wolffd@0: function som_use_vs1() wolffd@0: wolffd@0: % SOM_USE_VS1 Use SOM Toolbox version 1. wolffd@0: % wolffd@0: % Removes SOM Toolbox version 2 from the path and adds version 1 there wolffd@0: % instead. Before doing this, remember to convert any version 2 structs you wolffd@0: % will need to the corresponding version 1 structs using function SOM_VS2TO1. wolffd@0: % wolffd@0: % See also SOM_USE_VS2, SOM_VS1TO2, SOM_VS2TO1, PATHTOOL. wolffd@0: wolffd@0: rmpath /share/somtoolbox/www/package/codes2 wolffd@0: wolffd@0: s=path; wolffd@0: p=findstr(s,'/share/matlab5'); p=p(1); wolffd@0: i=p+12; while ~strcmp(s(i),'/'), i=i+1; end wolffd@0: r=strcat(s(p:i),'toolbox/somtoolbox'); wolffd@0: addpath(r) wolffd@0: wolffd@0: fprintf(1,'Version 1 of SOM Toolbox now in use.\n'); wolffd@0: fprintf(1,'Use som_vs2to1 function to convert any vs2 structs to vs1.\n')