wolffd@0: function marginal = marginal_nodes(engine, nodes, t) wolffd@0: % MARGINAL_NODES Compute the marginal on the specified query nodes (pearl_dbn) wolffd@0: % marginal = marginal_nodes(engine, i, t) wolffd@0: % returns Pr(X(i,t) | Y(1:T)), where X(i,t) is the i'th node in the t'th slice. wolffd@0: % If enter_evidence used filtering instead of smoothing, this will return Pr(X(i,t) | Y(1:t)). wolffd@0: wolffd@0: if nargin < 3, t = 1; end wolffd@0: assert(length(nodes)==1); wolffd@0: i = nodes(end); wolffd@0: if ~myismember(i, engine.onodes) wolffd@0: marginal.T = engine.marginal{i,t}; wolffd@0: else wolffd@0: marginal.T = 1; % observed wolffd@0: end wolffd@0: wolffd@0: % we convert the domain to the unrolled numbering system wolffd@0: % so that update_ess extracts the right evidence. wolffd@0: marginal.domain = nodes+(t-1)*engine.ss;