase(entity_query(Type,Id,Cols),Codes,[]),
+   qsql(ilm,'~s',[Codes],Row),
+   member(Prop-Val,Pairs),
+   Val\='$null$',
+   Val\=''.
+entity_query(album,AlbumId,Cols) -->
+   "select ",
+   seqmap_with_sep(",",atom,Cols),
+   " from assets where album_id=", number(AlbumId).
+entity_query(track,AlbumId-TrackNo,Cols) -->
+   "select ",
+   seqmap_with_sep(",",atom,Cols),
+   " from assets where album_id=", number(AlbumId),
+   " and track_no=", number(TrackNo).
+include_genre(GenreId,Genre) :-
+   setting(ilm_genres,Genres),
+   member(Genre,Genres),
+   qsql(ilm,"select ID from classifications where name='~s'",[Genre],row(GenreId)).
+% -------------------- mapping to rdf ----------------------------------
+rdf(ilm:genre/num(5,GenreID),rdfs:label,literal(GenreName)) <==
+   odbc_query(ilm,"select ID, name from classifications",row(GenreID,GenreName)).
+rdf(ilm:album/num(AlbumId), Pred, Obj) <==
+   include_genre(GenreId,GenreName),
+   status("Querying albums of genre ~w...",[GenreName]),
+   genre_album(GenreId,AlbumId),
+   status("Importing ILM albums, genre ~w: ~d",[GenreName, AlbumId]),
+   album_facet(AlbumId,Facet),
+   map(Facet,Pred,Obj).
+rdf(ilm:track/num(AlbumId)/num(TrackNo), Pred, Obj) <==
+   include_genre(GenreId,GenreName),
+   status("Querying tracks of genre ~w...",[GenreName]),
+   genre_track(GenreId,AlbumId-TrackNo),
+   status("Importing ILM tracks, genre ~w: ~d/~d",[GenreName, AlbumId, TrackNo]),
+   (  Facet=track_no-TrackNo
+   ;  Facet=album_id-AlbumId
+   ;  track_facet(AlbumId-TrackNo,Facet)
+   ),
+   map(Facet,Pred,Obj).
+map(Prop-Val,Pred,Obj) :-
+   (  map(Prop,Pred,Val,Obj) *-> true
+   ;  print_message(warning,ilm_p2r:unrecognized_column(Prop,Val)), fail
+   ).
+% album level
+map(album_title    , dc:title,   X, literal(X)).
+map(product_label  , mo:label,   X, literal(X)).
+map(product_artist , ilm:artist, X, literal(X)).
+map(product_upc    , ilm:upc,    X, literal(X)).
+map(product_release_year, ilm:release_date, Y, literal(type(xsd:date,YA))) :- atom_number(YA,Y).
+map(product_classifications, mo:genre, Atom, Genre) :- genre_list_member(Genre,Atom).
+map(product_genre, ilm:genre, Id, Obj) :- uripattern:pattern_uri(ilm:genre/num(5,Id),Obj).
+% track level
+map(genre_id, ilm:genre, Id, Obj) :- uripattern:pattern_uri(ilm:genre/num(5,Id),Obj).
+map(album_id, ilm:album,       X, Album) :- uripattern:pattern_uri(ilm:album/num(X),Album).
+map(track_no, mo:track_number, X, literal(type(xsd:nonNegativeInteger,X))).
+map(track_isrc,  mo:isrc,         X, literal(type(xsd:string,X))).
+map(song_title, dc:title,      X, literal(X)).
+map(comment, ilm:comment,      X, literal(X)).
+map(artist_name, ilm:artist,   X, literal(X)).
+map(track_classifications, mo:genre,    X, Genre) :- genre_list_member(Genre,X).
+map(track_duration,        mo:duration, X, literal(type(xsd:float,Millis))) :-
+   parse_duration_millis(X,Millis).
+map(release_year,  ilm:release_date, Y, literal(type(xsd:date,YA))) :- atom_number(YA,Y).
+map(assets_online, ilm:asset_online, Atom, literal(Type)) :- 
+   parse_list_member(',',Atom,TypeS),
+   atom_string(Type,TypeS).
+% map(P,ilm:P,date(Y,M,D),literal(type(xsd:date,Date))) :-  
+%    format_time(atom(Date),'%F',date(Y,M,D)).
+% map(P,ilm:P,timestamp(YY,MM,DD,H,M,S,_),literal(type(xsd:dateTime, DateTime))) :- !,
+%    format_time(atom(DateTime),'%FT%T',date(YY,MM,DD,H,M,S,0,-,-)).