wolffd@0: .TH MM2GV 1 "31 July 2008" wolffd@0: .SH NAME wolffd@0: mm2gv \- Matrix Market-DOT converters wolffd@0: .SH SYNOPSIS wolffd@0: .B mm2gv wolffd@0: [ wolffd@0: .B \-u? wolffd@0: ] wolffd@0: [ wolffd@0: .BI -o outfile wolffd@0: ] wolffd@0: [ wolffd@0: .I file wolffd@0: ] wolffd@0: .br wolffd@0: .SH DESCRIPTION wolffd@0: .B mm2gv wolffd@0: converts a sparse matrix of the Matrix Market format to a graph in the GV (formerly DOT) format. wolffd@0: .SH OPTIONS wolffd@0: The following options are supported: wolffd@0: .TP wolffd@0: .B \-u wolffd@0: If specified, the graph is assumed to be undirected. By default the graph generated is directed. wolffd@0: .TP wolffd@0: .BI \-o "outfile" wolffd@0: Prints output to the file \fIoutfile\fP. If not given, \fBmm2gv\fP wolffd@0: uses stdout. wolffd@0: .TP wolffd@0: .SH OPERANDS wolffd@0: The following operand is supported: wolffd@0: .TP 8 wolffd@0: .I file wolffd@0: Name of the file in MatrixMarket format. wolffd@0: If no wolffd@0: .I file wolffd@0: operand is specified, wolffd@0: the standard input will be used. wolffd@0: .SH RETURN CODES wolffd@0: Return \fB0\fP wolffd@0: if there were no problems during conversion; wolffd@0: and non-zero if any error occurred. wolffd@0: .SH "LIMITATIONS" wolffd@0: Currently the matrix entry values are not used. wolffd@0: .SH AUTHORS wolffd@0: Yifan Hu wolffd@0: .SH ADDITIONAL INFO wolffd@0: See http://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/ for description of the format and http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/sparse/matrices/ for a large collection of sparse matrices in this format.