wolffd@0: function pot = marginal_family_pot(engine, i) wolffd@0: % MARGINAL_FAMILY_POT Compute the marginal on i's family and return as a potentila (inf_engine) wolffd@0: % function pot = marginal_family_pot(engine,i) wolffd@0: wolffd@0: % This function is only called by solve_limid. wolffd@0: % It requires that engine's marginal_family function return a potential. wolffd@0: % This is true for jtree_inf_engine, but not for, say, jtree_ndx_inf_engine. wolffd@0: % All limids must be solved using potentials, wolffd@0: % but this is not true for bnets. wolffd@0: wolffd@0: %[m, pot] = marginal_family(engine, i); wolffd@0: wolffd@0: bnet = bnet_from_engine(engine); wolffd@0: [m, pot] = marginal_nodes(engine, family(bnet.dag, i));