wolffd@0: function [engine, loglik] = dbn_update_bel(engine, evidence) wolffd@0: % DBN_UPDATE_BEL Update the belief state (bk) wolffd@0: % [engine, loglik] = dbn_update_bel(engine, evidence) wolffd@0: % wolffd@0: % evidence{i,1} contains the evidence on node i in slice t-1 wolffd@0: % evidence{i,2} contains the evidence on node i in slice t wolffd@0: wolffd@0: oldbel = engine.bel; wolffd@0: wolffd@0: ss = size(evidence, 1); wolffd@0: bnet = bnet_from_engine(engine); wolffd@0: CPDpot = cell(1, ss); wolffd@0: for n=1:ss wolffd@0: fam = family(bnet.dag, n, 2); wolffd@0: e = bnet.equiv_class(n, 2); wolffd@0: CPDpot{n} = convert_to_pot(bnet.CPD{e}, engine.pot_type, fam(:), evidence); wolffd@0: end wolffd@0: wolffd@0: observed = ~isemptycell(evidence); wolffd@0: onodes2 = find(observed(:)); wolffd@0: clqs = [engine.clq_ass_to_cluster(:,1); engine.clq_ass_to_node(:,2)]; wolffd@0: pots = [oldbel(:); CPDpot(:)]; wolffd@0: wolffd@0: [clpot, loglik] = enter_soft_evidence(engine.sub_engine, clqs, pots, onodes2(:), engine.pot_type); wolffd@0: wolffd@0: C = length(engine.clusters); wolffd@0: newbel = cell(1,C); wolffd@0: for c=1:C wolffd@0: k = engine.clq_ass_to_cluster(c,2); wolffd@0: cl = engine.clusters{c}; wolffd@0: newbel{c} = marginalize_pot(clpot{k}, cl+ss); % extract slice 2 posterior wolffd@0: newbel{c} = set_domain_pot(newbel{c}, cl); % shift back to slice 1 for re-use as prior wolffd@0: end wolffd@0: wolffd@0: engine.bel = newbel; wolffd@0: engine.bel_clpot = clpot; wolffd@0: engine.slice1 = 0;