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date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
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Netlab Reference Manual fevbayes
<H1> fevbayes
Evaluate Bayesian regularisation for network forward propagation.

extra = fevbayes(net, y, a, x, t, x_test)
[extra, invhess] = fevbayes(net, y, a, x, t, x_test, invhess)

<CODE>extra = fevbayes(net, y, a, x, t, x_test)</CODE> takes a network data structure 
<CODE>net</CODE> together with a set of hidden unit activations <CODE>a</CODE> from 
test inputs <CODE>x_test</CODE>, training data inputs <CODE>x</CODE> and <CODE>t</CODE> and
outputs a matrix of extra information <CODE>extra</CODE> that consists of
error bars (variance)
for a regression problem or moderated outputs for a classification problem.
The optional argument (and return value) 
<CODE>invhess</CODE> is the inverse of the network Hessian
computed on the training data inputs and targets.  Passing it in avoids
recomputing it, which can be a significant saving for large training sets.

<p>This is called by network-specific functions such as <CODE>mlpevfwd</CODE> which
are needed since the return values (predictions and hidden unit activations)
for different network types are in different orders (for good reasons).

See Also
<CODE><a href="mlpevfwd.htm">mlpevfwd</a></CODE>, <CODE><a href="rbfevfwd.htm">rbfevfwd</a></CODE>, <CODE><a href="glmevfwd.htm">glmevfwd</a></CODE><hr>
<a href="index.htm">Index</a>
<p>Copyright (c) Ian T Nabney (1996-9)
