wolffd@0: function [Y, Loss] = separationOracleAUC(q, D, pos, neg, k) wolffd@0: % wolffd@0: % [Y,Loss] = separationOracleAUC(q, D, pos, neg, k) wolffd@0: % wolffd@0: % q = index of the query point wolffd@0: % D = the current distance matrix wolffd@0: % pos = indices of relevant results for q wolffd@0: % neg = indices of irrelevant results for q wolffd@0: % k = length of the list to consider (unused in AUC) wolffd@0: % wolffd@0: % Y is a permutation 1:n corresponding to the maximally wolffd@0: % violated constraint wolffd@0: % wolffd@0: % Loss is the loss for Y, in this case, 1-AUC(Y) wolffd@0: wolffd@0: wolffd@0: % First, sort the documents in descending order of W'Phi(q,x) wolffd@0: % Phi = - (X(q) - X(x)) * (X(q) - X(x))' wolffd@0: wolffd@0: % Sort the positive documents wolffd@0: ScorePos = - D(pos,q); wolffd@0: [Vpos, Ipos] = sort(full(ScorePos'), 'descend'); wolffd@0: Ipos = pos(Ipos); wolffd@0: wolffd@0: % Sort the negative documents wolffd@0: ScoreNeg = - D(neg,q); wolffd@0: [Vneg, Ineg] = sort(full(ScoreNeg'), 'descend'); wolffd@0: Ineg = neg(Ineg); wolffd@0: wolffd@0: wolffd@0: % How many pos and neg documents are we using here? wolffd@0: numPos = length(pos); wolffd@0: numNeg = length(neg); wolffd@0: n = numPos + numNeg; wolffd@0: wolffd@0: wolffd@0: NegsBefore = sum(bsxfun(@lt, Vpos, Vneg' + 0.5),1); wolffd@0: wolffd@0: % Construct Y from NegsBefore wolffd@0: Y = nan * ones(n,1); wolffd@0: Y((1:numPos) + NegsBefore) = Ipos; wolffd@0: Y(isnan(Y)) = Ineg; wolffd@0: wolffd@0: % Compute AUC loss for this ranking wolffd@0: Loss = 1 - sum(NegsBefore) / (numPos * numNeg * 2); wolffd@0: end wolffd@0: