diff cpack/dml/lib/charm_p2r.pl @ 0:718306e29690 tip

commiting public release
author Daniel Wolff
date Tue, 09 Feb 2016 21:05:06 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cpack/dml/lib/charm_p2r.pl	Tue Feb 09 21:05:06 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+/* Part of DML (Digital Music Laboratory)
+	Copyright 2014-2015 Samer Abdallah, University of London
+	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+	GNU General Public License for more details.
+	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+	License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+:- module(charm_p2r, [ audio_link/3 ]).
+/** <module> Access to beets database
+ */
+% :- use_module(library(odbc)).
+:- use_module(library(csv)).
+:- use_module(library(musicbrainz)).
+:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).
+:- use_module(library(termutils)).
+:- use_module(library(rdfutils)).
+:- use_module(library(stringutils)).
+:- use_module(library(dcg/basics)).
+% :- use_module(library(odbcutils)).
+:- use_module(entailment(p2r)).
+:- use_module(library(memo)).
+% :- use_module(library(resolve)).
+:- set_prolog_flag(double_quotes,string).
+:- rdf_register_prefix(charm,'http://dml.org/charm/').
+:- setting(csv_database,string,"~/lib/charm/charm-1.csv","Location of CHARM colon-separated-values").
+:- setting(audio_root,ground,nothing,"Location of CHARM audio files").
+% item(Id) :-
+%    odbc_query(charm,"select id from cmr",row(Id)).
+% item(Id,Prop,Val) :-
+%    odbc_table_column(charm,cmr,Prop),
+%    \+ignore_column(Prop),
+%    qsql(charm,"select ~w from cmr where id=~d and ~w is not null and ~w!=''",[Prop,Id,Prop,Prop], row(Val)).
+% ignore_column(id).
+% ignore_column(digital_eq).
+% ignore_column(eq_base).
+% ignore_column(eq_mid).
+% ignore_column(eq_top).
+% ignore_column(old_id).
+map('TNo',tno). %?
+% work
+% performance
+map('Cat No.',cat_no,atom).
+% map('Matrix No.',matrix_no,atom).
+% map('Single Side No. (or other ref.)',single_side_no).
+map('File Name',file_name,atom).
+map('Rec.Date       (dd/mm/yyyy)', recording_date, date(old)).
+% transfer event (recording from vinyl to digital signal)
+map('Speed', speed, number).
+% No need for this much detail really..
+% map('Stylus',stylus_size, number).
+% map('Weight',stylus_weight, number).
+% map('EQ bass',eq_bass).
+% map('EQ mid',eq_mid).
+% map('EQ top',eq_top).
+% map('Digital EQ','digital_eq').
+% map('turnover',turnover).
+map('tech notes',        technical_notes, atom).
+map('x-fer date',        transfer_date, date(new)).
+map('Transfer Engineer', transfer_engineer, atom).
+:- volatile_memo string_to_date(+atom,+string,-ground).
+string_to_date(Era,X,Date) :-
+   string_codes(X,Codes),
+   once(phrase(charm_interval(Era,DD),Codes)),
+   charm_date_to_time(DD,Date).
+:- rdf_meta convert(+,+,o).
+convert(atom,X,literal(Y)) :- atom_string(Y,X).
+convert(number,X,literal(Y)) :- number_string(Y,X).
+convert(date(E),X,literal(Date)) :- string_to_date(E,X,Date).
+convert(set(Sep,Type),X,Y) :-
+   split_string(X,Sep,"\s",Xs),
+   member(Z,Xs),
+   convert(Type,Z,Y).
+convert(list(Sep,Type),X,Y) :-
+   split_string(X,Sep,"\s",Xs),
+   member(Z,Xs),
+   convert(Type,Z,Y).
+convert(performer,X,Y) :- convert(atom,X,Y).
+% convert(performer,X,literal(Y)) :-
+%    porter_stem:tokenize_atom(X,Tokens),
+%    phrase(charm_performer(Perf),Tokens),
+%    phrase(performer(Perf),Codes1),
+%    atom_codes(Y,Codes1).
+convert(arranger,X,literal(Y)) :- atom_concat(X,' [arranger]',Y).
+convert(writer,X,literal(Y)) :- atom_concat(X,' [writer]',Y).
+convert(composer,X,Y) :-
+   split_string_around(" arr. ",X,Composer,Arranger), !,
+   (  convert(composer,Composer,Y)
+   ;  convert(arranger,Arranger,Y)
+   ).
+convert(composer,X,Y) :-
+   split_string_around(" - ",X,Composer,Writer), !,
+   (  convert(composer,Composer,Y)
+   ;  convert(writer,Writer,Y)
+   ).
+convert(composer,X,literal(Y)) :- traditional(X,Z), !, format(atom(Y),'[traditional:~s]',[Z]).
+convert(composer,X,literal(Y)) :- anonymous(X,Z), !, format(atom(Y),'[anonymous:~s]',[Z]).
+convert(composer,X,literal(Y)) :- atom_string(Y,X).
+% charm_performer(agent(Tokens)) -->  
+anonymous(X,Z) :- (string_concat("Anon",Y,X); string_concat("anon",Y,X)), strip_string(Y,Z).
+traditional(X,Z) :- string_concat("Trad.",Y,X), strip_string(Y,Z).
+pad_int(L,N,C1,C2) :- format(codes(C1,C2),'~`0t~d~*+',[N,L]).
+xsd_time(ymd(Y,M,D),xsd:date)    --> pad_int(4,Y), "-", pad_int(2,M), "-", pad_int(2,D).
+xsd_time(ym(Y,M),xsd:gYearMonth) --> pad_int(4,Y), "-", pad_int(2,M).
+xsd_time(y(Y),xsd:gYear)         --> pad_int(4,Y).
+xsd_time(range(D1,_),Type)       --> xsd_time(D1,Type).
+charm_date_to_time(Date,type(Type,Value)) :-
+   phrase(xsd_time(Date,Type1),Codes),
+   rdf_global_id(Type1,Type),
+   atom_codes(Value,Codes).
+year(old,Y) --> integer(YY), {  YY>=100 -> Y=YY ;  Y is YY+1900 }.
+year(new,Y) --> integer(YY), {  YY>=100 -> Y=YY ;  Y is YY+2000 }.
+month(M) --> integer(M), {between(1,12,M)}.
+day(D) --> integer(D), {between(1,31,D)}.
+charm_date(E,ymd(Y,M,D)) --> year(E,Y), "-", month(M), "-", day(D).
+charm_date(E,ymd(Y,M,D)) --> day(D), "-", month(M), "-", year(E,Y).
+charm_date(E,ymd(Y,M,D)) --> day(D), "/", month(M), "/", year(E,Y).
+charm_date(E,ymd(Y,M,D)) --> day(D), ".", month(M), ".", year(E,Y).
+charm_date(E,ym(Y,M)) --> year(E,Y), "-", month(M).
+charm_date(E,ym(Y,M)) --> month(M), "/", year(E,Y).
+charm_date(E,y(Y)) --> year(E,Y).
+charm_interval(_,range(y(Y1),y(Y2))) --> 
+   integer(Y1), {Y1>=100}, "-", 
+   integer(YY), {YY>12},
+   {  YY<100 -> Y2=1900+YY; Y2=YY }.
+charm_interval(E,Int) --> 
+   charm_date(E,D1), 
+   (  "--",  charm_date(E,D2), {Int=range(D1,D2)} 
+   ;  {Int=D1}
+   ).
+rdf(charm:title, rdfs:subPropertyOf, dc:title) <== true.
+rdf(charm:enc(Id), charm:enc(Prop), Obj) <==
+   setting(csv_database,Pattern),
+   expand_file_name(Pattern,[DBFile]),
+   csv_to_rdf(DBFile,Id,Prop,Obj).
+csv_to_rdf(DBFile,Id,Prop,Obj) :-
+   once(csv_read_file_row(DBFile,Header,[convert(false),line(1)])),
+   functor(Header,row,NumCols),
+   functor(Row,row,NumCols),
+   arg(N,Header,' I.D.'),
+   arg(N,Row,Id),
+   csv_read_file_row(DBFile,Row,[convert(false),line(L)]), L>1,
+   status("Importing charm: ~w",[Id]),
+   map_row(Header,Row,Prop,Obj).
+map_row(Header,Row,Pred,Obj) :- 
+   arg(I,Header,Col), arg(I,Row,Val1), 
+   map(Col,Pred,Type),
+   strip_string(Val1,Val), \+null_value(Val),
+   (  convert(Type,Val,Obj) *-> true
+   ;  print_message(warning,conversion_failed(Col,Type,Val)),
+      format(atom(Lit),'FAILED(~q)',[Val]), % fail
+      Obj=literal(Lit)
+   ).
+% Old MYSQL version
+% rdf(charm:num(4,Id), charm:enc(Prop), literal(Val)) <==
+%    item(Id), 
+%    status("Importing charm:~d",[Id]),
+%    item(Id,Prop,Val).
+:- public import/0.
+% import :- with_odbc(charm, assert_all(charm_p2r)).
+import :- assert_all(charm_p2r).
+:- public audio_file/3.
+audio_file(URI,Path,just(flac)) :-
+   rdf(URI,charm:file_name,literal(FileName)),
+   setting(audio_root,just(Root)),
+   atomic_list_concat([Root,'/',FileName,'.',flac],Path).
+audio_link(Type,URI,URL) :-
+   member(Type,[mp3,flac]),
+   rdf(URI,charm:file_name,literal(Filename)),
+   (  sub_atom(Filename,_,_,_,'£')
+   -> atom_codes(Filename,C1),
+      fix_url(C1,C2),
+      atom_codes(Filename2,C2)
+   ;  Filename2=Filename
+   ),
+   format(atom(URL),'http://charm.cchcdn.net/audio/~w/~w.~w',[Type,Filename2,Type]).
+fix_url([0'£|C1],[0'%, 0'A, 0'3|C2]) :- !, fix_url(C1,C2).
+fix_url([C|C1],[C|C2]) :- !, fix_url(C1,C2).