wolffd@0: .TH GXL2GV,GV2GXL 1 "20 December 2002" wolffd@0: .SH NAME wolffd@0: gxl2gv,gv2gxl \- GXL-GV converters wolffd@0: .SH SYNOPSIS wolffd@0: .B gxl2gv wolffd@0: [ wolffd@0: .B \-gd? wolffd@0: ] wolffd@0: [ wolffd@0: .BI -o outfile wolffd@0: ] wolffd@0: [ wolffd@0: .I files wolffd@0: ] wolffd@0: .br wolffd@0: .B gv2gxl wolffd@0: [ wolffd@0: .B \-gd? wolffd@0: ] wolffd@0: [ wolffd@0: .BI -o outfile wolffd@0: ] wolffd@0: [ wolffd@0: .I files wolffd@0: ] wolffd@0: .SH DESCRIPTION wolffd@0: .B gxl2gv wolffd@0: converts between graphs represented in GXL and in the wolffd@0: GV language. Unless a conversion type is specified using wolffd@0: a flag, wolffd@0: .B gxl2gv wolffd@0: will deduce the type of conversion from the suffix of wolffd@0: the input file, a ".gv" (or a ".dot") suffix causing a conversion from GV wolffd@0: to GXL, and a ".gxl" suffix causing a conversion from GXL to GV. wolffd@0: If no suffix is available, e.g. when the input is from a pipe, wolffd@0: and no flags are used then wolffd@0: .B gxl2gv wolffd@0: assumes the type of the input file from its executable name wolffd@0: so that wolffd@0: .B gxl2gv wolffd@0: converts from GXL to GV, and wolffd@0: .B gv2gxl wolffd@0: converts from GV to GXL. wolffd@0: .PP wolffd@0: GXL supports a much richer graph model than GV. \fBgxl2gv\fP wolffd@0: will attempt to map GXL constructs into the analogous GV construct wolffd@0: when this is possible. If not, the GXL information is stored as wolffd@0: an attribute. The intention is that applying \fBgxl2gv|gv2gxl\fP wolffd@0: is semantically equivalent to the identity operator. wolffd@0: .SH OPTIONS wolffd@0: The following options are supported: wolffd@0: .TP wolffd@0: .B \-g wolffd@0: The command name and input file extensions are ignored, the wolffd@0: input is taken as a GV file and a GXL file is generated. wolffd@0: .TP wolffd@0: .B \-d wolffd@0: The command name and input file extensions are ignored, the wolffd@0: input is taken as a GXL file and a GV file is generated. wolffd@0: .TP wolffd@0: .B \-? wolffd@0: Prints usage information and exits. wolffd@0: .TP wolffd@0: .BI \-o " outfile" wolffd@0: If specified, the output will be written into the file wolffd@0: \fIoutfile\fP. Otherwise, output is written to standard out. wolffd@0: .SH OPERANDS wolffd@0: The following operand is supported: wolffd@0: .TP 8 wolffd@0: .I files wolffd@0: Names of files containing 1 or more graphs in GXL or GV. wolffd@0: If no wolffd@0: .I files wolffd@0: operand is specified, wolffd@0: the standard input will be used. wolffd@0: .SH RETURN CODES wolffd@0: Both \fBgxl2gv\fP and \fBgv2gxl\fP return \fB0\fP wolffd@0: if there were no problems during conversion; wolffd@0: and non-zero if any error occurred. wolffd@0: .SH "BUGS" wolffd@0: \fBgxl2gv\fP will only convert in one direction even if given multiple files wolffd@0: with varying suffixes. wolffd@0: .PP wolffd@0: The conversion can only handle one graph per GXL file. wolffd@0: .PP wolffd@0: There are some GXL constructs which \fBgxl2gv\fP cannot handle. wolffd@0: .SH AUTHORS wolffd@0: Krishnam Pericherla wolffd@0: .br wolffd@0: Emden R. Gansner wolffd@0: .SH "SEE ALSO" wolffd@0: dot(1), libgraph(3), libagraph(3), neato(1), twopi(1)