diff toolboxes/graph_visualisation/graphViz4Matlab/util/graphViz4MatlabNode.m @ 0:e9a9cd732c1e tip

first hg version after svn
author wolffd
date Tue, 10 Feb 2015 15:05:51 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/toolboxes/graph_visualisation/graphViz4Matlab/util/graphViz4MatlabNode.m	Tue Feb 10 15:05:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+classdef graphViz4MatlabNode < dynamicprops & hgsetget
+% This class represents a drawable node in an arbitrary graph.
+% Public properties can be set using the standard Matlab set method as in
+% set(node,'curvature',[0,0],'linesytle','--','linecolor','g'). Call
+% node.redraw to redraw it after changing properties. 
+% Nodes are not really designed to live on their own, they should be
+% aggregated into a graph object responsible for layout.
+% Matthew Dunham
+% University of British Columbia 
+% http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~mdunham/
+    properties
+        label;                      % displayed name for the node
+        splitLabel;                 % label split in the middle
+        useFullLabel    = false;    % if true, the full non-split label is used regardles of how long it is. 
+        description     = '';       % text displayed when you click on the node
+        curvature       = [1 1];    % curvature of the node, [1,1] = circle
+        lineStyle       = '-';      % line style for the node
+        lineWidth       = 2;        % line wdth for the node
+        inedges         = [];       % indices of edges in
+        outedges        = [];       % indices of edges out
+        fontSize        = 12;       % The font size for the node
+        showFullLabel  = false;     % If true, node labels are not split onto multiple lines regardelss of how long
+    end
+    properties
+    % Color properties
+        lineColor       = 'k';       % line color for the node
+        selectedColor  = [1 1 0.7];  % face color when selected with mouse
+        faceColor       = [1 1 0.8]; % face color when not shaded  
+        shadedColor     = 'r';       % color when shaded, call shade() to shade
+        textColor       = 'k';       % label's text color
+        containingGraph = [];        % containing graph object
+    end
+    properties(GetAccess = 'public', SetAccess = 'protected')
+    % Read only properties
+        xpos            = 0;        % x-coordinate of node center relative to parent axes
+        ypos            = 0;        % y-coordinate of node center relative to parent axes
+        isvisible       = false;    % true iff the node is being displayed
+        isshaded        = false;    % is the node shaded or not? 
+        width           = 1;        % width in data units
+        height          = 1;        % height in data units
+    end
+    properties(GetAccess = 'public', SetAccess = 'protected')
+    % Handles to underlying Matlab graphics objects    
+        rechandle       = [];       % handle to the underlying rectangle object
+        labelhandle     = [];       % handle to the underlying text object
+        parent          = [];       % handle to the parent axes object
+        isselected      = false;    % true iff, the node has been selected 
+    end
+    methods
+        function obj = graphViz4MatlabNode(label)
+         % Node Constructor
+            obj.label = label;
+            obj.setSplitLabel(label);
+        end
+        function draw(obj,parent)
+        % Draw the node on the specified parent axes. If no parent is
+        % specified, the current axis is used. 
+            if(obj.isvisible)
+                warning('GRAPHNODE:draw',['Node ',obj.label,' is already drawn, call redraw().']);
+                return;
+            end
+            if(nargin < 2)
+                if(isempty(obj.parent) || ~ishandle(obj.parent))
+                    obj.parent = gca;
+                end
+            else
+                obj.parent = parent;
+            end
+            obj.drawNode();
+            obj.setText();
+            obj.isvisible = true;
+        end
+        function redraw(obj)
+        % Redraw the node, (must be called after node properties are
+        % changed).
+            if(obj.isvisible), obj.erase;end
+            obj.draw();
+        end
+        function erase(obj)
+        % Erase the node but do not delete it
+           if(~obj.isvisible)
+              warning('GRAPHNODE:erase',['Node ',obj.label,' is already erased']);
+              return;
+           end
+           delete(obj.rechandle); 
+           delete(obj.labelhandle);
+           obj.rechandle = [];
+        end
+        function shade(obj,color)
+        % Shade the node the specified color. The default color is used if 
+        % none given.
+           obj.isshaded = true;
+           if(nargin == 2)
+              obj.shadedColor = color; 
+           end
+           if(obj.isvisible)
+                set(obj.rechandle,'FaceColor',obj.shadedColor);
+           end
+        end
+        function unshade(obj)
+        % Unshade the node
+           obj.isshaded = false;
+           if(obj.isvisible)
+                set(obj.rechandle,'FaceColor',obj.faceColor);
+           end
+        end
+        function resize(obj,width,height)
+        % Resize the node by the specified proportion
+            if(nargin < 3)
+               if(~isempty(obj.containingGraph))
+                    height = width;
+                end
+            end
+            obj.width = width;
+            obj.height = height;
+            if(obj.isvisible), obj.redraw; end
+        end
+        function move(obj,x,y)
+        % Move the node's center to the new x,y coordinates, (relative to
+        % the parent axes.)
+            obj.xpos = x; obj.ypos = y;
+            if(obj.isvisible),obj.redraw;end
+        end
+        function select(obj)
+        % Call this function to set the node in a selected state. 
+            obj.isselected = true;
+            if(obj.isvisible)
+                set(obj.rechandle,'faceColor',obj.selectedColor);
+            end
+        end
+        function deselect(obj)
+        % Call this function to deselect the node. 
+            obj.isselected = false;
+            if(obj.isvisible)
+                obj.redraw;
+            end
+        end
+    end % end of public methods
+    methods(Access = 'protected')
+        function nodePressed(obj,varargin)
+        % This function is called whenever the node is pressed.   
+            if(~isempty(obj.containingGraph))
+               obj.containingGraph.nodeSelected(obj); 
+            end
+        end
+        function nodeDeleted(obj)
+        % This function is called whenver the node is deleted, (perhaps
+        % because the figure window was closed for instance).
+            obj.isvisible = false;
+            obj.parent = [];
+        end
+        function drawNode(obj)
+        % Draw the actual node    
+            recxpos = obj.xpos - obj.width/2;
+            recypos = obj.ypos - obj.height/2;
+            lineColor = obj.lineColor;
+            lineWidth = obj.lineWidth;
+            if(obj.isselected)
+                color = obj.selectedColor;
+                lineColor = 'r';
+                lineWidth = 1.5*lineWidth;
+            elseif(obj.isshaded)
+                color = obj.shadedColor;
+            else
+                color = obj.faceColor;
+            end
+            obj.rechandle = rectangle(...
+               'Parent'       ,obj.parent                              ,...
+               'Position'     ,[recxpos,recypos,obj.width,obj.height]  ,... 
+               'Curvature'    ,obj.curvature                           ,...
+               'LineWidth'    , lineWidth                                ,...
+               'LineStyle'    ,obj.lineStyle                           ,...
+               'EdgeColor'    ,lineColor                               ,...
+               'faceColor'    ,color                                   ,...
+               'DisplayName'  ,obj.label                               ,...
+               'Tag'          ,obj.label                               ,...
+               'ButtonDownFcn',@obj.nodePressed                        ,...
+               'UserData'     ,obj                                     ,...
+               'DeleteFcn'    ,@(varargin)obj.nodeDeleted()            );
+        end
+        function setText(obj)
+        % Draw the node's label    
+            if((length(obj.label) < 10) || obj.useFullLabel || obj.showFullLabel)
+                label = obj.label;
+            else
+                label = obj.splitLabel;
+            end
+            obj.labelhandle = text(obj.xpos,obj.ypos,label            ,...
+                'FontUnits'           , 'points'                      ,...
+                'HitTest'             , 'off'                         ,...
+                'FontWeight'          , 'demi'                        ,...
+                'Margin'              , 0.01                          ,...
+                'HorizontalAlignment' , 'center'                      ,...
+                'BackGroundColor'     , 'none'                        ,...
+                'Selected'            , 'off'                         ,...
+                'VerticalAlignment'   , 'middle'                      ,...
+                'LineStyle'           , 'none'                        ,...
+                'FontSize'            , obj.fontSize                  ,...
+                'Color'               , obj.textColor                 );
+            if(obj.useFullLabel)
+               set(obj.labelhandle,'BackgroundColor',obj.selectedColor,'Margin',6,'EdgeColor','k','LineStyle','-');
+            end
+        end
+        function resizeText(obj)
+          % Resize the text to fill the node (too slow for large graphs)
+           fontsize = obj.maxFontSize;
+           set(obj.labelhandle,'FontSize',fontsize);
+           extent = get(obj.labelhandle,'Extent');
+           while((extent(1) < (obj.xpos - obj.width/2)) || (extent(2)+(extent(4)) > (obj.ypos + obj.height/2)))
+                fontsize = 0.95*fontsize;
+                set(obj.labelhandle,'FontSize',fontsize);
+                extent = get(obj.labelhandle,'Extent');
+           end
+        end
+        function setSplitLabel(obj,label)
+            obj.splitLabel = splitString(label,8,10);
+        end
+    end % end of protected methods
+end % end of graphnode class
+function S = splitString(varargin)
+% Split a string into multiple lines based on camel case.
+% Inputs
+% '-S'          the string to split
+% '-minSize'    does not split at all if length(S) < minSize
+% '-maxSize'    splits no matter what, (even if no camel case change) if length(S) > maxSize
+% '-center'     if true, [default], the string is center justified 
+% '-cellMode'   if true, a cell array of strings is returned, instead of a char array.
+    [S,minSize,maxSize,cellMode,center] = processArgs(varargin,'*+-S','','-minSize',8,'-maxSize',10,'-cellMode',false,'-center',true);
+    S = splitInTwo(S);
+    if center
+        S = strjust(S,'center');
+    end
+    if cellMode
+       S =  cellstr(S);
+    end
+    function str = splitInTwo(str)
+    % recursively split a string into two based on camel case
+        isupper = isstrprop(str(2:end),'upper');
+        if(size(str,2) >= minSize && any(isupper))
+            first = find(isupper); first = first(1);
+            top = str(1:first);
+            bottom = str(first+1:end);
+            str = strvcat(splitInTwo(top),splitInTwo(bottom)); %#ok
+        elseif(size(str,2) > maxSize)
+            top = [str(1:floor(length(str)/2)),'-'];
+            bottom = str(floor(length(str)/2)+1:end);
+            str = strvcat(splitInTwo(top),splitInTwo(bottom)); %#ok
+        end
+    end 